Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 2, 2014

Irises in our Yard in 2014--Part II

ELECTRIC SHOCK IRIS  (taken on 5/9/14)
Welcome to JUNE.... Hope all of you have a fabulous Summer.  Summer is my least favorite season of the year since I do not like the HEAT.... BUT--we do have some pretty flowers and we do get delicious fresh veggies and fruits in summer --which we cannot get at other times.  SO???  I'll take it and enjoy it!!!

Since it is the first of the month,  don't forget to check out my NEW QUOTES on my right sidebar... Hopefully,  some will speak to you--like they do to me!!!!

If you missed Part I of seeing the Irises in our yard,  click HERE.   Today I'll show you the rest of what we had this spring.    We had a great year for Irises since we had TWENTY different varieties.... They are all gorgeous.  Hope you enjoy seeing them.  Be sure and click on them for enlargements.


FEED BACK IRIS --5/11/14

HELL'S FIRE IRIS-- 5/11/14


CABLE CAR IRIS --5/12/14





I will close with some 'group photos' --like I did in Part I.  As I said,  I love them individually--but also enjoy seeing them in groups.



Hope you enjoyed seeing our Irises... We love them ---and this was a good year for them... Have you picked out a favorite???  It's hard for me since they all are full of their own beauty in one way or the other.  I love the variety ---but I guess,  IF I had to choose a favorite this year,  I would probably choose Goodnight Kiss ...  BUT--we've had Electric Shock for several years --and it's always a beauty!!!!!

About a year or more ago,  I asked people to add the "Follow me by Email" gadget to your sidebars.  Many of you did --and I thank you.  However,  many of you have never done that... I am an EMAIL PERSON.  I will get to your blog much easier if I receive an email telling me that you have posted... IF I have to go to my Blogger Reader to find your post,  it takes me longer --and sometimes I don't even get to those sites... Please consider doing this.  It's simple to do --and if you need directions,  just ask me.  Thanks SO MUCH.

Have a great day!


eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your irises are all so pretty. Lovely colors.. Beautiful photos. Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

I love them all! Wishing you a nice Monday.

Ann said...

They are all so pretty. I think my favorite in this bunch is the Hell's Fire. I've never seen one this color.

Tabor said...

Gorgeous. NOW for a question. How do you keep them separate when you divide and transplant. Mine tend to get all mixed up in color!!

Jeevan said...

Wow! Awesome series on Iris Betsy!! Enjoyed the many varieties and colors over there and what I find more interesting was the names of each flower. My favorite among the Irises was also the vibrant goodnight kiss :)

I am following you through bloglovin... I too have follow me by email and if u haven’t add can check it as well

From the Kitchen said...

I can't pick a favorite!! They are all so beautiful. I'm off the try and do what you asked. I might have to ask for help!!


linda m said...

All of your Irises are so pretty. I love the picture of Electric Shock and Cable Car growing next to each other. Also I love all the quotes on the sidebar. Some of them are especially good.

Jo said...

Hemstitched and Bountiful Harvest Iris's are my favorite although they're all exquisite! Here's wishing you a wonderful summer ahead, Betsy. (((hugs))) Jo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

every single one of these is gorgeous

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely, I like the2nd one the best , but it is hard to choose. Back from camping, had some warm weather.

Helen said...

oh, they are so pretty!

Buttercup said...

I can't pick a favorite. They are all lovely and the photos are beautiful. Wishing you a great day!

Anonymous said...

Those irises are lovely!

Sylvia K said...

These are SO colorful and beautiful, Betsy!! I love them all!! Really enjoy a stroll through your lovely yard and it's a great way to start my day!! Hope you have a wonderful new week! Enjoy!

Connie said...

They are beautiful, Betsy, and you have so many different kinds! This has been a very good year for iris.

Joy said...

The only irish I have is the second one. I wish I have all kinds like yours, but no place to plant:) they are all awesome!

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
You are far more technical than me! but if you give me a couple of days I will add the gadget to my side bar *fingers crossed I sort it out!*
The irises are beautiful aren't they? like frilly flowers, it is so hard to pick a favourite, but I think mine has to be the Bountiful Harvest. x x x

Our photos said...

These are very beautiful

Terry and Linda said...

I forgot to tell George how much I enjoyed the Iris. Your Iris is just lovely, Betsy.


Rose ~ from Oz said...

I don't like summer either Betsy, but gosh it's worth it to have those exquisite irises for sure!
The colours are dazzling!
Enjoy your week!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your irises are so beautiful. You must delight in them every day.

HappyK said...

So very beautiful. You have an awesome garden.

Big Dude said...

Your irises are putting on a spectacular show.

Betsy said...

Your irises are so pretty Betsy! I don't think I can choose a favorite. I have to say summer is my absolute favorite time of year. There is NO SNOW! We also have no humidity to speak of and nice temperatures-warm enough to swim but cooling off at night to sleep.

Chatty Crone said...

I never thought about ready posts that way. I don't know if I have it on there or not.

I think my favorite was the 'FEED BACK IRIS' - love the color!

Dorothy said...

Gorgeous Iris pictures!

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy...the irises are so beautiful. and I did enjoy the quotes. I need to apply some of them to my life, some of them I already do...or at least think about doing....

Ruth Hiebert said...

Trying to pick a favourite not easy,but I do love the Goodnight Kiss.It has gorgeous colors.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous header! I just cannot choose a favorite, they are all equally beautiful!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous header! I just cannot choose a favorite, they are all equally beautiful!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love your iris's….so lovely. What a fun job it would be to 'name' them?? Hells fire?? Tee hee her!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

They are all just gorgeous and I can't begin to choose a favorite! Hope you are having a great week!

Linda P said...

Beautiful irises, Betsy. I like the Hemstitched Iris and Bountiful Harvest with the two colours and frilly edges best. Also love your new header. Happy June to you and George.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a fantastic selection of Iris in both many colours. must be wonderful to see them growing so well in your garden

Catherine said...

Those are all beautiful iris' Betsy. It would be hard to pick a favorite. So many wonderful colors!!
xo Catherine

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love the new blog look. i enjoy the iris that have that pretty color around the outside. so pretty. my parents have ones that are just one color ... so different & fun. ( :

Janice K said...

You have so many beautiful varieties--I love them all.

I like your new header, too!

Larry said...

Betsy... love all the iris blooms but "Electric Shock' especially! Overwhelmed by work and some health issues here just now... difficult to get to the computer as much as I'd like because of time restraints... hope you are well... Larry

Larry said...

Betsy... love all the iris blooms but "Electric Shock' especially! Overwhelmed by work and some health issues here just now... difficult to get to the computer as much as I'd like because of time restraints... hope you are well... Larry

A Colorful World said...

LOVE your new background color! YUM! And the irises are just too beautiful...I can't choose at all. Every one is just so perfect!

Susie Swanson said...

So gorgeous. You have lots of colors that I've never seen before. Hugs and Love, xo

Pat Tillett said...

They are all beautiful, but the subtle little colors of that Midnight Kiss Iris really catch my eye. Very nice Betsy!

Kay said...

Irises are mom's favorite flower and these are absolutely incredible. The color variations are just amazing!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

So pretty. We were just gone for two weeks and our few iris bloomed while we were gone. Boo. I was sorry to miss them.