Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Holy Moly---I made it to 76 --somehow!

Dear Friends,   WELL---even though the past year hasn't been so nice to me,  I did make it --to celebrate another birthday....  Many of you have asked about my A-Fib...  WELL--I started writing a post entitled  "Living with A-Fib"  --but just couldn't put words with it YET, especially positive words.

 One thing I know is that A-Fib affects each of us differently.  We are each on a separate journey dealing with our own heart problems.  For me, it has  been about 6 months now --and I will say that I am BETTER.  I am alive--and some days I feel pretty darn good.  Not GREAT --but Good!  Other days ---hmmmmmm,  not very good. The medicine side effects can be wicked at times, along with the rapid heartbeat (which can make me light-headed and/or weak and out-of-breath)..

SO---when I go back to my Cardiologist the end of the month,  my question to him will be: "Is this all you can do for me?   Is this it?  Is this the way I will have to live from now on???"   I hope and pray that my answer will be, "NO"....  I SO want to feel better and have a better quality of life.  I know that I should have many more years to live (saying that hopefully) and I want them to be healthy ones.  There's so much more out there for me to see and do!

For me,  one who has always been SO active and a big multi-tasker,   I find myself some days just not able to finish one task, and definitely not several.   That causes me stress and panic --which I do not need...  SO --you see!!!!  It's a never ending struggle.  Yet I know that my illness is minor --compared to those who are going through serious problems, such as cancer..

Keeping a positive attitude goes a long way when dealing with health problems.  I try so hard to stay positive --but there are some days that I truly am struggling, and am not very strong.   I am blessed and I thank God daily for the wonderful life I have.  I know that God will take of me,  even when I am weak.  God --and my wonderful husband and sons and you, my friends, are my ROCK now.

There are no guarantees for any of us to have long, healthy lives.  We just do the best we can --and live each day to its fullest...  I will continue to keep moving forward on this journey,  and never give up.

Hubby is taking me on a little trip,  so I am sure  I will have many photos to share soon!!!!  In the meantime,  I put together this collage showing a little more of my blessed life for all of these many years.    

Hope you enjoy!!!

Hugs from the little girl,  born August 5, 1942!!!


Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

A great post! ;
Wish you health, happiness, and joy:)

Ann said...

I love the collage of you. Happy Birthday.
So sorry you have to live with the AFib and all the side effects of the medications. I hope your doctor can get that straightened out for you

George said...

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Bride of Mine. I really enjoyed your collage. Hopefully things will get better with your AFib.

Big Dude said...

Happy Birthday and I hope you get the answer you want from the doctor.

Marcia said...

Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy that special trip. I think you just wrote you post on living with a fib.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Birthday Betsy!
I agree, live life to the fullest.
Enjoy your trip, where are you going this time?

Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

Beatriz said...

Congratulations Betsy!
I hope you deal well with this surprise in your life, and I'm sure you will overcome with joy and a lot of strength! I look forward to seeing the photos of this enchanting trip!


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Happy Birthday and have a wonderful trip with George.

May you feel God's healing and peace flowing through and surrounding you with each new day.

Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

linda m said...

So sorry you are going through this. I pray for good health for you every day. I am so thankful you have George and that you boys are closer to you now. Enjoy you day and your trip.

very_inky_fingers said...

Happy Birthday wishes. Your collage is wonderful. I’m sure that you have many more adventures ahead. Sometimes we have to make adjustments in life and if we do it with a positive outlook like you are doing, a new normal can become even better than the old. Have a wonderful trip!

Jeevan said...

You sound truly positive despite your problems and desire to live long, what everyone does hold. I too discovered having a weak heart and have been taking medicine for last 2 months… but worrying only keep us down and we’re in need to keep us busy or occupied by things to continue our journey on earth. Keep up the spirit


David said...

Hi Betsy, Happy Birthday youngster! I'm 15 days older than you are... Sounds like your A-Fib is giving you the fits. Aging isn't for wimps, is it!? I have an irregular heart beat that they haven't figured out but I can't feel it. They did discover blockage so now I have 2 stents...but still the weird heartbeat. Since retirement I've had the 2 stents, 2 hip replacements, 2 carpal tunnel surgeries and a prostate removed.

They shoot horses don't they?

In any case, you have the right idea. Stay positive and make the most out of each and every day... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lynda said...

Happy Happy Birthday! So thankful you are still able to do some trips and Blog and FB!
When people ask me how I am doing . . . . I frequently answer that I am upright and above ground and there is something to be said for that!
Or I might tell them that it depends on the day - - and some days are better than others!
People don't really want much explanation unless they are our ages and can empathize.

My mindset is like yours - - - I have things I want to do - - fun things and of course just keeping the house to the point you aren't embarrassed to open the door! I have found that when I have a "low" day - - like yesterday with low O2 cuz asthma flaring a bit -- to just give up and sit down and read a book or do a quiet computer activity. It will still probably be frustrating to me to feel "low" but could be worse.

Looking forward to your trip pics!

Arkansas Patti said...

Happy Birthday Betsy. Enjoyed seeing the collage. I too have Afib but Sotalol seems to keep it at bay. My two stents and a pacemaker are for another heart related purpose. They do have a procedure called an ablation which is minimally invasive that helps many with Afib. Think you are smart to ask your cardio what else they can do. Stay positive and lean on all your support.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy Birthday! This is a wonderful collage. I think my favorites are you working, and as a little girl. You looked like Shirley Temple! I am praying for you, and for the doctor appointment. For discernment for the doctor to know the very best to do for you!! And for strength and peace. You are so right, each person with this is different. Your header is stunning!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I feel for you, Betsy. Last year was the first that I truly began feeling the years, and it's continued into this year. Mine has not been as serious as yours, but it's kept me from being as active as I'd been before. And that old saying about "use it or lose it" is so true. I pray that the doctor will have some hopeful suggestions for you with regard to the A-fib. Meanwhile, enjoy your post-birthday getaway with the love of your life. :)

Fun60 said...

That is a wonderful collage, full of so many memories. Don't ever forget you have so many followers who wish you well and thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.

Susie Swanson said...

Happy birthday Betsy and I do feel for you and hear you loud and clear. I pray for you every day that God will lay his healing hand upon you. It's hard to function when we're going through such tough battles. I know the feeling so well of wanting to live the rest of my life in some kind of peace without the struggles of this world. You are an inspiration to us all and hang in there sweet lady. Praying you get some answers as well. it's sure been hard for me to and when I do it's not what I want to hear. Love you sweet friend.

Ruth Hiebert said...

May I say Happy Birthday again.I guess, better to say it several times than not at all. You are indeed blessed to have a wonderful Hubby at your side through all these health issues.Hope this coming year will be soooo much better than the last.

Sandi said...

Happy Birthday, Betsy!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Betsy! I enjoyed your collage. How fun that was. You know I feel for you. although I’m only 58, I also struggle every day, but so far with God’s grace I’m hanging in there too. May God’s bless you with many more, HEALTHY years to enjoy with your George.
Many Blessings,

Liene said...

Happy birthday Betsy!!! Wishing you health and happiness!

Linda P said...

Happy birthday Betsy! May God bless you with improved health and His strength each day. I have appreciated your prayers and concern over the years when I've faced health issues and will continue to remember you in my prayers. Enjoy your trip with George!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Betsy! I look forward to seeing lots of pictures. Love your collage .

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy - You did good for 76 years and I believe all your losing weight and exercising will be a great thing. I do hope the doctor can give you so more hope. I hope you have a wonderful trip with George. Sandie

BeachGypsy said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday my friend! I love the awesome collage of pictures from different times in your life, that is a treasure, make sure your loved ones get a copy okay? I cannot believe you are 76, you sure don't look or act it! I pray you have a great year coming up, and the blessing of ABUNDANT GOOD HEALTH and much love and peace, and many adventures!! Cant wait to see where y'all are off to this time, looking forward to pictures!! ENJOY!!

Connie said...

Happy birthday, Betsy! I loved seeing all your pictures from down through the years. I hope your doctor can do more for you so that you can get back to doing all the things you love. Wishing you many more good days and fewer and fewer of the not-so-good ones.

Bobbie said...

Awe, such wonderful pictures!! And a happy belated birthday to you! My sister is dealing with the A-Fib right now and I know, it is not good. She is a middle school teacher in the Annapolis area and struggles big-time! At one point, they did a heart shock on her and it fixed things for a while but just the past few weeks it has been back with a vengeance. My heart goes out to you and your struggle with this. You carry such a positive attitude ! I will put you on my prayer list. Hope this day finds you feeling GOOD!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday sweet friend! I am praying for you that you'll get stronger and feel better. I know you want to be able to go and do all the things you love to do! I've been looking at your drive on the Blue Ridge Pwk and enjoying your photos! Sweet sweet hugs, Diane

Busy Bee Suz said...

I DO hope your Doctor has some positive words for you on your next visit.
Happy birthday sweet Betsy; you're an inspiration to us all! Love the collage.

Sally Wessely said...

Betsy, I almost feel like I could have written this post myself. I so get the part about all the problems that an erratic and errant heart can bring on. I can especially relate to the part about not being able to get anything done because of the heart making you so tired, anxious, and out of rhythm.

I’m so glad to know you are doing better. I also am happy to know that you have gone on that birthday trip. It makes my heart happy to see your photos.

Love the collage you created of you over the years. All the faces of Betsy! Hugs.

Shug said...

You have always had such a beautiful spirit and I know that as difficult as it may be some days....you are going to make the best of them. I have always been amazed at all the things that you and George do...like hiking and tripping and gardening and etc etc. Prayers that your Cardio Dr. has better plans for you. Enjoy your trip....hugs.

Linda said...

Congrats on your birthday! Glad you are doing okay. Have a fun trip!

Lowcarb team member said...

Many Happy Birthday Wishes - I love the collage you've done.

I am sorry you have to live with the AFib and the side effects of your medications does not sound good … hopefully your doctor will be able to get this sorted.

In the meantime stay positive and enjoy your trip with George.

Continued prayers and good wishes.

All the best Jan

Pat Tillett said...

Love the collage Betsy! Moments in time...

Happy Birthday!

Yep, your doctor needs to understand that you have a ton of trails yet to hike, and scads of waterfalls to visit.

Whatever he says, you take care of yourself...

Lady Fi said...

Here's hoping you will go from strength to strength!