Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, August 30, 2013

It's a BLUEBIRD kind of Day!

FOUR Eastern Bluebirds at the feeders
Welcome to my "Bluebird Kitchen"..  I do feed lots of other birds --but right now,  there are many, many  Bluebirds around.   So today will be a "Bluebird Post"...

All of the photos were taken on August 24, 2013.  Be sure to enlarge them for larger photos.   Bluebirds love Mealworms (feeder to the right) --but they also love the Peanut Suet in the background,  and the plate feeder (which has a combination of Fruits and Nuts)..  Do I spoil them????? YES --I do --and I love it!

The Bluebirds never touched the suet UNTIL I changed to the Peanut Butter kind..  (Can't say that I blame them --since I also love peanut butter... ha)

I have to fill the Mealworm feeder everyday for them.... That male Bluebird looks pretty healthy,  doesn't he?

The Juvenile Bluebirds love the mealworms also... (I remember not long ago when Daddy was having to feed these little guys... No more--they are on their own now!)

The Baby Bluebirds loved to spread out and take a nap on the plate feeder... Crazy birdies!!!!!  (It was a HOT afternoon ---so I think this is another way to cool off and scratch their tummies!)

He looked at me and said:  "What are you looking at, Lady?  Can't I eat in peace?"  ha

"Yum ---give me some more of this delicious Peanut Suet!"

Baby Blue is sitting IN the mealworm plate....  Isn't he cute?

I almost got the bird on the right in flight---I never seem to catch them in flight --but I'll keep trying...  Bluebirds are such wonderful little birds.  I feel blessed to have them at my feeders.

"Okay, Lady,  if you want my picture,  I'll turn and show you how pretty I am."

Finally,  I love this photo of one of the Juvenile Bluebirds at the Mealworm feeder...

OOPS---where did he come from ???  He's not a Bluebird..   He is a baby CARDINAL.  Isn't he adorable?   I love his top-notch.  He told me that he wanted in this blog also!!!!!! ha

Besides the baby Bluebirds,  we have quite a few Juvenile Cardinals at the feeders also...  I'll publish another blog soon showing more of our Backyard Birds at our feeders.

My Facebook Friends know that,  with the help of a cousin,  I've gotten new information about my Ballard side of the family (my mother's father's family).  Another cousin has the Ballard Family BIBLE---so I am getting new information from him..  For a Genealogist,  this is EXCITING news... For that reason,  I am taking next week off from Blogging JUST so I can spend alot of time on my Family History.

Hope all of your have a great LABOR DAY celebration---and I'll see you on Monday,  September 9th



Ms. A said...

Oooooooh... great shots, Betsy! I'm still envious of your bird kitchen, but not the least bit envious of the amount you must spend to feed all your gorgeous birds! LOL!

Jo said...

Wow, Betsy, I just LOVE your Bluebird family. Every photo is unique, especially the babies cooling of in the feeding tray! I simply adore the juvenile cardinal woodpecker. How cute that he asked to be in your blog! I have never seen these birds and love that you share them so well. I love your header too. Congratulations on the new info on your family. Enjoy your week off - I look forward to your return. (((Hugs))) Jo

Carletta said...

My bluebirds come and go from time to time and I only see them sporadically so I'm envious of yours, especially those little ones.
Oh my that little cardinal knew how to sneak in and almost steal the show didn't he!
Have fun with your family history. As I've mentioned before it is such fun to discover new roots.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful bluebirds and lovely photos, Betsy! Have fun working on your family tree. Happy weekend to you!

Dorothy said...

Good Morning, Betsy! I enjoyed your bluebird post! We haven't had so many this year. Maybe because I haven't spoiled them as much as you have :)

Peaches McGinty said...

they are bonny bluebirds! you have made them very happy, and little posers, I do think they like to be admired and quite rightly so, have a wonderful week off Betsy, it will be exciting, I'm sure - we will miss you x

linda m said...

Those are some great shots of your Bluebirds. I so wish I had them around here. They really look happy at all the different feeders you have out for them. Have a great weekend and happy "genealogy" studying. We'll miss you.

Karin said...

Unbelievable that they take a snooze on their feeding plate and then continue eating from it! One of our grands was caught napping on his food once! These are fun photos Betsy!
Have a fun week off!

The Furry Gnome said...

That's amazing! I've never seen bluebirds at a feeder at all. Up here they sing from the telephone wires or fence posts, but they're pretty secretive about nesting . It's always special to see one, especially when they first arrive back in the spring.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are awesome photos Betsy.. and i really like the shiny bird feeder in the first shot... the blue birds look like they could fly out of the screen.


Hello Betsy, Happy Last Summer to you and your Dear Hubby. Oh, How I love looking at your birds photos especially your Blue Birds ones. Very Lovely indeed. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Judy

Fun60 said...

Love the shot of the one all spread out, cooling himself. Happy history hunting next week.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I literally laughed out loud at the baby taking a nap in the feeder! These little bluebirds found the jackpot in your bird feeder kitchen! So cute.
Enjoy your next week of 'investigation'!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have not seen a bird snooze before....great shots

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It's got to be expensive to feed all these birds, but it comes with a nice reward when you can enjoy watching and photographing them. I especially loved those last two shots. Have a great holiday and a wonderful week. See you when you get back.

Glenda said...

Such pretty little birds, and such great manners, unlike the Jays we have around here. We are also abundantly "blessed" with Starlings, who hog all the food they can find and frighten the others off. Enjoy your bird family, Betsy! :-) Oh, and enjoy that genealogy trip, too. I think it's MOST interesting to learn about our ancestors and the way they endured hardship so that we could enjoy what we have today. Have a wonderful day--I think you have a special lunch date. :-)

Anonymous said...

These are the cutest pics! I love that they lay in the food! Wishing you and George a delightful weekend.

RoeH said...

So cute! I wonder if they know how lucky they were to be born a little bluebird. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I think those beautiful birds have your address listed on Trip Advisor as the best place for a good meal!!

Have a great holiday weekend.


Arkansas Patti said...

I didn't know that about peanut butter suet. I will have to get some. You have such a large amount of the lovelies. That young cardinal is adorable.
Good luck and have fun digging into your family history.

Sylvia K said...

Such sweet, beautiful birds, Betsy! And what wonderful captures!! I love all the close-ups that you were able to shoot! Thanks as always for sharing!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

Out on the prairie said...

So fun to watch the fledges. I put a few in my last post.You get a nice crowd.

Nellie said...

Wonderful pictures of those bluebirds!

Enjoy that genealogy search. I should do some myself.


Serenity Cove said...

They are just adorable Betsy! I don't know what happened to my nest of bluebirds. They just disappeared.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh I love all the baby birds pictures. Their faces are so cute.
Have fun next week seeing new/old family members. An old family Bible---how neat.

We will be gone for part of the week---off to eastern Washington to see new to me friends---Old high school pal of bob's and will end up at the ranch for a stay. Have fun. MB

Terry and Linda said...

AHHH! So now I know how to feed bluebirds!!! That will be my next to do...bluebird feeder stations!


Jim and Sandie said...

Those are some well fed birds. Not a skinny one in the bunch. But that one spread out in the feeder is just priceless.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Such cuties! Bluebirds are tremendous little songbirds, aren't they? I think so. Great pictures of the youngsters and their parents. Good luck on your research. I have been involved with genealogy for about 14 years now and love it. Have a great week off. Happy researching!

Donna said...

Those young ones are growing fast!

Unknown said...

How nice to have these outside your kitchen window, gorgeous birds and great pictures. Hope you'll have a fantastic weekend!

HappyK said...

Wow, so many blue birds around. You sure got lucky to see so many of them. Great photos.

Mary said...

You hit the jackpot in bluebirds :-) So cute. Love the little cardinal, too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love all those Bluebirds. Have a fun week off.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

What wonderful pictures and a great holiday weekend gift of joy to all of us!

Latane Barton said...

Oh that genealogy can sure suck you in... I did research for years but now I am taking a big, long break.

Shug said...

Do you realize just how Blessed you are to have such gorgeous Blue birds everywhere in your back yard! They would certainly make me sing...Zippity do da, zippity day....My oh my what a wonderful day.
Enjoyed seeing them....
Hope you and George have a great Holiday weekend..

Marie said...

I love your view! These birds are so pretty! We never see them here. They're so lucky to have you and George. :)
Kyle's pre-k teacher's name was Mrs Ballard. I recently found out that she had died from breast cancer. So sad, she was a very kind lady.

Hope you and George enjoy the weekend!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

You're so lucky!

carolina nana said...

Beautiful bluebirds. I need to get some meal worms and maybe my bluebirds will come out of the pasture to my feeder.
Hope you have fun looking up your family tree.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I have been watching a Juvenile Blue Bird around our back yard. He seems to be alone and I haven't seen the parents lately. Maybe with all the kitties out of the yard, they'll be around more frequently.

Enjoy your weekend and blog break. I still haven't gotten caught up on projects yet. I may as well give up!

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful sweet little birds. I am getting to see the mountain bluebirds here.

Andrea said...

We only have some kingfisher as our bluebird visitor, but they are not as easy to shoot as yours. Congratulations for finding your relatives, that is a good chance to increase bonding with them. Enjoy

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty...oh so pretty!!!
And how you managed to capture the sunlight on them makes the photos all the more perfect Betsy.

Enjoy your time off!! Keep safe.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I just love all your beautiful birds. I hope you have a great Labor Day and a wonderful blog break. See you soon.

Janice K said...

You are indeed blessed to have so many bluebirds....I love all your "baby" pictures.

Have a great week, and good luck with your research.

Big Dude said...

They obviously love to hang around your feeders providing you with great blog material.

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE peanut butter too. Those baby birds laying in the dish was precious. You sure do have a lot of great photos today Betsy. sandie

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Beee-ah-yew-tee-ful Bluebirds! I especially love the baby one "napping" all fluffed and spread out in the sun!

Blessings & Aloha!

Jeanne said...

Those are some healthy looking bluebirds alright! All beautiful pictures! I would spoil them too if I had them. Have fun with your geneology.

pam said...

I love the photo of the baby sleeping in the feeder tray! We've had lots of baby cardinals this year, but no bluebirds.

Farida said...

Hi Ms Betsy, how are you? It's been ages since I visited your inspiring blog. I especially like your header on positive attitudes and all the saying on the right panel of your blog.

These darlings are cute! It must be soothing to hear them chirping all the time. Have a great week ahead! :)

Jeevan said...

Hahaha... I like the one taking nap on plate feeder. Lovely photos on the bluebirds and the special guest Cardinal :)

Have a great week ahead and enjoy working on the family history. Take care, Betsy!

Irma said...

Beautiful birds, this species is not in Netherlands.
Greetings Irma

Beatriz said...


Your little birds are so sweet and wonderful. I am here wondering how your garden is......lovely!!!!

A splendid week!


Betty Manousos said...

omg betsy, those are some great shots of your bluebirds. such pretty birds! they are just adorable!
i love your view!

have fun with your genealogy!
big hugs!

Ann said...

Love all the bluebirds. Can't say that I think their meal choice sounds too good but then I suppose to a bird that's gourmet dining :)
That cardinal is adorable and I don't blame him for wanting in on the post even if it was all about bluebirds

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are wonderful, Betsy!!!! Who knew they had preferred brands?? And the one spread out, he gave me a shock for a moment, I thought he was dead! LOVE your header, it is a real WOW moment!!!

Rose said...

You are so lucky to have all those bluebirds!!! They are just so pretty.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Love the bluebird laying in the feeder. Hilarious! I just got around to filling my feeder. Shame on me. Haven't had many visitors yet. Have fun on your genealogical dig!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that you spoil your birds. Have fun with the family history. My dad has been doing some digging in its latest.

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous! Love those jay shots.

Miss Debbie said...

pretty birdies! some birds have finally found our feeder...we are glad about that!

MastHoliday said...

Lovely photos of your cute little birds!

Ercotravels said...

What the lovely colors of the birds! looking cute..
such a nice post.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, what a wonderful experience--to have bluebirds and cardinals come to all your feeders and to be able to see these closeup photographs of them. Thank you.

Like you, I'm not spending a lot of time reading and commenting on blogs. I'm in the midst of looking for an agent to represent my writing. Takes a lot of time, but I'm so motivated to do this.

Good luck with your genealogy. I hope you find intriguing and interesting facts out about your family. Peace.

Connie said...

Wonderful photos of the bluebirds, Betsy! Some of them look like they were posing just for you!! That is exciting news about the family Bible and your family history. I hope you are finding out a lot of neat history.

troutbirder said...

So now I know where our local bluebirds headed as they left the North Country. Wonderful pictures...:)

Pat Tillett said...

I don't blame him! I love peanut butter also. Great photos of some pretty birds.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I think you do have them spoiled! But how wonderful to be able to sit and watch them all day- I love bluebirds...they are so pretty.

Neal said...

Wow, what some nice shots. I also just love your header!!

Nancy said...

Betsy you really caught some great shots..I especially like the one of the baby laying in the feeder...So cute...

Catherine said...

Hope you are enjoying your time off Betsy and getting lots of family history done!
xo Catherine