On the night of 2/20, BEFORE the ice came, we had some beautiful SNOW. |
Well my Friends.... Here it comes!!! So far I've shown you four other blog posts talking about the unbelievable 11 days of Winter Storms. The first storm was an Ice Storm on 2/16; second was a Snow Storm on 2/18; third was a HORRIBLE ICE STORM on 2/21; 4th was a Snow Storm on 2/24 (which luckily missed us except for a dusting); and 5th was another Snow Storm on 2/26 which did hit us. The only one of those storms to cause us damage was THIS one on 2/21 (the 3rd one)..
The temperatures stayed BELOW freezing during that entire 11 days. Because of that, anything we got with each storm stayed with us for the entire time... Finally, on 2/27 and 2/28, the temperatures got above freezing as the thaw began... After that --it's CLEAN-UP time (which will take us a LONG time).
I've talked about this terrible Ice Storm on 2/21 so much, but unless you are on Facebook (or unless I emailed you), you haven't seen the photos yet... I chose 20 pictures to share from this storm --and will divide them into two blog posts. Please click on the pictures for enlargements--if you 'really' want to see all of the damage.
This was what we found when daylight came on 2/21... One to two inches of heavy ice was coating EVERYTHING. Tons of limbs/branches down and sticks EVERYWHERE! |
After the snow, the ice came---all night long. This was the scariest part of the entire storm for us. The noise of that ice/50 mph winds/limbs/trees blowing on our house was extremely scary. We had no idea what we would find at daylight...We thought at that time that we had damage to our house.. The noise was unbelievable --and kept us awake most of the night... AND--the power went out during the night. The above picture is what we found the next morning.
This was our first view from our front porch... You can't tell but that was about 2 inches of solid ice on our driveway. |
At daylight, George wanted to go outside to check the top of our house... BUT--there was slick ice everywhere... He finally made it out by carefully going on the deck and down the steps. What he found was GOOD news for us.. There was NO damage to our home that we knew of at the time....
We are so thankful that we paid big bucks several months ago to get all of the trees/limbs near our home trimmed/cut. We are thankful to God that we made that decision, because I'm sure we would have had house damage if we hadn't have done that.
Limbs of all sizes --all over our yard |
The ice (along with the high wind) was just too much for so many limbs... BUT--in our yard, we did not lose any 'total' trees. Thanks be to God.
An up close and personal view of some of our ICE on the trees |
This picture shows some of our front yard and the large Rose Bed |
Most of you know how much George and I love our yard --and how much time we spend keeping it looking pretty... WELL---as the old southern gal would say: "It 'ain't' pretty now!!!!!".... BUT--even through all of this, we kept the faith and knew that we still have so many many blessings. Thanks be to God.
The flag pole kept standing --but OH--the poor flag! |
Those winds just tore the flag to shreds.... I've never seen anything like this before.
Just another picture showing the damage |
Besides making it through the scary night (with all of the noise)---another scary thing for us was opening the door on the deck and just LISTENING to all of the CRACKING and POPPING of limbs in the tops of the trees. Unbelievable!
A delicious dinner by candlelight (2/21) |
Since we had no power, our dinner the first night was all cold cuts... And since George and I always try to make the best of every situation, we sat by our wonderful gas-log fireplace (which kept us warm all weekend, thanks be to God) and had a 'candlelight dinner' UNLIKE any we have ever had... ha... Our Dinner: chicken and ham over cottage cheese with some green onions and shredded cheese on the top. We enhanced that dinner with some sliced tomatoes and baby carrots... YUM... And while eating, we counted our blessings that we were safe and together, and other than yard damage, things were going to be okay.
GROWING Icicles along our garage |
Finally, I'll close this post showing you how the icicles around our house just grew and grew ---as we went through storm after storm after storm.... George captured this beauty --and I just had to show it to you. We both love icicles.
Well there are several things we know now that we didn't know during the storm. Yes, we were without power for 50 hours ---BUT there are many people in our area who were without power for over a week. AND---once we could get out and drive around the area, we were shocked at how much more damage most people had than us.. This area has experienced one of the worst storms it has had in many, many years. Even the Governor visited the area. Someone said that it was like a Cat. 2 Tornado--but much more wide-spread. YES---WE were lucky right here at our home!
Stay tuned for PART II of this storm.
Yes Betsy I have been following looking at your terrible weather you have had but thank goodness no serious damage to you both or your home. Praise The Lord.
Despite the danger and inconvenience there is so much beauty in that world of ice we had. However, I am counting the days until spring.
Thank goodness you didn't have any major damage!
Betsy, I think those storms were too ugly. I wish you peaceful days without a storm. We are looking forward to spring!! I send a lot of greetings to your home. Jarka
I have never experienced an ice storm and hope I never do. It is good to count your blessings and I'm sure you will have your yard looking beautiful again before too long, but my what a lot of work you have ahead of you. Maybe you need a little break somewhere to renew your energy and enthusiasm for the task ahead.
So glad your home suffered no damages and that you mostly have a lot of wood to pick up. It reminds me of all the debris we have to clean up after a hurricane.
Going through an ice storm like you did I would be terrified.
Love and hugs to you both ~ FlowerLady
Hello Betsy, I am glad you survived this ice storm with no damage.. I know the trees were hurting and some plants. But, you and George and much more important.. Have a happy day!
Wow! That was quite an ice storm, Betsy!!! What a mess to have to clean up! But you were blessed that it wasn't worse. Good thing you had heat! We are getting some freezing rain this morning (3-5-2015). Hopefully it won't be as much as you had.
I have been following this horrific storm in your area, and it makes me feel guilty for complaining about the bit that we have. Lots of cleaning up and clean up can be dangerous in itself. The flag pretty well shows just how strong the winds where and how damaging the ice has been. We had ice last night....
Oh goodness Betsy. That storm, or storms, were just horrible. I hope they are over for you now. Your sense of humor and adventure surely helped you during that stressful time. Freezing rain is falling here in DC right now, with 4-9 inches of snow predicted today too. Yuck. This weather has sure been crazy this year. I'm so thankful that you and George are okay.
All I can say is Wow!! I am so glad that you and George are okay and that your house didn't sustain any damage. If that is what your yard looks like I would hate to see your neighbors. Yes, it does look like a tornado went thru there. God has blessed you and kept you safe.
Nature is completely out of control all over this year. You really had some bad ice. So glad you did not receive anymore damage than you did. We are covered in one of the biggest snows we have had in a long time today.
This takes me back to the ice storm that we had about 14 years ago. We lost power for 10 LONG days..it was awful. We were so unprepared. I remember sitting by the front window and listening to the CRACK of the pine tree limbs as they broke. It was the most powerful weather event I had ever seen, and I hope never to see it again.
I'm not sure I should thank you for this reminder of our scary storm, but I do think you got some great pictures that showed what happened around the house.
Amazing photos!!! 50 hours without power?? Wow. That's why I'd rather have two feet of snow than one inch of ice!
Holy cow!!!
I have never seen an ice storm anywhere near as incredible as what you have been through. It's hard to imagine how scary it must have been. So glad you and the house survived without much damage.
Wow - that was some storm! Lethal beauty.
Such a horrific storm and so much damage, but I'm glad you and George didn't have any more than you did and that neither of you were injured!! Stay safe and warm and hopefully there won't be a return of another one!!! It has been a most unusual weather year -- ours has been just the opposite of yours, practically no serious cold, lots of sun and blue skies nearly all winter!! Never seen one of those in the northwest either!!
You have documented your experiences so well! You also are so quick to recognize your many blessings. It has sure been "the" winter to remember! Looking forward to the next installment!! Thanks for sharing this with us.
Betsy, Very graphic photos! We lost a lot of trees down here in the valley too but nothing like the damage up on the plateau! I hope that the storm that came through last night which also seemed to focus on the plateau, didn't cause too many problems for you... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Oh, what a messy situation!
I really do wish we lived closer so we could help with clean up.
We woke to another thirty-one below zero morning. Cold anytime, but particularly for March!!
I'm so glad you made it safely through the storm, Betsy. I don't envy you having to do all that clean-up. What a mess!
I enjoyed watching everything frozen go north of us for this latest round.
I'm blown away and most especially by Old Glory and the icicles over the garage.
I'm blown away and most especially by Old Glory and the icicles over the garage.
Looks like you may get more, this was bad.
Seeing all the branches that are down is just sad. I am thankful that your house did not suffer damage and that you and George were together.In all of this,God is still good.
Hugs to you.
How awful, and scary!!! Those pictures of the thick ice on the branches really show. Plus all the branches on the ground! SO glad both of you and your beautiful house are safe and unharmed!
This will stick in your mind for years to come - we had ice last year. I hope your yard recovers!
Aww Betsy, it must have distressed you to see such a mess. You all are so neat about your yard.
Smart move pruning those trees earlier. Limb damage can really be severe.
I remember the sound of limbs cracking and falling from the storm we had here several years ago. Sounded like rifle shots. So glad you had the fireplace to keep you warm and that basically, all you need to do is massive clean up.
Stay safe.
The 50 hours of no power would have been rough for me.
Your trees sure took a beating in that storm.
That was some ice storm. Ice causes so much damage. Too bad it wasn't all snow for you.
Glad your damage wasn't any worse! I've seen some pretty serious damage here in Ontario. And I can relate to the sound of an ice storm, all that crackling!
Very glad you had the trees trimmed by your house. Ice is so destructive. Glad you had a way to stay warm without power and sometimes, supper is what you find! Thanks for sharing. Hoping the weather calms down for everyone.
This winter just won't let up, will it? I hope you keep power during this most recent storm today. We had sleet this morning, then snow showers this afternoon. Cold, cold tonight - 40 degrees colder than this time last night!
WOW !!!
Glad you all were spared major damage.
I keep holding out hope that spring will be here soon !!
Glad you survivors made it through such an awful ice storm. Better at home than on the highway...
That is a lot of ice! Glad you made the best of it with your romantic dinner!
Hi Betsy, what an adventure. Lucky to have had that fireplace. You have a ton of back bending cleanup to do with all those branches and twigs. An ice storm is worse than snow. We can have a foot of snow and things are back to normal in a day, sometimes a matter of hours. With an ice storm the power goes out, no body can drive, houses and trees are damaged, and on and on. Hope this will be the last for you.
Boy oh boy---total misery for you and the whole outdoors.
We are thankful though that you all are here talking about it and your home is safe too.
You've captured the beauty of winter before the ruthless snow storm.
Hope everybody's okay.
You will really have a lot of cleanup. I guess the hardest part will be finding out the true damage to the many trees and bushes. That will probably not be known until things start to bud.
You two do make the best of everything, and you do so with a grateful heart in a romantic and beautiful way. I bet you will fondly remember that dinner for a long time to come. It looks very appetizing, nutritious, and colorful.
Pretty impressive ice storm. Glad you guys are OK! I found you on Facebook and left a Friend Request under Cheri Lincoln. We seemed to have missed the worst of the storms this year but have been very cold.
Carolina Mountains
We had some ice with the last storms that went through but nothing like yours. I'm so glad your home wasn't damaged. It looks like you will have a big cleanup job. So sorry.
We had some ice with the last storms that went through but nothing like yours. I'm so glad your home wasn't damaged. It looks like you will have a big cleanup job. So sorry.
That last ice storm sounded absolutely horrendous Betsy. Your photos illustrated it well. Very dramatic! So glad you and George came out of it well, apart from the mess to your yard. A lot of clean-up to do :(
Oh my, You have had real bad weather ! I have never seen this before. This just does not occur overhere.
Glad you went though trimmed trees that cause less damage! I think you should have removed the flag when there was warning on snow storm... and you created a wonderful ambiance there using the candlelit while ice storm battles intensely outdoor. The scene outside your home remind me the hail rain I experienced couple of time in my childhood and lately in 2011.
How many days of storm!!!!
Keep warm Betsy!
Bia <°))))<
I cannot even begin to imagine that much ice. At least with being retired, we don't have to worry about getting to work in this. I am glad you did not have damage to your home...
am so glad that both of you got through the horrible storm safely
Oh my Betsy! We had a very similar storm in Dec.2013 just three days before Christman and people were with no power for over a week. Dinner preps were lost and it was hard to travel.
This year the same storm you had headed this way and our hydro poles caught fire as the temps were so low that arc formed in the windy mess.
let us hope roses will come out again soon.
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