Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Remainder of the Roses in our Yard -- 2014

TIFFANY ROSE (taken on 9/1/14)
This is my 6th post showing this year's ROSES in our Yard.   In order to see any or all of those posts,  click HERE.   (They are listed under the label,  ROSES 2014,  on my sidebar.)

Today,  I will share with you the roses I have not featured yet  this year.  As I've said in past,  we have 61 different varieties of Rose Bushes in our yard... I have featured all of them except for 12 --which I will show you today.   Actually,  I will show you those 12  PLUS 3 more favorites of mine (which have been featured before).

The fifteen will be featured in THREE parts.  First will be the ones which actually bloomed in September.  Secondly will be the others which have not been featured yet this year --but did not bloom in September.  I had to go back to June/July for those pictures... AND thirdly,  I'll feature three more favorites of mine that bloomed in September... Sit back and enjoy --and don't forget to click on them for enlargements.

VETERAN'S HONOR ROSE  (taken  9/13/14)---a favorite in our garden EVERY year!

SONIA ROSE  (taken in the rain on 9/3/14)

SWEET AFTON ROSE  (taken on 9/15/14)

PINK PEACE ROSE (taken on 9/8/14)

SOMETHING SPECIAL ROSE (taken on 9/26/14)

EIFFEL TOWER ROSE (taken on 9/16/14)

PART II  (Photos taken in June/July)

MELODY PARFUMEE ROSE  (taken on 6/5/14)

FRAGRANT CLOUD ROSE (taken on 6/6/14)

MEMORIAL DAY ROSE (taken on 6/21/14)

GLOWING PEACE ROSE (taken on 7/1/14)

SWEET FREEDOM ROSE (taken on 6/26/14)

PART III --- My three favorites this past month!!!

SOFT WHISPER ROSE (taken on 9/17/14)
This is a new rose in our yard this year ---and it has been terrific.. It has bloomed and bloomed ---and holds its blooms for a long time... I love this pink color --which gets darker as it ages... AND--this rose smells terrific!!!!

WELCOME HOME ROSE (taken on 9/7/14)
We have several yellow roses ---and this one is one of the prettiest.  We have had this rose for a few years and it never ceases to give us lots of blooms.

SUMMER SURPRISE ROSE (taken on 9/8/14)
Finally,  this is and has been my favorite rose in our yard THIS year.  This is also a new rose this year ---and has bloomed off and on all summer.  I love how it changes colors as it ages,  but is always gorgeous at any stage of life.  (I need to do a blog post on this one rose showing you what it looks like from birth to death!)  What a fantastic Rose...

Well----if you have looked at all of the Rose Blog Posts,  you have seen one bloom of every variety in our yard this year.  I hope you have enjoyed these.  George does a phenomenal job of taking care of our Roses ---and if you know anything about roses,  you will know that the ones we grow (Hybrid Teas and Grandifloras) are NOT easy to grow and care for.  George loves his 'babies' --and I am blessed to get to enjoy them.

Some of you have requested to see more buds --so I may do a Rosebud Post sometime.  I hate for the season to be ending --but some of these beauties will bloom til the first frost..  THEN---we'll just have to see what winter brings us and how many of these roses will bloom again next year.



Jo said...

All exquisitely beautiful, Betsy, but Sonia Rose and Welcome Home Rose /s are my favorites. Have a great day. Jo

Ms. A said...

It would be so hard to choose a favorite, but I'm quite partial to the pinks.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy ALL the Roses are gorgeous and I like them all. I also like the rosebuds and I think that would be a good idea to do a post with them. Have a good week and thanks for your comments.

Ann said...

All of your roses are beautiful. George does a wonderful job with them

eileeninmd said...

George does have a green thumb. Your roses are all gorgeous, Betsy! Have a happy day!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Betsy ~ You and George have such a wonderful selection of roses and the types you grow do take a diligence on the part of the gardener. George does a wonderful job.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

diane b said...

All your roses have been lovely to see. I always think on how much work George must do to keep them all so healthy. I think I must go with Sonia Rose.

Jim and Sandie said...

I'm not a Rose person but I really really like your Summer Surprise.

linda m said...

All the roses are gorgeous but my favorite is Summer Surprise. I love how delicate it looks and the changing colors.. Thanks for sharing your Rose Garden with us. Tell George he does a super job with them.

Out on the prairie said...

Veterans Honor caught my eye in this group. I have quite a few blooms still, but they are close to leaving me. Got a new goat for my grandkids this weekend and named her Polka Dot. Looking forward to some ice cream when she starts producing some milk.

MTWaggin said...

So pretty and I'm guessing you have lots of rose hips now a days.

Connie said...

Such beautiful roses, Betsy! George does a great job with them. You are lucky to have them to enjoy.

George said...

You've done a wonderful review of the roses in our yard. Your photos of Sweet Afton and Eiffel Tower are especially wonderful. We have had a good year for roses in our yard.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I know how much you and your hubby put into the flowers you beautifully grow in your gorgeous yard. I love the yellow roses the best. Have a great day today.

LV said...

I never tire of seeing roses. I love them and you have some of the best.

Fun60 said...

I am always in awe of your roses as they are just so perfect.

David said...

Betsy, Not being a gardener, it's hard to imagine that there even are 61 varieties of roses! From this group, my favorite is the fragrant cloud rose... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sylvia K said...

Your glorious, colorful roses are always such a perfect way to begin the day -- any day!! Thanks, as always, Betsy, for sharing the beauty!! Hope your week is off to a great start as well!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sonia, Sweet Afton, Summer Sunrise, glowing Peace!! Gosh, my favorites are almost all of them! I think the Glowing Peace is my absolute #1!

DeniseinVA said...

Each one a joy to see, your roses are stunning Betsy and George must have the greenest thumb ever :) Have a great week!

Betsy said...

The roses are all so beautiful Betsy. How very lucky you are to have George to care for them for you and you get yo enjoy them all! :-). Thank you for sharing them with us.

Rose said...

I started to say it would be easier to pick the ones that weren't a favorite, but then thought that that would be even more impossible. Love the yellow rose...I sometimes think yellow roses are my favorites. then I see some of the pretty pinks, and certain red roses...and they both really get me right in the heart, too. So, I will just look and not try to pick a favorite. All are beautiful...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I just love seeing the pictures, and I also get a kick out of the names. Some of the roses have really excellent names!

Arkansas Patti said...

What ever sweet nothings George is whispering into their buds, it is working. You really have such amazing roses and even blooming in Sept? Mercy.
Callie and the voles have put me out of the rose business. They can only take their roots being snacked on and then unearthed so long. RIP Patti's roses.
Thanks to you, I at least get to enjoy them visually.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The beauty in these roses is priceless. I think the Eiffel Tower one may be my favourite in this post,but really I love them all. Have a great week.

HappyK said...

Wow and Wow. They are all gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to get one more bloom out of my roses. They struggle. The tea roses though, flourish.

Helen said...

Your yard must be full of flowers all year round. My roses were long gone.

Martha's Favorites said...

What an amazing yard you have. I love roses. Yours are stunning. Hard to pick a favorite. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

carolina nana said...

Your roses are beautiful. Many of mine didn't make it through the winter last year and I never got around to replacing them for fear the same thing would happen this year.
I miss the sweet aroma of roses around my yard.
Maybe I will chance it again next year.
My daughter planted hers close to the side of her house and they survived the cold.
We are getting more rain today and probably tomorrow too. We need it to keep the dry leaves damp so we don't have forest fires.

Small Kucing said...

i love all roses. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - what fabulous shots of your gorgeous roses!

Jeevan said...

Awesome sensibility! You captured the beauty and essence of roses so well though these pictures... among your favorites, the welcome home looks charming has beautiful light exposure. I liked the way the rose related with Eiffel Tower, and all the pink flowers are fabulous.

From the Kitchen said...

Sweet Afton! It's beautiful and reminds me of all the times I crossed Afton Mountain going from Roanoke to UVA in Charlottesville.


Shug said...

Oh my....that Sonia rose is full of beauty! They all are, but this one stands out.
What a lovely world it is! God's beauty surrounds you! Have a great day!

Latane Barton said...

Those are so beautiful Thanks to George's green thumb. Thank you, George. I get to enjoy them, too... thanks to Betsy

A Colorful World said...

So gorgeous! I think the Lady Afton and the one just prior to it would look so wonderful in a bouquet together. Such gorgeous orangey shades! I also love the first one of your favorites. But they are all SOOOO pretty! Thank you for posting them! Check out my blog post this Thursday for a little surprise for you and George! I've been planning it since the trip! :-)

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Oh, Betsy, I love the roses. They are so beautiful and colorful. I could even smell the sweet fragrances as I viewed your splendid posting. What fantastic photos. I especially like the rose you shot with the rain drops on the petals. This is a wonderful posting.

Our photos said...

Wow, wow, wow ! You have beautiful roses !

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

With all these gorgeous roses to choose from, I am afraid I would just have to pick a favorite of the day, or the week. I think they are all my favorites.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your roses - roses are such a gift and you and hubs take such good care of them. I think I like the Summer Surprise Rose this time. All of them are pretty.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

They are all very beautiful! George does a splendid job caring for them. I don't think I can pick a favorite from this group, they are all special!

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful! So many colors...
I guess it's almost time to spend a week or so to trim all those roses back...