A Happy Girl LOVES seeing the SNOW (2/18/15) |
Oh--what a crazy week we had last week!!!!! We experienced THREE winter storms --and since the temperatures were below freezing ALL WEEK, all of the different weather we got stayed with us all week... It was totally crazy. (Be sure and read my
UPDATE at the bottom of this post.. It's truly crazy!)
This second storm was my favorite --as you can tell by my picture above... I LOVE Snow---and even though this was not a big snow, it was a pretty one... Hope you enjoy today's pictures. Be sure to click on them for enlargements.
Our Home in the Snow (2/18/15) |
From our deck, we had a Winter Wonderland outside!! |
Huge Icicle on the corner of our house; This one is hanging on one of our small wind chimes. Neat, huh? |
Snow on one of the HOLLY Bushes |
Another picture from our deck --looking toward the golf course fairway |
Our front porch as the snow was falling; Note our special sign (A True Love Story Never Ends) given to me by George for Christmas! Love it. |
Close-up of the House during the Snow Storm (2/18/15) |
Hope you enjoyed today's pictures. I have one more set from this day--which I will share at a later date. This 2nd storm of the week was definitely the prettiest we had all week. Oh --how I love snow, even in small amounts....
Here's an
UPDATE for you: I should be talking about 11 days of Weather to Remember (instead of just ONE week)... Since I started these posts, we have had TWO more storm systems go through our area. Besides the three storms I am reporting on (2/16, 2/18, and 2/21)---we have had two more systems go through (2/23-24 and 2/25-26).... And the craziest thing about these
FIVE STORMS for us is that our temperatures never got much above freezing the entire time.. SO---we still have snow and ice from ALL of them here... Yes---it will be 11 days for us to remember.
My next post will be Part 4 (sunny skies after the snow storm of 2/18).... As I've said several times, the best thing to come out of all of these storms was all of the pretty pictures we got. We'll have these memories from this crazy week for a long long time.
If you missed Part I (2/16), click
HERE. If you missed Part II (2/17), click
Yes Betsy, I cannot disagree there Snow makes your photos very beautiful. Glad you are safe and well.
I knew you would venture out in it at some point! Glad you didn't bust your butt, re-injure the knee... or break a hip!
Yes, the snow and even the icicles are pretty. But, as you found out these storms are dangerous.. I am glad you were OK. Great shots, have a happy day!
Snow continues again today. You must have gotten some of this one. Is your power okay? I heard on the news that TN was hit hard.
I love the pop of color in your house and flag in the first photo!!
It's been a wild winter for sure! I love your love story sign... George did well! blessings ~ tanna
Everything is delayed today from our snow yesterday and last night. I am glad you got to play in some finally. It is 2 today so now I wish to be warmer. Come by, I have 3 sleds.
This will be a Winter to remember, that is for sure. The pictures you took are so lovely. I love looking outside at freshly fallen snow. I just don't like all the work and "fear of falling" that goes along with it. Love your sign hanging by the front door. Stay safe.
Glad you're enjoying your storms so much! No storms here, just continuing bitter cold. Don't remember when it was last above freezing - sometime in January.
I agree that you got some pretty pictures, but I'm still ready for Spring!
I am glad you enjoyed the snow! For me, the only real winter is a snowy one, but that's not a popular view up here. Most people grumble through January and February. And if we get snow in March, well, they just might seriously consider moving! LOL We have had a gorgeous winter, and the best thing about the cold is that the snow stays. My favorite thing is when the sun comes out and the surface of the snow glitters!
Betsy, snow everywhere! I'll be you will really be happy to see a bit of Spring and the melting of all that white stuff!
It's been the same for us. We may get above freezing this Sunday. I've loved snow all my life but as there it has stayed with us for days and days and days. Ten inches of crunchy to walk through. I'm ready now for spring. I know when this big mess begins to melt this weekend it will be that ugly winter look I don't care for at all.
Stay warm.
Very pretty, and your photos are wonderful, but I don't ever want to see that kind of weather up close and personal, ever again! You may have it!! :)
This will certainly be a week you will always remember. I am so glad you had each other to share this time with and now also the clean-up.Even during times like this you still found beauty and I like that. Hugs. :)
Oh my goodness you have sure been through the ringer there. We are sort of right there with you - but not as bad as yours. You look warm and pretty in purple!
Beautiful pictures! We got dumped on again last night. A beautiful snow, but I am definitely over it!
Beautiful snow and beautiful captures! I love them! We don't often get snow here in Portland, but when we do it's beautiful, too!! Stay warm and safe and have a great weekend!
Yikes!!! Those pictures look cold Betsy. We made it here to DC as you saw in my FB post and we're currently getting even MORE snow this morning. No sightseeing this trip. I'm glad you and George are fine.
Betsy, Great winter photos! We had 6" of snow down here in the Tennessee valley last night... We don't like snow although it is pretty. The best part about snow here in East Tennessee is that it doesn't last long and its never around long enough to get dirty and ugly. We'll take our 2 weeks of winter anytime as compared to the never ending winters of Chicago. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Photos are beautiful. I have a love/hate relationship with snow. We just got a couple more inches which is nice because it makes the old, gray snow look pristine again. Enjoy your snow while it lasts. Almost spring in your area.
We have five inches of fresh snow here this morning. That is on that base of ice from last week's ice storms. So glad you have power restored. There are many in your area still without, I imagine.
Stay safe, and keep warm!
Wow Betsy, that sure is a lot of snow and ice, and a LOT of storms! Makes for pretty photos though, love all the ones you've shared, and love the one of you :) George's gift is so cute!
The pretty snow sure beat the destructive ice.
You are right Betsy....the pictures have been so pretty..I especially like the one of the big ol' icicle. Looks like you all are sure being hammered with this Winter weather. I am sure hoping that all of the roses and other gorgeous plants in your yard, survive!
Stay warm and cuddled up!!
We have had lots of big storms and we just got a snow storm overnight. Just as we were recovering from ten inches last week. And now it has been snowing all night and more to come today. I hope I can make my doctor appointment. BUT I am so glad there was no ice!! And you poor thing with the power out. That icicle is the Mother Of All Icicles!! The time changes in a week, so maybe this was winter's last hurrah!
Aw, that is just beautiful Betsy and I am like you in loving the snow. That icicle is down right wicked looking.
Bet you enjoyed that fireplace.
You do look very happy in that picture. I wish I could share your joy over snow. This year has been crazy here too. The temperatures have been so low and the amount of snow is unbelievable
Beautiful landscapes, for sure!
Definitely what we don't have here in Brazil....
Kisses and hugs!!!
Bia <°)))))<
You look so cute all bundled up out there in the snow, Betsy! Wow, that is one crazy icicle. It's been below freezing here for so long now that I'm beginning to wonder if spring is ever going to come back! Glad you got your snow you wanted! :)
We got a beautiful snow last night but it disappeared quickly today in the sun and 40 degree temp, now we have mostly mud to deal with.
Stay safe and warm
Series of storm sounds strange and I could understand how terrific it should be... striking off without a gap. Hope there’s no more storm waits ahead. You got some fabulous photos and it seems u too enjoying the snow despite being intense cold!
Oh, WOW, Betsy! What a change in scenery this is compared to the flowers I'm used to seeing in your yard!
Stay warm, move around safely (it looks like it could be slick!) and keep smiling! I'd be out taking pictures, too... while storms can be a nuisance, they sure make wonderful photo opportunities!
Looks like you're happy in the snow.
Sounds like a typical winter where I live. : )
Wow, that is really bad weather !
You sure are taking it in stride. Stay warm and safe. We are in for the weekend while snow makes it to us too.
That's a crazy number of storms! I love snow - but not ice on the ground so much. Great pictures.
ooooh, I just know what a happy girl you would be in all that white stuff Betsy!! the photos around the house etc are just stunning!! a canvas perhaps? I'm so pleased you got a good dump of the white stuff! :) Send some over to hot humid old Oz hey?!
Wow, Betsy! What a winter you've had! It all looks so beautiful and I imagine that it feels wonderfully cozy inside looking out. That said, five winter storms? Oh, my. I'll bet you're looking forward to spring. Can't wait to see Part 4!
I have thought about you and George so many times during all this awful winter weather. You really got hit hard, didn't you? Well, maybe, just maybe spring isn't too far off and the sun will be shining brightly and you and George can hit the road again and share your beautiful pictures.
I am not a winter person. We have been having this all week. Have not been out of house as to dangerous. My sister has been going through the same cold as you but not as much. Be careful and stay warm.
I love the snow pictures, but I am.looking forward for sunshine pictures:)
You are very sweet though in the picture:)
Gorgeous photos! Love the house with the snow coming down! I can't believe how it just keeps coming! Looks so COLD!!!!
I've been following your snow on Facebook as well. The snow makes it look so pretty doesn't it? Here in Ireland we haven't gotten much, we only have some snow high up in the mountains. We did have some snow falling earlier today, but it doesn't stick, it's too mild.
Oh, Betsy, what weather you have had! We got 7 or 8 inches last night...the most we have had this winter. I tried to go for a little walk, but too deep and slick to enjoy it. I came so close to falling a time or two...
I wish you guys all the luck and blessings in trying to dig out. It seems the weather has been bad for you guys and we are totally opposite. We are warmer without snow or rain or cold this year. It is all bass-acwards. Send some of that back to us. We need it.
Hi Betsy! Yep, I'm still here...just been very busy with one thing or another. I think you've had much more wintry weather than we have. We did get around 5 inches of snow over the weekend, but the weather man is now saying it'll get into the 50's Tuesday with a possible thunderstorm!! What??? As you know, the weather is downright crazy. Loved seeing your snowy photos and hope you and George are staying safe and well!
Wow, you have had a crazy winter, Betsy! Strangely enough, our winter in Utah has been unusually mild with very little snow.
How come nobody was out there golfing? I guess you'd need to have an orange golf ball to see it. Those icicles are kind of scary looking.
You are cute in the snow. Your house is just beautiful in the snow. And that was a killer looking ice cycle!
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