It's going to take me about 3 or 4 posts in order to show you ALL of our 44 different Day Lily varieties. I've spent LOTS of time this year trying to learn the names of not only our Roses, but also the Lilies and Day Lilies. We keep charts and lists ---and I'll admit that it takes TIME and hard work!!!! BUT--paying more attention to the flowers makes me just love them even more.
Today I'll share with you some of our pretty Day Lilies. Most of you know (due to their name) that each blossom only blooms for a day. BUT--each plant can send up lots and lots of flower stalks, especially if the plant is 2 or more years old... SO--we get new blooms every single day! I'll be sad when they are all gone. Most of our Lilies are gone now ---so it won't be long 'til the Day Lilies are gone too... Sniff Sniff..
Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements... The picture above was our second Day Lily to bloom--and reminded me more of a Lily than a Day Lily. BUT--it is a Day Lily and its name is WILD HORSES. It is in the Road Flowerbed.
This little Day Lily was the FIRST one to bloom this year. That's why it is called EARLY BIRD CARDINAL. (That is all ONE plant.)
Another favorite of mine is EYE-YI-YI. It is in a group which are blooming near our garage.. The others in this group are Bright Sunset, Bicolor and Fred Ham.
In the same bed (next to the garage) is this little pale yellow beauty, named FRED HAM.
In the same group is another beauty named BRIGHT SUNSET. I captured this shot when the sun was setting in the west --and just happened to be shining right on this bloom. Pretty, isn't it?
AND--in the same group is one more, BICOLOR. This one was one of our late bloomers. When one buys Day Lily plants, you can get early bloomers or late bloomers. We always buy RE-bloomers (so they will bloom again in the Fall) ---but we also try to get a variety of early and late bloomers.. You can see how this one gets its name!
Here is a photo showing three of the four in the group listed above. Bicolor had not bloomed yet when I took this photo.
Besides Early Bird Cardinal (pictured above), there are three other Day Lily plants in the bed in front of our largest Rose Bed, on the left of the driveway (if you are standing in the road looking toward the house). SO --another pretty Day Lily in this bed is LADY ELIZABETH... The deer munched on many of these --but we got a few blooms. Isn't this a pretty Day Lily?
This beauty is named LAVENDER DEAL, and it has bloomed really well this year. I took lots of pictures of it, but decided to show you this one, with the raindrops on it. This Day Lily is really a pretty purple color.
And the last one in this bed is named ORANGE VOLS---after my Tennessee Volunteers I'm sure. However, the orange is not quite the 'right' colors... However, I do like this Day Lily.
Two more Day Lilies (in the road flowerbed) which look great together and bloom like crazy are CUSTARD CANDY (the lighter colored one) and FOOLED ME. Believe it or not,, but these are only TWO plants, one of each...
Here's another photo just of CUSTARD CANDY. Isn't she pretty?
AND--here is FOOLED ME. I don't know how some of the Day Lilies get their names!!!!!
This group of Day Lilies are on the big side flowerbed (on the upper side of our yard). Her name is ROSIE MEYER --and she bloomed and bloomed this year.
This is my favorite of all of the Day Lilies I have shown you today. Its name is SOUTH SEAS and it's in the road flowerbed. I love the color and design --and this one has really bloomed and bloomed for us.
Finally, here's a photo showing SOUTH SEAS ---and some of its many blooms. Again I say that that is only ONE plant. Isn't it gorgeous?
WELL---can you pick a favorite? I guess it has to do with the colors you like the best... I have lots more to show you---but you will have to wait until another post. Hope you have enjoyed seeing this group.
Have a fabulous Monday....
Lovely flowers. And good to visit your blog after a long time..
Your garden must be a riot of colour. I like the "Fooled Me"" one best.
It is so hard to chose a favourite. I love the colours and the profusion of flowers from each plant.
They are all beautiful, hard to pick a favorite! Lovely photos, Betsy!
What a beautiful collection of daylilies you have. They must be a joy to see while they are in bloom.
Have a great week ~ FlowerLady
All gorgeous and all have such unique names...I would never remember them!
Those are all so lovely. Maybe next year I will have another banner year with day lilies. I did last year, but not this one. Those 4 legged creatures who will remain nameless enjoyed them instead.
I love the sunset one! Wow. They are all so beautiful, Betsy. They must be a real joy to see.
Hi Bi Colour Day Lily is my favorite, however I think they are all wonderful. I cannot get over that you have 44 different ones in your garden. Great. Margaret
I thought "Wild Horses" was going to be my favorite, but I had changed my mind numerous times before I reached the end of your post. They're all too gorgeous to be subjected to comparison.
hey, you have one named after me. that is so cool!! how did you pick them in the beginning? by name, by color or ? my parents have lots of flowers in their yard. you & your husband have such green thumbs. so fun! ( :
Wonderful day lilies! I'm just a magpie; I love the bright coloured ones, and you have a lot of them! It's the nicest time in the garden all summer. Ours are just getting started.
Nope, I can't pick a favorite because I love them all. The only kind of day lily I have are the common ones that see growing alongside the roads
Fooled Me is my favorite. It's unbelievable to me how many different varieties you have. The colors in your yard are incredible.
Very pretty pictures, Betsy. Have a great Monday.
You are one smart lady to name all the different varieties you have in your yard. They are all beautiful and it would be hard to pick just one as the favorite.....
My favorite is Custard Candy or Lavender Deal.. Such glorious colors. Love them all.. Hugs Judy
No, I cannot pick a favorite...cannot even pick two or three favorites.
Absolutely beautiful, brilliant and colorful lilies! Loved the bright sunset lily captured with sun light. The South Seas are pretty, Betsy.
If I had to pick a favorite, I would say Lady Elizabeth!
Everyone of them is unique and just beautiful. The plants are so healthy too. What do you feed them? Aren't they suppose to multiply? I need you to come on down and doctor my day lily plant. Don't think it's grown any and only gives me about three blooms a year, I'm guessing your yard is the talk of the neighborhood..... Gorgeous!
I can't pick a favorite among these, but Day Lilies are my favorite flower. Your lawn/garden must be beautiful.
I am choosing Lady Elizabeth from these, although Wild Horses is so different than the others, it is a close second.
I am stunned that there are 44 varieties. Wow. I was captivated by Eye-yi-yi but any coral or orange gets my attention. They are just lovely.
I don't think I could pick a favorite. You wouldn't even know the deer ate some of them.
Your garden must be just a stunning array of color right now!
My daylilies were all pass-alongs so I unfortunately don't know the names:(
Wonderful captures of gorgeous, colorful flowers, Betsy!! What a delight!! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Have a wonderful day!!
I don't know all the names for sure and probably won't, but I like the EYE-YI-YI DAY LILY - the name and the beautiful Lily! Sandie
I love ALL Daylilies, you must have close to every variety !
If only the blooms would last a little longer ;{
Beautiful post Betsy.
They are all lovely. I think I will have problem to remember all the names:)
They are all so pretty--44 varieties--Wow! I would have to like Wild Horses because I like horses but it's a hard pick. MB
I'm always in awe of the knowledge of names of your roses and lilies!! You must keep a pretty good gardening journal ... something I wish I would have done.
Lovely !
I couldn't possibly pick a favorite, they are all so pretty! Your yard has to look fantastic with all these in bloom!!
Have a great week!
I really like those cardinal lilies.
Oh how very very very gorgeous!!
Oh my, those are gorgeous lilies Betsy.
Eye-yi-yi!!!! Well, in reading too fast, I thought the Fred Ham said Fried Ham, and was totally shocked! Fooled Me and South Seas for me today! I think the name Fooled Me is because it does not look as much like a daylily as the others, it is rounder...
Love, love, love the South Seas one! But really they are all beautiful!
Oh, my they are all so beautiful. I think I like the Bright Sunset Day Lily the best. I hope you have a great week.
Hello...I came across your blog today through "The Furry Gnome's" blog and I love all of your flower photographs. What a beautiful garden you have. I am in the process of planning a new garden for the Spring next year and your lily's would be the perfect choice as I want to make a big splash of color and they would be perfect. I especially love your header photo...we drove through there a few years back on our way to visit our daughter in Nashville. Beautiful country...Tennessee is one of my favorite places to be.
I am your newest follower and will now take a few minutes to look at all of your lovely photos.
Your yard is amazing!!! You have so many beautiful flowers!! I just love seeing and learning about these flowers. :)
hugs to you,
I could not pick a favorite but I love that shot of the ones that look like they are beside your garage door. Looks lovely with the house color and texture of your home behind them!
You noticed I've not been posting much or commenting. :)
We went to pick up our granddaughters to come stay with us for a couple of weeks. We got back here Sunday night and are settling in. I hope to post some photos of our fun times if time permits and I have the energy. :) A four year old and a five year old together is work for this Grandma! But, I love it. Thanks for asking about me.
My lilies have finally bloomed. They took so long but are well worth it!
Have a happy week Betsy!
xo Catherine
Hello and Good Morning Betsy,
Thank you for coming by my blog and for your lovely note.
I just wanted to tell you that I was referring to the little frog in my photo with my Geranium...you probably didn't even notice it because he was so tiny...even though...I am always surprised when I plant something and it actually blooms :).
We are also retired and share a lot of the same interests. I have a son and a daughter. My daughter is a professional singer/songwriter and vocal coach in Nashville and my son lives in Boston and is a dispatcher for the Boston Police Department...and oh...you are so right how time flies. They are both in their mid-thirties and I wonder where did the time go...life has a way of rushing by when we don't even notice. I have no grandchildren and both of my children are single...and no marriage in sight :( As a mother I would love nothing more than to be able to have little grandkids but I have to respect their choices because they know what is best for themselves.
Thank you...yes...Maine is very beautiful and we do love living here but we always have this wanderlust to move maybe one more time...who knows. Tennessee and especially where you live is also very beautiful and one of my favorite places. We actually looked in the North Carolina area a few years back to be closer to my daughter but things just didn't work out.
It is so nice to know that when I get sad over losing my child that I am not alone and that we have a common thread and understanding and compassion knowing what it was like and to share something so personal with another woman makes me feel better.
So, thank you again Betsy and I too look forward to a new friendship through our blogs. Hugs ~Kathleen~
You keep charts on your lillies? Like a spreadsheet? A girl after my own heart! LOL
I love them all, but the Lavendar Deal spoke to me today.
Love, love, love all your flowers! We have some daylilies along our back deck that were given to us by our neighbor. I can't seem to time my time at home to see them bloom! I hope they are pretty!
Lovely photos. Custard Candy is my favorite of these! Our daylilies are really starting to wind down now with their blooms. It's been a glorious year for them!
I am just starting to get the daylily "itch", so I enjoyed seeing all the different daylilies you have (with more to come!). I think I like the soft coloring of Fred Ham best, but Bicolor is so very interesting, I love it, too!
Between nature, George and you, you live in a paradise of beauty.
I enjoyed seeing your header of the mountains and all of your beautiful lilies. My favourite is Lady Elizabeth and I'm glad that some of them were saved.
I usually love the thrill of choosing a favourite Betsy, but not this time! They are so colourful, and their textures make me want to pat them and
I can't wait to see more please!
I'm out in the garden now and it doesn't look anything like yours!!! You enjoy that color! I'm just trying to keep things green here:)
Hi Betsy,
You have a beautiful garden and the lilies are gorgeous. I love the various colours.
Enjoy your Day!
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