Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmases Past (2001-2008)

2001 Christmas Tree
I had some fun going through old Christmas pictures since George and I got married.... SO---today I thought I'd share with you a picture from each Christmas between 2001-2008.   Hope you enjoy them!!!!! (When I do this,  I always find out how much better photos are now than they were years ago... SO--some of the earlier pictures are not the best quality! Oh Well---hope you like them anyhow.  Some will enlarge--and some won't.)

The picture above is our first Christmas tree in 2001... The angel is almost as large as the tree... ha ha....  We were living in our little townhouse in Hendersonville that first year.  This little tree now sits on our front porch every Christmas.

I couldn't find one single picture from our Christmas in 2002.... I know that we bought our new house that Fall---but didn't officially move here until the summer of 2003, when I retired from my job.  We visited the new house here alot on weekends ---and I loved to cuddle up near the fireplace!!!!!  SO---here's a picture taken sometime that winter.

First Christmas in our Home ---2003
That tiny tree (with its big angel tree-top) looked even smaller in our new Great Room...  BUT---we didn't buy the new tree until 2004.... SO---this was Christmas in our new home in 2003... NOTE that there was some snow outside... (We had more snow here during those years than we have had the last several.)

New Christmas Tree in 2004
We got the new tree in 2004----and have used it ever since.   You will have to go back and look at the first picture of this tree I posted in Monday's blog post.... There are TONS more ornaments on that tree in 2012... ha  (NOTE---there's snow outside!!!)

Two silly people celebrating Christmas together------Who are those people??????

Here's the ribbon (and garland) I used to use on the lamppost.... I loved that old ribbon ---but through the years, it turned orange in the sunlight.... SO---since it didn't look like Christmas anymore,  we got rid of it.  I bought a new one this year--but don't like it nearly as much... (Those are our winter Pansies in that bed.  We plant them every year.)

This was the first year we bought our lighted garland and bows for the deck....

Another 2007 Purchase
Also in 2007,  we bought our first lighted wreath for the front of the house.  (We now have 3 out there.)

Treetop Angel---2008
Lastly,  in 2008,  I'll show you the angel which sits at the top of our tree --and has --every year since we bought the new tree in 2004.... I like her much better than the big one I used to use on the tiny tree... (The big one now joins the other angels in their area!)

Hope you enjoyed sharing Christmas Pasts with me today!!!!  Christmas is just so special to me ---in so many ways!  Praise be to God that Jesus Christ was BORN --and that we can celebrate this birth all month!!!!

Because it is December and since there is alot going on,  George and I are taking a week off from blogging.  Hope you have a fabulous week---and we'll see you on Monday,  December 19.  Don't be naughty.....  Someone is watching you!!!!!



Ms. A said...

The difference in the tree then and now is huge. You now have SO MANY ORNAMENTS!

Enjoy your time away.

Jo said...

Betsy when I see the outdoors behind the Christmas trees in your photos, I cannot imagine having snow... We have sunny Christmasses. The weather through my South African office window as I sit here and comment is BRIGHT and clear with blue skies. But nothing beats a white Christmas which I have yet to experience. Thanks for sharing these past times. Bless you both. (((Hugs))) Jo

Big Dude said...

Looks like you've made some good Christmas memories together.

Jeevan said...

Very sweet post from your Christmas pasts, Betsy! Lovely photos... I personally love Christmas trees and bought one last year and decorated with bells, balls and led serial bulbs and also looking forward to set the tree again this year. I think the snow fall is something special during Christmas... we miss it here.

Have a nice wonderful week-end ahead :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love looking back over the years. that is sure fun. have a great week off. big hugs. enjoy!! ( :

Sharon said...

This comment may seem totally unrelated to the post itself, but somehow or other, looking at these pics reminded me that I'm thankful to have found your blog this year and consider you and friend. Maybe looking at the Christmas pasts gave me the sense of knowing you better. Of course, my fav is the one of you laying in front of the fireplace grinning like a Cheshire cat. I do a lot of that same thing if front of our fireplace.

Hootin Anni said...

I so enjoyed this...what a great concept to share photos from the past holiday season!!! Very fun to view and go back in time with you.

Anonymous said...

So many precious photos/memories from Christmas past. It is always fun to unpack the special ornaments collected thru the years. Have a good weekend.

Catherine said...

Looks like you have some wonderful memories to make you smile Betsy! Enjoy your blog break!
xo Catherine

Faye said...

What a lot of great memories searching through these old pics must have brought back to you, Betsy. And so much fun to see how tree "fashions" change from year to year. Like you, I had some favorite green plaid ribbon that carefully rolled up and saved from year to year.

And I'll echo Sharon. So glad to have met you and George in the blogosphere and share some of your photo journals of your adventures. You all are keepers!

Latane Barton said...

I loved the trip down Christmas memory lane with you and hubby. Aren't memories just the best!! Have a great week on your blog break. We will miss you.

Shug said...

What a nice post....enjoyed seeing your Christmas past! Lots of fun to look back through the years and to see how things have changed. Hope you and George enjoy your time off. You two make sure you stay out of trouble!!


Anonymous said...

Betsy, you and George have collected some lovely Christmas photos through the years.

Have a happy weekend :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

since each year the trees got bigger and bigger, i am wondering if you had to make the ceiling higher or cut a hole for the tree. just kidding. and i like to look back and see just what we see here, the tree got better and so did the photography skills.in my case each year the trees got smaller until 2006 when i went to the 2 foot trees and they have stayed the same.

Randy said...

I'm so jealous of the snow! We never get that much here so its a treat when it comes. And the picture of you and George is so cute! Love your sweater!

Marcia said...

Isn't it fun to look back at old photos? We did just that last night. I happened to mention our wedding going on 39 years ago at the dinner table last night and what we wore (very untraditional and a small wedding) and that prompted daughter Sarah to look for that album. She and Dan then poured through three of them starting in 1974 with older photos included in there. Dan had hair! I had long long hair! We were a lot skinnier! Then we had to recount some of the stories to her which I know she's heard but as a child so didn't remember them. A spontaneous evening of rememberance. Just like your photos! Enjoy your holidays!

linda m said...

What lovely pictures. Your tree kept growing bigger each year. Love the decorations. Have a great week off.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Precious pics, from the past.

Thank you for sharing.


Chatty Crone said...

What a great idea - keep doing it too - I have done that since we were married - this will be our 39th Christmas and I made a book with it.

You guys have improved with age. You two look great.

Have fun your week off. sandie

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

What a fun look at past Christmases at your house, Betsy. Hope you and George enjoy your blogging break.

Karin said...

Love going down memory lane and reminding ourselves of the goodness of God! Hubby and I did that in the hospital the other day - just remembering - didn't even have photos with me! God bless you for another very special Christmas! Hugs!

Small City Scenes said...

Lovely reminders, Betsy. How we all change and adapt every year. By the way---silly is the best way!!! MB

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love to look at photos from the past. Hope you and George enjoy your week!

Sylvia K said...

Such fun looking back!! And thanks for sharing the fun with us, Betsy! Such a lovely tree! Have a great week!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That was a fun look back over the years. couldn't help but notice that in 2003 you still had the little tree but a large TV. I smiled when I noticed this.I'm sure that would have been my hubby's choice as well.Have a great time this next week.

Dorothy said...

I enjoyed seeing your trees over the years!! Have a happy blog break!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE seeing Christmas through the years at your house!!!! I hope you have a really refreshing blog rest, but I know you will probably be running around getting things done!

joy said...

Lovely memories Betsy! Have a nice week end!

Nellie said...

What wonderful memories you have of past Christmases! May this season be filled with peace and joy! xo Nellie

HappyK said...

Looks like many happy Christmas's. : )

Terry and Linda said...



¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is so nice to see all these years of decorations...Enjoy your Christmas!!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, it is wonderful seeing your photos from past Christmases. I really like the shot of you and George kissing. Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend!

Connie said...

Betsy, I enjoyed seeing all these sweet Christmas pictures from down through the years. You and George are such a cute couple. Have a nice break!

Ann said...

It's fun to look back at Christmases past. I love the shot from 2005. That is so cute.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful to see these photos from Christmas Past. Have a great blogging break Betsy.

troutbirder said...

Very nice. Since we lost our eldest son 15 Christmas seasons ago and our youngest and his family live in Arizona where we spend the holidays no tree, lights or oranament here in Minnesota. Still the spirit and memories of those other times live on...:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Fun to see your Christmases past. Have a great week off!

Anonymous said...

Your trees got bigger and bigger! Love that shot of you cuddled in your duvet!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, what a wonderful trip down the Christmas memory lane. This posting surely does show all of us how much you love Christmas and how excited you are getting as the Advent days pass toward the 25th.

I hope your week off renews your energy and enthusiasm. And that you get done all you're hoping to accomplish. Peace.

imac said...

Christmases passed are great, also you look snug as a bug there by the fire.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's nice to look through old photos and see how Christmases past were celebrated. You alwasy do a nice job decorating, Betsy!
My favorite photo was of you and George kissing by your tree! You reminded me of cute S&P shakers I have that are in the same pose!
Enjoy your blog break!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love your angels and trees from Christmas past!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love all your Christmas memories. I need to look at my old photos and maybe put something together for my kids. Hope you have a great week.

Carletta said...

So festive!
You really can see a difference in the trees. So far I haven't bought a single ornament this year.
Love the one of you and George kissing - like a previous comment it immediately reminded me of the kissing kind of salt and pepper shakers. :)
Hope you can find some time by the fireplace on your break if it's not too warm there. Still too warm to turn ours on.
Have a wonderful break!

HolleyGarden said...

Hope you have a wonderful week off. I loved looking back through the years with you. Each picture has such a story to tell, and so many memories attached to them, too, I'm certain. I never think to take a picture of my tree. Maybe I should make that a new tradition!

Rohrerbot said...

Happy Holidays Betsy! So sorry I haven't been around....it's been busy here. I like the Christmas-y colors on your blog. My favorite is of the two of you smooching in front of the tree:) I used to make Christmas wreaths from the trimmings of our family tree. Today I just use the live Christmas tree outside our window for fun:) Hope you both have a wonderful week. Chris

Neal said...

Very nice. You always make things interesting....in more ways than one. :)

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy

They look like happy years and happy Christmas.
More happy years ahead!!!!!
Congratulations you two!

Abig, big hug!


Starry Dawn said...

Hi Betsy,
I enjoy looking at your gorgeous old Christmas photos, as much as I enjoy going through your new ones.
You have been with George, your dear husband, all those happy years, and God will give you many more happy ones ahead. You are so blessed, Betsy and George.
I really love to visit your wonderful blog. Have a blessed week off! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Betsy and George!
All the Best,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Andrea said...

HI Betsy, enjoy to the fullest your time-out from blogging. It is a wonderful thing that you still can find the collection of your past Christmas decors. What i remember is the outside shot of your house when i just see this blog the first time. ..And that header, i love it.

A Colorful World said...

That was awesome! I particularly loved the tree in 2004 with the snow outside. The perfect Christmas scene! :-) But all the photos were wonderful!

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, Your Willow Angels look so sweet in your header photo. Nice to see your Christmas trees and decorations through the years. I wonder if you will have a white Christmas this year. Have fun on your week off! :)

Small Kucing said...

Have fun, Betsy :)

Valerie said...

Love to see your decorations. So special and unique to each family!

Krishna/à´•ൃà´·്à´£ said...

great collection...


Cheqna said...

Its always nice to revisit memory lanes. May you both be able to create new wonderful memories this month.

Have a good break!


Joe Todd said...

A fun post.. Thanks Betsy

The Retired One said...

trying to get caught up and at least stopping by some of my favorite blogger friends sites over the last few days..had to stop and read yours of course...been so busy selling my photography locally that I have had no time to blog or write my own blogposts, but now that winter is here I hope to remedy that. Loved seeing your past trees..and I didn't recognize you in that one shot, you have lost a lot of weight!! All that hiking to take photography helps, right? LOL It gets us out in the woods for sure!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love the photos of Christmas past. They are so lovely and sweet. How wonderful to remember good times together with family during the holidays. I also like your header photo very much.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I loved all the tree's and the photos. You are such a happy person and I know you make the best of everything.. Happy Christmas. xx

diane b said...

A fun trip down memory lane. You sure have lost a lot of weight.

Unknown said...

SO glad we keep up with each other on Facebook. Life has kept me from actually sitting down to blog until yesterday. Praying that will change very soon because that means my life will also start to slow down. I was also thinking of doing a "Christmas Past" blog....now I am more inspired. Hugs to you!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Love the journey through Christmases past. Hope you are enjoying your blog break.

Miss Debbie said...

Nice memories! Thanks for sharing. Hope you are enjoying your time off!

Pranavam Ravikumar said...

Memories are so colorful like your blog...! Hope all is well! Take care.. Gud day to you!

Hootin Anni said...

PS....I had to stop by again. And when I saw your newest header, I was thrilled to see such a festive, happy, smiling couple!!

Beatriz said...

Dear Betsy
I'm here again to wish you a mery Christmas!
I'm very sad by the stupid violence that happened in a school of your country. God bless the families of these little angels!


Rose said...

I looked through these the other day but didn't have time to comment...I enjoy looking back through these.

And don't you love looking back through pictures of your kids and grandkids?