Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Azaleas and Rhododendrons in our Yard --2015

After such a rough and tough WINTER,  our Spring has turned out to be very pretty.  Today's post will show you the Azaleas in our yard this spring and also our beautiful Rhododendron.   Hope you enjoy this post ---so be sure and click on the pictures for enlargements.  First I'll share our Azaleas and then the Rhododendron.

The picture above (taken on 5/7/15)  shows off our two pink Azaleas in the front yard.  The Azaleas in our back yard are not as pretty (or as large or full) as these two.  They must be a different variety since they bloom earlier than these two bushes do... AND--the ones in the back must not like being where they are planted,  next to the deck...????  BUT--the two in front make up for the other ones.... Do you like them?

A closer view of our Azaleas in the front yard;  (Photo taken on 5/7 when we got home from the beach;)

A Close-Up of the Azaleas in the front yard;  This photo was taken on 4/29/15 BEFORE we went to the beach--and before the entire bushes bloomed.

One of the Lavender Azalea Blooms in the backyard;  I'd love for this bush to look like the pink ones in front --but so far,  it hasn't... I love the color though.  (picture taken on 4/28/15)

One of the very light pink Azaleas in the backyard;  (Photo taken on 4/23/15)

A Hot-Pink Azalea Bush in our backyard;  Gorgeous colors!  (photo taken on 4/28/15)

ANTICIPATION!!!!!  On 4/29/15,  we were waiting patiently for the big Rhododendron buds near our deck to OPEN....

This Rhododendron bud is 'trying' hard to open for us!  (taken on 4/29/15)

Our Rhododendron Bush on 4/30/15;

This is what we found on the day we came home from the beach --5/7/15.... WOW---how beautiful is this!!!!

Another view of our big Rhododendron Bush in bloom on 5/7/15

A close-up of some of the Rhododendron Blooms (5/7/15)

One Rhododendron Blossom (5/7/15)
Many of you may remember our horrible Winter Ice Storm --when we thought we had lost this beautiful Rhododendron.  The branches were leaning down below the deck rail (due to the heavy ice) ... We did lose some branches ---so the total tree is not nearly as full as it used to be---but overall,  this beauty DID come back after that horrible winter.. Thanks be to God.  Oh--how I love my Rhododendron!!!!

Hope you enjoyed our Azaleas and our Rhododendron today!  (These are all gone now for this year ---but next comes the Irises and then the Roses!!!!  Yeah!)



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Betsy These beautiful flowers does your heart good looking at their beauty. thanks for sharing.

Dan the Mountain Man said...

The azaleas and the rhododendrons look beautiful.

Ms. A said...

Love them! I especially like the azaleas at the front, against the green of your house. Gorgeous pop of color!

Out on the prairie said...

Some charming blooms. The lavender bloom here always first also.

eileeninmd said...

Betys, your azaleas are just beautiful. Lovely images.. Have a happy day!

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful!! The rhododendron and azaleas were in lovely bloom in Rhode Island. I was too early for the hydrangeas which are amazing there--a deep, vibrant blue. So glad the ice didn't do too much damage!


linda m said...

They all look so lovely. Looks like your Rhododendron survived quite well. Lilacs are blooming here.

The Furry Gnome said...

I always think Rhododendrons in bloom are just spectacular! How I wish they'd grow here. Absolutely beautiful.

Liene said...

It's amazing how close you are - yet how far your season is from ours! The irises have just finished, and now I'm patiently waiting on our blueberries to ripen...

Chatty Crone said...

The azaleas are gorgeous - and they grow so well down here and what is nice they like the sun! Beautiful yard girl!

George said...

The rhododendron was a beautiful sight when we got home from the beach. It convinced me that Spring was here to stay. I, too, like the colors of the azaleas in the back, I just wish we knew how to help them grow better.

Linda said...

You and George have such beautiful flowers in your yard. I love azaleas!

troutbirder said...

They are all truly gorgeous. I wish more were reliably winter hardy here in MN. here in southern Minn. were all limey so I also have to add acid...:(

Fun60 said...

They are really fabulous colours.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous flowers and such beautiful colors!! Wonderful captures for the day, as always, Betsy!! Hope you have a beautiful weekend!!

Joy said...

I did enjoyed them Betsy! I loved your flowers. I don't have those flowers in my garden!

DeniseinVA said...

So glad you're rhodie survived the winter and your flower photos are gorgeous Betsie. Have a great weekend :)

Marie said...

Rhododendron blooms are so pretty! I just love flowers. :) hope you have a fun and safe holiday weekend!

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, so lovely....those bushes are so awesome, and you are so lucky to have them.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I know we're not supposed to covet, but I envy you your rhododendron bush. What a beauty!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So much beauty surrounding you! It is a wonder that you like the winter. The two bushes are outstanding! My very favorites are one, six, and the next to last.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are all gorgeous pictures. I'm guessing that the bees are busy around those flowers as well.Do they have a good fragrance?Not that it matters,because they are gorgeous just as they are.

Betsy said...

Oh Betsy I'm so glad that your bushes and trees survived that terrible winter. It's amazing how God manages that isn't it? Sometimes things are even more beautiful after a time of stress.

HappyK said...

Very pretty. Don't have any in our yard but I've seen them blooming here now too.

Ann Thompson said...

very pretty. I like both azalea and rhododendron and have tried to plant them. I don't know if it's the dirt in my yard or just my lack of green thumb but I just can't get them to survive more than one season

Arkansas Patti said...

Your Azaleas are beautiful and show up so well against your house color. However the Rhododendron is stunning. You have such a nice variety of flowers and shrubs in your yard.

Kay said...

As usual, your yard looks fantastic. You guys always keep it looking so nice.

Connie said...

Gorgeous flowers! I'm so glad that you didn't lose your rhododendron from that ice storm. It's beautiful!

Judy said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So happy for you that your yard and flowers came through that horrid ice storm last Winter very well. You both work hard at keeping your yards beautiful! Have a great coming weekend!

Susie Swanson said...

your flowers are so beautiful and I'm so glad the cold winter didn't freeze them. I lost my big Gardenia and it hurt me so bad but it could have been worse. Hugs to you sweet friend, xo

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, they are all soooooo beautiful.

Small Kucing said...

Gosh they are so pretty. Your garden is blooming with loveliness. I truly envy your green fingers

Have a great weekend, Betsy :)

Shug said...

Looks as if the blooms are all in competition with each other. They are all putting the best out there as each one is absolutely gorgeous.... So much color and it is truly a sight to see. thanks for sharing it all with us....I've enjoyed seeing all of your blooms...

Big Dude said...

Really pretty Betsy. Two of my favorite plants and while we have lots of Azaleas, we haven't had much luck with Rhodys.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to see all your colours and flowers!

Margie's Musings said...

What beautiful flowers, Betsy! How I miss my flowerbeds from my home. I have very few here at the apartment.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Awesome bunches of flowers... love the couple of Azaleas, looking like bouquet, decorating your front yard. I have seen Rhododendrons here, in the high mountain of ranges, but they are only bloomed red in colors. Beautiful photos Betsy!

Betty Manousos said...

love these...amazingly beautiful!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you and yours!

big hugs~

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I do remember the ice storm damage- I thought it was a goner, also. Glad to see it has bloomed out! Beautiful! I hope you and George have a wonderful holiday weekend. We are getting rain as I type. I think we have had ten inches this month so far.

Small City Scenes said...

Hi Betsy, Our Rhodys are just beginning to bloom. All opening up now. Yours are gorgeous and ours will be too.
Yes I am wearing RED. Happy Pentecost to you all too.
Hope you are having a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. I know we are---well I am. Bob is rebuilding the deck on the little house on the property. He is so busy for an old geezer---well that is what he says.


Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Those are amazing. What great flowers!

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!
I LOVE azaleas....remembered me my old house, when I used to live in a house, in the center of my country.
Your garden is somethig...wonderful!!!

Many hugs Betsy

Bia <°)))<

Kay said...

Wow! Those gorgeous azaleas against the green house is just breath taking. The contrast is spectacular!

Twilight Man said...

These 2 shrubs of Azaleas made your house so pretty and neat looking. They looked like a bridal bouquet too!

A Colorful World said...

I'm so glad you didn't lose your plants because of all the ice! Those azaleas look so lovely against your green house! Love the closeups of the blooms...and that rhododendron! Stunning! Such southern flowers. I have always loved them both!