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Hope you enjoy the photos.. Be sure to click on them for enlargements.... SO---get another cuppa, sit back and just enjoy!!!!! Above is another of my favorites (Ahhhh Shucks --they are ALL favorites!!!! ha), the RED-HEADED WOODPECKER.. All of the woodpeckers love the no-melt Peanut Suet....
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NORTHERN CARDINAL on the Plate Feeder |
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PILEATED WOODPECKER (our biggest visitor, also at the Suet Feeder) |
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HA HA, What a Face! Mr. PILEATED is giving ME the 'look'!!!! I think I heard him tell me to "Get Outta Here" -----Ya think???? |
I bought this new bird feeder in July for peanuts for our Blue Jays (which we have many)... The new feeder is domed which protects the bird food when it rains. It also helps protect (sorta) the food from the squirrels... BUT--since buying this one, I will say that the Blue Jays don't like that feeder... They are TOO large for it --and since it is light-weight, it swings too much for them. SO--I have made some adjustments this month. The smaller birds love this feeder --so I now have Fruit and Nuts in this feeder. The Blue Jays will continue to grab their peanuts from the Plate Feeder (which is heavier and larger)... BUT--I do recommend this domed feeder --which is similar to the domed feeder I use for the mealworms for the Bluebirds.
Here is a photo of part of my Bird Kitchen. There's something new there. Can you see it? Look in the upper right corner.... We have a new bird feeder made with Stained Glass. Isn't it gorgeous? This actually came from an antique store --and was given to me for my birthday from son Jeff and daughter-in-law Dawn. I love it!!!
We have a new bird house on the front porch (also given to us by Jeff and Dawn). I have been concerned about our little Carolina Wrens --who want to nest in the garage (a NO-NO)... Now they are nesting in the hanging basket you see there... SO---hopefully they will use the new little nest box the next time they raise a family!!!!!
These last 6 pictures (some of which were taken by George when I was in the shower) are my favorite ones. I love our EASTERN BLUEBIRDS ---and they live here year 'round. They begin nesting each year in Spring (in the nestbox we provide for them), and have had at least TWO families this year.. Sometimes they have THREE families ---but I'm not sure they will this year. They are happy here and love the mealworms we provide. I love this photo of Daddy in flight --as Baby is BEGGING.
Note that the Baby Blues are as big (or bigger) than the Daddy...
This one has been cropped --so it's not very clear.. BUT--I wanted you to see a close-up picture of this precious Baby Bluebird... They are very spotty --and full of little fuzz like so many baby birds are!!!!! TOO adorable!!!!
YUM------Baby is enjoying some delicious mealworms!!!! Daddy also tries to teach the little ones to feed themselves.
Now we have TWO Babies begging for dinner!!!! Is Daddy Blue looking at ME ---telling me to leave them alone??????
The other thing I wanted to share today was to tell you that the older brothers/sisters (from the first family born this spring) also help Daddy with caring for, feeding and teaching the young ones. At some times, there are 5-6 Bluebirds in or around the feeders. They are SO much fun to watch. Wish you were here!!!
Hope you had a good weekend and have a great week ahead.
Your bluebird pictures are really outstanding this year!!! Just adorable. Especially the first in the section...with the wings spread! They are my very favorites, awesome!!!
Difficult to choose a favourite. I think I would spend hours just watching all the activity around the feeders. I have never heard of siblings helping their parents with the feeding.
Sure wish I had your amazing variety of birds. We still have mostly doves, pigeons and sparrows, with the occasional hawk trying to find an easy meal.
I need a domed feeder now. Love those bluebirds, they are adorable.
Obviously I enjoyed your favorite section on bluebirds! It’s very cute and make feel nostalgic to see how the daddy bird treat his little ones... this took me to my childhood days how my dad used to make us (me and my brother) everyday to school. So touching!
You have pretty bird feeders to attract any birds... and i love that tiny nest box hangs on your front porch, which remind me to put my one box that i haven’t done after shifted house. Long live these birds and happiness :)
Betsy, your backyard yards are all beautiful. I think the woodies are my favorites. But, I always have a soft spot for the bluebirds. Enjoy your day!
I love all your pictures but the look you are getting from the woodpecker is just priceless and made me laugh.
Now the look from the daddy blue I think he's asking you why you aren't helping him feed those kids....lol
Precious...each and every one of your photos Betsy!!!! Gotta love those feathered beauties.
Hi Betsy, you have so many beautiful birds coming to your feeders.
I especially love seeing the bluebirds with their baby blues.
Hugs :)
Oh wow you really have some beautiful visitors! I love the red-headed woodpecker and also the pileated woodpecker!
Sweet baby! I love the bluebirds too. Wow, they know they'll be treated well at the Adam's Cafeteria!
Outstanding bird pictures. My favorites are the bluebirds. I din't know that older siblings would help with the youngsters. Love the stained glass feeder - it looks so nice in your bird kitchen. I couldn't have so many open dishes here - we have way to many squirrels.
Your bird family is amazing and they should be grateful to you not give you the ...LOOK!
I really enjoyed you photos and commentary on the bluebirds. My new area is just about ready.
Lovely post !
Those birds are cute :)
And I thought our girls were spoiled. I think your birds are even more spoiled. But they are so cute. Our baby Osprey are getting around pretty good but Dad sure got in trouble. He got a fish and was sitting on top of our electric pole having a great time. Mom and the little ones were in the nest screaming at him and he just ignored them. Well Mom joined him on the pole and he immediately!! took off for the nest with that fish. It was just too funny.
Great bird captures. Love seeing the birds taking care of each other and talking over the days events.
Really good pictures of the birds, Betsy. We have actually had birds that tried to build a nest over our front porch light! Not a good spot at all. There is no support! Finally they realized they needed to find another location.
Have a great Monday!
You got some great pictures of the visitors to your bird kitchen. It's definitely a popular spot.
Betsy, George is a patient and talented photographer... I just don't have the patience or the right equipment for those kinds of shots. The bluebirds are really nice but between the local raccoon and squirrel populations, we've had to reduce our feeders. Even one of our hummingbird feeders had to come down...as the ants had found it and were accessing it from the roof! My favorite bird from this group is the pileated woodpecker... They look so primitive and ancient. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Beautiful shots!
Oh, how fortunate you are to have the bluebirds so close! Mine are too far away to get a great shot, but I'm still happy to see them even a bit of a distance. Once in awhile one will land close to the house on a hanging basket pole but I never can get a shot before they fly off. I love the look on the Pilated's face! lol! Great post, Betsy! And thanks, I am feeling better this week. I still have to be careful how I move my head, tho. Have a great week!
What pretty shots of the birds.
Your pictures are just perfect. I love the ones where the birds are looking at you like they're saying"can we help you are would you just leave us alone?!" How fortunate you are to have such beauty surrounding you.
Beautiful birds and such delightful pictures for the day, Betsy!! So colorful and fun! Hope you and George and your many feathered friends have a wonderful new week!!
All your birds are so beautiful,but I have to admit a tinge of jealousy when I see the Pileated and the Bluebirds at your feeders.Oh well,I can't have it all,I guess. Thanks for sharing these pictures.
Who feeds the birds when you all leave for a week at a time?
I like the colors of the blues, cardinals, and red-headed woodpecker but the name Pileated is just fun. (Hope I spelled it correctly - - - trying to remember what I saw - - lol.)
You have a great selection of feeders for your birds and they are all wonderful. I am so excited that your Eastern Bluebirds were successful and that you have given mom and dad some help raising their young. Congrats!!
Your bird visitors are well looked after no wonder they come and feed so near the house all the year around. Love the new stained glass feeder and the little nesting box. The woodpeckers are handsome especially the pileated - reminds me of Woody Woodpecker.
I'm afraid the only blues I see are when I come here. Thank you for sharing your abundance with me.
The only woodpecker I have is a female that scarfs up the hummingbird nectar. It is so funny to see them eating side by side.
What a great assortment you have there. Beautiful pics.
You sure do get a lot of different birds at your feeders. Love seeing the photos of all your visitors.
I bet those babies are so much fun to watch...I would never tire of it. Awesome that their older siblings help take care of them.
you sure have lovely species of birds over there :)
Sounds like an amazing group of birds at your feeders!
That bluebird family is so sweet, Betsy! I love their colors and that of the woodpecker. I know how much you and George enjoy watching all the pretty birds that come to your assortment of feeders
Your new stained glass bird feeder and bird house are so pretty! They were thoughtful birthday gifts.
I posted early this morning on your post, but I hit a button and off it went. This bird kitchen is full of all kinds of dishes...I know they all enjoy "Betsy's Kitchen"
Such adorable blue birds and happy ones at that.
You are such a sweetheart for taking care of so many feathered friends...
Nice pictures of all the birds. I like the various Woodpeckers. They do love the suet. We make our own suet so each time it probably tastes a little different. We don't have the Bluebirds out here but I do enjoy watching yours. MB
These are some really nice pictures! It's nice to see all the different birds that visit you.
I loved seeing your Bluebird family!!
Oh my goodness what beautiful birds. I was looking through your blog and I love all your pictures. You now have a new follower. So nice to meet you!
Like you I love Bluebirds. We see them in March and again in October...they like cold weather it seems.
You have a busy yard! The birds sure love you!! Love the stain glass feeder!
Very nice !
Hello Betsy!
Your little blue birds are gorgeous, as usual!
you're so careful with them, that's why they always come back!
Big hug
I just love birds - you sure did get an assortment this summer. I think I like that red bellied woodpecker! Love the colors.
Beautiful pictures, I especially like the bluebird family.
I have been so busy this summer I haven't had much birdwatching time plus all the dropped birdseed caused mice to take up residence in my flower beds and around the foundation of the house which made hubbie very unhappy. Hopefully we have solved that problem and I can start putting out feed again and find some time to do some bird watching when the weather cools some.
Now we are dry and need some rain for the first time in a while.
Guess we can't ever be happy with the weather ever, haha.
I swear you must have the best fed birds in the state! Thank you for sharing them and I adore the woodpeckers. I'm back (thank goodness for scheduled blog posts) and thanks so much for all of the lovely comments in my new space.
Dear Betsy, what a beautiful and varied array of both birds and birdfeeders! Thank you for sharing. I think the last few photos of the bluebirds could be the foundation for a lovely story for children. Peace.
Your Bird Kitchen is ALWAYS open and everybody with wings knows that!! I LOVE birds just like you do, love to watch their antics; they squabble with each other and then they shout at me if I'm late to get the sunflower seeds out...do yours yell for dinner too?! I wish I could see a pileated at my feeder, but I don't think they are in this part of MS. However, he definately gave you the "stink-eye" on that pic!!
And always, a big heart-felt thank you for the side bar quotes...the one near the end with the girl holding the singing bird..."very little is needed to make a happy life." Wouldn't that be great on a t-shirt? :)
liz in mississippi
Love them all! My favorite is the one with bluebirds wings span. I can see them all on a calendar!
Your baby bluebirds are precious! And I love the house for the Carolina Wrens...hope they will use it next time. Wonderful array of bird feeders! And you are getting so many different birds...that's great! That pileated woodpecker's neck looks so skinny! :-)
Glad to know you have been to georgetown before. We really enjoyed it.
Such neat birds you have in your garden. Those bluebirds are my favorite because I just never get to see them. Great photos as always :)
I love pileated woodpeckers! Great pictures!
I love this post! The daddy and babies are so sweet!
The other day I watched a mama squirrel move her pinky (newborn) babies to another nest. Mama squirrels work so hard, they raise the babies all alone. Maybe that's how I relate to them, I was a single mom after my divorce. :))
Loved all of them of course - but gosh the bluebirds really are breathtaking. The family antics are just adorable. I fully understand why you've put up so many feeders, its such a wonderful way to enjoy the birds. Birds make life just that bit more beautiful in every way.
Beautiful photos Betsy! You have it all in your yard. Very nice. I love blue birds, they are real characters.
The bluebirds are so pretty. We don't seem to have them around here. I did have three blue jays at my feeder the other day; that was quite unusual. I don't know what prompted them to stop at the feeder. I often hear them calling in the trees, but rarely see them.
Wow! You packed a lot of info into this one! I loved the pics esp. of the two where a bird is looking at us/you and 'telling' you to "Butt out!"
The baby birds are precious. You got some outstanding photos of Papa feeding them!:>)
It was esp. interesting to see your bird kitchen. I think I know now why my dome feeder is not popular for what I have on it---it's too small for the bigger birds. I need to get a plate feeder. Thanks for that info!:>)
The coloring on the bluebirds are just so awesome. It almost doesn't look real. I remember been awed the first time I saw one in Yellowstone. I couldn't get over the color.
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