Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Raindrops on the ROSES

Those of you on Facebook know that we have been enjoying our Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses recently... Once they started blooming,  LOTS of them bloomed. And the first blooms in spring are some of the best we see all season.   SO EXCITING!!!!

Yesterday morning,  we woke up to some rain.... After the rain stopped,  we went outside and did what we do everyday:  we took more pictures!!!!   Today ---I want you to get another cup of coffee and just sit back and relax...  Here are 12 photos I took yesterday morning in our yard.  Please enlarge them for a better look!
Chicago Peace



Elizabeth Taylor


Perfect Moment

Radiant Parfume

April in Paris


Rio Samba

Apricot Nectar


This is just a small number of our roses.... Can you see how blessed I am to get to see these in person????  AND---George brings one (or more) inside for me to enjoy every day....   I love roses with raindrops on them ---so I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I enjoyed bringing them to you.

Have a wonderful day!



Ms. A said...

You've got raindrops on roses... where's whiskers on kittens?

They're all gorgeous, Betsy!

Fun60 said...

No wonder you are so 'joyful'. THeya are just so beautiful. I think my favourite is Ella.

Cheqna said...

Hi Betsy,

you are blessed indeed to have those...so beautiful and with raindrops too..love it.

Thanks for sharing your lovely collections.

Have a great day.


Joy said...

So amazingly beautiful:)

Sikoreczka said...

Beautifull Rosa :)
I like her.

Lynn said...

I believe raindrops are stunning on roses. The color of favorite flowers changes as my moods change. This morning, April in Paris is my favorite. Yet, love Sedona, I think because I loved being in Sedona, it is such a magical place. Enjoy your beautiful roses.

Celia Blanco said...

You are so lucky to have such a beautiful rose garden.Very lovey images!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Betsy ~ You had some absolutely beautiful roses, and to think this is only 'some' of your roses. Roses with raindrops are always wonderful.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i guess George never has to bring you flowers ... because they are right outdoors. ha. ha!!

gorgeous blooms. so lovely. i love the Ella. nice shots. ( :


Hello Betsy, Such very very lovely roses and in truly beautiful colors. Have a lovely week. Hugs Judy

Lynda said...

You couldn't have staged or photo-shopped those roses more perfectly - - and I know you post them untouched - - they are not altered in any way - - but I'm saying no one could have gotten any prettier pictures if they had tried.
Your roses held up well if you got the intensity of rain that we did. The knock-out roses in our city were pelted to the ground.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

raindrops make flowers even more beautiful than they are...

Chatty Crone said...

I love the first picture of your home!!! Then I liked the Sonya and Sedona - I guess I like pink. Very pretty. sandie

Donna said...

These are beautiful! I'm glad you like the raindrops because we've been getting a LOT of raindrops in Tennessee here lately! Hope you weathered the latest storm OK.

Marcia said...

What an assortment you have there. I like the raindrops on roses.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Every single one of the images is lovely...but, of the roses themselves, I think the Bella'roma is my favorite. It's so pretty with the gentle shading of colors.

Buttercup said...

These are spectacular. I'm especially taken with Sedona, but it's no surprise. It's one of my favorite places. Have a great day!

Neal said...

They are all really beautiful!!

HappyK said...

I love the raindrops on your roses too. I love the names of the roses too. They also seem to fit the rose perfectly!!

Small Kucing said...

My favourite things :)

I bet their scents are wonderful. My son gave me a yellow rose the other day

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I like the rose Bella Roma best of the ones you have shown today. All are lovely and you and your hubby should rightfully be proud. Have an outstanding day today!

Unknown said...

Your rose pictures are absolutely beautiful!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They are so beautiful under the raindrops.

Rohrerbot said...

I'm loving all the names for your roses. How do you keep track of them all??? That is awesome. Keep them pretty. Your shots of all the colors are really nice. Your yard must be a feast to visitor's eyes....and maybe some of those cute deer?:)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy Wonderful roses with raindrops. Margaret

Unknown said...

Ohhhhhh, Betsy! your roses are magnificent! I wish I had that many ... I, too, love the rain drops adorning each of them. Your captures are just breathtaking!! TY for making my day & sharing ...


I Am Woody said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

Google Chrome thought your page was written in Romanian today and asked if I wanted to translate it. Haha!!

amanda said...

Wow, Betsy! Your roses are gorgeous!
We only have humble wild roses around our property. Still, I love them.
And nothing beats the beauty of taking photos of blooms after a rain. Gorgeous!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

YES I enjoyed seeing them as much as you do taking the photos...you sure have pretty roses

Helen said...

can't have enough roses, I have a few roses too.

Arkansas Patti said...

I don't think there is another flower that showcases raindrops like roses do.
Just lovely. Your neighbors must drive by with the windows down.

Janice K said...

You have so much color in your yard!! The roses all look so perfect. I think, in spite of the strange spring this year, the flowers are all extra beautiful. What's nice about your roses is they just keep blooming. You're in for an extra nice/colorful summer, I believe.

Nellie said...

And - you need "bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.":-)

The roses are quite beautiful! Excellent photographs!

Terry and Linda said...

Those are just lovely, Betsy! I really like the Evening in Paris one.


Rose ~ from Oz said...

Your raindrops on roses, is magnificent and, I did happen to have a cuppa with me as I sat down very early this morning to read my fav blogs!
The header captures the big picture perfectly - a pictorial delight! That very header photo would make a wonder front cover for your daily calendar.

Grandma Bonnie said...

All your roses are so beautiful! I can almost smell their sweet scent. Hope you have a great week.

Betty Manousos said...

these photos are all fabulous, dear betsy. wow!!!

your roses are gorgeous, too!

have a great week ahead~

big hugs!

Small City Scenes said...

Roses with raindrops are extra beautiful. You have gorgeous roses and how lucky you are to have a fresh one everyday brought to you by your George. MB

Shug said...

Gorgeous rain kissed roses. Their beauty is truly something to enjoy. I can't imagine having all of these lovely things blooming at the same time. Is your home on the scenic tour? Pretty sure that you have a lot of lookers passing by.
so pretty!

Cicero Sings said...

Your roses are gorgeous ... bejeweled with raindrops. They grow so well for you two!

Ann said...

I always like to take pictures right after it rains because I love the look of water drops on flowers and leaves. Your roses are all beautiful.

MTWaggin said...

Your roses are AMAZING. I always loved this time of year at my grandparents place in Oregon, the smell of the roses and the pretty colors!

Anonymous said...

Each one is beautiful. How lucky you are to enjoy them in your yard and also in your home.

Thanks for sharing the beauty Betsy.

LV said...

What a pleasure it would be to sit in your yard, have coffee, surrounded by all this beauty.

Anonymous said...

They are all lovely but my favorite is Ella, which is my new great niece's name!!!

Miss Debbie said...

Oh my goodness...beautiful!!

eileeninmd said...

Lovely collection of roses, Betsy! Your photos are lovely!

Catherine said...

Heavenly! I bet they smell good too!
xo Catherine

DeniseinVA said...

One word comes to mind as I am looking at your roses Betsy, GLORIOUS!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing pictures! The raindrops enhance the already beautiful flowers.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Wowza. I wish we had smell-orama here....those are some real beauties right outside your door!!!!

carolina nana said...

Love all the roses. Do they all smell wonderful ? I have noticed some of the ones they sell now don't have any rose smell at all.
We have had so much rain some of my roses have already lost all their petals.
We are due a couple pretty days and then more rain,oh well !!

Rose said...

WOW! They are just so beautiful...I could never pick a favorite but sure love that yellow one.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your roses are perfection and must smell so wonderful, Betsy! I love how they look with rain drops on them. I'm glad the deer are leaving them alone!

Anonymous said...

Each photo is exquisite! So beautiful.

BlueShell said...

The rain and the roses...marvelous!!!

dear , I had to move from blogspot because I was having a lot of unpleasant anonymous comments on mu blog
Now I'm here

Hugs and kisses

Pat Tillett said...

They are all so different and all so beautiful! Nice job Betsy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Crescendo, Radiant Parfume, and Apricot Nectar!

BlueShell said...

Thanks for visiting....
I have been quite busy...school papers to see, grades, papers and papers....

Now I hope I can be here often....

Small City Scenes said...

Forgot to say---Love your header. MB

Connie said...

So amazing! You have so much beauty to enjoy there in your yard, Betsy!

Sally Wessely said...

I love the raindrops on the roses! Oh how I miss my roses. Thankfully, I can see yours via your blog. I love the Elizabeth Taylor. I didn't know there was a Chicago Peace rose. I'm sure it is just as lovely when it doesn't have rain drops on it.

Carletta said...

Rain just brings out the beauty doesn't it Betsy!
Lovely roses!
I have that song in my head now. :)
I love it so it's ok by me.

Marie said...

Even more beautiful with raindrops!
Hope all is well with you both. :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Radiant Parfume is my favourite, No it's Crescendo, I love them all. Sorry for being greedy.

Janie said...

Roses are beautiful anytime, but I especially love them with raindrops. Bella Roma is my favorite.

Jeevan said...

Gorgeous roses! The droplets absolutely adorn the beautiful flowers.

Twilight Man said...

Great roses bloom beautifully when the planters have happy hearts! That's what the rose farmers told me and you are one!!!