This is my second post from our trip to Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina on November 8, 2012. Be sure to check out Part I by clicking HERE. Several people commented about it being cold there that day... To tell you the truth, I cannot remember a time when I was any colder than I was that day on top of that mountain.... It was unbelievably cold.
Today I will show you more from that trip. Above is a picture of the top of the mountain (where we went)---from below, as we were driving up there.
Be sure to click on the photos to see enlargements.
We stopped here to check out these interesting rocks. This one is called a SPHINX. Do you see the head????? A Sphinx is an ancient Egyptian stone figure having a lion's body and a human or animal head.... See it???
This rock is called SPLIT ROCKS.... Appropriate name, wouldn't you say? Wanna stand under that cracked rock?????
I had to work hard to hold this rock up!!!! ha ha
No reason for this photo ---other than the fact that I think it was an interesting tree, and of course, I just HAD to snap a picture!!! Nice view though!
We checked out the Animal Habitat at Grandfather Mountain ---but since it was SO cold that day, most of the animals were HIDING ---probably trying to stay warm. The picture above is one of two bears which we saw. George took this one ---showing the long tongue on that bear.
Have you ever seen a CINNAMON BLACK BEAR before? Here is one for you. His name is Kodiak. He is rare--born in 1999. Less than 3% of the black bears on the east coast have this coloring. Pretty, isn't he?
We saw a couple of COUGARS ---but they were far away and wouldn't pay any attention to us... This is the best picture I could get --even with my long lens..
After walking around to see the animals, we went inside the Visitor Center (Nature Museum) to WARM UP.... Did I mention how cold it was that day---especially the wind?????? Woooooooo.
I had to take this picture of George with "MILDRED" the Bear. Mildred came to the Grandfather Mountain area about 1968. She loved it there --and raised her 'family' while there. The bears there now are all descendents of Mildred....
There was also a Mildred Grill and a FUDGE Shop..... We had our lunch in the car --so we didn't visit the grill, AND I just couldn't get anywhere near that Fudge Shop.... TOO tempting!!!!! ha
After leaving the Visitor Center (Nature Museum), we then continued up the mountain to see the Mile High Swinging Bridge (shown in Part I).
If you ever get to the mountains of North Carolina, be sure and check out Grandfather Mountain. We hope to go back sometime and do some hiking. (All of the hiking trails were closed when we were there due to snow on the trails.)
Have a fabulous day.
Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...
Betsy, this looks like an awesome place to visit. I love the bears. Great photos of you and George! Thanks for sharing your trip!
Split Rocks looks dangerous as all get out! No, I would not want to stand under it.
PS: I would not have been able to pass up fudge.
I love Mildred the Bear! Oh, I have not thought of fudge in years - I would have stayed far away from it too! Such a pretty area to hike. Too bad it was soooooo cold!
Neat Header there Betsy, but love this post, full of beauty.
The rock formations are so interesting in that rugged mountain area, especially the split rock. I like the thought of visiting the nature museum and also seeing the bears. I love fudge so I'm afraid that I would have enjoyed that too if I had been with you!
i love the name Mildred... my mother's name. never realized how strong you are ... such strength. you go girl!! work out those muscles. gorgeous views. just amazing!! i've never asked i don't believe. do you camp out or do you stay in hotel/motels? just curious. ( :
You've really whetted my appetite for a return visit to a place that holds such warm childhood memories, but I think it's going to wait until spring!!
nice shots
My husband took me to Grandfather Mountain when we were dating, many many years ago. We need to go back!
What an interesting place! I've never seen a cinnamon bear.
Brings back fond memories for me. Grandfather Mountain is a must see for anyone who loves the feeling of being on top of the world and magnificent views.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and journey, Betsy.
Hugs :)
That split rock is amazing. love your tree shot and the views. Are these animals dangerous? Cougars and bears. Can you go hiking safely? I'd be a bit scared.
That split one, looks very scarey. :-)
Both of those bears were beautiful, but that cinnamon-colored one was amazing. I've never seen one that color before. I've always wanted to see a cougar in the wild, although from a safe distance; but I may have to settle for seeing one at Grandfather Mountain. It looks like a trip we would enjoy.
Really great shots, Betsy! We really enjoyed Grandfather Mountain, but like you, it was so cold when we were there that we couldn't linger.
Love all the pictures. The cinnamon bear is pretty - never saw one before. I will have to put this place on my "must see" list.
i could see the face in the second one and thought it would be grandmother mountain.. LOL and wow are the two of you brave, standing under cracked rocks and holding up mountains. love that bear with the long tongue. great shot
It's beautiful! I hope if I get to go someday, it won't be as cold as it was for you!
If I Was the one who saw those animals, i probaly freeze to death:) are they not dangerous?
Nice trip again by the way:)
Hugs from me!
The place looks grand and the rock formations are amazing! The split rocks look dreadful but I could stand hoping it won’t part :)
I don’t remember when I last saw a bear... you got wonderful captures on the bears. The tree and view was stunning.
Very interesting rocks. Blue Ridge Pkwy? I have such stunning photo's of the cougars from our trip. Surprised the penguins were not out, they love cold. They were beyond cute too. GF mt is incredible any season, but we lucked out since it was beautiful Fall in NC. But you two are the champs, doing the swinging bridge. Again, such an awesome feat. Still don't know why "tiny Betsy" did not blow off the bridge.
The split rock is very interesting and good to know I'm not the only one that takes pictures of dead trees! LOL I call them my "artsy fartsy" shots. The bears all look in very good shape - well cared for and I can't believe you skipped the fudge shop - ON PURPOSE!
I was glad to hear you were using long lenses for those bear and cougar pictures. Looks like a neat place to go.
I noticed the little snowflakes falling across my screen. Pretty cool!
How neat that they have animals up there! I didn't know that. The cinnamon colored bear is especially gorgeous.
i can't believe you got a shot of a bear
and a cougar! brave girl!!!
i always love a great tree, and that split rock is cool!!!
Wonderful captures for the day, Betsy!! I love the bear and the cougar! So fun to see them in their own space! Such a fantastic park! I would love to visit there, but your photos are the next best thing!! Hope your week is going well!! Enjoy!!
The split rock is really something! That was an interesting tour, thanks!
e have got to visit that place if we are ever in the area again. It really looks interesting.
The first picture of that mountain makes me think of the black mountains in Germany. But my favorite here is the Split Rock!! I have never seen anything like it, and how straight and sharp the split is. Did they say anything about what caused it? I cannot pass up a taste of fudge anywhere we go, it is a hard treat to find!
Absolutely COOL rocks!! Amazing split rock there, and I know you really had to use some muscles to hold up that big ol' boulder...
Isn't God amazing?
Those rock formations are incredible. I would love to visit this area. Great critter photos too, even of the shy cougar.
More beautiful pictures. I'm reminded of Backbone Rock in Damascus, VA. I'm sure you've been there.
You and George find the most interesting places to visit. Those rocks look amazing and maybe a little scary.That split rock looks dangerous.
Oh my goodness I was amazed at those animals out there - that bear and his tongue! Wow. And cougars! I am going to show Andy split rock - that was a fissure - one of his spelling words. sandie
Another awesome excursion for you and George. I do see the head in the sphinx. I didn't realize how strong you were either until I saw you holding up that
Cool sighting on the wildlife. Did the bears even notice you there?
I would have to stay at the lodge. Cold weather and I just do not get along. Loved seeing the sights tho.
Grandfather Mountain - love the name.
Not hard to see how Split rock got its name. : )
That split rock is cool!
xo Catherine
I have not heard of a cinnamon black bear...had not heard of micro moon learned something on both your and George's blogs this evening.
He is a pretty bear...and I never think a bear is pretty.
Neat pictures, Betsy. Wow, you are strong to hold up that rock. haha! Love the picture of the bear.
I loved seeing the cinnamon bear --he's so handsome! The split rock is amazing! Grandfather Mountain certainly looks like a wonderful place to visit!
It looks like you all had a fabulous day. The pictures are wonderful and I sure hope you took a long muscle soothing bath that night after holding up that rock for so long. MB
Yes, the cinnamon bear is absolutely gorgeous! And Hercules you...holding up that boulder. I bet you grew up eating wheaties, right?!!!
Beautiful scenery. Reminds me of the Chihuahua Mountains in Southern Arizona with all the rock formations and aptly named.
Wow - bears and cougars! And all that fabulous scenery! Lovely.
I love that the bears name was Mildred! So 'our' Mildred!
It didn't look as cold as you said it was, but I will believe you.
BTW: The last cougar I saw was at the mall....and she was shopping up a storm! LOL!
My mother and I took a trip to Grandfather Mountain a few years ago. It was in the fall and very cold on top of the mountain.
This is a splendid posting. I love the beautiful mountain views and the animals, too. You always take such wonderful photos. Enjoyed the trip with you and your husband.
I love that Cinnamon Black Bear but wouldn't want to get close enough to snuggle with him.
Looking at that first shot it doesn't seem possible that you could be on top of it - awesome!
Love the bear shots!
Really need to put this place on my bucket list. :)
What a delightful place! I'm so glad you went and showed it to us!
Betsy, don't let that rock fall on you!
Loved the photos. You two have the greatest adventures.
Wow!!! What an amazing trip! I can't believe you walked to the top of that mountain!
Thanks so much for sharing!
What a beautiful place, and it does look a bit cold on that mountain. The cracked rock was cool.
enjoy your weekend.
Love the bears and cougar. I wouldn't do well with the cold. Not a big fan and it takes all my energy to smile in weather like that...but it does look very nice:)
loved that bear shot, getting a photo of a bear is on my bucket list!
The contrast in temperature to where I've been vising is huge! Catching up on all your posts. Love your header and you holding the rock up.
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