Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Our Home has a New TOP!!!!

Many of you remember last Summer when we had a new DECK put on our home.  If you missed that post,  click HERE.    Then,  after we got the new deck,  we got the house PAINTED.  Click HERE to see that post.

SO---this year,  we got a new ROOF.  Hopefully,  we are finished with these big jobs for awhile, except for the staining of the deck which we hope to do sometime this summer...   (We have given up some of our longer travel plans for this!!!)   Who was it that said the we don't own the house;  the house OWNS US..   ha ha (TRUE!!!)

Today,  I'll share photos with you  from the installation of the roof.   We had been waiting for a few weeks for the roof---but Mother Nature wasn't cooperating... SO--on Monday,  July 8, 2013,  the sun came out --AND a large crew came to give us a new roof.  They got here at 8 a.m. ---and had it totally finished by 3:15 p.m.  We were SO impressed with their work --and they did a fabulous job of the clean-up.   I would highly recommend A-1 Roofing (Crossville, TN) to others in our area who need a new roof.

They had originally said that it would take about two days.  BUT--with our crazy weather this summer,  they doubled up on the crew and got it done in one day.  AND---we are glad they did it this way since we had some rain that night at 6:30 p.m.!!!!! Crazy weather!!!! And--since we got the new roof,  we have had some rain most every single day!

The photo above shows some of the crew working on the roof...  George and I both slipped out of the house and took some photos of them working. They backed the big truck up to the house to collect all of the old shingles and old skylights.  They also had big tarps around the house to collect anything that dropped from above.  They had a little elevator (with the help of a generator) which took all of the shingles up on the roof.   They seemed very organized and all of these guys had their own jobs---and all worked hard!!  (Be sure to click on all photos for enlargements.)

Here is a photo of them working at the back of the house... Like I said,  there was a large crew here...

This is another photo of those hard-working young men...  I took this photo from the  backyard --on the upper side.

Here  is one more photo of the hard workers ---which I took from the road,  looking toward the front of the house.

This next set of photos were taken AFTER completion.   We love the new roof ---and the color is a Charcoal/Black.  In some shadows, it looks dark --and in certain other lights,  it looks lighter.  I wanted DARK ---and didn't want green,  so we are happy with our choice.  It's similar to what was on the roof --although the old shingles had more of a bluish look--which we did NOT want.

 This is a close-up of the shingles and one of our TWO new skylights.  We had skylights before --but they were made of plastic and were OLD and dingy... They needed replacing.  The workers also replaced some old wood around the fireplace...  The new skylights are WONDERFUL....

And here is a photo of the completed roof from the back of the house.  You can see the other skylight in this photo.  Both skylights are in each of two bathrooms.

This one was taken from the backyard --on the upper side.  You can see the top of one of our umbrellas on the deck.

NOW---here is a "BEFORE" photo of our home taken last summer (before the paint job and before the new roof).... You'll note that they had already taken the shutters down and were getting ready to paint when this photo was taken.   You can barely see the old skylight up there!!!!

AND---here is the "FINISHED PRODUCT"  in a similar location from the photo above.    Quite a difference,  don't you think????   How do you like it????  We love it!!!!   Guess that is all that matters, huh????

Hope you have a good weekend...  I will see you on Monday!!!



Twilight Man said...

You house looks brand new now with a pretty neat garden! I love it.

Ms. A said...

Bet you are glad to have that over and done with, especially with the threat of rain! We suffered through getting one last year, when we had the carport added, since both would have the same roof. Whew, talk about expensive! Hopefully, it won't need another one in our life time.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Betsy, it is absolutely sensational - the colours collectively are so sympathetic with the surroundings, just perfect. Now, I was thrilled when I saw your post as BUILDING is a favourite thing of mine. I come from a family of building contractors and have assisted in building 2 homes of my own in the past. Now, roofs are something that fascinate me over there in your part of the world. The materials they are commonly made from and installed with. Over here it is probably 90% always colourbond steel, with a much smaller percentage being made with tiles. So other products are of great interest to me, especially shingles as this is a product rarely seen here being used. This was fabulous!

eileeninmd said...

Looks good, Betsy! I am sure you are happy to have these big projects out of the way. Have a happy day!

Hootin Anni said...

I've watched roofers from a distance, and had a new roof put on our house in Tucson and in Colorado...they are marvels at their work arent' they? And they make it look so easy. I wouldn't do this for a living...heights! LOL I bet you're glad it's done tho. And yes, it does take about two days, so having a double crew made it turn out perfectly before the rains that evening.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- it looks fantastic! I love the color choices, and your yard is just gorgeous!


Hello Betsy, The new roof looks great.. Your garden look so wonderful... Hopefully the rain has stopped down there in the far South. Hugs Judy

Marcia said...

Too bad about having to put travel plans aside for a roof. But if there was not one to come home to then what?

Our roof which is steel will outlive us!

Connie said...

It looks great, Betsy! I'm sure it is a relief to have that all done. Glad the weather held off long enough they could get it done.

Neal said...

Very, very nice!! You really have it fixed up nicely.

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks like a very nice place! I can relate to the house owning you; sometimes I think we'll never finish.

Unknown said...

The new roof looks very nice :) They did a great job.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like a lot of hard work. nice finished product. guess you can sit down & relax now. enjoy it all!! ( :

linda m said...

Your house looks brand new. Love the colors in the new roof. Lots of hard work that has really paid off. Your house is something to be proud of. Have a great weekend.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Amazing that they did it in one day. It looks great!

Helen said...

It was always a relief to have big job done on the house. Our house need a new roof soon too but we will be doing it our self.

Beth said...

I love how it fits in with the natural world around it. Everything flows together in soothing harmony---not easy to pull off.
I normally wouldn't think of using green for a house color, but it definitely works for your house in its setting. Lovely. Great roof too!:>)

Big Dude said...

Your home petty well has an entire new outside and looks very good, as it needs to with your beautiful grounds. The roofers I've seen work in the summer, generally show up at daylight so they can finish their day about 1 pm to beat the heat. I'm planning to re-roof ours next year.

Karin said...

Renovations can be quite the investment! I'm glad you got everything done - stretched out over time - and now can relax in your beautiful home whose roof isn't going to leak with that rain y'all are having! Wishing you sunny days ahead!

Out on the prairie said...

Looks nice,hope the skylights are more quiet.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our roof was put on before digital madness struck me, or i would have done the same thing you did... looks great... the thing about home ownership is the cost never stops. i told bob we would have been better off renting and let the landlord make all the repairs and pay taxes and insurance....

diane b said...

It looks very nice all spruced up. Our house is in a bad need of a makeover too but I prefer to go on vacations instead. I must bight the bullet and do something soon.

Sylvia K said...

Quite a difference indeed! And it does look beautiful, Betsy!! I know how much you love and enjoy your home! Hope you and George have a wonderful weekend!!

Small City Scenes said...

Love the new look. I am glad the fellows got the roof done before more rain. They look like a good and experienced crew. Your yard looks lovely. MB

Janice K said...

It looks wonderful--all fresh and clean. We had new roofs put on all our buildings last summer--a big job which I am glad is over.

DeniseinVA said...

That's a great looking new roof. Now that Gregg is officially retired - woo-hoo!!! - we have a long list of projects to do on the honey-do list :)

Sharon said...

It looks beautiful! Now just sit on that deck and relax! Just out of curiosity, do you do your own mowing? It always looks so well manicured and good mowing is an important part of that.

Rose said...

Roofing is a hot, hard job...ask anyone who has done it very long. It is hard on knees and hard on clothes...

Your roof looks pretty and I like that skylight, too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

It looks great, Betsy! We had our house and the rental building next door both done last year. The crew was from COMO and were they fast! They did both buildings in just 2 short days! I'm amazed at how quickly these roofs go on and then they leave with nary an old shingle or anything left behind. I never thought to go out and snap photos of them, darn it!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I love the new roof color, it compliments the green siding paint.
We had a new roof last month, the second one in as many years, due to the hailstorm we had last Spring.....
This year a a new HVAC system also, yes...owning a house is expensive but the alternate of not keeping it well-maintained is even more costly.
Your place is looking so spiffy :)

Donna said...

Looks like they did a wonderful job! And now you have some peace of mind, too, with a new roof.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It looks like a new house, Betsy!!!! And around here, it takes DAYS for roofers to finish. When they leave for the day, they put tarps and plastic over the unfinished parts. OOOOH, I would LIVE a skylight! You and George can get naked in the sunlight and NO ONE would SEE you!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I am again waiting for the cable people to call and MAD as all get out!!! We cannot get ANY of our recorded shows, and now the whole T.V. is gone. Unless something changes, I am going back to Direct, I will let you know and you can send me your number. After we talk to the guy, we will decide, they said we are NOT under contract.

Grandma Bonnie said...

How neat an new roof. I would not want to be up on that roof. We do need a new one put on. I hope we find a good contractor to do ours.

Shug said...

Looks great! The good thing about getting a new roof, is that you can rest well knowing there is good roof over your head.
Hope your day has been great and that you will have many pictures to show from your trip with the grands..
Have a safe and happy weekend..

Lady Di Tn said...

That was a good narrative of roofing the house. It looks stunning in her new coat and hat. I helped roof a little dutch barn that I help build at my old house and it is really really really a hard job and I was only helping on a 9x12 building. This kitty does not care for heights so I do not think I could be a professional roofer of window washer for tall buildings. Have a wonderful weekend and our Friday was fantastic. Peace

Janie said...

How comforting to have a brand new roof when it's raining outside. I love skylights. Must be nice to have new, clear ones to let in the light.

Nancy said...

Now that you have done all the work to make your house look new, I can't wait to see where you are going next year.....

Ann said...

A new roof is something we need to do as well. Unfortunately it's just not in the budget right now. I'm hoping it holds out a little longer :)

Arkansas Patti said...

That really is a major undertaking and expensive but lasts a long time. I had mine done before I left Florida and like you was totally impressed with the speed and thoroughness of the roofers. What a hot hard job.
Let'er rain now, the roof is secure. Looking good.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Betsy, I have been e-mailing you, I need your number now as I am waiting to call Direct T.V.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

A good roofing crew is amazing. Having done a little shingling myself, I totally support hiring a crew. Ha!
Looks good. Nice skylights too. Now when it rains, you can just stay in and enjoy the sound of it on your new roof

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Handsome roof! By the way, we did get a bunch of rain today - remnants of what used to be a Tropical Storm, but nothing terrible. No big wind, either. So maybe if you get anything, it won't be very bad at all. That's the hope, anyway. Have a good weekend!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The house looks beautiful. The roofing company sounds good to work with. Love that they managed to finish in the one dry day they had.

Chatty Crone said...

The love the new roof - that is a different kind of shingle then just the regular ones - I forgot the name - but very pretty. And the skylights too. I think your home is wonderful. Worth missing a trip or two. Love, sandie

Marie said...

Your home looks fabulous! They put our new roof on in a day as well. :) I couldn't believe it! They did have to come back and fix a stubborn leak around the fire place.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy well that was great being able to watch your home being re-roofed as seen from your great photos. It certainly is a great improvement and well worth the wait in the weather for doing it. It now looks like it blends in with Nature more now. Well done and have a great weekend. Margaret

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

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Nice post.

Please visit mine too and feel free to add comments. No word verification at all ! :)


Busy Bee Suz said...

Your new top looks great; so nice and clean.
I'm jealous of your skylights....I bet they are nicer now that they are glass. Although, you might need sunscreen in the loo. :)

Jeevan said...

Your house got a pretty roof top! Looks so beautiful and neat job by the crew... Love the new look as well.

Have a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Your home looks lovely. It is quite loud to be inside while the roofers are working. Glad you were pleased with the workers.

Hope you two enjoy your Sunday.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Your trees are pretty around the roof...but roof makes house look like it had a makeover...nice that you got it dont in between the rains

troutbirder said...

Looks very nice. We're having our reshingled next fall. Years ago I did the job myself on our old house. Of course, I was much much younger then...:)

Anonymous said...

What a pretty house!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your house looks so spic and span now, Betsy, with the new roof complementing the new paint. I'm sure you're glad most of these big maintenance jobs have been completed. Time to enjoy it! :)

Lynda said...

It looks GREAT!!! A definite upgrade. I am happy for you about the skylights. We have never had them but I always thought I would love at least one - - maybe in my kitchen! I know you are happy the hammering is over but it is so worth coping with the construction noise for the end result.