Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 13, 2018

Birthday Trip to the PISGAH INN in North Carolina

Two people very happy to be here  (August 6-9, 2018)
Dear Friends,   It is hard to describe in words how much I (we) loved our little trip last week...In order to celebrate my 76th birthday,  my adorable husband,  George,   took me back to one of my favorite get-aways,  the Pisgah Inn --on the Blue Ridge Parkway,  about 25 miles southwest of Asheville,  NC.  This will be our 3rd visit here  --and we already have one scheduled for next year.

For four days,   we not only enjoyed just being at the Inn,  but we also enjoyed traveling on the Blue Ridge Parkway,   doing a little hiking,  checking out waterfalls,   eating plenty of great food at the inn restaurant (including Blackberry Cobbler with Ice Cream;  Oink Oink!!!! ha),   driving across the Cherohala Skyway,  checking out the Newfound Gap area of our Smoky Mountains (on the way home)----AND   visiting  Biltmore where we enjoyed seeing the Chihuly Glass Sculptures...  I have so many pictures and so many possible blog posts...

BUT--today,  I'll begin by showing you a little from the PISGAH INN...  (If you want more information about the inn,  click HERE.)    If you are ever looking for a wonderful and peaceful place to visit  (especially in the summer --if you are looking for some cooler weather),  AND if you love being in the mountains--then this is the place for you!

Hope you enjoy the pictures.  First of all,  I'll tell you where we were!!!!!!   Sit back and enjoy!

Look careful below the arrow --and you'll see PISGAH INN!!!!!   Do you see us --way up there????  The elevation up there is about 5700 feet...   AND --it was so COOL  (in the 60's-70's)  for August which I loved!!!!!

I took these pictures with my long lens from another overlook along the Blue Ridge Parkway!!!!   Now --you can see us a little better!

Another Overlook  along the parkway;   You can see us even better!!!  

AND ---here's one even closer!!!!   Our room was in the building you can see on the right.  We were on the top floor near  the middle.  There are at least 2 more buildings to the right of ours not visible in this picture.  

Our room was in this building  (Building 2)

The front of our building;  I took this picture from the front of our room late in the afternoon on August 6...  I love seeing the sun peaking through the trees.

The grounds at Pisgah Inn are so pretty...   (Glad the deer haven't eaten their Hosta)

Talk about peaceful!!!!  Get a cold drink (or some hot tea) --and sit outside and enjoy the gorgeous view!!!

Look at the mountain views we had from our room (balcony) ---or from the rocking chairs in the picture above.

We saw so many beautiful WILDFLOWERS this week.  I took this picture from our balcony!!

They recently built this terrific platform near the restaurant  --where people could sit or stand and enjoy the views.

Here's George doing what we both did all week---taking a picture!!!!  This was from our table in the restaurant  one cool morning.  NOTE that we wore our sweatshirts several times during the week, especially in the mornings!!!!! 

My photo of the view from the table at the restaurant that morning;   Isn't it amazing????

Our Balcony  ---as we were taking pictures of a beautiful SUNRISE;  We got up about 6:30 and enjoyed the sunrise all three mornings.

A Panorama of our SUNRISE  which I took with my iPhone on August 7, 2018

We enjoyed seeing the fog in the mountains below us...   This was taken one morning at sunrise...

Even though we couldn't see the SUNSET from our room ---we enjoyed seeing a beautiful sky as the sun set in the west.

A VERY VERY happy lady --just enjoying the views and glad to be there...
WELL my Friends,   I could go on and on and on  ---but this will give you a taste of beautiful Pisgah Inn...  We dodged the rain most all week --but never had much at all where we were...  Seeing rain all around us made for some beautiful pictures....    SO---be ready for some more another time!!!!

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful birthday wishes,  and for your thoughts about my health situation.   I had a wonderful week ---and even though I am now 'slower than Christmas',  we did do some hiking  and I did good!!!!   I have the most awesome husband in the entire world.   He is so helpful and so caring...   I am one lucky lucky woman.



BeachGypsy said...

goodness gracious--that place is so pretty! Love all the mountain views from the windows/from the look-outs--from everywhere! My favorite things (besides the pretty sunrise) are the rocking chairs sitting there in a line to enjoy the scenery!!, and the chairs and the view from your balcony. I'm so glad you got to go on this b/day trip and that your enjoyed yourself! The Inn sure looks nice. I've been through the Pisgah National forest many times, I am pretty sure, but never been to this Inn.

Ann said...

What a beautiful pace. Nice way to celebrate your birthday. That panorama view of the sunset is gorgeous.

Linda P said...

Wonderful views! No wonder you go there for a relaxing time away and have found a comfortable inn to stay in. Glad you did some hiking as well as just sitting to take in your peaceful surroundings. A good combination of rest and activity must have done you good. I'm sure you enjoyed some tasty meals as well.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Oh, what glorious mountain views! No wonder you love this place.

George said...

I'm glad you enjoyed our time at Pisgah Inn. It truly is a beautiful place and you got some great pictures.

Big Dude said...

Good pics as always. It's great that you guys have several places (NC beach, Ark, etc) that are special to you.

Chatty Crone said...

The views of you and George took my tummy away! lol Looks beautiful Betsy. Sandie

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, what a great trip for your birthday. I can see why you enjoy this place and return. I will have to add this and Ashville to my list of places to visit. I get a lot of my travel places from you, thanks. Your photos of the mountains and flowers are beautiful. Love seeing you and George having a fun time. Enjoy your day and new week ahead!

Jim and Sandie said...

What a perfect place to celebrate a birthday (or anniversary or just a get away). I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time.

Jeevan said...

Glad you had a wonderful birthday staying amid the mountains and enjoyed watching the mountains and valleys changing through different sunsets and sunrise from the balconies. Loved the series and zoom on the Pisgah Inn from the other side of mountains. No matter how many times, the views are impressive to keep watching

Dee said...

Oh Betsy, the pictures are fabulous!! We haven't been to that place but have been on the Blue Ridge Parkway and it is so beautiful. I'm so glad you felt good on the trip!! Doesn't matter that you are a little slower, I'm 76, and I'm a little slower too even though I keep on trying to move as fast as I did in my 40's.

With my husband's heart problems we haven't gone anywhere for three years but he has been getting better and three weeks ago we took our first mini-trip to Longmeadow, Massachussets, which was only five hour drive from us. His 9th great-grandfather came in there in 1646 so we were following a history trail. We loved driving through the country and mountain parts of New York too. We were in that area for three days and he really did well. It was encouraging to him and now he wants to go to Canada.

So glad you and your dear husband are back out enjoying the beauty of nature.

Arkansas Patti said...

George always comes through on your special days. What beautiful views you had and glad you got to explore and see some waterfalls. The fact that you got to wear sweatshirts seemed delightful to us heat worn out folks.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! From your awesome far away pictures, it looks like it is right in the middle of the woods! I think my favorite picture is the gorgeous huge cloud at sunset. I am so glad you are hiking!

Betsy said...

Oh, my dear friend, I could hear the joy in your voice as I read your words in this post. Your pictures are amazing! We have so much smoke up here, that even though I’m at my favorite lake place, I can’t even see the water. And although I’m sure George is a wonderful man, I have to say that I think my Dennis is the most awesome husband in the world! Ha ha! I’m so glad you had this wonderful trip.
Blessings, Betsy

Judy said...

It looks like a wonderful place to getaway. I'm glad you had a good time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

With spectacular views like that from your room, it would be hard to leave.WOW! You captured the beauty so very well.I can totally understand why you would want to go back.

Liene said...

We visited Chihuly at Biltmore on Friday evening - can't wait to see your photos!! The Cherohala Skyway is on our list of autumn destinations, I just love that area. Glad to see you managed to fit so much into your trip!

Shug said...

Oh my.....such beauty ever where you look. I absolutely love the mountain views that you had and I can only imagine how peaceful it was sitting out there looking over God's beautiful canvas. Thanks for all of this great info....and I can't wait to see more of your pictures.

Lady Fi said...

What a lovely birthday trip with fabulous scenery too1

Marcia said...

what a lovely spot to spend together. we must get there again someday.

LV said...

Truly an awesome area. I loved taking a little tour with you as never get to see otherwise. You still amaze me how well both of you do on your outings. Take care Betsy. You and George are not forgotten just slow for an old lady.

Lowcarb team member said...

What lovely photographs …
A super birthday trip and I can see why you love this place and return.
Lovely to see you and George having a great time.

My good wishes

All the best Jan

Connie said...

Absolutely gorgeous views, Betsy! Such a lovely place to visit. Sounds like your birthday celebration was extra special. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip.

Linda said...

Beautiful place! Thank you for your kinds words about the loss of my dog.

BeachGypsy said...

hi Betsy--Bindie is pronounded "bend-ee". Remember the Crocodile Hunter, the late Steve Irwin? His daughter's name is Bindie. she may spell hers "Bindi" tho, not sure.

diane b said...

What a magical place. The views are to die for. So glad that you could manage a hike too.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I could never get tired of seeing the photos and hearing about your time there. We've been there many times and stayed in the campground when we had our motorhome. It's the most beautiful place to hike and enjoy the view at sunset! Beautiful photos...love seeing you enjoying your special day! Lots of hugs, Diane

Pat Tillett said...

Happy Belated Birthday Betsy! It looks like you had a great day.
You sure do love this place (and area).