Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Favorite JULY Roses in our Yard --2014

APRIL IN PARIS ROSE--taken on 7/13/14
This is the third month  I have posted some of our favorite ROSES (Hybrid Teas and Grandifloras) growing in our yard so far this year.  If you missed either of these two posts,  click HERE for May Roses and/or HERE for June Roses.  We have SIXTY ONE different roses --and most all of them have bloomed,  some over and over... George and I 'walk the yard'  every morning and evening and take pictures of these beauties...

Hope you enjoy our JULY Bloomers.  Be sure to click on them for enlargements... I chose 10 for you ---plus 2 more of my favorites as extras.  Wish you could be here to SMELL these gorgeous flowers!!!

WELCOME HOME ROSE --taken on 7/14/14

HELEN TRAUBEL ROSE-- taken on 7/15/14

MIDAS TOUCH ROSE--taken 7/18/14 (after a rain)

STRIKE IT RICH ROSE --taken on 7/20/14

PARADISE ROSE---taken on 7/21/14

SEDONA ROSE  (with dew on it)--taken on 7/25/14

SHEER BLISS ROSE (bud)--taken on 7/26/14

RIO SAMBA ROSE --taken on 7/26/14

PEPPERMINT SPLASH ROSE --taken on 7/28/14
These next two choices are my personal favorites during July --although both of them have been featured either in my May list or my June list...
RONALD REAGAN ROSES--taken on 7/29/14
You might remember from my June Rose list that this beautiful rose (always a favorite) was one which we ALMOST lost this year due to our frigid winter.  George put it in a container and has babied it since Spring... Isn't it beautiful???? OH--how I love this one!

PERFECT MOMENT ROSE  ---taken on 7/29/14
This rose is one which can take my breath away when looking at it... We have so many gorgeous roses,  but Perfect Moment really showed  off during July.

Hope you enjoyed my JULY Rose Choices.   Which one(s) are your favorites this month???

As I've said many times,  the ROSES are George's babies... He loves them all and does whatever is needed to keep them happy and blooming..  AND--he brings one inside every day just for me to enjoy at my desk.   They are AWESOME.  Thanks,  Honey!

Don't forget to check out the new Quotes listed on my right sidebar this month.

Very sad about Robin Williams death.. He was such a gifted actor in so many ways.  Besides his comedy,  I loved many of his movies.  Some I loved were "Patch Adams",  "Dead Poet's Society",  "Good Will Hunting" --and of course,  "Mrs. Doubtfire".... He will be missed... God Bless his family and loved ones.



eileeninmd said...

Beautiful collection of roses, Betsy! It was very sad to hear about Robin Williams death! He will be missed.

Have a happy day!

Ann said...

All your roses are beautiful. Hard to pick a favorite.
It was very sad to hear about Robin Williams. I remember him from as far back as his Mork and Minday days

From the Kitchen said...

I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite. I can only imagine how fragrant your morning walks are when all those roses are in bloom.

I'm the one who deleted you from FB--you and 19 others. I placed y'all in a folder (or thought I did) and then promptly deleted the folder!! Anyway, most of you are back with me so all is well.


linda m said...

I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite as I love them all. However, I do love Rio Samba because of the multi colors. I can just imagine the smells from these flowers.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, I could almost smell them. I love them all very much also.

Fun60 said...

You certainly have the Midas touch with those roses.

Arkansas Patti said...

Midas Touch was my favorite but that may be from the water jewelry it was wearing.

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Beautiful flowers :)
Nice post !
Thanks Betsy for sharing this.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

paradise rose - is my favorite. i don't know how you even begin to narrow it down. they are all gorgeous for their own particular reason. what a love post.

totally agree with you on Robin Williams .. such a great actor. i have been watching some of his movies that i own... many are on VHS tapes ... technology just keeps getting newer & newer day by day. i wonder what movies will be on next? to rewind them over & over is hard on the ears. it might be time to upgrade... but i have so many. got a good deal of a few. ( :

The Furry Gnome said...

Absolutely lovely! You are very lucky to have a hubby who is so good at growing them!

Ms. A said...

Unless I had them labeled, there's no way I could remember the names of 61 roses. They are all so beautiful!

I Am Woody said...

I just love those perfect moments - whether they are roses or experiences! :)

George said...

You got some gorgeous pictures of our roses. But if truth be told, I think all of them are your favorite!

David said...

Betsy, The Midas Touch and Perfect Moment roses are my favorites... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Rose said...

You are asking the impossible when you ask me to pick favorites...they are all so beautiful!

Jeevan said...

Ronald Reagan roses are gorgeous! Lovely framed the pair of roses... the perfect moment is so delicate. Great series of roses Betsy! Each one is unique beauty and quite makes me envy.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

They are all beautiful, but April in Paris is my favorite of this bunch.


Sylvia K said...

You do have the most gorgeous roses, Betsy!! Your photos of them always take my breath away!! Thank you for sharing the beauty!! Have a lovely weekend!!

Nellie said...

Gorgeous roses, Betsy. George keeps very busy taking care of them.


Small City Scenes said...

They ALL are beautiful. I was going to pick a favorite--but---I cannot. I do like Rio Samba--used to have one but again they are all just perfect.

Robin Williams death is a loss for all of us---but he will be remembered. MB

Ginny Hartzler said...

Midas Touch and Peppermint Splash please for me. And DO keep them in water and send by airmail, I will be waiting! So sad, he was truly a comic genius. How ironic that a comic died of sorrow.

Betsy said...

I can't choose a favorite out of these pictures as they are all so beautiful. You have a very thoughtful husband to bring you a rose each and every day. How sweet that is. I was shocked and saddened to hear about Robin Williams too. Such a horrible thing for his family to endure.
Blessings my friend,

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Betsy, your roses are awesome, each one breathtaking. You and George have a fabulous garden and we are blessed that you share it with us.

So sad about Robin Williams isn't it? I watched a video this morning of the time he met Koko, the gorilla who knew sign language. It was such a sweet video and the joy he showed was heartwarming. He was such a wonderful and generous human being.

LV said...

A truly breathtaking rose presentation. Nothing I love more and these win the top prize.

Shug said...

Sweet lady......you have a garden of beauty all around you. My, my.....how sweet it must be to walk outside each morning to such simple beauty. I always thought that roses were so hard to grow, but you sure do a great job. So many colors of sweetness. Hugs

Miss Debbie said...

I know roses require a lot of attention so you two must take very good care of them..lovely!

Beatriz said...

Dear Betsy!
Your yard is always superb!!!
The smell of roses is somthing.....wonderful!
I read about the death of Robin Williams and his laughter will stay in my mind for a long long time.......

Have a nice weekend


HappyK said...

So many beautiful roses. I can't even begin to pick a favorite.

Busy Bee Suz said...

All of your favorites are just gorgeous. I love that George babies them when they need it. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Could you send me one of each? lol They were all pretty - think I liked the HELEN TRAUBEL ROSE today. I am liking pink!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh, your roses are so beautiful! You have the best collection going!

A Colorful World said...

I wish I could smell them too! I bet your yard is like a perfumery! :-) You have so many beautiful varieties.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You are blessed to have George baby those roses! They are sure beautiful

Small Kucing said...

they look so nice.... Must have lovely scent

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful!!!! I think my favourite would be the Paradise Rose,but they are all beautiful.

DeniseinVA said...

Your comment made me laugh Betsy and yes I had done exactly the same thing only a few days ago.

Linda P said...

How sweet and romantic to receive a rose from George each day! You have so many beauties to choose from and the fragrance must be wonderful by the desk and in your yard.

Anonymous said...

Oh my - such beautiful flowers!

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful...I'm especially drawn to "Sheer Bliss" today...the bud.

troutbirder said...

I'm going with Perfect Moment too. There is something very special about it....:)

Our photos said...

Beautiful roses !

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful Roses Betsy. I always enjoy your beauty. Hugs, xo

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Beautiful roses, Betsy! Each one is absolutely glorious! The air around your home must smell incredibly sweet! I loved hearing the stories behind these beauties and the care you and George have taken with them.

Yes, such a sad ending for Robin Williams. What a lonely way to die and how painful for his family.

Connie said...

Your roses are so beautiful, Betsy! You are a lucky gal. My favorites are strike it rich and perfect moment--wow, so gorgeous!

Beth said...

My top three favorites of these are:
3) Strike it Rich, 2) Rio Samba, and 1) Perfect Moment. However, they are all delightful and gorgeous. George has a gift for growing them and I imagine a lot of patience and perseverance! :>)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

They are all beautiful and I can't choose a favorite! George certainly has a "green thumb"! Your yard must smell heavenly in the summer, too.
Have a wonderful Sunday!

Linda said...

Those are gorgeous! We have one that looks like Perfect Moments but it came with the house so I don't know it's official name.

diane b said...

You are lucky to have a hubby who is so good at growing and caring for those beautiful roses. It must be a delight to see so many different types in bloom.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy,
It really is so very sad about Robin Williams, his death has shaken us all, he really will be missed.
George's love of his roses is so evident, they are all so beautiful, and how lovely to receive one every day!! picking a favourite is always difficult, but the Ronald Reagan roses are divine! I hope you have had a wonderful weekend x x x

Janie said...

Rio Samba is my favorite. IT's a beauty. I enjoyed many of Robin William's movies, too. It's so sad that he's gone.

MTWaggin said...

That welcome home rose has such a lovely yellow color (and I'm not a yellow fan). I am going to close my eyes and breath deep and imagine how amazing your yard smells!

Pat Tillett said...

You sure do have a green thumb! Gorgeous flowers and photos of them.