Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 11, 2014

My Birthday--August 5, 2014

WELL Friends---I celebrated my 72nd birthday this past week!!  Yipes--how can it be???  BUT--as you can believe,  my hubby took me on a wonderful Surprise Trip to North Carolina to celebrate!   I have over 500 pictures to share --but don't think I'll show them all to you today! ha...

We stayed at Blowing Rock,  North Carolina ---and spent a few days discovering that area.  We traveled and explored the Biltmore House and Gardens,  the Blue Ridge Parkway,  did alot of hiking,  discovered many new waterfalls,  ate some delicious meals,  and even spent a day at Grandfather Mountain..  It was a fantastic trip!

Today though,  I will start by sharing my actual Birthday Dinner/Celebration on Tuesday, the 5th.  As you can tell from the photo above,  we had the Birthday Dinner at the Mountain View Restaurant at Little Switzerland,  North Carolina.  We had been to this restaurant a year ago and loved it.. SO---going back there was PERFECT and we were thrilled to go again.  AND---it does have a "million dollar view"...

We were lucky to have some fantastic weather so we ate dinner on the porch where we could enjoy that fantastic view.   Dinner started with a dinner salad.

Here is a photo of our VIEW from the Mountain View Restaurant... Isn't it marvelous?

It was fun standing up on the porch taking photos of that gorgeous view.

Here's another view from the porch (looking the other direction)...   For those of you who know the North Carolina mountains,  that is Mount Mitchell in the distance.

Besides the dinner salads,  my dinner consisted of Chicken Mediterranean,  Scalloped Potatoes and homemade bread.... George had Capri Chicken made with whole wheat linguini.  We both enjoyed our dinners very much!

Besides this wonderful trip,  George also made me a CD filled with favorite love songs.  He has given me a new one EVERY year since we got married... He collects these love songs throughout the year and puts them on a CD for my birthday each year.  I LOVE it--and love listening to all of the CDs from the past years also!!!  This gift is VERY special to me.

AND --this is my favorite gift of all... George took this photo from one of our favorite places,  the lagoon at the Biltmore House and Gardens  in Asheville,  North Carolina.  You can see the back of the big house from the lagoon.  George took the photo and had it made into a beautiful CANVAS for our Memory Wall in our office at home.. Isn't this one gorgeous? Wish you could see the entire wall.  I am a blessed woman!!!

Wonder what George is eating and obviously enjoying????!!!!

This is delicious Raspberry Vanilla FUDGE --from the Fudge Shop at Grandfather Mountain...  George chose this one --and loved it.

And you can see a very happy 72 year older here!!!!  Mine is my FAVORITE,  Peanut Butter Fudge... YUM!  I opted for FUDGE instead of a Birthday Cake --since I love it,  and never eat it much these days....  Oh how special!!!!!

My sweet mother-in-law used to make me a Peanut Butter Pie for my birthday until she died in 2011...  She knew that I love ANYTHING PEANUT BUTTER.... ha

I'll close by sharing with you a photo a nice lady took of us when we were at the Mountain View Restaurant celebrating my birthday.   Again you can see that beautiful view,  and you can also see their bird feeder---which all of the little birds in that area enjoyed!!!!  AND---there were NO squirrels... Yeah!

Upcoming posts will include many more photos we took while here in North Carolina.  All in all--it was a fabulous week and for me,  a TREMENDOUS Birthday!!!

Hope you had a good week last week--and are enjoying your August so far!  (Don't miss checking out the new quotes on my sidebar this month.)



Ginny Hartzler said...

Your dinner looks just wonderful! And once again, George picked out just the perfect gift! Again, Happy Birthday!!

Dan the Mountain Man said...

Sounds like you have a great trip. I have been wanting to get up to Boone and Blowing Rock area but I have been so busy lately. I am looking forward to seeing the picture from your trip.

Jazzmin said...

Glad you had a wonderful birthday!! Looks like you both had a great time. And what an amazing view to look out on. What a great picture of you together with the view behind. Such sweet gifts from your husband also- so thoughtful and meaningful.

Blessings and hugs :) Hope everything about your birthday was wonderful!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Happy belated birthday wishes Betsy! Could a girl have had a better birthday celebration?! I don't think so. The birthday CD is such a romantic idea of your George's. Lucky girl! so, so pleased you both had a wonderful time to add to your memories.

Fun60 said...

Obviously not surprised that that wonderful husband of yours chose such a beautiful setting to celebrate your birthday.

Ann said...

A perfect spot for a birthday dinner. What a fabulous view.
I like anything peanut butter too and even better if you have chocolate with it :)

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, looks like a beautiful place to celebrate your birthday! Wonderful photos.. Have a great day!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Betsy!!! 72 is the new 39 :-)

linda m said...

They aren't kidding about the view. WOW!!! And your dinner looks delicious. Love your birthday presents. The CD with love songs is such a sweet thing for George to do. Tell him I said he is a "sweet heart". Can't wait to see a picture of your "memory wall".

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely times and a happy B Day. I like the fudge, but peanut butter pie is one I haven't had for a long time.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

the last shot would be perfect for a Christmas or Valentine's Day card. you guys are too cute!!! you look great. Happy Happy Birthday. i am happy to know you through this bloggy world. a great online friendship. so fun!! you keep on enjoying life & traveling lots. love every every moment. you guys are so sweet to me & i appreciate your love, support, friendship & all that goopy mushy stuff. ha. ha!! i always say if you birthday is in August - than that means you can celebrate all August long. i celebrated all the month of May. why not? we are only that age once. get out there & enjoy all moments. big big hugs. ( :

Janie said...

Happy belated birthday, Betsy! Looks like a great trip, with beautiful views from you birthday dinner restaurant. George is so thoughtful. The love song CD is a wonderful idea, and the photo canvas of memorable places is a great girt, too.

David said...

Betsy, George sure does treat you right! Nice trip, nice restaurant and a great view... Now we know of another place to visit when we get over to NC! I just turned 72 a couple of weeks ago...so that makes you a youngster compared to me! Happy belated birthday! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ms. A said...

"Happy Birthday, Betsy!"

Shug said...

You, my wonderful friend, are so spoiled!! Lol.. George really knows how to celebrate birthdays for the lady of his heart. Your smile captures the joy of this special day and I think you deserve every moment of this happiness. Again...Happy Birthday, sweet friend!

Nellie said...

A belated happy birthday to you, Betsy! We love Blowing Rock!


George said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday. I know I would certainly be glad to go back to the Mountain View restaurant.

Connie said...

Sounds like it was a fabulous birthday, Betsy! George knows how to make you feel special. :)

I Am Woody said...

What a perfect celebration!

Bhasvant said...

Beauty has many faces, and each of you represent one of those:). Beautiful pictures.

Betsy said...

I enjoyed each and every photo in this post Betsy. The happiness and love for life and especially each other shine through like a beacon calling to each of us that see the pictures. You are a very blessed woman and I'm so glad to get to know you through our blogs.
The "other" Betsy

From the Kitchen said...

What spectacular views! I'm with you, Betsy--peanut butter fudge is my favorite!! Looks like George planned the perfect birthday celebration!


Sylvia K said...

Happy Birthday to you, Betsy!! It does look like a wonderful one!! As you know, mine was the 4th and it was a great one, too!! We both have so much to celebrate -- even if I am nine years older than you!! We're fortunate to have such great lives at this stage of the game!! Have a wonderful new week and a terrific year!!

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Happy birthday...:)
Beautiful pictures, awesome post...!
Yummy dishes, spectacular views...:) Picture perfect...
Happy birthday, again...:)

Helen said...

Happy belated birthday, Betsy! Wow, what a great place to dine.

NCmountainwoman said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I grew up in Boone, 9 miles from Blowing Rock. Wonderful area.

Big Dude said...

George definitely knows how to take care of his woman and it's great that you had such a terrific BD. We considered driving down to Little Switzerland a few years ago while staying in Roan Mountain - now I wish we had.

Small City Scenes said...

A truly beautiful view, Betsy. You sure have a wonderful and loving husband. Just imagine! I am sure you all had fun and then it is always nice to come home.
Here's to another wonderful year. MB

Marie said...

Happy Happy Birthday to You!!! You have such a sweet, thoughtful husband! You looks so beautiful and happy!
Blowing Rock is where my son first learned to snow ski. :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Oh to be 72 again:))
With George as your entertainment director,there is never a doubt you will have a wonderful Birthday.
Such a beautiful view- I would have almost forgotten to eat though the food sounds wonderful.
I have seen several of the picture/canvas gifts George has given you that are spectacular. Someday you will have to give us a tour of that wall.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It is so nice to see more photos of howGeorge gives you such thoughtful and beautiful gifts! you celebrated your birthday with George, Betsy! I love the name of that restaurant, its views and the food looked delicious! my Mother also loved peanut butter and I always brought home peanut butter fudge for her whenever I traveled and saw a fudge shop--sweet memories!

George always gives you such thoughtful gifts!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! I smiled when I saw the camera right there on the table,ready and waiting. I like that,because,that's just what I would do.

LV said...

You are indeed blessed and spoiled. You two were a match from heaven. I enjoyed your birthday and will pretend it was mine as well. Mine is this month and I will be 85. May you be blessed with many more wonderful years together honoring your special days.

Our photos said...

Happy birthday, Betsy !

Amy Burzese said...

Happy Birthday, Betsy! You are one lucky girl. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful trips with us.

Terry and Linda said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You and my Momma share the same date!


Beatriz said...

What energy and what a wonderful birthday Betsy, congratulations!!!
I can not imagine what is "raspberry vanilla fudge", since we don't have it in Brazil. But anyway,looks delicious! I know nothing of the US, but I always see photos here from North Carolina and I think that should be a must-see place on a trip.
Have a nice week wherever you are!


HappyK said...

So nice to read of the wonderful birthday you had. May you have many more.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I'm so happy to see that you had a wonderful birthday dinner, dessert and a sweet gift too! I love the blowing rock area; so pretty. Hey, I love anything peanut butter too!!

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you had a happy birthday. And George is such a romantic! I love peanut butter too!

Small Kucing said...

Happy Birthday again Betsy

George is such a romantic soul. Both of you well suited :)

awww....am admiring the sunflower header. Have planted some sunflower seeds. yet to sprout

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, Happy Belated birthday. Looks like you had a wonderful time!

Miss Debbie said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like a wonderful celebration!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

First of all, Happy Belated Birthday to you!! Looks like you had a fantastic birthday! I love your photos and looking forward to seeing more. It's past my bedtime, so I'll scoot on along. But just wanted to drop by and tell you that I enjoyed your birthday post!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love all things peanut butter to. Happy birthday! !

diane b said...

You sure did have a happy birthday. Good for you. Hope you have many more.

Peaches McGinty said...

Happy Belated Birthday Betsy! you are looking gorgeous!
It looks like a wonderful celebration! the restaurant slogan 'dine with a million dollar view' is absolutely spot on, it's beautiful! Dinner looked delicious and your gifts are so romantic and sweet, George is such a thoughtful gift giver - and the fudge? mmmmmmmm, yummy! I'm with you! peanut butter all the way! and you know I adore the photo's of you and George! x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, A belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had an excellent trip. Glad you enjoyed your special day and the exciting trip. I sure do like that first picture of you on the porch. Very nice! By the way, it is raining (3" today alone) here today. Our ponds are going to be full. Hopefully lots of wading birds will take advantage.

The Furry Gnome said...

Happy Birthday Betsy!! Always love your posts and photos.

Anni said...

Without a doubt in my mind, I am SURE your birthday surprise trip was VERY memorable!!!

Thanks for stopping by my birding blog this afternoon Betsy.

DeniseinVA said...
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DeniseinVA said...
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Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Happy Birthday! What a sweet gift to make you CDs of love songs each year.

Kay said...

Happy Belated birthday, Betsy! You two lovebirds always make me smile. What a sweetie your hubby is. A CD of love songs? Sigh....

Linda P said...

Happy belated birthday Betsy. You spent it in a beautiful place. George's gift CD of love songs is heartwarming. You are a blessed lady. Thank you so much for the comment left on my last blog post. It was so much appreciated dear blog friend.

Jeevan said...

I actually thought it was a lamp, but only reading known it was a bird feeder... Belated Birthday wishes Betsy! Glad you celebrated it from this lovely Mountain View restaurant... Wonderful place, remind me my vacations in hill station. Enjoy listening to the CD :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Happy Birthday! Peanut butter fudge- YUM!

Susannah said...

Happy Birthday Betsy! Honestly, you both look wonderful!!!!


Rohrerbot said...

Happy birthday!!!! Big hugs. To good health and happy travels! All my best. Chris

A Colorful World said...

Oh, just the most PERFECT birthday celebration of all, Betsy! Happy 72!!!! My birthday lands right after Christmas, so we seldom celebrate very much. It's true for my hubby and daughter and grandson, too, all close to Christmas. Our son-in-law though has one coming up in a week! That mother-in-law who made you peanut butter pie every year was so sweet! Glad you found some peanut butter fudge. Such sweet gifts from George, OF COURSE!!!! Can't wait to see all the pictures! My own from our 13 day trip are very varied and rich in different ways. What you have seen so far was an amazing part of the trip, but with vastly different amazing stuff to come later. Isn't America a GREAT place!!! God bless you both!