Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day with Grandchildren at Fall Creek Falls State Park, TN

On Friday,  7/12/13,  George and I had a special day at Fall Creek Falls State Park here in Tennessee with a couple of our Tennessee Grandchildren.  We saw lots of waterfalls and did quite a bit of hiking... We had a perfect day --with mild temperatures and low humidity...

At 5 p.m.  we met the parents (son Jeff and daughter-in-law Dawn) in Dayton  (at Jacob Myers Restaurant by the River) for dinner.   After dinner,  George and I came home and the grandchildren went home with Jeff and Dawn for the weekend.  They celebrated our Granddaughter's  15th birthday on Saturday (her birthday was July 7)...   SO---everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Today,  I'll share some photos from that special day at Fall Creek Falls with these two wonderful young people.  Above is a picture of the four of us standing in front of the Cascades...  (We could even feel the spray from that wild water.) 

Here's a photo of the CANE CREEK CASCADES  with LOTS of water.  We have had so much rain this spring/summer so far that the waterfalls were REALLY flowing on the day we were there...   Loved it!!!!   You can see the swinging bridge above the cascades if you look closely.. Now--check out the next picture!!!

Here is a photo I took of the kids on that swinging bridge... I have been across that wobbly bridge before ---but opted to stand at the brink of the falls and take photographs on that day!!!!! ha... See them up there????

George was busy taking his own photos (using his special filter) of the rushing water, while the kids played on the Swinging Bridge.   Here is one of his 'silky' water photos taken that day.

George took this photo of GRAMMY with the 2 grandchildren at the brink of the Cascades...

The kids really got up close and personal with the CASCADES....  Bet they got pretty wet!!!!

We also visited CANE CREEK FALLS --and enjoyed seeing a RAINBOW over the falls.

This is what CANE CREEK FALLS looks like after we hiked to an overlook on the other side of the canyon.  George took this fabulous photo of this waterfall.... Neat,  isn't it?

George took this photo of Grammy with the grandchildren from the overlook above CANE CREEK FALLS and ROCKHOUSE FALLS.    In this photo,  you can see ROCKHOUSE FALLS on the left. 

Here is a picture of these wonderful young people when we were on our trail.  Our Grandson is into Music, and will be in the high school band again this year.  As a Senior,  he is thinking about colleges now...  The G randdaughter (as you can tell from her shirt) plays rugby on her high school team.

Here's an adorable photo of our 'Monkey'---as she climbed the trees in the area near our path...

On our hike,  we crossed over a couple of creeks on little bridges.  Here is a photo of the kids standing on one of the bridges.  As many times as George and I have been to Fall Creek Falls,  we have NEVER seen this much water in these creeks... Amazing!

Here is a photo of the 'main' waterfall at Fall Creek Falls State Park,   appropriately  named FALL CREEK FALLS.  This waterfall is 256 feet high --and had more water on this day than I think we have EVER seen.  Amazing!  The little waterfall next to Fall Creek Falls is called COON CREEK FALLS.

After our hike,  we drove along the bluffs to see the hawks and buzzards...  Look what else we saw!!!  That Mama Deer wasn't paying a bit of attention to that little fawn.  This little guy almost walked up to our car!!!!  (Thanks to our Granddaughter for spotting this little Bambi!)

We stopped at Buzzard's Roost  and I snapped a photo of George --with the grands...

Look at those beautiful TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS!!!

We could have sat there on those rocks for HOURS and just admired all of the beauty around us...  Oh how glorious it is to be out in nature!!!!

After a wonderful day together,  we met their parents for dinner.... Here's a picture of son Jeff and beautiful daughter-in-law, Dawn,  at the dinner table.

We had a wonderful day --and hope to do it again in early Fall!!!!!  And to our Granddaughter:  We hope you had a wonderful birthday this year!!!!

Have a great Wednesday.   Check out a pretty photo on  My Photo Blog today.  Click HERE.



Twilight Man said...

What a lovely and happy family you have!

The falls are beautiful and amazing with so much water everywhere. I love to join your outing!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

What a beautiful and amazing place to spend time with those special children. Aren't grandies just wonderful?!
So much water there Betsy, and the beauty of George and his filter!
Thank you for sharing your lovely family and exquisite photos with us.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, what a fun day to spend with your grandchildren. The waterfalls look wonderful, nice to see all that water. Great shots of your outing! Have a happy day!

Tabor said...

I think you have lost even more weight! What is your secret other than hours of hiking in the woods?

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, looks like a fun for all. that is a neat swinging bridge. the hubby would love that. ( :

beautiful post, really enjoyed the views. ( :

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Thank you for taking us on your wonderful hike via your photos, which are fantastic. I love the filter that George uses too, great effect.

It looks like a great time was had by the 4 of you and the memories made are priceless.

Love and hugs to you both ~ FlowerLady

Ercotravels said...

Hi Betsy! indeed, it's a great tour with happy family. every one photographs looking pretty but 3rd one photo of bridge is so much adventure able. Nice post. thanks for sharing. my new post

linda m said...

Betsy, you and George were so fortunate to be able to spend quality time with the grandkids. Everyone looks so happy. And to be able to take the grandkids to such a beautiful place is even better.

From the Kitchen said...

How wonderful to share your special places with those special youngsters!!


Hootin Anni said...

How fun!!! Beautiful scenery and beautiful people/family!!! What else could put a big smile on the faces?!!

Enjoyed this post Betsy. That one particular photo of the two kids on the high bridge...they have more daring than I!! I'm not sure I'd walk out on it.

Janice K said...

I'm so happy for you....One of your favorite places with your precious grandchildren.

Out on the prairie said...

What a great time and lovely family. You found some great shots to share.

Neal said...

What a great day you had!! There looks like there was really a lot of water coming over the falls....wish I could have seen that.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These photos are beautiful. So nice to see you with your family. Having the kids stand next to that waterfall really lends perspective and helps show the size of the waterfall itself. It sounds as if the timing of the visit was perfect for both weather and water.

The Furry Gnome said...

Boy, you've got some nice waterfalls down there!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yikes on the swinging bridge, scares me looking at the pic. i like the two photos with you and the grand kids and all the camera gear around your neck. stunning vistas.

Nellie said...

It looks like you had a marvelous day with those grandchildren!

Keep cool!


Sylvia K said...

What a wonderful day for all of you, Betsy, and in such a gorgeous place!! Terrific captures and so much beauty!! Thanks for sharing the fun and the beauty and the love!!

Anonymous said...

What fun you all had! Love the photos and the bridge is my favorite! You are blessed with a beautiful family.

Sharon said...

We Tennesseans sometimes give all the credit to that little mountain range in the far eastern part of the state and much less credit to those Cumberland Mountains in middle Tennessee. Such a shame as they are just as beautiful and there is just as much to explore. Hoping to hike these falls with you either in the fall or winter. Too hot and too many snakes for me right now!

Fun60 said...

What a terrific day out together. I wonder if they have caught the 'waterfall' bug.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful photos! Looks like a wonderful, fun day for all of you. Loved all your photos, the falls are just fantastic!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh my goodness Betsy what beautiful grandchildren. That's a subject dear to my heart. It is so wonderful they went hiking with you. They looked like they were enjoying every minute. It's great to see kids their age with out a cell phone in their hands.

Small City Scenes said...

It's all beautiful, Betsy. the Falls are beautiful, the grands are beautiful, Gma and Gpa are beautiful the mountains are beautiful, the parents are beautiful-----do you think I have over used that word. NO!!!


What a fantastic day you all had with your grandchildren.. WOW that waterfall was really moving.. Loved seeing.. it... Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos with us. Hugs judy

Jeevan said...

Wow! The Creek falls looks fabulous and your captures were marvelous. I’m sure it must be great fun and double joy in company of your grandchildren... both looks cool. The grandness of cascades is well disclosed with the present of the teens. Wonderful photos and I liked the wood bridge across the creek.

My best wishes to your all.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, so glad you guys got to spend the day with them...I am done dreading when Lorelei goes to school and we can't just see her any old time.

You sure got a crop of good photos here...not sure how I would feel about going across that swinging bridge.

Latane Barton said...

What a fun day. I bet you had as much fun as the kiddos did!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh Betsy, this looks like way too much fun!!! You all look so happy and are having so much fun! My favorites are #6 and George special photo with his lens. The first picture I love too, and the rainbow and Cane Creek Falls!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Betsy,you are always smiling,but I think that smile is just a little bigger in these pictures. Grandma looks pretty happy,as she should be. Beautiful scenery.

DeniseinVA said...

You all looked like you had such a great time. How special to visit this wonderful place with your grandchildren, and what a lovely family you have. Great, great photos!

Susannah said...

These photos are fantastic! What a great idea to do with the grandkids. They love doing things like this. I am sure they enjoyed getting wet also!!!! The pictures are fabulous. Loved every one of them!


Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Nice. I see you're giving them your love of waterfalls.

Arkansas Patti said...

Well you have to admit all that rain is good for something--amazing waterfalls.
Don't blame you for passing on the bridge. Yikes.
What a handsome pair of Grand kids you have. Didn't know rugby was played in the USA much less there were girl's teams. Girls have come such a long way.

Dorothy said...

Betsy, you get so many comments, you probably won't getting around to reading number 35! I enjoyed looking at all these pictures!! I know you had a great time! Don't tell George, but I like your waterfall pictures best;) I like the stopped action of your waterfall pictures!

I Am Woody said...

I love that you got to spend time with your grandchildren! Such special memories made!!

I remember that swinging bridge from when I was a kid. We visited Fall Creek Falls with several of my Mom's sisters and their children. A couple of my cousins trapped two of my aunts when they were in the middle of the bridge and made that things swing like crazy! My aunts were screaming like mad!! So funny!!

Connie said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy! And what a fun day that must have been spending time with your grandchildren and getting to see those waterfalls too!

Rohrerbot said...

I love the company you're keeping!!!! They looked like they had a lot of fun....and that waterfall!!!! I would love to take a swim nearby:) Looks like you're summer weather is a lot better than last year!

Sally Wessely said...

This day sounded just perfect. I'm so glad you had some time with the grands, and I'd have to say that they sure do look like grand kids! Taking the hiking was just the best thing ever for them I bet. I wouldn't walk on the swinging bridge for anything. I'm glad to see their sense of adventure. They must take after their Grammy.

Sally Wessely said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chatty Crone said...

I love to see you with your family because I know you love being with them. Awesome family! And I also enjoyed the rainbow around the lake - I have never seen that before. sandie

Lynda said...

So many smiles!!! I wonder who had the best time that day?!!! Were they impressed at their grandparents' stamina? It looks like you had hikers who had no problem keeping up with you all. What a wonderful treat - - - to be with them - - and to have so much water coming over the falls. You and George captured them well.

Joy said...

I was very touched seeing you with your grandkids. Awesome time together with them with fantastic sorroundings. Like a paradise.
Hugs from me

LV said...


Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy belated birthday to your granddaughter; I hope she enjoyed turning 15. :) They are both great kids and I can see they enjoyed the day with you both. I'm so happy you are able to get these opportunities to spend time with them; grandparents are SO important.
Oh, that swinging bridge? NO. thank you. :)

Miss Debbie said...

Looks like you had a great time! I am determined to visit that park. It's about an hour an a half from our son. It would be a great place to take our Tenn grands!!

Catherine said...

Oh that swinging bridge would have been too much for me! LOL! Looks like you are having lots of fun with your wonderful family Betsy. Good for you!

Have a happy weekend!
xo Catherine

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Betsy, that looks like such a fun day! Love the rainbow. You all look like you were so happy.

P.S. You can have my prune whip if I can have your sushi...

Marie said...

Looks like everyone had a blast! Happy Belated Birthday to your granddaughter!
The rainbow is so pretty! Great photos! Lovely family! Lovely smiles!

diane b said...

It is a beautiful area. I love the mountains and the waterfalls. Just magic. How lucky to have this place so close. It must have been a joy to hike with those great grandkids.

Unknown said...

These are lovely pictures Betsy, looks like you had a lot of fun there.

Donna said...

Cute kids! It looked like a beautiful hiking adventure!

Jazzmin said...

Wow, absolutely beautiful photographs! The scenery there looks breath-taking. God's creations are truly amazing and such a gift. I was sent here from Blackberry Lane and I'm so glad because it was such a joy to see your photos and escape in them for awhile.

Have a blessed day!