Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 29, 2016

HOSTA in our Yard in August 2016-- plus a Fall Surprise

Hello Blog Friends,   Hope Summer has been good to you this year... Here on the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee,   we have had one of the hottest,  most humid and DRIEST summers I can remember since moving here in 2003...  The drought is horrible... George puts the sprinkler out to water our flowers/yard EVERY morning --and that helps some.  BUT--the big trees are suffering --and truly,  everything just needs a good soaking  (which we haven't had in over 2 months).   I hope this cycle ends soon and I'm hoping for a gorgeous FALL.

Most of the summer,  I have posted pictures of our flowers and our travels.  One thing I have neglected to post is the beautiful HOSTA plants we have in our yard... Since we have LOTS of shade,  and since Hostas generally do well in most conditions,   ours have THRIVED here.   When we first moved here,  I wanted Caladium  (which is more colorful) instead of Hosta ---and actually planted some one year.  BUT--our temperatures get too low in the winter for them  to come back year after year...  SO--I switched to Hostas which are good perennials here.  AND---they 'may' live in full sunlight ---but prefer (and do much better) in shaded areas.

SO---today I'll share you some of our Hostas around the yard.  The pictures were taken  8/19/16 ---so most all of the blooms are gone for the season... (NOTE to Betsy:  Take Hosta pictures earlier in the summer next year!!!!)   BUT---the plants themselves are so pretty  so I hope you enjoy seeing them today...   I know the names of many of our flowers --but have never learned the names of Hostas.  But--I still love them.  You can click on the pictures if you would like to see them larger.

You can see how the Hostas co-habitate with our English Ivy and our Periwinkle Ground Covers.

This Hosta plant get very tall as opposed to some of the others --which are more Ground Covers.

This is one of my favorites,  given to me by a friend.  

Our largest Hosta Plant
Finally,   I'll show you the FIRST  sign of Autumn  (although we are TRULY still in the heat of SUMMER here this year).    These little flowers are the succulent,  Autumn Joy Sedum.  George's sweet Daddy gave us some of these when we moved here in 2003...  They have thrived --and are EXTREMELY easy plants to grow and care for... Deer don't eat them --nor do the other critters we have around here.  They come back year after year and are such neat plants to have in the yard.

As you can see the flower color here is almost white (with a tiny greenish tint)... These flowers change colors throughout the Fall --and end as a RUST color (matching many other colors during very late Fall).... The next color to come from these beauties is PINK.... They are truly amazing little flowers... IF you want more information about them,  click HERE.

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our yard today...  Have a good week ---and please send us some RAIN if you are getting some in your area!!!!!



Ann said...

I have always loved hosta and for the longest time could not get it to grow in my yard. Every one I planted ended up dead. Finally I got some that survived and I've since split it up and transplanted the pieces around the yard.
We're really dry here this summer and since our water levels are low we've been under a water and fire ban. No watering flowers or washing cars and no fires.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, sorry about the drought. Your hostas are still looking beautiful! Lovely images. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I don't have the talent or the inclination to grow anything, but I love seeing the beauty that others (like you and George) plan and grow and nurture. Hostas are beautiful plants and seem to come in many different leaf patterns and colors. Yours are lovely. Such a little paradise you and George have created in your yard.

George said...

You've done a great job with the hosta this year. They've been beautiful all year.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I had some hostas for a while but they never came back. Crazy you all haven't had much rain. We've had so much and we aren't that far from you!

Big Dude said...

The hostas look very good - they are a fav of Bev's. Sorry to hear about the dought and assume it's similar at home. Here in the high dessert, it's rained about every day and the temp is in the high 40's as I right this. Not crazy about the rain but loving these cool temps.

Latane Barton said...

I am ready for autumn, aren't you? I am looking forward to seeing your 'fallish' pictures and hear about your adventures. Hugs.

linda m said...

We have Hostas planted all over our yard. Most of them are in the shade. I love the flowers they get. Yours are all so pretty and I love the variety that you are growing. Some of mine are stating to die out due to lack of rain. If it does rain here it is in short heavy downpours. Most it just runs off and down the sewers. Trees are stating to die or turn brown. I am really looking forward to Fall. Thanks for sharing you flowers with us.

Judy said...

I have several hostas too. They were gifts from friends when they were thinning their patches. Now I have divided some of mine too. I also have sedum - another gift. I like how easy they are to care for.

Our summer has also been extremely dry, hot and humid too but we have finally had some rain the last couple of weeks.

Thank you for your anniversary wishes. We enjoyed out time away and are now grateful to be back home.

David said...

Betsy, It's been hot and humid down here in the valley and we're down a bit on rain too, but nothing like ya'll up on the plateau. Rainfall has been pretty spotty this year in East Tennessee and some areas have actually had a surplus. As for the hostas, how is it that your hostas aren't eaten by the deer? I know you have lots of deer over there. The only hostas that survive in our yard are those right up against the house! Of course, if we had to decide between the deer and the hostas (or other plants) we'd still favor the deer! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Liene said...

It has been horribly dry! The shaded areas where our hostas grow are spots we don't really water, so they've been terribly hit by the summer heat and are only coming back now, after we've had an occasional afternoon shower.

Lowcarb team member said...

I really wish I could send you some rain ... here's hoping you do get some soon.

Your Hosta's look great and very healthy.

I've always liked Autumn Joy Sedum - it's a plant that gives for many months as it goes through the growing stage - the flowering stage - even in winter it can look good against a frosty scene, but I'm not sure you get frosts where you are?

Enjoy these last days of August

All the best Jan

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I Love hostas but I never planted any. My mom and aunt had them by the bunches. Hardy beautiful green plant. We have been so hot but finally my house got 3 inches of rain.....I was out doing a rain dance lol

Ginny Hartzler said...

How sweet the Sedum is! It would be so fun to watch it turn colors! Funny spell checker. It wants me to type "serum" instead! I have always thought Hostas showiness are the beautiful leaves. And yours are varied and gorgeous!

Arkansas Patti said...

I loved all your hostas. I know most people love flashy colors but I am a foliage person. The more green and varying shades and textures of green the better.
You have sold me on the Autumn Joy Sedum. I mean what is not to love? I will definitely add some to my yard. Thanks.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your Hostas are as lovely as all the flowers on your yard.I do hope you get a reprieve from that heat soon.Surely with September almost here,it must cool down soon.

Linda said...

We need rain too. I haven't had much luck with hostas. I do better with sedum though.

Linda Kay said...

I do enjoy the variations in color on hostas. We had a friend who had the perfect yard for growing them among the trees, and she had a huge number of varieties.

HappyK said...

Looks like hostas do well in your gardens and you have such a nice variety of colors.
Our summer as been a little warmer than usual for our area but nothing that hot. We've had rain once in a while too so it has really been a very nice summer here.

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy
Your plants are fantastic all seasons!!! Unfortunately climate change is like that all over the world. here in Brazil we are in the dry winter of all time and the plants suffer with it. Experts say that in summer temperatures will rise more than normal. Ok, we live in a tropical country, but I wish the days were cooler.
Have a nice week darling with your gorgeous garden!


Connie said...

Your hostas are pretty, Betsy. It's so nice to have so many of them growing in so many different places!

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice Hoastas! We have many of them, but the deer were very hard on them this year!

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful Hostas. I have some too and I like their purple spiky flower. MY eldest daughter's MIL has a whole garden of Hosta and so many different colors. Some have huge leaves and some are like mini plants. amazing. Yours look lovely

PS: The flowers in my header are Hot Pink Petunias

Lux G. said...

They look lovely despite the drought. :)

Betsy said...

Your hostas are gorgeous Betsy. I've tried several times to grow them, but for some reason they always die off in the winter for me. I would think it was our sometimes harsh winters, but other people have had good luck with them, so it must be me. Thank you for sharing all of your beautiful and different hostas with us.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

you have an aamaing collection of Hosta Betsy but my favourite is also your favourite

Ms. A said...

I've always loved the Hosta, but have never had them in my yard. Maybe someday! Seedum would be nice, too. Yours always look so lovely.

Linda P said...

Good to see the hostas have done well despite the drought. I like the greenery and the structure of them. The variegated one is pretty. I hope you get some rain that really soaks the ground and gives the plants and trees a good drink.

Shantana said...

Betsy your Hosta's are beautiful!! Hope you get some rains soon.Btw loved the autumn bloom :)

Have a fantastic day!

Shantana said...

Betsy your Hosta's are beautiful!! Hope you get some rains soon.Btw loved the autumn bloom :)

Have a fantastic day!

Lady Fi said...

They are so lovely!

Marcia said...

So lovely. I'm admiring the ones I see on my walks now since I don't have a garden. What I did have were being eaten by voles before we moved so I don't know how much longer they survived. Was one of those one I sent to you?

Kay said...

Just had to take a quick look at your blog. I've been concentrating so hard on our trip photobook that I haven't been able to visit.

I DO love hostas. My daughter has a thriving bunch in the back of the house that we planted a few years back. I'm always so amazed at the variety of hostas there are around. You have a gorgeous selection!!! Wow!

Shantana said...

Betsy,WOW!What a memory you have.Yes Naturestop is our travel/nature blog..and I am just trying my hand at cooking and other stuff..and struggle to get the photography part though(still trying to learn).
Thank you so much.You are way too kind.Have a FANTASTIC day!!


Shantana said...

Betsy,WOW!What a memory you have.Yes Naturestop is our travel/nature blog..and I am just trying my hand at cooking and other stuff..and struggle to get the photography part though(still trying to learn).
Thank you so much.You are way too kind.Have a FANTASTIC day!!


Sally Wessely said...

I've always wanted to grow hostas. We never have had a shady place to grow them in the places where we have lived. I have a perfect place in our yard where we live now, but I know they would never survive the critters that gobble up all my plants. At least I got to enjoy yours.

BeachGypsy said...

Hi Betsy! Yes, Mr. Front Porch hung that disco ball right up smack dab in the middle of the living room!! Groovy and far out! LOL

Anonymous said...

Plant looks so fresh. Its very beautiful to see so much of greens in one place:)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll probably have some rain to send you soon! It just started here but we are supposed to get rain for a few DAYS! I love hostas! They are so beautiful. Wish I could put your blog in my favs list but for some reason I'm not having any luck doing that or following anyone. Always something! lol Enjoy your afternoon! Come to FL for rain! Hugs!

DeniseinVA said...

You do have a wonderful display of hosta's Betsy. We have them out front but the ants have had a feast and the poor leaves are not as pretty as at the beginning.

Susie Swanson said...

So sorry about the drought. I do believe we've had more rain than you but it just comes in spots around here. Those hostas are so pretty. Mine has already bloomed and gone. They were pretty but even though we have them around the shade trees they've not done as good as yours. I'm also looking forward to Fall and the cool days and night. Much Love and Hugs, xo

diane b said...

They are lovely plants. I like the variegated ones. We are pretty dry here too but our inland cattle station owners are rejoicing because they are getting rain.

Unknown said...

Hello Betsy,
Your hostas are beautiful we have some in our garden and I love the variety in their greens.
Enjoy seeing your pictures from your trips and garden, himself and I are very much into gardens, plants and trees.

A Colorful World said...

The hostas are lovely. I tried to grow meadowsweet in a shady part of my yard in Virginia so many years ago, and it didn't take off like I'd hoped. I may try it again. Love the sedum!

Janie said...

I like the sedums, and the hostas. I'm all for easy plants that come back year after year. The hostas might do well in our shaded front yard. I should look into it.
I really like your header with the golden color behind the mountains.

Shug said...

Hey there sweet friend......Hosta's have always been a favorite of mine. This Texas weather is really hard on them unless you have them in a nice shady place with good soil. I planted sever last year and only 2 of them came back this year. I think we have a visiting cat that enjoys using that bed as a kitty liter. I have certainly enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful hostas.

Small Kucing said...

It's my first time seeing Hosta. The variagated leaves looks so pretty