Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day Trip to the SMOKIES (9/5/13)

SUNRISE on Sept. 5, 2013
I enjoyed my week off from blogging SO much --even though I missed each of you.  I did try to read some of your posts during the week but didn't do much commenting.  I've been working on Family History most of the week with three exceptions.

First,  on Friday,  August 30,   we met another blog friend and her hubby.  Nellie and Gene (photo below) were headed to Nashville to visit their daughter.  SO--we met them (where else) at Cracker Barrel here in Crossville for lunch... Nellie has been a great blog friend for awhile,  but this is the first time we have met in person.  Twas WONDERFUL!!!!! You can see Nellie's blog (Berries and More) by clicking HERE.

On Labor Day (Sept 2),  we drove to Ashland City (near Nashville) to visit with George's daughter and hubby --who have just moved to the Nashville area.  We had a great day with them and are thrilled to have them closer to us (from Buffalo--where they lived before).

Then on Thursday,  Sept. 5,  we got up before dawn,  took our car to Knoxville to the Toyota place for her maintenance.  After that we headed to the SMOKIES for the day.  We first did some hiking in the Tremont Area (on the Middle Prong Trail).   It was a great hike and we saw SEVERAL waterfalls along the way.  After that,  we drove on the Foothills Parkway stopping at the overlooks for more photo opportunities.  We finished the day by having dinner at one of our favorite places,  the Texas Roadhouse.  It was a fabulous day ---and we had over FOUR miles on our pedometers!

Today I will talk more about the Smokies Trip. Be sure to click on all photos for enlargements.   Above is a picture of the SUNRISE we saw while we were driving from our home toward Knoxville. 

The picture above is a favorite of mine since it is 'different' from most of our photos together with the tripod.  I told George that you all are seeing our BEST side.. ha ha ...We are enjoying one of several waterfalls,  Lower Lynn Camp Falls.

George taking a photo of Lower Lynn Camp Falls
George hiked down a STEEP hill in order to get some better photos of Lower Lynn Camp Falls.   Can you see him down there??????  (I took this photo from the bench on top.)

Here is one of George's photos taken from the bottom!!!

One of SEVERAL cascades between Lynn Camp Falls and Lower Lynn Camp Falls
We both hiked down to the bottom of several of these cascades to get photos of the falls.  Here's a cute picture of George taking photos at this waterfall.

Top of Lynn Camp Falls
Lynn Camp Falls is in layers. I took this photo from the TOP of that waterfall...

After the wonderful hike,  we stopped at several overlooks along Middle Prong for more photos.  Again,  we enjoyed seeing several beautiful cascades.  This is a photo of us sitting near one of those cascades.

See that little flower in the lower right corner in the previous photo????   This little beauty was growing down there near the water --and it was all alone!!!!  Isn't it pretty?  (UPDATE:  a blog friend said that this is a Cardinal Flower.)

Beautiful Smoky Mountains!!!
After leaving the Tremont area,  we drove along the Foothills Parkway.   Have I told you how much we love our PRIUS?  We are averaging about 55 mpg in that car!  Awesome!   AND--have I told you how much we love the SMOKIES?  We want to return to this area after the leaves change colors.

Dogwood leaves changing colors
Speaking of FALL,   I did manage to get some photos showing some of the indications that Fall is coming... Above is one showing the changes in the Dogwood leaves.

I love the colors in these leaves. They seem to turn a very very deep purple...  I think this is one of the many types of MAPLES.

Finally,  here is a neat photo I got while looking up at the top of this tree ---showing some color changes near the top.  Can you tell that AUTUMN is on the way?????   I get so excited this time of year --just like I do in Spring.

Here's a photo of my blog friend,  Nellie and her hubby,  Gene...  WONDERFUL people!!!!!  I'm so blessed to have met them both.

Hope you had a good week...   Be sure and catch me up on anything important which I may have missed last week...  Have a fabulous Monday.



Twilight Man said...

Awww! What a sweet photo of this love birds cuddling on the bench at Lower Lynn Camp Falls! This shot really lifted up my mood happily.

The Toyota advertisement at the Smoky Mountains is so creative & fantastic! I love that.

Hello to Nellie & Gene. I bet they had a marvelous time with Betsy & George. It has been my dream that I could someday visit Betsy & George too!

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, I love the photo of you and George looking away from the camera. And the great waterfalls and cascades are brilliant. And I love the little red flower. What a blogger you are, sharing all this with me. So great you met up with your blogger friend. Thanks for your comments on my "traumatic" weekend with Shadow, the cat. I've posted about it again today and find blogging helps in cases like these when we need to speak about things that have knocked the stuffing out of us. It could have been so much worse, and I'm grateful he's safe. Little blighter! Blessings and (((Hugs))) Jo

Ms. A said...

Beautiful series of photos and it's also nice to have a visual image of Nellie.

I'm beginning to think the two of you are part mountain goat, especially George! Some of the places he goes for shots look nearly impossible.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, what a special post! I love the gorgeous leaves, and the beautiful header of blues. Today my favorite is Lynn Camp Falls, and the one of you and George from behind.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy that sure is a lovely trip of the Smokies you were on. The scenery is awesome and I love the waterfalls. Esp.love the 6th shot.also the sunrise and the lovely red flower. I thought I had seen that shot of both of you before looking away from the camera. Love it. Great for you both to meet blogging friends, I would love to do that.
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful week. The waterfalls are beautiful. This is my favorite time of year! Have a great week.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you did have a great trip to the Smokies. The sunrise is beautiful and I love the shot of you and George at the waterfall. It is so nice you were able to meet up with your blogging friend. Wonderful shots, have a great day!

Linda P said...

You had good weather for your trip! The lovely blue sky sets off the changing colour of the leaves so well. It must be so enjoyable to meet up with blog friends and your family, of course.

Sharon said...

I was in the mountains on Saturday and yes, there are many subtle hints that fall is just around the corner. Wish I'd known you all were coming through. If it's the Toyota place I'm thinking of, you are VERY near our new place and would've been a great time for a cup of coffee! Next time??

Peaches McGinty said...

glad to have you back! but also glad you had a wonderful time, the shots of you and George are gorgeous, I really liked them, and the steepness of the hill George braved! I would have so backed out of that, as I am a wuss! beautiful photos Betsy, I find waterfalls especially soothing x x

From the Kitchen said...

As usual, your (and George's) photos are wonderful. Your header takes my breath away!!


tammy said...

I believe that red flower is called a Cardinal Flower. :-)

Marcia said...

Fall is a beautiful time of year. We were in PA two weeks ago and saw signs of leaves changing. Daughter in NH who we will visit in Oct says they are seeing the signs too. It should be gorgeous by October.

linda m said...

I love your idea of a week off from blogging - visiting with friends and hiking. Beautiful pictures you and George took. We are starting to get signs of Fall here also. Missed you while you were out having fun.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It sounds wonderful and your pictures are amazing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that shot of your best sides... great idea.. and the sunrise was on my birthday... i like the top of Lynn falls shot to.. so pretty and those purple edges leaves are glorious.

Janice K said...

I loved that first picture of the two of you....Of course, the Smokey's are awesome, as usual.

Jim and Sandie said...

I love waterfalls and cascades and flowing water of any kind. You got some wonderful shots. And that is a great picture of your best side. A great time.

The Furry Gnome said...

Glad you enjoyed your week off. I'm getting into a bit of family history too. I love your trip to the Smokies. Now that we've actually been there (back in April) I can relate to what you're describing. Love to see the fall colours there.

Liene said...

We've been vacationing on the Blue Ridge Parkway also! The maple you have shown us is the red maple, acer rubrum, so called because of the fall colors. The colors change from year to year, from tree to tree depending on everything from nutrients and rain to weather patterns. Looks like this fall will be a colorful one on the Blue Ridge!

Jeanne said...

Thanks for sharing the early signs of fall color. It will be a good while before we see any color. Beautiful pictures! I love the first one of you two looking at the falls!

Catherine said...

So many pretty colors Betsy! And don't you just love meeting blog friends? I met one in Victoria - so fun!
Looks like you and your George had a terrific time - as always. And your little car looks fun!
Happy Monday Betsy!
xo Catherine

Serenity Cove said...

Betsy...just beautiful! That's one of my favorite trails.
I'm really missing the Smokies this year:(

Big Dude said...

Lots of great shots Betsy, but I really like the one of you and George from the back.

LV said...

We all need a break once in awhile from everything. I have made some changes in my daily activities lately as well. Loved all you beautiful photos, but dearly love the backside of you two. A very special one.

Nellie said...

Happy Monday, Betsy!

It will take awhile for much of that pretty fall color that we like so well! We expect to have temps near the 90's today!

Hopefully you didn't have to contend with too much traffic on this trip to the Smokies. It will be heavier when the color really begins to show.

We will have to plan another time to enjoy lunch! It was great!


Sylvia K said...

Such a delightful post for the day, Betsy, and gorgeous captures as always! I love the colorful flowers and, of course, the waterfalls!! A happy time for you both!! Have a great week!

Glenda said...

Beautiful photos, as always! While I do not blog, I have enjoyed keeping up with you on Facebook, and you didn't take a vacation from that! It's always wonderful to meet special friends; I have met several FB friends as they come to the Smokies for vacation, and we live only a half hour from Pigeon Forge. Perhaps some day, when you and George are coming back this way, we can get together for a few minutes, at least for a cup of coffee, and possibly lunch. One good thing about retirement is that we can take such trips during the week, when traffic is not so bad! Have a wonderful Monday!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

MESSAGE to "t" (who left a comment here):

I cannot find your blog--if you have one-- nor an email address, so I can't thank you for visiting me. I do appreciate everyone's visits --and just wanted you to know.


Joy said...

Nice updates from you Betsy. Sweet pictures of you and your love:)
I am waiting for autum colors too:)

Chatty Crone said...

I love the sunset in the header.

Loved you and George with your backs to the camera watching the waterfall.

And that you had a nice week off.

Your friend Nellie looks sweet too.


Small City Scenes said...

Excellent pictures, Betsy. Always nice to see pics of the both of you--whether from the front or back--LOL!! Love the falls you show. So much water looking beautiful. Always nice to meet blogging friends. We are meeting one from France on Sept. 23rd and will take her up to see Mt. Baker. We just returned from a week in eastern Wa. It was lots of fun and great adventure. Welcome back. How did the family history go? MB

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am glad I took a minute to check out your blog. The pictures,as usual,are fantastic.Rainy here today,but that's fine with me.

Arkansas Patti said...

I just love that rear view of you two snuggling. Makes me feel like we have sneaked up on you unawares.
Really liked that shot at the Top of Lynn Camp Falls.
Leaves aren't changing here yet but your shots give me hope it is not far off.

Jazzmin said...

Absolutely gorgeous!! Always a blessing to be taken on a virtual adventure through your beautiful, breath-taking photos. I have to visit the Smokies sometime in my life... so amazing. Especially in Fall.

The second photo of your post is so sweet!

What a fun time and a beautiful place. Hope you have a blessed day♥
Hugs~ Jazzmin

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Haha! Wouldn't you know that just happens to be our best sides, too!

Beautiful Smoky Mountains, I can't wait to see them some day. Can't believe we haven't been there already.

Your pix (and George's) are awesome, as always. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Connie said...

Looks like you had a wonderful trip, Betsy. I love the photo of you and George enjoying the falls too. Such a beautiful view of the mountains.

Marie said...

Lynn Camp Falls is so pretty!
I do love the pic of you and George from behind...so sweet. :)
How nice to have met a blog friend. Nice pic of them as well. :)
Glad you're back!

Ann said...

Love all your pictures and I like the one of you and George with the new pose :)
55 miles per gallon? WOW and I thought I was doing good getting 35. That is awesome. no wonder you love that car

HappyK said...

It's always nice to have a break once in a while.
Terrific pictures as always.
Nellie is a blogger friend of mine too. It's nice to see what she looks like. : )

Susie Swanson said...

I can't keep up with ya'll..lol. Love these beautiful photos and that one of you and George is so special. Thanks for sharing all the beauty with us. Hugs, xo

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Glad you had a super time meeting your blog friend. YEs, that Cracker Barrel is an excellent place to eat! I do endorse it. We ate there a lot when we lived in the Glade. Your visit to the mountains sounded so nice. Florida is flat. I hope to get to the mountains next Summer out West. Have a great Tues. tomorrow!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I sure did miss your blog posts. I am glad you had a good break and happy to see you back.
Your fall leaf photos are beautiful. I can hardly wait for all the fall colors to start showing up here.
You two make a cute couple even with your back sides facing the camera!Lol.

Busy Bee Suz said...

You find the best places to hike; so beautiful!!!
I adore the photo of the both of you...so sweet. How nice to meet blog friends...and at my favorite place: Cracker Barrel!!!!

Susannah said...

The Smokey Mountains will be even more beautiful when the leaves change. It was so nice that you could meet your blogging friend, Nellie.

Have a wonderful week, Betsey.


Sally Wessely said...

Betsy, you two don't have a bad side! I love the photo of the two of you lovebirds that was shot from the back. That is a framer.

Fall is coming fast. Keep on hiking till it get here.

Good news about George's children moving closer.

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant photos Betsy, loved the ones of you and George, especially the one taken at Lower Lynn Camp Falls. So cute! How lovely to meet your blogging friends. I will be sure to take a look at Nellie's blog later. Have a wonderful day!

DeniseinVA said...

Hello again, I came back to answer your question. Borscht is a Ukrainian soup. Beetroot is the main ingredient but even people who don't like beetroots enjoy this soup.

Jeevan said...

Seems you both had wonderful time together over Smokies! Beautiful photos... I liked the unusual still of yours overlooking the falls. George is the best when it comes to shooting waterfalls and his works always impress me.

Good to see another great couple alike you! Looking forward to see more change in colors from your landscapes there. Love those colorful leaves :)

Small Kucing said...

I love the photo of you and George at LOWER LYNN CAMP FALLS..where the photo of the two of you sitting side by side with your back facing the camera :)

Hootin Anni said...

Nothing like the beauty of Autumn!!! And your waterfall images. But Betsy, I so adore the top photo of the two of you arm in arm!!! That is priceless.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time you had. Nice shots.

Latane Barton said...

Fabulous pictures as usual but the one of the back of George and you is just so adorable. You two do have a great time hiking and traveling around, don't you?

Out on the prairie said...

Gorgeous, I like the back shot of you two. Cardinal flower I believe is your red beauty.

Annie Jeffries said...

That picture DOES show your best side - your ROMANTIC side. xxx ooo

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, what awe-inspiring photographs. And the fall maple leaves are the essence of beauty.

I visited the Smokies once, back in August of 1972. A friend and I camped in the state park that was close to Gatlinburg. I hope one of these days to do a couple of postings about that trip on my on-line memoir. Your photographs brought back good memories. Thank you. Peace.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

You guys always find the best waterfalls! The pics are gorgeous. So glad you were able to meet with your blog friend. That's pretty awesome.

SquirrelQueen said...

You two always find the most beautiful waterfalls. It looks like you had a really fun trip. I really like the hint of fall colors especially those maple trees. My favorite photo however is the first one of you and George, so sweet.

Rohrerbot said...

I'm not sure anything exciting happened last week, but I'm glad you had fun. Be careful on those steep hills. I take lots of blogger breaks:)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

We love the Tremont area of the Smokies. (But then, what area of the Smokies don't we love?) It was fun going on your hike with you. That was a great way to photograph yourselves watching the waterfall.