Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 26, 2013

More Daylilies in our Yard---Part III

Buttered Popcorn Daylily
This is my 3rd and last post showing you our beautiful Daylilies in our yard...  If you missed either of the other posts,  click HERE  and/or HERE.   We have had a total of 42 Daylily plants bloom this summer.  Today I'm showing you some of our newer Daylilies ---in the newer Daylily flower bed.   As these plants mature,  they will give lots and lots of blooms like many of our other Daylilies do.   But--considering that these are new plants,  we were pleased with the blooms we got this year...  Hope you enjoy them also!

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and just sit back and relax while looking at the photos.. Be sure to click on them for enlargements.

Chicago Apache Daylily

Cameron Quantz Daylily

Persian Market Daylily

Lemon Vista Daylily

Warrior Prince Daylily

Seminole Wind Daylily

Palace Purple Daylily

Pandora's Box Daylily

Judith Daylily

Lavender Vista Daylily

Perfect Peach Glory Daylily

Orange Velvet Daylily

Pretty Woman Daylily

Starstruck Daylily
Well---that's IT.  Hope you enjoyed seeing our collection.  Daylilies are easy to grow and take very little care.  AND--they are so pretty...  The good news for us is that most of our Daylilies are RE-BLOOMERS ---so they will bloom again this Fall...

Thanks for your comments on my Friday post... I was pleased that so many of you saw the crazy tree formation ----and used your imagination (like I did) to determine what it was!!!!!  Loved it!  Thanks!

Have a great day... My good news is that I have just come upon an old family Bible with lots of information on my Great Grandfather Ballard... Now I need to find some time to do more research... Anyone who does Genealogy will know how exciting this is!!!!



SquirrelQueen said...

All of your lilies are gorgeous Betsy. My favorite is Pretty Woman.

Congrats of the old family Bible and have fun with the research.

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, thanks for once again, sharing your garden beauties. I have never seen anything like Palace Purple and Pandoras box day lilies. Enjoy them, they're all beautiful, like you dearest Betsy. (((Hugs))) Jo

Ms. A said...

Do your neighbors get envious of all the color in your yard? I know I would!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your daylilies are all gorgeous. So many pretty colors in your yard and gardens. Happy Monday!

Peaches McGinty said...

oooh Betsy, I am learning a lot, pretty flowers with great names 'warrior prince' and 'Pandora's box' always makes me wonder where the names come from. We can't have flowers as our rabbits devour them.
Good luck on the genealogy, I love it, I don't know nearly enough about my lot, but as I live near a port I think there would be some interesting stories x

Unknown said...

They are simply beautiful :)

Arkansas Patti said...

I just love Orange Velvet Daylily. Just beautiful.
My only variety has a name
also-- Ditch.
I really need to broaden my horizons like you have.

The Furry Gnome said...

A beautiful day lily collection! Nice the have the ones that re bloom in the fall.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news about the family Bible! Larry keeps telling me about a show "Who do you think you are" that I keep meaning to watch - have you seen it?

I love your daylilies and see 2 that we used to have. I have a nephew named Cameron, so that one is special, too!

Have a good day.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Beautiful lilies!!!

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Grandma Bonnie said...

So many pretty day lilies! I think my favorites are the Starstruck Daylily and the Persian Market Daylily. Oh, heck I love them all.

ruthinian said...

I always admire your garden. your flowers are gorgeous.

linda m said...

Thank you for the "trip" thru your garden. Your day lilies are so beautiful. Mine bloomed this year but only for a short time and never got very full. They will not bloom again until next year. So very happy for you about finding the family Bible. Have fun with the research.

Glenda said...

Oh, so much beauty in your yard! You probably could charge admission for folks to come and see what you and George have done!

Enjoy that old Bible---I love genealogy, and it sounds as if you have many treasure to uncover!

Nellie said...

Lovely daylilies!

There is much history in that old family Bible!

Enjoy your Monday!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the Apache and the last one, the starstruck

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm having a hard time picking just one favorite- they are all so gorgeous. How lucky you are to have found that old family bible. I know how thrilled you must be! I have two, but neither contain much in the way of helpful information.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous, colorful flowers, Betsy! How delightful to be surrounded by so much beauty!! Hard to pick a favorite because I love them all, but the Perfect Peach Glory is priceless! Hope you have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh - what utterly magical flowers you have!

Sara S. said...

Beautiful lilies as always, but I think my favorite today is the Seminole Wind. I have to agree with Ms. A's comment and I would be envious also of your wonderful garden. Thanks for sharing!

Small City Scenes said...

Wowee!! Love all your Daylilies. Such beautiful colors. A riot of color as one would say.

How neat to come across new info about your family. Hope there are pictures and good information. MB

MJ said...

I love the Palace purple and the starstruck ones. I mean, I love them all, don't get me wrong, but on this particular post, these ones stood out the most for me. Sigh, you have such pretty flowers. I think I would take a pillow and a blanket and just sleep on the grass under the stars with the flowers and absorb all the aromas around me..

Janie said...

The lilies are lovely, Betsy. You have such great variety.
How exciting to find a family Bible. I recently discovered the existence of 2 family Bibles I hadn't heard about. That was very cool and provided some great information to further my research!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'll have one Seminole Wind and one Persian Market please. WOW, and here I thought you had already cornered the market on day lilies!!! But I guess there are thousands out there, just calling your name... this post was hard to choose any, they are all so beautiful and different looking!

Sally Wessely said...

Love the variety. Beautiful.

Jeevan said...

Absolutely gorgeous day-lilies Betsy! The different shapes, shades and colors of flowers convey lot of beauty. Their names are the real interesting thing, make me wonder! How apt.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I like that Lemon Vista lilly. Beautiful group of pictures. You both have worked hard to increase the beauty of your yards, home and neighborhood. I am sure your neighbors are quite pleased. Have a great coming week!

Big Dude said...

Your lilies are sure providing you with lots of pleasure and photo ops.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

This is a perfectly lovely selection of blooms today. Your yard is so full of beauty. What a neat find...the old family Bible...especially for a genealogy buff like you.

Ann said...

I love all your day lilies. It's amazing how many different ones there are. Once again I can't pick just one as a favorite, they're all so pretty

Terry and Linda said...

WOW! How did you get the Bible .... I would LOVE to have such a treat!


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I am always surprised by how pretty your flowers are....and I enjoy them too

Rose said...

These are all just gorgeous, Betsy. such a variety...

HappyK said...

So very pretty. Can't make up my mind which I like best!!

Catherine said...

Fall is approaching so quickly. Thank goodness for photos to remind us of summer's beauty.

Happy Monday Betsy!
xo Catherine

carolina nana said...

Beautiful day lilies. Good luck with the geneology hunt. I have a hard time finding time for those searches but love the excitement of the hunt !

Ruth Hiebert said...

So much beauty.You are sure you don't live in a park somewhere? LOL I love seeing all the beautiful flowers you and George have.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy there were so many to look at I could NOT pick my favorite - I think there all all pretty. sandie

Jeanne said...

I always love seeing pictures of your beautiful yard! I'm so far behind on blog reading but I just read your previous post about the chained rock and your hike. Very interesting and great pictures!

Joy said...

Marvelous lilies Betsy. I wish I could have some here:)
Anyway, good luck with your new hobby. Getting to know more of our ancestors are really exciting:)

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for brightening my day!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Oh how I do love these daylillies of yours Betsy! I enjoy choosing a favourite - and "Judith" it is!
Pleased you enjoyed my post and oh how I wished I'd taken more waterfall photos for YOU! There were many w/falls!

DeniseinVA said...

Your day lilies are gorgeous Betsy and I find then names so interesting. Glad you are making headway in your genealogy search. This is something I am thinking I should get really involved in doing.

Twilight Man said...

I love the lilies very much and you have such a beautiful collection in myriad of colors! How I wish they are planted in my gardens.

Linda P said...

As always love to see your day lilies and it's good top know you will enjoy them all over again in the Autumn. Enjoy your family history research. It's good when you have some new information to follow up and the names and dates in the family Bible will provide you with that.

Ercotravels said...

Such a pretty set of the cute lilies flowers...

Hootin Anni said...

...as much as I like purple, I still like Warrior Prince's colors! Wow.

You two continue to amaze the heck out of me with your gardening expertise.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, it's hard to choose among so much beautiful day lilies, but I think my two favorite ones were Palace Purple and Pandora's Box.

I went back to Friday's posting and I could see the man lounging against the tree. You do find the most wonderful aspects of nature on your walks and your visits to state parks. I hope to do more of that this coming year. Peace.

Busy Bee Suz said...

The lillies are all so beautiful. Thank you for NOT making me pick a favorite. :)
Best of luck with that treasure; enjoy!

Buttercup said...

Love your lily pictures. Your header couldn't have been prettier.

Carletta said...

So many lovely blooms! I think my favorites in this group would be the Lavender Vista and the Perfect Peach. Unique in color.
I share your joy in genealogy Betsy. I just recently found a cousin I didn't know. Our Grandfathers were brothers. It sparked my interest again and I have been searching the local newspaper online from back in the 30's or so. Lots of interesting material with my surname. Yes, I know how you feel. Happy Searching!

Carletta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donna said...

They are all beautiful varieties! I agree that daylilies are easy to grow. It's a wonder that more people don't include them in their landscaping! We have one rebloomer in our small assortment, and it has already put out a couple of skapes in the last few days!