October 2, 2016: Not much Fall Color ---but our ROSES are doing GREAT! (No matter how dry it is, George does a good job keeping the roses watered.) |
When the seasons change, I always enjoy looking back at some of the pictures I have taken during the same season in past years... Today, I chose one picture taken during October for the past 10 years, since October 2006. Pictures give us so many great memories --and I am finally beginning to keep them organized enough to be able to easily find them (although --before 2010, I have to do more searching in my archives)!!!!!
I love OCTOBER. Do you? What do you think of when you think of October? I think of cooler weather (yeah), beautiful leaf colors, walking/hiking --in the crunchy leaves, fires in the fireplace, raking (YES---I do enjoy that), homemade Chili, Hot Apple Cider, Pumpkin Cheesecake and and Pumpkin Fudge (ah heck--pumpkin everything!!), traveling, being with friends, etc. etc. etc.
Hope you enjoy today's pictures... I chose only one per year (which was hard) --That is just a smidgen of our lives during the month of October!!!! You can click on the pictures for enlargements.
October 2015: In gorgeous West Virginia with friends, Neal and Patti |
October 2014: We cannot resist a Fall Trip to Cataloochee in North Carolina to see the ELK. |
October 2013: We were at Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky (again with friends, Neal and Patti) |
October 2012: We were in Hocking Hills, Ohio (again with friends, Neal and Patti) |
October 2011: We seldom miss an October without going to the Smoky Mountains to see the colors. This picture was taken EARLY in the morning from the Gatlinburg Bypass --looking toward Mt. LeConte. Don't you just love the sunbeams? |
October 2010: Taken right here in Fairfield Glade, in our own backyard. Mama Deer is feeding THREE babies!!! How can that be? |
October 2009: Taken from a cabin in Maggie Valley, North Carolina--on the LAST trip with four childhood friends; Two of them are now deceased --and greatly missed by ME....We did have a wonderful time on this trip. |
October 2008: Besides our Roses, we love seeing the RE-BLOOMING IRISES bloom in Fall as well as spring. |
October 2007: They had just delivered our big pile of wood for the winter... We were in the process of stacking that wood that year... BIG JOB!!! A couple of years ago,, we opted to get a Gaslog Fireplace ... It's not nearly as messy or as much hard work --especially on George's back!!!! |
October 2006: Even 10 years ago, I loved to hike in the Fall...... |
Well---I will stop. That is only a tiny bit of what we have been up to these past 10 years during October..... BUT--it is so much fun to re-live all of those wonderful memories...
This year, here at home, we are having a very different Fall from usual.... We are in the midst of a terrible drought (have I mentioned that before??? Nah--only about a hundred times) and we are just not sure how much pretty color we are going to have this year. The tree leaves just seem to be dying and falling off...Maybe our main color this year will be BROWN. Stay tuned during October and November and I'll keep you posted... BUT--even if we don't get much pretty color here, we have a couple of little trips planned!!!!!
Have a wonderful week---and get out and enjoy yourself no matter where you are!!!!
Blessings to you,

Hi again Betsy. I remember the first time i began as your follower i asked for the autumn photos in your area. The wide mountains of color in your area never stops to amaze me, and there you are again with the photos of Fall.
You look so slim in that photo years ago. Yes it is lovely to reminisce with the older photos we've been through. I also still remember your house and yard years ago in Christmas, before the color green, hehe! Enjoy Betsy!
All these beautiful shots of Octobers, yay! I always look forward to less than trip digit temps!
Hello, Betsy! you have a beautiful collection of October photos. Our colors are not too good right now, maybe due to the drought. Happy Monday, enjoy the new week ahead!
Looking back into memories is great time and fun and glad we are in the digital era to capture the moment in photos… You got lovely photos and colors during the season of fall. The pine state park trees are impressively colorful!
Here in Upstate SC we are also seeing very little fall color, and the last rain seems so very long ago... However your roses are gorgeous, and I wish our irises would rebloom! We'll be up in your neck of the woods in a few weeks, maybe we will stop and see the elk!
What a fun walk through some of your past Octobers! If you don't get fall colors at home, you'll find them somewhere. I have confidence in you!
I really enjoyed this trip down Memory Lane and the pictures of the beautiful Octobers we've enjoyed. I look forward to some great pictures this year, although they may not be taken around here.
Lovely fall photos, and your header is fabulous!
I enjoyed seeing your October photos through the years, Betsy. I love the shot of the mama deer and three babies! I am curious to see how much color we have (if any!) in the leaves this fall too.
You have chosen the best of the best. We did get three days of rain last week. I think my favorites are the iris, cabin, deer, and Ohio.
Gorgeous autumn colours!
I love seeing Autumn photos, my favorite season! The first photo is my favorite. I'm hoping for a colorful fall, but some of the leaves I'm seeing are looking brown...not a good sign. Branson didn't get near the rains we did during spring and summer, so I'm sure their leaves won't be so pretty. The lake level was really down. But, I'm ready to go back for another visit! That's probably as far as we'll get. Enjoy your upcoming excursions and take lots of photos to show us! Have a great week!
Fall is my favorite time of year. Love seeing your Autumn photos. Wish I could send you some of our rain.
Betsy, Nice photo recap! Love the fall color shot at Pine Mountain as well as the one from West Virginia. That state is underrated and underappreciated for its scenery... We love animals...so that elk photo and the mamma deer with the triplets were right up our alley. No triplets here this year but we did have twins although they didn't nurse in our yard...just grazed there! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
I love all the beautiful colors October brought you but goodness, I fell in love with those triplets. I have never seen that. Hope you have some nice fireplace days coming up soon. Nothing better.
That was fun.I really like the idea of choosing one picture per year.It is wonderful to go back and relive those memories.I may have to 'borrow' that idea sometime.Fall color is so unpredictable.We have had a wet summer and yet have had very little color this fall.
A decade of beautiful October memories. I love seeing the fall colors. We don't have a whole lot going on yet but it won't be long
A wonderful reminder of previous years, and it must have been so hard to choose just one from each year.
I love this time of year, the colours are usually spectacular ...and the photo's you have shown certainly paint a gorgeous picture.
I hope your drought may end soon.
Keep on enjoying all that this month has to offer.
All the best Jan
I love fall and all your October images are lovely.Indeed it's an superb feeling when you re- live our wonderful times walking down memory lane :) Looking forward to more photos from your upcoming trips.
I love fall and all your October images are lovely.Indeed it's an superb feeling when you re- live our wonderful times walking down memory lane :) Looking forward to more photos from your upcoming trips.
Yes, October is one of the best times of year. I think of the colours, pumpkin pie, tidying the garden (not the raking!), and hiking.
Hi Betsy, I enjoyed ALL OF THOSE photos so much. Such pretty Fall colors! Love the sunbeams one tho---thats a beauty! I love the weather when it cools, but thats not really until December here, and I DO NOT LIKE the time change and it getting dark so early. But I like Fall scenery and decorating with pumpkins and the coming of the holidays.
Alovley idea to look back over the past Octobers and the autumn colours are stunning.
Beautiful photos down memory lane. Like you I love October and I'm wondering about the colors as well. The terrible drought has us worried some and praying really hard. I do hope you enjoy Fall and thanks for sharing such a special post. Blessings and lots of hugs, xo
Fall is my favorite season. I am afraid though with the drought hitting us so hard that we are not going to have too much fall color!
Gorgeous photos and lovely memories. Thank you, Betsy, for sharing with us. There isn't any color in our fall so far this year. Too dry here as well. At least the mornings are a bit cooler, that's always welcome. :)
Hi Betsy, I really enjoyed seeing all the years in pictures. Have a super good day tomorrow. My hubby and I are hunkered down at home and we should be OK tonight and tomorrow through the storm.
Gorgeous photos. And yes indeed I love October as well. We're heading off to northern Minnesota tomorrow. A peak time for us "leaf peepers...:)
I would dearly looove to see fall colors in person someday. (We don't get the seasons where I live).
It looks so cozy and crisp and inviting. I can only imagine. Sigh....
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