Blue Skies after our little SNOW STORM on 2/18 |
After our snow storm on 2/18 (which I loved), the SUN came out... SO--George and I got some good pictures the afternoon of the 18th and also on the 19th.... There's nothing more gorgeous than to see the sun hitting a newly fallen snow and the trees --as they glistened like jewelry!!!!! Hope you enjoy this group...Click to enlarge!!!!
Since the ice from Monday's Ice Storm (2/16) was still with us, the trees were showing off their beauty after the Snow Storm. I love to see the glistening trees. You? |
The Icicles around our home just got bigger and bigger as we progressed through our week. Remember that our temperatures stayed blow freezing most all of the week --so we had very little melting. |
This photo really shows off our glistening trees when the sun came out. |
This is an 'up close and personal' picture of the ice hanging off of one of our Holly Bushes in the front yard.... |
I was standing behind this big icicle on our front porch... SO pretty!!! |
Loved the dark blue sky here ---and some snow on some of the larger branches; |
Sun, puffy clouds, snow, glistening trees and shadows; Looks so peaceful, doesn't it? (Sorta like the CALM before the STORM) |
Ice coating every single twig/branch/limb EVERYWHERE; Dangerous for the trees (as you will find out in my next post) --but so pretty to feature in photos; |
I just kept taking more and more pictures of the Glistening Trees!!!! |
Beautiful Icicles---along our front porch (actually almost all around the house); I enjoyed getting this picture from the porch looking toward the sky... | |
If you have missed any of these FOUR posts so far, you can click
HERE to see any or all of them... (They will be in reverse order starting with today's post and working backwards.)
The reason I want you to see all of the pictures so far is because Part 5 is a SAD one to see.... I'll share some of Storm Number THREE of the week (2/21/15). This one was a huge ICE STORM with winds up to 50 mph (much worse than Storm 1)---and it was (and still is) horrible around our entire area. They said it was equivalent to a Category 2 Tornado. More on this next time.
Check out my Photo Blog (click
HERE) for a neat picture of some Evergreen Fingers!!!!
All I can say is that I hope that MARCH is a much better month for Tennessee than February was!!!!!! Have a wonderful week and WELCOME to March... Don't forget to check out my new quotes on the right sidebar. Love to ALL.
Betsy I can not get over the length of those icicles. WOW! Everything looks so pretty with the sun on it.Have a great week.
Lovely images, but I wouldn't have wanted to be out there in it. I get way too cold in my old age.
That blue sky makes such a gorgeous backdrop to the brilliant white of the snow.
What beautiful photos especially with that lovely blue sky, it all looks serene.
I'm sorry you had yet another storm that was so terribly bad.
Glad you survived though and are able to share with us.
Nothing prettier than when the sun comes out and makes the ice covered trees sparkle!!
Seeing winter through your eyes makes me a little less cold!
Hello Betsy, pretty images of your icy winter wonderland... I hope all is well, stay warm.. have a great day!
Very pretty , but very dangerous. I'm glad things are well at your house and your power is back on.
Those are some awesome photos. I especially like the icicle pictures and the sun glinting off the ice on the trees. I am just so thankful that you and George made it through these storms without any mishaps. Your March quotes are very good.
Hi Betsy, The forecast is for a little more snow for Cumberland County this week. I can't imagine! Hope all is progressing well in clean-ups and power restoration. I heard schools closed a week! Wow! I am praying for your area to recover well. Have a super nice day today!
Lots of beauty to be found. We are expecting ice tomorrow. I am headed out of town so hope not to get stranded.
This was definitely the prettiest day of the entire week, and you've captured it beautifully.
The ice and snow sure is pretty against the gorgeous blue skies....but I know how it all ends. SO sad to see the trees and plants suffer like they do. I TOO hope that March is a better weather month for you.
You're right about how beautiful it can be when you get a sunny day after a snow storm or ice storm (as long as there wasn't too much damage). And you got some beautiful pictures of it! You've got me a little worried about #5 though...
Betsy, great winter pictures. Having lived in the North, I can almost hear that wind whistling through the trees and around the house. Ugh!
Every one of the pictures are awesome...my favorite, is the icicles. The length of the icicles, tells just how cold it was and that this cold lasted quite a while. One good thing is, you and George were able to capture in your photos....GOD's splendid beauty.
Stay warm ..Hope your weather is much better.
WOW!!! I LOVE these pictures. You captured the sparkle in those icy trees so well. Now,if only that had been the end of the storms. Have a most beautiful day.
Love and hugs to you.
Betsy, Great photos! The snow and even the ice is beautiful but I'm glad its gone...at least down here in the valley. We moved south to East Tennessee so we'd minimize our snow and ice exposure while still having a winter season. Two weeks of real winter is enough for us! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Such beautiful, icy pictures, Betsy, and particularly against those blue, blue skies!! You have indeed captured the snowy beauty so perfectly! Have a great new week and do stay warm!!
Lots of beautiful snow that hopefully will feed all your bulbs! If it warms up, you may have a few pop up from the ground.
Oh my gosh, I did not know this! You poor guys to had to go through this! That huge icicle is amazing, it looks like circles and swirls upon swirls of ice! Also my favorites are the BRIGHT intense blue sky, and the ice on the limb, you can really see the thickness and how it encases it. I would have been afraid to walk off the porch in case one of those daggers came down on me!
I just love ice - I think it makes everything so pretty - but it can prove dangerous to people and plants sometimes.
The ice on the branches is like jewels. Just gorgeous!
I like the icicle curtain around your house :) and that blue sky is beautiful
Oh, Betsy, what a beautiful sparkling world that must have been. Just beautiful!
Hard on everything for sure! But very pretty to do photos of which you did!
Great pictures. We are supposed to get more snow on Thursday and I am not at all happy about it.
As I was admiring the amazing shots of the ice in the trees I was thinking how lucky that it wasn't a bit worse and a branch breaker.
Don't like the sounds of what is to come. Hope you stayed safe.
The ice is beautiful, but also trecherous. Hope your gutters survive all that ice! Stay safe on that "new" knee!
As gorgeous as your photos are I know that weather you had going through brought some bad with it, like your long power failure :( I will check out your other links now. Thanks for sharing Betsy. Stay safe and warm :)
Some beautiful photos, Betsy, but I know all too well how dangerous that ice can be and how much damage it can do. I'll be glad for spring to arrive.
We've actually had a pretty easy winter here in Southwest Saskatchewan - I thank my lucky stars!
Wishing you a most wonderful Betsy!
Let us hope for warmer weather.
xo Catherine
You guys have really had some wild winter weather in your area. We've been lucky, so far, and have only had a few snows...with 5 inches being the most over the weekend here and no ice to speak of.
Your photos are so pretty and I love the way the ice sparkles on the trees. Take care!
Gorgeous pictures, but those ice storms are wicked. I remember those well from my college years in Chicago! You've really had more than your share of winter this year! Hope spring comes soon!
That weather sure makes pretty photos. The icicles are amazing. I hope the storms have all finished.
The icicles have decorated your house beautifully like festoons... though the snow storms has created plenty of opportunity to photo shoots those glistering trees and pretty white landscape of snow against blue sky. The situation sounds so bad and I wonder how you guys managed the freezing cold weather.
Oh, my, Betsy, these photos are fabulous, but what an ice storm you had! I do love the giant-sized icicles, I love the beautiful snow photos, but I can see you really had a hard storm with the high winds and ice. I'm so glad you made it through OK. Ice storms sure cause a lot of damage. I also look forward to spring.
I noticed this morning that my neighbor's jonquils were blooming! That's a sign that spring will come again! I sure look forward to it, too.
WOW...WOW...WOW!!! These photos Sparkle! Glad you enjoyed your snow. I enjoyed the snow, but not the ice.
You really out did yourself with these photos.
love & hugs,
Hi Betsy!
What beautiful photo's, a winter wonderland! it must be bitterly cold though and quite scary with the oncoming storms, I hope you and George are staying safe and warm though - as ever, I love your quotes x x x
For you sake too I hope March is a much better and warmer month.
Hang in there.
Really pretty shots Betsy
I looked at that top picture of you house and shivered. I then said to myself "Brrrrr." That wasn't the worst of it. Each photo told the story of a week to remember for sure. I do hope you see some relief soon. I know the forecast isn't too hopeful. Hang in there.
I just can't get enough of these beautiful snow pictures. However, I hope for you that the weather will be much better this month.
Really lovely Betsy!
Pretty photos. Those icicles are amazing. You don't usually get that much winter weather or that cold. I'm guessing that you don't have as much insulation in the attic as people farther north. If you stayed below freezing and the icicles grew, there was likely heat escaping through the roof melting what was over the house and then it refroze as it ran over the edge where there was no heat anymore.
As a kid, I always wanted to eat icicles until my dad brought one inside and laid it in the bathtub to let melt. Once I saw all the dirt left behind, I didn't want to eat them anymore! Ha. We're getting a warm up hope you're doing better too.
lovely icicles, Betsy. But too bad about the storm and having blackouts.
Yes, hopefully March will be a better month too.
Oh my gosh! That looks so cold!
Despite the difficult situation you guys have been going through, you still managed to take some excellent photos.
Hang in there!
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