Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dad Adams turns 101 on August 29

Can you believe it?  It's been a year (tomorrow) when we celebrated my father-in-law's, Dad Adams (John Emery Adams),  100th birthday with family and friends...  NOW---he's going to be 101 tomorrow (August 29).... 

Here's what he looked like in 1938.   Dad has always been health-conscious --so I guess that is why he has lived for so many years.  He was from that 'older' generation --who worked hard all of his life and was very Patriotic.  God Bless John Adams.  He's an inspiration to all.

Then,  he met the 'love of his life' (Kay Cassiday) when he was working with the CCC in Indiana.  They were married in 1940---and were inseparable until Kay's death on May 6, 2011.   If you do the math,  you'll note that they were married for 71 years.

In this photo,  Kay and John (who was called Emery then) are with their oldest child,  'my' George!!!!!  This photo was taken in 1943.

Here is a picture of Dad and Mom which I love.

Dad was active (VERY active) for many years... Here he is on his tractor --when he was in his late 90's!!!!!

Here's  two people very much in love---after many years together!!!

These days,  George and I visit Dad about every other week.. One thing he still loves at age 101 is to have lunch out and then go for a nice long ride in the country!!!!!

Last year,  we celebrated Dad's 100th birthday  with a party at his church in Hendersonville,  Tennessee.  From left to right:  Row 1--Me,  Dad,  Bonnie (Ken's wife);  Row 2--Son George,  Daughter Janet (with whom Dad lives now), and brother, Ken, who lives in Indiana.   (There was another child,  Jimmy,  who died in 1970.)

Finally,  let's all wish JOHN EMERY ADAMS a very Happy 101st Birthday tomorrow.

Now---pop over to my Photo Blog (click  HERE) to see a photo of a precious little bird.



Ms. A said...

Happy Birthday, John Emery Adams!

Twilight Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Twilight Man said...

Happy Birthday Mr John! He really inspired me to live a healthy life. I like the one he sat on the tractor and that photo made my jaws dropped!

Peaches McGinty said...

Happy Birthday John Emery Adams! 101 years is amazing, he looks like an incredible man, and I love the picture of him and his wife Kay, with your George, such a content and beautiful photo x

eileeninmd said...

Happy 101 Birthday to John Emery Adams. I love all the photos , Betsy!

diane b said...

Happy Birthday to Dad Adams. What a great family you have married into. He sure is a grand old fellow.

Sharon said...

What a neat story..Happy Birthday, Dad Adams!

Small Kucing said...

Happy Birthday , dad Adams :)

Adrienne Zwart said...

How wonderful to live a long life well. Wishing Dad Adams a very happy 101st birthday!

Arkansas Patti said...

Big time HAPPY BIRTHDAY John Adams. May your day and coming year be a blessing in every way. Looking good fella.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Happy 101st Birthday dear Dad Adams.

You are an inspiration to me and many others. You and your dear wife enjoyed a long, loving marriage. I loved the photo of you on the tractor.

Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh happy birthday! How awesome to be 101. I hope he has a splendid day. I love the pictures. I can really see how George looks like his Dad!

linda m said...

Happy Birthday Dad Adams! He was and still is a very handsome man. May God bless him.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It was fun to see these photos from Dad Adams' life. He sounds like a great guy, with a great family. He's blessed to have you all...and vice versa.

Catherine said...

101!! That's awesome! Hope he has a super fantastic day!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Dad Adams. God bless him on his special day.

Love to each of you.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Give John our best wishes and Happy Birthday. He has a lot to celebrate! Thank for sharing all the lovely photos.

Donna said...

101, that's amazing! Happy birthday to Dad Adams! I can sure see the family resemblance in George too!

Sylvia K said...

A very Happy Birthday to Dad Adams indeed! What an inspiring man! Thank you for sharing this with us!! May all of you have a wonderful, beautiful day!!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday John - wow! And to be married for 71 years - congrats to that too.

What part of Indiana - my family is Indianapolis.

Love, sandie

LV said...

I think it is amazing he had done so well and still going. He has been blessed and he has been a blessing to his family. Wishing him the very best of birthdays and many more.

Jim and Sandie said...

A very happy birthday to an amazing man. My Aunt turned 100 last Friday and she is still going strong also. They are inspirations to us all.

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy and George, congratulations for being blessed with a father's long life. I wonder what percentage of people live to that age! Happy Birthday.

Joy said...

A very sweet man:) happy birthday to your father-in-law.

Rose said...

Happy Birthday, John Adams! I love the pictures through the years of him.

Hootin Anni said...

Giant, gentle hugs to such an inspiration to us all!! 101...that is amazing.


Nellie said...

Definitely sending happy birthday wishes along! Amazing life!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Happy 101st Birthday to John Adams!! How wonderful and amazing is that? God bless him and his family!

Big Dude said...

Happy BD to your FIL. I hope it's in the genes and you and George have many more years together. I can envision your BD hikes to a waterfall to celebrate the 100th for each of you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

unbelievable. he looks fantastic. i like all the photos from the past

imac said...

Happy Birthday DAD.

Marie said...

Happy 101 Birthday John!!! You look fantastic!!!
In the second photo I can see that George looks like his dad.:)
These photos are wonderful! I love seeing families and such happy faces. :)

From the Kitchen said...

Happy birthday to a special and well-loved gentleman!


Helen said...

101 and he still looks good and strong. Happy 101, John. wow!

Susannah said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Adams. I pray you have a most enjoyable birthday!
May you have many blessings this year.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Please tell him Happy Happy birthday from us! NO I cannot believe it, it seems like two or three months ago that you were celebrating his 100th!! I guess the secret to long life is keeping very active and being outside a lot. I LOVE that picture of him with Kay and little George. Little George looks very feisty there! I think the two of them look a good bit alike.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Wow! Congratulations and happy birthday to Mr. Adams! Amazing and wonderful. Have a great day today and enjoy your family tomorrow!

Cheryl said...

Please wish Mr. Adams a very Happy Birthday from me!!

Janice K said...

Wishing him many blessings in the coming year....That is so wonderful!

Jazzmin said...

He looks so wonderful! I wish him a wonderful, happy, and blessed day on his birthday :)

I love all of the photos you shared- it's a wonderful thing to look at old photos and new of our precious loved ones.

Blessings and hugs!

Linda P said...

Every blessing to Mr Adams on his birthday! I enjoyed seeing the photo of the family taken last year. Really lovely and everyone looks so youthful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

May I add my wishes for a Beautiful Birthday for a very special Gentleman.

Miss Debbie said...

Happy Birthday! God bless you!


Hello Betsy, I have missed your lovely post. WOW, 101 Years OLD. He has lived a wonderful and long life. How very fortunate John is. And I am sure it has to do with how much LOVE he receives from all his family. Wonderful photos Betsy. Hugs Judy

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Happy 101 Birthday!!!!
Wow. Lunch and a ride in the country. Sounds good.

HappyK said...

A very special Happy Birthday to George's Dad. It doesn't seem a whole year has passed by already!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

He really is an inspiration as is their love and dedication to each other. I hope he has a great day. Lunch and a drive perhaps???
I enjoyed seeing the older photos of Dad Adams; a handsome man just like his George!

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to George's Dad. That's some milestone.

Susie Swanson said...

This touches my heart so much. Happy 101st to Dad Adams. It makes me think about my dad. He died in 98 at the age of 94. I believe too, that working all their life and eating healthy and walking is what keeps them going. The doctors said that's what kept daddy going. There wasn't a day that went by he didn't go for a long walk,on up until he died. God Bless your father in law. Hugs, xo

Jeanne said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Adams!
Great story! He sure looks younger than 101.

Small City Scenes said...

Happy Birthday, John Emery!!!
What a nice and thoughtful tribute to your father in law. MB

Carletta said...

Oh my, a very Happy Birthday to Dad Adams!
Many Blessings to him!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday! I love all the photos, especially of him and his beautiful wife! He was and still is very handsome!

Blessings & Aloha!
I'm so glad I stopped in! I have been way behind in blog visiting!

Ercotravels said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Adams!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that he's so alert and young at his age.

amanda said...

Awesome!! Happy birthday, Dad Adams!!
Our close neighbor Marianne's sister Helen just turned 100 on the 26th. They both grew up just down the road from us on a lake called Dinnerpail Lake.
We are surrounded by longevity, and think the water here in our neighborhood must be good. (we can hope!) Mr. Jacobson across the road is 96, still goes to the office every day, still driving, still delivers us peaches & apples. Marianne is 94 and has been walking over across the rolling field & through the woods with us these past coupe of weeks. She loves riding in our Polaris Ranger! And Helen at a century still gets out & about, does all her own grocery shopping & cooking, and likes to have lunch at Bridgeman's. Marianne is the one who drives her. We love it all!

Buttercup said...

Happy and healthy and here's to many more celebrations!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Dear Betsy and George and Dad Adams,

I remember the group photo from Dad Adams birthday last year very well! and can't believe another year has passed so seemingly quickly!!


Jo said...

God bless John Adams! Happy birthday to a grand old gentleman. Thanks for sharing, Betsy! I'm going to share this post with Grant: he loves successful love and life stories like this! Blessings to you and your whole beautiful family. Jo

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Fantastic! It's so great to see a life so filled with love and purpose! How great that he still enjoys getting out and about. Best wishes to John for a wonderful birthday!

Jeevan said...

He seems very strong and healthy at this age! Great pictures on him... from young to old. I too wish him more happiness and peace. Cheers forever as much.

Hope you all take care of him well. My best wishes.

Btw. Thank you so much for inquiring about my father... he’s almost well now and little more rest will enough to recovery fully.

Betty Manousos said...

fantastic! happy belated birthday dad adams! and here's to many more celebrations!
god bless john adams! he looks great!
thanks for sharing your precious photos, betsy.

big hugs~

Pat Tillett said...

Happy Birthday! Love all the photos Betsy.

Pat Tillett said...

Happy Birthday! Love all the photos Betsy.