I never thought of myself as LOVING the color GREEN... If you ask me my favorite color, I'd either say blue or yellow... BUT---out in nature, one has to LOVE green!!!! So how could I not love all of the greens around me... I have a green house and even a green carpet! I love seeing the new green leaves on all of the big shade trees. I love this time of year when the grass shows off its sparkling green color. I guess I could say that GREEN is just a big part of me and my life here in the Glade!!!!!!
As you know, we have lots of different colors in our yard throughout the year... BUT--we also have LOTS of green.. Some of the plants that I truly LOVE are our HOSTAS. Since we have so much shade, the Hostas love being here. I'm not sure exactly how many Hosta plants I have now growing in our yard--but there are probably more than 30 now.
Today, I'll show you some of the HOSTA Plants around the yard... The one above is the largest one we have... It is amazingly beautiful!!!! Hope you enjoy seeing some of our Hostas today. Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.
I call this one my Blue/Green Hosta --since at times, it has a bluish tint. |
There are five Hostas growing in this area of our Ivy/Periwinkle Bed. |
Love this Hosta --given to me by friend, Marcia; |
Not a good picture --but I wanted to show you the Hostas (about 8 of them total) growing in my tiny little flowerbed next to the house, along the sidewalk leading from the front to the deck. |
This little solid green Hosta is surrounded by Pansies and our Clematis. |
I love the colors and design in this Hosta.. |
Hostas, Periwinkle (Vinca Minor), and English Ivy ---all bringing lots of GREEN to our yard |
I like this one with a tiny white border. |
Another Beauty---adding some yellow to the green |
HOSTAS, Pansies and our NEW Clematis Vine |
As I've told my Facebook friends, we have had trouble getting CLEMATIS to grow/bloom here. We 'inherited' (when we bought the house) a huge big Clematis vine growing up those horrible utility poles in the yard. BUT--it quit blooming. We took it down and tried a new Clematis (which DIED).. SO--last year, we bought this one at Lowe's ---and so far, it is doing great. I just hope that it will keep growing UP and will cover up some of those ghastly wires.... ha....
BUT--don't you love the Hostas in this bed along with the Pansies and Clematis?
Hope you enjoyed my GREENS today!!!
You have a great variety of lovely hostas, all of which I have had inmy garden at one time on the other. The Clematis is alsolovely and I hope it does well for you.
We need to borrow some thumbs... the green ones!
Green is a wonderful backdrop to all of the colors. You have a lovely collection of hostas. Can't grow them down here so I'll enjoy yours.
Have a great week ~ FlowerLady
Good Morning, Betsy, I love all your pretty hostas.. And the new Clematis is lovely, I hope it continues to grow for you! Have a happy day and new week ahead!
I have several hostas also. They are all from friends who were changing their gardens. Now I notice different ones. Pansies are one of my favourites. I don't currently have any. (I must change that.) I enjoyed your 'green' blog.
I am always amazed by how many shades of green there are in nature--many of which are right there in your garden!! Hostas make such a bold and lovely statement especially when paired with blooming plants. It's getting warmer and those pretty pansies will be but a sweet memory until next year.
I have a lot of clematis. I think yours might be Nellie Moser. The greens have such a wide range of color variance. I noticed that while driving along a ridge it goes from deep green to a yellowed tint.
This is a great time of year and it always lifts my spirits to see things turning green after a long winter.
Hostas have always been a favorite of mine
Glad to see your hosta doing well and the deer keeping away. They have been staying out of my backyard too so far this year. Liquid Fence and my other deterrents are working. Fingers crossed.
I love the flower bed with the Clematis and the pansies; it is so cheerful. We have Hostas all around the house and back yard tree. Love them
Betsy, The variety of plants in your yard goes on and on! Wow! I'm just happy that we have a few blooms in the spring and that our grass is green. We nurture and take care of our moss on the side of the house too...a lot less care than grass! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Love all those Hostas! Such a useful plant in the garden, 'cause they grow in the shade. Our garden started out as mainly a Hosta collection, so we have a lot, but they're still just emerging here; many are just spikes yet. But like yours, our world is now very green!
Good morning sunshine lady! You are always so positive and your thoughts and words filled with smiles! Beautiful photos as always. I am trying to catch up. Between painting, graduation and new babies coming soon, we are chasing ourselves! Hee Hee. Lots of rain in our forecast and I am going to hop into some warm clothes to head over to the bus with my honey so he can go to work! Enjoy your beautiful day! Hugs!
Just beautiful. I'm "green" with envy...haha! One of the things I loved when I lived in New England was taking a drive in CT after the long cold harsh winter and seeing the beautiful greens, and colorful trees/flowers in bloom. It's a beautiful state. So is Florida. We have a lot of green where I am. Other than those 2 awful hot months (July & Aug) it's beautiful. Great pictures! Hugs XX
The hostas are excellent, but I especially adore your header! So gorgeous!
You've a lot of hosta varieties! We had some at our other house, but there isn't enough shade here for them to do their best. xo Nellie
Hosta's looking good Betsy - one of Bev's favorites.
Wow, how old is that first hosta? It is amazing! What do you feed it?! ;)
I didn't realize all the different, beautiful greens w have in our yard this time of the year. Thanks for reminding me through your wonderful photos.
I have never had these plants. After seeing how well yours did, may try getting me some. I do believe you and George have the best "green thumb" around.
It's amazing how beautiful nature can be in all it's glory. From your gorgeous green to our beautiful desert all decked out for spring.
Okay green is my favorite color. Love your hostas. I have to laugh because we moved some hostas last night - and now I am wondering if they were hostas!
Oh, so beautiful indeed!! Such a great variety!! Wonderful captures for the day, Betsy!! Terrific to be surrounded by so much beauty!! Love it!! Hope you have a great week!!
I love hostas anywhere, any time! Sarah has a clematis the color of yours. And I think that is the first one I got that died on me. Have no idea why. I still love the color and may try it again sometime.
I am a foliage person and the Hostas are the show offs of the foliage class. Thanks for so many shots of my favorites.
Betsy, we love our hostas as well....we really need to thin them out next spring.
So lovely and leafy!
My absolute favorite green plant is the hosta. I had three growing here but two didn't survive. Maybe too much sun? I would love to plant more in my borders. Your gardens are so beautiful Betsy. It's easy to see how much you love them.
I always loved seeing my hostas pop out in spring. I could always count on them. I don't see them in Hawaii though. It must need the winter.
Good morning, Betsy. Your hostas are outstanding. I've never put them in but I hear they do well in my area too. I put in a couple of gerbera daisies last week and they are actually surviving my touch. The weather here is a perfect, cool May. I hope we have a long spring before the heat of summer hits.
The last picture is gorgeous, especially the Clematis! My favorite Hosta is the one given to you be Marcia. It is so pretty that it does not even need any flowers!
Green is definitely not my first color choice in clothes,but I sure do love it in the plants and grass in spring. BTW,our snow is pretty much gone,now one more night of below freezing temperatures predicted and then,hopefully warmer weather.
I'm not a fan of green either but I like that this color is so relaxing to the eyes and calming to the mind. Especially the plants like these.
i thought u were going 2 talk Kermie!! love those hostas! ( :
All of the hostas are lovely, Betsy. But I especially like that one that Marcia gave you.
All the different shades of green are very pretty but I love the last picture with the splashes of color mixed in the green.
I love all the different shades of green that spring time bring out.
If we don't get some rain soon I'm afraid all our green is going to turn brown. We are so dry and each day the rain seems to go all around us. Oh well it'll come when God says it's time !
Your hosta's are beautiful.
Clematis can be very picky about sunlight. I've had one that bloomed sporadically.
I love hostas too. You have a nice selection. I like your bed with the clematis and pansies. The color combinations are so bright and cheerful.
Beautiful colors of green. The shades in the green leaves looks beautiful...
They do provide different shades of green. I like the different variegated leaves.
Hope you get my comment . I keep getting a message that I haven't saved it .
And gorgeous greens they are Betsy. I obviously love green too, although I would have said blue and pink were my favorite colors. But, I shoot a lot of green photos! Thanks so much for your visit and comment. I feel like a totally new blogger, having been away for so long. You've helped make the transition back a bit easier! :)
Your hostas are really thriving this year, Betsy! They look fabulous. I can't seem to grow them here --the deer eat them as if they were a salad.
Your hostas look great, Betsy! So pretty!
Lovely green!!
Very pretty and colorful indeed, in green! Among green, I love lawns and meadows and wish to roll on... lol
It is only natural to know that you develop a liking for different colors every year. Now is green, next year could be blue.
When I looked back at the old Chevrolets and Pontiac cars of the 60s & 70s, I wondered how I could like them before. They look funny weirdos now compared to the latest models running on the streets. Human brains changed, the flowers and cars didn't change.
Hi Betsy, not sure how I missed your message on facebook about this hosta blog. They are all very beautiful! You know I love hostas!
I added 8 or 9 new ones this year. I need to get out there and get them labeled before I forget their names!
Last winter I decided I needed a break from blogging and now I'm finding it hard to get back to it. Been so busy! Trying to spend more time with my elderly parents and 3 grandkids. I do plan on getting back to it eventually.
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