Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

More 2014 DayLilies in our Yard (Part III)

PLUM PERFECT DAYLILIES  (taken on 6/26/14)
Welcome to October!!!  We have been blessed this year to have had 55 different varieties of DayLilies which have bloomed in our yard.  This post will be the third one this Summer showing different   DAYLILIES in our yard... If you missed Part I,  click HERE,  and/or if you  missed Part II,  click HERE.  So far,  I have featured 30 of our DayLilies --and today I will show you 13 more.  On a later date,  there will be one more post showing the remaining DayLilies in our 2014  collection.  Hope you enjoy today's group.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.



CAMERON QUANTZ DAYLILY (6/27/14)---always a favorite of mine due to the pastels




PURE AND SIMPLE DAYLILY (6/16/14)---an awesome daylily!!!!

SEMINOLE WIND DAYLILY (6/16/14)--another interesting color





Here are three photos showing you the DayLily Bed.  The DayLilies were so gorgeous --and since we buy re-blooming  DayLilies,  we are hoping some of them will bloom again this Fall.
Taken on 6/21/14

Taken on 6/20/14

Taken on 6/26/14

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our DayLilies.  Do you have a favorite from this group? 

Take time today to check out my new QUOTES on my sidebar...  Also,  I have two more beautiful Fall Photos on my PHOTO BLOG now.  Check them out by clicking HERE.

Have a tremendous week/weekend.  Get out and enjoy Nature!!!!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy Pure and Simply is my choice but really I love them all.

DeniseinVA said...

An amazing variety of lily Betsy. Your garden must be gorgeous!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, so many pretty colors.. Lovely daylilies.. Have a happy day!

Ann said...

Those are all so pretty. What a joy to walk out in your yard and be greeted by all those lovelies :)

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a wonderful collection! My favorites of these are Lullaby Baby and Pure & Simple, they just spoke to my heart.

Thank you for sharing these beauties with us.


Catherine said...

Wishing you a most wonderful October Betsy!
xo Catherine

linda m said...

They are all so pretty I can't choose one over all the others. I love all the quotes on your sidebar. So many of them are so true for me.

Out on the prairie said...

I need to mark mine better to remember what I have and where they are. Lovely show of blooms!

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, I don't think I've ever seen so many daylilly varieties. Very lovely.

George said...

I hope our late summer drought won't keep these beauties from blooming again.

MTWaggin said...

I swear you could do a garden catalog just from your yard! Lovely lilies.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! warrior prince, pure and simple, are my favs. so pretty!! ( :

hope you are well this week. so foggy this AM.

From the Kitchen said...

They are all my favorite! And, I had to sit and stare at your header for awhile this morning. LOVE IT!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have such a beautiful mixture. I just love it!

Judy said...

I love the banner on your blog and the beautiful photo. Thanks for another uplifting post. It's one of the reasons why I love reading blogs-sometimes you just need a lift because life is throwing you some hard times.
Enjoy your day.

Nellie said...

Once again, lovely day lilies! It is easy to see how hard you work in your yard.

xo Nellie

LV said...

Never saw so many different ones. I love them. No doubt your yard is a glorious sight to see.

Sylvia K said...

So beautiful and so colorful, Betsy!! Your wonderful captures are always a wonderful way to begin my day! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

David said...

Betsy, The Warrior Prince variety are my favorites from this grouping. If you need somewhere else to do a little more gardening, come on over! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Shug said...

Pure Bliss.....Blooms, something that you never are short on! I love it! Your neighborhood should have a "Yard for Year"......your's would be sure to win. Great quotes on your sidebar. I love that "Friends for a lifetime" line.

Beatriz said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy!!!
How many colors are there in DayLilies, I'm impressed!
A big hug

Anonymous said...

Your lilies are simply gorgeous1

Rose said...

Oh, my, such beauty! They are gorgeous. I love the ones with the ruffled edges best. I think. LOL I really could not choose a favorite.

Ms. A said...

They are ALL so beautiful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! I love the individual images,but the daylily beds are the best. It's like a living bouquet.

Ginny Hartzler said...

you know what my favorite is? Your HEADER!!! The mountain layers are crisp, clear, and deep blue. And there is just a hint of a sun ray peeking out. I love reading your side quotes today!! Sitting on a cactus, also the one with the black silhouette...

Connie said...

These are so gorgeous! You are blessed to have so many varieties!

Arkansas Patti said...

The warrior prince jumped off the page at me. So striking and lovely.
Mine have quit blooming and are getting ready for a nap. I will miss them.

Terry and Linda said...

I like them all, but my favorite is Pure and Simple!


HappyK said...

Always amazed at the variety of flowers in your garden. They are all beautiful.

Small City Scenes said...

Well we have 3 different Day Lilies but 56 Whew! that's a huge bunch.
So pretty. MB

Wendy said...

Love them all! Day lilies are just so pretty! Too bad summer is winding down. Mine are all gone. Only chrysanthemums left.

Thanks for sharing. Always love your pics!!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Your day lilies are gorgeous. How do you keep the deer from eating them?

Catherine said...

So beautiful and thank you for the good wishes. I hope that you have a good week too. Catherine

Small Kucing said...

Love your lilies, Betsy. so far mine only water lily survived

Betsy said...

Hi Betay, lovely Daylillies again today. I think Pure and Simole have won me over with this batch of flowers.
Thank you for sharing with us.

Manzanita said...

You are a gal after my own heart. I ooow'd and ah'd over each picture. My next summer's plan is to get more day lilies started. Everything here is kaput because our weather turned cold already. Kind of early this year. Pooh

I Am Woody said...

Love the Seminole Wind! And now I'm singing that song to myself....

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, my favorite among all these glorious daylilies is Lullaby Baby. What a gorgeous garden. Peace.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
56 varieties of Lillies!! that is incredible, your garden is lush, bountiful and incredibly beautiful. I adore all of the lillies and I am struck with their names too, so striking and worthy of their beauty - but my favourite is the Lullaby Baby Daylily - I always love your sidebar quotes and I completely agree with the cactus quote! have a wonderful weekend! x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I like the Lemon Vista variety. Your pics are great. I wish I could have a large flower garden here but our association has a lot of rules and they take care of our landscape until we change it. So the minute we decide we want a different look, well, from that day onward, we have to take care of that space. No thanks (we would still be charged that same fee). Have a wonderful weekend!

A Colorful World said...

Truly gorgeous! I just love your beautiful lilies, Betsy!

Kay said...

These are really impressive, Betsy. You definitely have a green thumb!

D said...

56?!!! lol... and that Palace Purple, wow!!!

Betsy, hope you are enjoying your fall. We are still in summer here_ 83 forecast for today and the next several and not a rain drop in site, which is highly unusual for us.

Hoping for rain and trusting you will have a wonderful weekend.


Beth said...

My favorite is Chicago Apache though they are all gorgeous. I hope to start next years planting some with glorious names and colors. :>) ♥b

Jeevan said...

Magnificent series on variety of Daylilies! Absolutely brilliant Betsy :)
Enjoyed the photos