Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 25, 2015

IRISES in our Yard 2015--Part I

It's amazing how nature works during the Spring...  When one group of flowers quit blooming,  another group begins!!!!!  First we had our Crocuses/Hyacinths; then it was the Daffodils;  then the Tulips;  and now the Irises..... Guess what group is next for us?????  OUR ROSES!!!!!  Yeah!  (Plus---we still have Lilies and Daylilies to come!!!! Yeah!)

Today (and again on Thursday) I will share all of the many different Irises we had this year... Our Irises bloomed and bloomed ---and I was THRILLED to see so many of them.  We had 20 different varieties (most with lots and lots of blooms)...  I'll share 10 of them today (plus some group shots) and the other 10 on Thursday...

Hope you enjoy seeing the irises.  Click on them for enlargements.  The one above is a 'group' one --showing you what some of our Road Flowerbed looked like when so many of them were blooming!!!!  This photo was taken on 5/08/15.

1. Blatant Iris (taken on 4/23/15)

2.  Floor Show Iris  (4/28/15)

3.  Halloween Halo Irises (5/10/15)

Some of the Irises in the Side Flowerbed (near our deck);  We enjoyed these while sitting on our swing doing our devotions each morning.  (4/28/15)

4.  English Charm Iris   (5/07/15)

5.  Hell's Fire Iris  (This Iris can look almost BLACK in certain lights.)  Taken on 4/29/15

6. Electric Shock Irises (5/09/15)

7.  Lemon Reflection Iris  (5/09/15)

8.  Autumn Bugler Irises (on the side flowerbed,  with the sun beaming down on them); Taken on 4/29/15

9.  Orange Harvest Irises (5/07/15)

10.  Goodnight Kiss Iris (5/01/15)
OKAY---now you get to pick a favorite from this first group of ten... I have even numbered them to make it easier for you....  My top two from this group are Number  3 and 9.....  BUT--they are all gorgeous!!!!

Happy Memorial Day today.   Please take a minute to thank all of those in the Armed Forces who keep (and have kept) us FREE and SAFE... God Bless them ALL.

Have a wonderful week.



Twilight Man said...

I love the flowers and my favorites are 1, 2 & 3!

Happy Memorial Day to you all.
Goodness, it was in 1992 when I last attended the Memorial Parade in Washington DC.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You garden from the spring on must be a riot of coloour from some flower or other and these Iris are gorgeous. I particularly love the ones with twin colours, Very pretty.

diane b said...

Not only nature is wonderful but the gardeners need congratulating too. I like no. 5 best but I would be happy to have any one of them growing in my garden.

Ms. A said...

I can't pick a favorite, they are all beautiful... and so is your photography!

Megs said...

I like them all, but 6 and 7 I think would look good planted together.
It is nice to see your view during devotions- a garden is the best place to pray!

BlueShell said...

Lovely flowers...stunning photos.
Thank you for sharing such beauty.



Fun60 said...

I love your irises. I remember thinking last year that I should plant some iris bulbs but no I forgot!

Ann said...

2 6 and 10. I can't pick just one :)

Ann said...

2 6 and 10. I can't pick just one :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your irises are so beautiful!

Fitness journal?! With all that hiking you and George always do I can't imagine you'd need much more! ;-) Good for you all for always being role models of health.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your irises are so beautiful!

Fitness journal?! With all that hiking you and George always do I can't imagine you'd need much more! ;-) Good for you all for always being role models of health.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, sorry I can not pick a favorite. They are all beautiful! Lovely images, have a happy day!

Liene said...

Happy Memorial Day! Lovely irises, I was so happy to see how tough they are, and how well they do in the Southern climate. Up North we planted tulips, but here in SC it's been irises!

Ruth Hiebert said...

My favourites are numbers 1through 10. While scrolling through this post,I barely took time to breathe. WOW! Did I mention that I LOVE Irises?

Out on the prairie said...

I had to cut a few that rain pushed down. They are always a real show stopper for me.I love the huge blooms of the hybrids, but have some wild ones also.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

All your irises are lovely. And you captured them beautifully. I couldn't try to pick a favorite.

DeniseinVA said...

A spectacular show of iris' Betsy. What a sight they must be in your garden.

LV said...

They are all very pretty, but will have to go with No.5. Mine were pretty for a few days, but mother nature has taken a toll on everything here. Washing us away. No flowers left.

George said...

You got great pictures of all these irises. I couldn't pick a favorite if I had to!

Arkansas Patti said...

Your neighbors must be so glad you moved in. You give them such a visual treat.
Number 9 really captured my eye.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous flowers and colors and superb captures as always, Betsy!! Hard to pick a favorite they are all so beautiful, but I do love #7 and #9, such exquisite colors!!! Hope you have a great new week!!

A Colorful World said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I think I like Hell's Fire the best, though it was really hard to pick!

Roses and Lilacs said...

You have so many lovely varieties. Love Electric Shock, Orange Harvest, and Goodnight Kiss. I have only one early bloomer, white Immortality which blooms again later in the year. I need to order some of the newer colors.

Janice K said...

At first glance, I like Electric Shock. I had some similar once, but they died out. Yours are all so pretty!

Terri D said...

How can anyone pick just one? Your flowers are all gorgeous!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It is amazing! How the flowers do bloom so pretty. Yall have gorgeous flowers

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
I love your Irises! so pretty aren't they? your garden truly is a place of plenty and splendour - I'm captivated by them all, but you have asked for a favourite! I love no. 6, the blue is beautiful and no.1 the blatant Iris has a gorgeous combination of colour, I couldn't pick just one! Sending love and respect for Memorial Day from the UK, God Bless x x x

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful pictures and wonderful flowers! My fav is #5.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy! I do love Irises and I have never seen such beauties! Yours are wonderful. I will admit I am always just a bit envious of your lovely gardens that would just die in the heat here in the desert. Thanks for sharing and have a great week!

Small Kucing said...

am looking forward to your roses. They are the best .

Judy said...

So pretty. My irises are in bloom now also.

carolina nana said...

Happy Memorial Day to you and George. Hope you all had a great one. My roses are ding well this year even with our lack of rain. I have enjoyed all the flowers so much this spring. Your Iris are lovely, I need to get more Iris varieties for my yard. You inspire me !!!

Dan the Mountain Man said...

Number 4 caught my eye, it looks a nose hiding behind the petals.

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,

I think the Hells Fire Iris is my favourite.
You do have a very nice selection of irises - can understand why you love sitting there among all these beautiful colours. Have a lovely Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Ooooh - those irises are so gorgeous!

Small City Scenes said...

Our Iris are just blooming now. Not as many as you have but some. No names but they are yellow, purple and blue. I want to get some of the giant deep purple that smell like grape juice. I always forget at the right time.
Have a super week

Betsy said...

#8 is my favorite. I love that purple color. Your yard must just be a joy to behold for all of your neighbors. I think I would park my knitting chair right in your driveway Betsy! :-)

Susie Swanson said...

These are the most beautiful Irises I've ever seen. We have some but none as colorful as ya'll have. hugs, xo

Jeevan said...

Great watching these irises... very beautiful and eye-catching! I love the patterns of Floor show iris (2)... so obviously it’s my favourite and i also like the English charm (4) and your fav 3. These flowers have interesting cut edges. Superb capture and you got great lights

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i do have to ask - do you neighbors look at your yard and think - i will never live up to their blooms. you all have such a gorgeous garden. amazing!! love them all. i am always a fan of iris. too lovely!! ( :

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I am for that Blatant. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

These iris photos are fabulous. I love all of the many different colors. You are so blessed to have all of these beautiful flowers. Loved this posting!

Connie said...

So gorgeous! #s 1 and 10 are my top two in this post.