Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, September 26, 2016

Around Abbott Lake at the Peaks of Otter, Virginia-- 9/13 and 14, 2016

CATTAILS around the Lake 9/13/16
In my last post,  click HERE,  I talked about one of my favorite things to do when we were on a little vacation at the Peaks of Otter in Virginia... That favorite thing was to walk around Abbott Lake both evenings we were there close to sunset,  August 13 and 14.   Today,  I'll share some of the little things we saw while walking around the lake...  Hope you enjoy the pictures.  You can click on them for enlargements.


FERNS growing in the woods around the lake  9/14/16

So pretty,  don't you think?  I love WILDFLOWERS this time of year.   9/14/16

The WILDFLOWERS were so pretty as we walked.  9/14/16

FISH in the water;  Ready to go fishing?????  9/14/16

Cute little BUNNY searching for dinner  9/14/16

Beautiful big leaves on this GROUND COVER  9/14/16  (There was a bench in this area where one could enjoy nature and a lake view.)  9/13/16

A group of very pretty WILDFLOWERS  9/14/16

A tree shaped like the top of an ELK;  Use your imagination!!!! ha  9/14/16

First Lodging for Travelers in the 1830s;  This cabin was called the Polly Wood's  ORDINARY and was a small boarding house until the early 1850's.   9/14/16

Double your Pleasure!!!!   Here are some pretty orange WILDFLOWERS with an added spider web.  I didn't see the cobweb until I got home and pulled the picture up on my computer!!!!  9/14/16

And my FAVORITE capture on our walk:  A GREAT BLUE HERON enjoying the evening;  (I tried to find some OTTERS since they 'say' there are two in the lake --but I was unsuccessful this time.)  9/13/16

Another picture of the GREAT BLUE HERON  9/13/16

Our Inn from the other side of the lake... It is beginning to get dark.. You can see the lights on in the rooms.. AND--when we walked by there,  people just like us were sitting on their porches enjoying the sunset.  9/13/16

Night-Night!!!!!   We are back to the room enjoying the sunset  9/14/16
IF you ever get to the Peaks of Otter,  be sure and stay in one of the inn rooms --and don't miss the little walk around the lake...  SO beautiful and relaxing especially at sunset.

I  took lots more pictures as we traveled around that lake --but I'll show more of them in another post when I share more of the lake, sky, sun, and reflections... What JOY.

Hope your life is wonderful.  They 'say'?????   that we are supposed to get some cooler weather this week...  Hope we can also get some rain --but who knows??????

Blessings to you.



Kay said...

Oh my! What gorgeous photos, Betsy! I do love wildflowers too.

Lux G. said...

What a cute bunny.
I swear I dream of vacationing in a place like this. You're living in paradise, my friend.

Ann said...

What a beautiful and relaxing place. I would love to stroll around that lake and take pictures of all the wildflowers.

Jeevan said...

I love wildflowers, and the lake seems to hold many pretty things around to wonder! Lodging around the woods or lake is a pleasure and I hope people stood at the first lodging would experience the best, then. Glad you enjoyed the walk and stay aside the lake… Lovely photos Betsy

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing the fish in the water. We saw some tadpoles yesterday...first time I've seen any in years! Makes me remember when I visited a friend that lived in the country (when I was a girl) getting a jar to capture some! lol You took beautiful photos! Looks like a great place to see lots of nature. Hugs!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

All the beautiful wildflowers must have set your heart humming. I love the "elk" tree. Can't believe you two didn't scrabble up there and get a picture of yourselves sitting in that tree. It's a perfect portrait tree. Great shot of the inn across the lake!

Big Dude said...

Great shots of a pretty place Betsy

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, these are all lovely images from your trip! I love the cute bunny and the heron. The lake and reflection is a gorgeous shot. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

George said...

You got some great photos on our walks around the lake. Let's go back so you can look for the otters again!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The pictures show a place of relaxation and calmness. Now I must admit, those Heron pictures, although excellent shots, upset me just a little. I am still trying for at least one decent shot of one of these birds, but until now no luck. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well that's a good spiderweb surprise! I like the picture of the lodge beyond the lake too.

I'm glad for a break in the heat. Saturday was rough here!

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful photos! I never heard of the Peaks of Otter but now we have another place to explore. Love that tree photo...very artistic! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Connie said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! It sounds like you had a nice visit there. I always enjoy seeing wildflowers too.

Lady Fi said...

Beautiful shots of the reflections and wildlife. That small traveller's house is adorable.

Betsy said...

Beautiful! You and George should get your photographs published Betsy. You are both so talented.

oldrunningfox. said...

Brilliant set of pictures Betsy, love them all. I really must treat myself to a new camera! The Heron is one of our favourite birds, we believe they bring us luck!

Arkansas Patti said...

What a lovely place to get away and unwind. I really liked that tree that decided to grow in 4 different directions. Talk about undecided.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE the twinkling rooms in the twilight! And the heron. My two favorites are the rooms across the lake, and the awesome little wildflowers in the web.

Anonymous said...

I love Peaks of Otter, although I haven't been there in years. Love your photos, and enjoy "traveling" with you since I don't get much further these days than my garden. Thanks for your visit, and looking forward to the trips you have planned for next month. Hugs!!

Lowcarb team member said...

A beautiful post, all of your photo's are lovely to see.
I loved that cute little bunnie and that tree was shaped like the top of an elk!!!

So nice and relaxing to enjoy a walk around the lake with you - thank you

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Nice pictures of the Great Blue Heron! I have never been to Virginia but hope to visit some day. Have a super good day tomorrow!

Marcia said...

That second heron photo was the best. I see them fairly often at the lake I walk around.

Nancy Chan said...

If I am not mistaken, I think the cattails (if it is the same one) can be used for floral arrangements. I love wild flowers and plants too. Lovely view of the lake and the inn that you stayed in. Have a beautiful day!

Saimi said...

Beautiful photos obviously indicating a beautiful place!
Take care,

Devilish Angel said...

Lovely shots...

SimplySingleSenior said...

Thank you for sharing your stroll around the lake. I love the golden tones of the wildflowers this time of year. Looks like a wonderful, peaceful place to visit!

The Furry Gnome said...

Your little excursions here and there inspire me. It's something we enjoy but don't do enough of. But we're off on a three day jaunt just now - so nice to get away!

Small City Scenes said...

Thanks for taking us on your walk around the lake. What a beautiful restful area. Would love to go there someday. We go there you come here and we both show each other around. Last Wednesday a blogger from France visited us and we visited a waterfall---better show you huh!. I am watching the sunrise over the hill behind us and I'd better go take a picture. bye Bye....MB

Linda said...

Lovely place! We were there some years ago and walked around the lake.

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful series of beautiful photos Betsy.

Sally Wessely said...

Virginia is amazing country. Thanks for sharing its highlights with us.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Gorgeous shots, Betsy- hope you are back home now and preparing for your next adventure. I also hope you get rain soon. My poor pond is down about four feet- it looks pitiful.

Susie Swanson said...

Wow, these are breathtaking. I love wild flowers and that Blue Heron stands out so beautiful. We have some of those come up the creek in our backyard. Thanks for sharing your beauty with us. I love your posts so much. Blessings and Love my sweet friend. xo