Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, September 12, 2016

More ROSES in our Yard 2016

Beautiful Dreamer Rose 7/2/16
I had this post ready sometime in July --but never got it published... SO---today is a good time (before Fall actually really gets here) to enjoy seeing more Roses in our yard this summer... You can click on them to see enlargements.. The date is when I took the picture.  Hope you enjoy them.

For anyone new to my blog,  we grow Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses in our yard --and have over 50 different varieties...  This is one of my husband's hobbies ---and I get to enjoy the roses since he brings one inside for me almost every single day.  The hardest thing is when he brings one in and I have to 'guess' its name.  I know some of them well--but not all....

Ronald Reagan Rose 7/2/16

Helen Traubel Rose 7/2/16

Mr. Lincoln Rose 7/2/16

Summer Nights Rose 7/3/16

About Face Rose 7/6/16

Paradise Rose 7/7/16

Strike It Rich Rose 7/7/16

Perfect Moment Roses (same rose bush,  different stages of blooms) 7/13/16

Sweet Freedom Rose 7/13/16

Chicago Peace Rose 7/14/16

Fragrant Cloud Rose 7/14/16

Gemini Rose 5/10/16

Daring Spirit Rose 5/12/16

Elle Rose 5/13/16

Radiant Perfume Rose 5/26/16
Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our 2016 Roses.... We have really had a good season this year thanks to my Sweetie for taking such good care of his 'babies'....  IF you missed my other ROSE post,  you can click HERE.

Hope you are having a good September SO far....  Have a wonderful week, my friends.



BeachGypsy said...

Betsy those are beautiful beautiful roses! I love the "summer nights" one the best! Sure wish I could smell these beaties!

Ms. A said...

The images are amazing and the blurred backgrounds are fantastic!

Ann said...

They are all gorgeous. I think if I were to pick a favorite out of these it would be Gemini Rose

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You did a marvelous job of photographing all of these beauties. Can't pick a favorite. What a treat to receive a fresh rose every day from the hand of your beloved.

SimplySingleSenior said...

Such beautiful roses! I think the Perfect Moment is my fave - love that it has two different colors!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, your roses collection is just beautiful. Gorgeous photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

George said...

Your photos are gorgeous. Since it's so hard for you to 'guess' the name of the roses, perhaps I should stop bringing them in?

Jeevan said...

The roses are beautiful at blossom, but your compositions are absolutely gorgeous! Fabulous light and colors... And interesting to know the game you daily play with roses and this will sure make strong remembering the names.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

They are gorgeous! I like the 'daring spirit'! WOW! So many different varieties. We planted over 30 rose bushes here in the Spring but most of them are 'knock out roses' that do well here in Florida. I pick a bouquet ever few days to enjoy inside too! Hugs!

Big Dude said...

Great shots as always

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful roses as usual! I particularly like the unlikely named Chicago Peace Rose... Our old hometown area is under attack. With 50 varieties of roses, you show a lot of dedication and patience too! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

linda m said...

They are all so lovely. I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried. How do you remember all their names!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh I just love the daring spirit rose!

Connie said...

Your roses are so beautiful, Betsy! They must bring you a great deal of joy.

Arkansas Patti said...

You are so lucky to have those in your yard but even more so in the house. Your yard and house must smell divine. How scary though to be tested every day:))
About Face captured my fancy for its color. My weakness.

Ginny Hartzler said...

About Face, Strike It Rich, and Radiant Perfume for ME!!! Do they each one smell different? Yet again, what is the difference between a regular rose and a tea rose? I always thought tea roses were little. Love your fall background and header!

Fun60 said...

Your roses are such a delight to see.

Lady Fi said...

Such lovely roses!

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW!!!! What can I say? Each rose is a winner in my eyes.I love them all and wish that someday I could walk among those roses and get my own pictures.

Linda P said...

Your roses are a delight. I missed your July post so thank you for the link. The close-up photos are beautiful, but it's also good to see the one of many of them growing in your garden. The fragrance must be wonderful. So many beauties to choose from. Beautiful Dreamer caught my attention, not only lovely, but it reminds me of Bing Crosby singing the song. So sweet of George to bring a different rose into you almost every day during the Summer. Dear Betsy thank you for you message left on my blog and for continuing to pray for me. Bless you. Prayers are being answered and I'm slowly getting better.

Betsy said...

Mr. Lincoln or Gemini would be my favorites of today's post, but boy, that was hard to choose. All of them are stunners. Enjoy the end of summer my friend.

HappyK said...

Oh they all are so beautiful. I tried to pick a favorite but every time I did I liked the next one too. : )

The Furry Gnome said...

George must be really good with the roses!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

oh what pretty roses, daring spirit is my fav. It has a sad twinge to see how fast July as gone and we are nearing Fall. Still beautiful

Devilish Angel said...


BeachGypsy said...

glad you stopped by, Betsy, and glad you liked the post. I do love our Charleston, but Savannah has many beautiful sights to see too! And lots of history as well! They are my two favorite southern cities for sure. What others do you enjoy?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

These are all superb specimen Roses betsy. Geoege must have really green fingers!

A Colorful World said...

Oh my! These are always so breath-taking! Gorgeous photos of some stunning roses! As always. What a joy it must be to have them around your home!

Susie Swanson said...

Yes, these are so breathtakingly beautiful. I'm sure you enjoy them very much. Hope you have a nice week. Hugs and Love, xo

DeniseinVA said...

Your roses are gorgeous Betsy, so many different varieties. Fantastic!

Barb said...

It would be so hard to choose a favorite. Having a fresh one in the house every day would be a treat. The scent they give off must be amazing! You've captured their beauty with these photos.

diane b said...

Your variety of beautiful roses never ceases to amaze me. Love the ones that change colour as they mature.

Lux G. said...

You've got the most beautiful garden I presume. Must be a paradise of a place. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Betsy ... they are all absolutely gorgeous and I can almost smell their wonderful scent coming through the internet!

It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful colours and varieties.

I am so pleased you were able to share these wonderful blooms with us.

All the best Jan

Lady Fi said...

Such pretty roses.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

The heat and drought made it our wat too. My month of july was packinf and moving and August was unpacking. I am si fed up with moving. It left me no ambition to blog at all. Thanks for stopping by my little post. Iam hapy you two ae\re well and busy as usual.

Linda said...

Incredible roses! I am fascinated by the ones with different colors on the same flower.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks to all for taking time to comment on my blog...
