Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, September 5, 2016

Oh Those Glorious Mountains

Along the Cherohala Skyway
First of all a very HAPPY LABOR DAY to you and yours... Hope you are with family enjoying the day!!!!!

On August 3, 2016,   George took me on a Surprise Birthday Trip... This was the first day of that trip --so I'll share some pictures as we stopped along the Cherohala Skyway (between Tellico Plains,  Tennessee and Robbinsville,  North Carolina) --and then onto the Blue Ridge Parkway (between Cherokee,  North Carolina and Mt. Pisgah,  North Carolina).  Hope you enjoy seeing these beautiful mountains today!!!!

Along the Cherohala Skyway

George loves this drive also --and is happy for surprising me so much!!!!!  (I LOVE that man.)

Along the Cherohala Skyway  (Wouldn't this be gorgeous in Autumn?????)

Oh how wonderful it was to be here....

Along the Cherohala Skyway

Along the Blue Ridge Parkway

George enjoyed this day as much as I did (if that is possible)... ha

Layers and layers of beauty along the Blue Ridge Parkway

WOW----this old woman is really LOVIN'  the mountains!

I love it when the wildflowers just enhance the beauty of the area  (along the Blue Ridge Parkway)

A nice lady volunteered to take our picture at the highest point along the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Sun and shadows along the Blue Ridge Parkway

Pretty little butterfly enjoying the yellow flowers along the Blue Ridge Parkway

One of my favorite overlooks along the Blue Ridge Parkway

Two people in love enjoying the Glory of the Mountains!
As I look at these pictures,   I am reminded of how gorgeous they are ---both in Summer and what they'd look like in AUTUMN.....  Think we'll just have to go back!!!!!  Okay,  Honey????????

Hope you enjoyed our day in the mountains!



Ann said...

George knows how to give you a good Birthday surprise. What a beautiful view. Lovely pictures.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy! Gorgeous shots of the mountains. Looks like a fabulous trip for you and George. Love the photos.

Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Marcia said...

Such a nice spot for a celebration.

By the way - when you went to the Tetons, where did you stay? Did you drive or fly there?

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Oh, so beautiful! I love the layered look of these mountains. Beautiful photos. A belated happy birthday to you, Betsy.

George said...

I'm glad you enjoyed our drive through the mountains -- I'm ready to go back any time you are. Your photos are beautiful, but I didn't see a picture of that old woman you were talking about.

Nancy Chan said...

Such a beautiful birthday gift! Wonderful celebration for a loving couple! Happy birthday to you!

David said...

Betsy, George certainly knows what you like and he knows how to make you happy! We love both of those drives in the mountains too... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Buttercup said...

I loved your day in the mountains. You definitely need a return in the fall. waiting for the next batch of pictures. Hugs to you and George!

Barb said...

Hi Betsy, What glorious mountain shots! I love the wildflowers, too. Of course, I'm ogling your camera! I'm thinking a fall trip may be necessary! Happy Birthday to you.

Big Dude said...

I really love those mountains too. While very different, I'm sure enjoying the Rockies as well. There are several 14ers (14,000+ foot mtns) visable from the campground.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of this place. It IS glorious, and looks like here! your butterfly shot is outstanding; I have never seen one like this! It perfectly matches the flowers. Surprises after so many years of marriages is such a rare thing. You kids are really still newlyweds. Love your header and background...it looks like fall!

Fun60 said...

Oh Betsy they are just gorgeous views. No wonder you had such a fantastic time.

Arkansas Patti said...

George always comes through big time for you. Too bad you can't clone him.
What beautiful country and you are right--as beautiful as it is now, it will be stunning in the fall. Sounds like a repeat is necessary.

Connie said...

Beautiful views, Betsy! What a wonderful trip. Happy Labor Day to you.

Judy said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your pictures of the mountains. Beautiful!

Janie said...

You and George really know how to enjoy every minute. All of your mountain photos are beautiful.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sure do love these Blue Ridge mountains! They make every picture special.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful scenery complete with two beautiful people to enjoy it all.I would love to see that area in fall.

Betsy said...

What a beautiful place. You and George are so blessed to go so many amazing places.

Lowcarb team member said...

Just love all of your photo's, the views are magnificent ... you really should go back soon!

Such a lovely photo of you and George.

Enjoy September

All the best Jan

Kay said...

Fantastic photos - Great views.

Small City Scenes said...

Gorgeous Betsy. I love the layers too. Anytime I am in the mountains I do feel so so much better. It makes my heart sing.

SimplySingleSenior said...

Your pictures are gorgeous. I have traveled the Blue Ridge Parkway many times and it is a magical place! There is a special kind of quiet at the overlooks gazing out over a beautiful valley. Thank you for sharing your wonderful surprise with us!

Andrea said...

Hello Betsy and George, i've always enjoyed looking at your trips; with those wonderful photos and the uniform shirts. You are the only friends i know of who always travel with uniform tops, and i love it. Those mountains with layers of colors are so beautiful, yes they would be awesome in autumn.

The Furry Gnome said...

I love those pictures of the mountains disappearing into the distance.

Linda said...

Spectacular scenery! George is a treasure.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wow beautiful! Looks bit like Kelani Valley in Sri Lanka - http://www.kirigalpoththa.com/2010/09/kelani-valley.html

Devilish Angel said...


Lux G. said...

You two are my forever goals! :)
Glorious skies indeed.

Ms. A said...

Oh, the glorious mountains! I guess I'll have to try to dream about them. (I wish I had a better influence over my dreams)

Liene said...

I love this stretch of the Blue Ridge!

Small Kucing said...

It's lovely, Betsy.

Yes, must certainly go there again. The place looks so soothing and calm

DeniseinVA said...

What a wonderful birthday surprise Betsy. Loved all the photos.

HappyK said...

What a great birthday surprise.
Loved seeing all the beautiful pictures.

Shug said...

I enjoyed every single photo here. The mountains have such a calling to me....Not sure why I don't just move to the mountains. LOL... I know you had such a wonderful time....it always shows on your face....a beautiful warm smile....Hugs..

Lady Fi said...

Oh gosh - how gorgeous!

BeachGypsy said...

This old woman loves those mountains too! LOl I do so hope to get back someday real soon. Your pictures are beautiful....isn't the scenery there just so beautiful and breathtaking? What a lovely trip....so glad y'all got to go! So where y'all off to next???

Kay said...

Happy Birthday!!!
You two go to the most beautiful places. Thank you for sharing them with the rest of us.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy those beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains are so gorgeous! The forests on them so dense and green. I had to smile at that "highest" elevation photo--you and George look so happy! Do you believe that I live in a Valley that is higher than the highest point you were on? My house elevation is 6,200 feet. The blog friend I met lioves at over 19,000 feet. It helps to explain why winter lingers so long in our area ;)

Hope you had a good labor Day weekend. Summer is almost over--bring on Autumn!

diane b said...

The mountains certainly are beautiful. I wish it had been as warm as that when we were there.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh what beauty! And yes a great surprise trip! I Love those mountains!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What a wonderful birthday surprise. Glad you got to drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hopefully, we'll have a pretty fall here in the mountains.

Linda P said...

First of all I love that header photo. The Blue Ridge Mountains are well named. You've captured the beauty of the mountains taken high up in them. The wildflowers are pretty. It's lovely to see flowers that I try to grow in the garden growing in their natural environment and attracting colourful butterflies. A perfect place to take a trip and I hope you get back there when the leaves have turned in the autumn.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

WOW! I love the views- the first two shots are simply gorgeous...well shoot, all of them are. You two are so cute!