Peaks of Otter -- where we stayed (Sept. 13-15, 2016) |
My Facebook Friends know (since I talk about it constantly) that our area has been in a horrible DROUGHT --including very very high temperatures also....We have had a HARD summer --at least those of us who try to garden and keep a nice yard.... Consequently, our stress levels have been higher than usual lately...
In order to 'find our souls and our HOPE again' ---we decided to just walk away from everything for a few days and get some rest and relaxation, and some new scenery...George got a great deal on a room ---so off we went on September 13 to Virginia.... We spent two nights at the BEAUTIFUL PEAKS of OTTER along the Blue Ridge Parkway near Bedford, Virginia..... To see their webpage, click
We took a gazillion pictures ---so I picked out a few to share with you today..... Hope you enjoy some of the things we did ----remembering that even though we DID do some hiking and walking, we also found time just to relax and enjoy our time there together. Hope you enjoy the pictures! You can click on them for enlargements.
Look at the beauty we saw from our ROOM.. This is Abbott Lake at the Peaks of Otter (9/14/15). I loved seeing the REFLECTIONS. |
We also enjoyed driving along the gorgeous BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY all three days! There were lots of wildflowers in bloom. |
Abbott Lake (beside our room) was so gorgeous. That mountain is named SHARP TOP --and we went to the top on Sept. 14. |
We rode the bus up the mountain part of the way and then hiked up the last 1500 feet.... We are now on the top of SHARP TOP Mountain.. (A nice couple we met took our picture) |
From the top of SHARP TOP, you can see Abbott Lake and the Peaks of Otter where we stayed... It was gorgeous up on that mountain (at 3875 feet high--one of VA's highest peaks) |
REFLECTIONS on Abbott Lake at sunset one evening --as we walked around the lake; Walking around the lake both evenings was one of my favorite things to do... Talk about peaceful! |
The first night (9/13/16) we walked around the lake at sunset, the sky was clear and there were no clouds... BUT---we enjoyed an 'almost' full moon over the water... (Very ROMANTIC as we walked around the lake) |
SUNSET the next night (9/14/16) --showing lots of pretty, colorful clouds--as we walked around the lake; |
Another picture showing a very happy woman ---along the Blue Ridge Parkway; OH how I love being on 'top of the world'. |
It had been many years since we had been to the NATURAL BRIDGE in Virginia --so we decided to check it out again... This is one amazing natural bridge (215 feet high and 90 feet wide). A website to read more is HERE. |
We hiked on Cedar Creek Trail and checked out a little Indian Village (Monacan Indians). |
Of course, we just HAD to check out LACE FALLS (along Cedar Creek Trail) --which was a new waterfall to add to our long list of waterfalls we have seen since 2001. |
Beautiful MABRY MILL (along the Blue Ridge Parkway on 9/15/16); We walked around the area enjoying the grist mill, sawmill, blacksmith shop, old Appalachian homeplace, etc... VERY nice history and demonstrations!! For more information about MARBY MILL, click HERE. |
We enjoyed the Mabry Mill area ---and seeing and reliving history! We also ate lunch at their CAFE ---and I had one of the best Fried Green Tomato, Bacon and homemade Pimento Cheese Sandwiches on Sourdough Bread that I've EVER had.... YUM. |
Hope you enjoyed seeing a few of our pictures from this great little trip to Virginia... This picture was taken on 9/14/16 as we enjoyed just sitting by the lake having fun together...
The bottom line is that we DID come home refreshed and feeling MUCH better... Sometimes, we ALL just need a break from life ---to relax and enjoy new surroundings....
Have a wonderful week, my Friends.

I absolutely love the reflections in the water! Also, my sister's name is Mabry, so I always think of her when I see photos of Mabry Mill.
What a wonderful get away you two had. Very refreshing for sure. I love the lake with reflections, and the views from on top of the mountains. WOW!
Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady
It's beautiful there. I'm thinking that if you couldn't de-stress in a place like that you would be in serious trouble....lol
LOVE LOVE LOVE the last picture of you two laughing!! The best picture of you both EVER!! I may even SAVE it! The lake is so blue and calm. Beautiful. Do Indians still live in this village, or is this not used anymore? So glad you did not get scalped! Oh my, you on the tip top of Sharp Top, you are daredevils! I see there was no handrail! You must have super balance and stamina.
Hello Betsy, I did see you photo on facebook. It looks like a beautiful place for a getaway. I love the reflections on the lake, the moon shot and the mill. Great post and photos.
Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!
I can't imagine a more perfect get-away for you two (unless it would be to "your" cabin in Arkansas). The photos are stunning, especially those from Sharp Top.
What a wonderful get-away! We have rain in the forecast all week - I hope you get a good bit too...
You got some great photos on our trip, which was just what the doctor ordered. I'm very glad we went, and i hope we make it there again one of these days.
So happy you had a nice relaxing vacation. It sure looks like a gorgeous place to just unwind. Thanks for sharing.
Such pretty pictures, Betsy! I love your views of the lake and the reflections in it. I'm glad you had a good time and were able to relax. It's true, we do all need to take a break every once in a while.
Gorgeous shots! I love the reflections on Abbott Lake.
Looks like you picked a beautiful area for your get away. Hopefully the rains will return soon.
Sometimes you just have to drop the hoe and water hose to just recharge your batteries. You did just that and what a wonderful place to do it.
Sharp Top is aptly named and I love the picture of you two at the top with a sun halo.
Glad u enjoyed, relaxed staying beside a scenic lake and hike through the pristine mountains. Of course, a change is indeed wanted and whoever it is, refreshing life once a while is much and you seems to have great deal with nature and history. Loved all the photos and like to see how the grist mill works!
Your pictures are just beautiful Betsy. Sometimes you just need to get away to be refreshed. It looks as if you chose the perfect spot. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Betsy,you and George always find beauty wherever you go.I like that.Peaks of Otter looks like a fabulous place to stay and to relax.
What a good idea to get away from the heat and what a beautiful place to visit. Wonderful reflections and sunset as well as a great place for walking.
I'm smiling at that last photo of the two of you! I loved seeing the views from way up high - you were surely in a heavily forested area. I bet fall colors will soon change that landscape. The lake and surroundings look as though you were the only people around! It's aways fun to go on a short trip to recharge.
We once hiked Sharp Top in winter and it was very icy and treacherous. Much nicer this time of year! Looks like you got a lot of fun spots while you were up here.
What a fantastic few days you had away.
Your photo's are so lovely and I especially like the ones with reflections ...
Sometimes a few days away just makes all the difference in the world.
That place looks heavenly and I sure would like to visit ...
All the best Jan
Love the photos you share ;) Love your love :)
What a great and beautiful get-away for you and husband. I enjoyed all your beautiful photos. Good to know that it was a refreshing and relaxed get away. Have a beautiful day!
What a lovely getaway! Love the reflection off the water- so pretty and the mountains...geepers...I sure wish I could see some this fall. I am dying to get to Colorado or Wyoming..but probably won't get away this year. SIGH. Pretty shots, and you two are just the cutest. Sorry about your drought...I remember our two year drought and it was just awful...awful. I hope you don't get any fires...that was what happened here.
Betsy I know you've written about Peaks of Otter before because I bookmarked the place for the future. Hope to get there one day.
Today was move day. We started it last night by moving the contents of closets ourselves. Movers came to do the hard stuff. Viewed a lovely sunset tonight. We are going to love it here.
So glad that you were able to go and enjoy a few days away.. it is so hard to keep up with the yard when fighting a drought. I know this has been difficult for you and George...as much as you two love your flowers. (I enjoy them too). Beautiful pictures and I always enjoy the ones with you two in front of the camera. Big hugs!
A wonderful trip Betsy, and as always I loved the photos you took.
A beautiful spot to spend a relaxing time. Fabulous photos of such a scenic area. You look great together having fun.
Virginia is such a pretty state. Look like you guys had a wonderful getaway. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
Love your clear and such pretty takes of your vacation. You packed in a lot. We loved the Peaks of Otter. Traveling to the top of the mountain I thought was so much fun.
I see you live in Tennessee. My daughter and her family lived in Big Rock Tennessee for a few years. I loved seeing all of the history of that area.
Happy Weekend to ya
The heat must have been very trying over the Summer, but I'm glad that you had the opportunity to get away up into the mountains and explore somewhere different and yet still spend time in the high places and unspoilt woodland areas that you love. Lakeside accommodation would make me very happy too. I enjoyed seeing the heritage village you visited, but my favourites spots are the place by the natural rock bridge and on the top of that Sharp Top Mountain as well as the lake. Now I trust you both will enjoy a wonderful Fall (Autumn as we call it here). Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and for your prayers as I pray a blessing upon you and George.
Wonderful Getaway for a beautiful couple. I always love your photos so much. We're having a terrible drought here as well. I'm hoping for some rain next week but they change the forecast every day. Hope you have a nice weekend. Love and Blessings.
Hi Betsy, I've missed my blogging friends while on my summer hiatus and I'm glad to see not everyone forgot all about me! I enjoyed your fabulous photos and it looks like a great getaway you two enjoyed. I'm sorry to hear about the drought. It's been so very hot here and still is and I'm really weary of it all. But at least we've had some rains along which helped keep the flowers going. Lately, though, I've been hit and miss on the watering and past caring if they survive! ha! Have a nice weekend!
It's been really hot over here in Hawaii too. I hope it cools down for you soon. However, meanwhile, you sure did enjoy a lot of beauty. Thank you for sharing it with us.
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