Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina

Mile High Swinging Bridge --as seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway
Have your heard of the MILE HIGH SWINGING BRIDGE at Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina?   It is called a "Mile High" Bridge since it is 5280 feet above sea level.  Both George and I had been here in past years, but never together.  SO--this was our first trip here since meeting one another...

We picked a beautiful, clear day ---but I must admit that it was an extremely cold and WINDY day when we were there.  The temperature was in the low 30's ---but the wind made it feel much much colder.  In fact,  that is the coldest that I think I've been in a long, long time.  We only had on our rain jackets ---and even with my hands in my pocket,  they actually BURNED when I was out there...  We loved it--but want to go back in better conditions!!!!!

There's so much to do there (Nature Museum, Gift Shop and Restaurant,  FUDGE Shop (which I didn't even attempt to go into ),  Animal Hibitats,  Overlooks, and lots of Hiking Trails).... If you ever get a chance, visit Grandfather Mountain!!!!

Today,  I'll only share photos of the BRIDGE ---and will share more from other areas in another blog post.  Hope you enjoy the photos.  Be sure to click on them for enlargements.  Above is a picture we took of the Swinging Bridge from down on the Blue Ridge Parkway. 

Here is a picture of the swinging bridge from the parking lot.  This bridge spans an 80 foot chasm at more than one mile in elevation.  The bridge was originally built in 1952--but renovated in 1999.  The first time I went across that bridge,  it was more like an old-fashioned swinging bridge...  Now--it's much more stable --and doesn't really 'swing'....  But--the neat thing is that the bridge should be called a SINGING Bridge since, when the wind blows,  the bridge 'sings' in the same way as a harmonica.  We loved hearing it SING when we were there.

Here's one of the marvelous views from up there on that bridge.  There are fabulous views from EVERY direction!!!!

Here  it is.... We are THERE....  To walk across or not to walk across?????  That is the question!!!!!!  Will the wind blow me off??????  SCARY!!!!  BUT---you know us!!!!  We HAD to walk across it --even if the wind was blowing at 50+ mph......  Dang---it was some kind of cold though!!!!!

Another view from up there!!! You can see some left-over snow on the sides, and one of the lakes below.

Does this girl look cold???????  I'm here to tell you that I WAS!!!!!  Rain jackets are nice ---but not for this weather.... But---we will go back sometime!!!!

Just to prove to you that I DID walk across that bridge,  George took my photo...  You can't tell in the pictures that the wind was whirling all around --and it truly was COLD....

OH---did I mention that it was COLD that day????? ha ha ha

Here's one final picture of some of the views from that bridge... Aren't they marvelous????  For more information on Grandfather Mountain and the MILE HIGH SWINGING BRIDGE,  click HERE.

Have a fabulous weekend ---and welcome to DECEMBER tomorrow!!!!  (Can you believe it?????)  You had better not be naughty this month!!!!  Santa is watching!!!!  I will see you on Monday.



Ms. A said...

I'm not sure about strong winds and cold, but the fudge would be a definite! I wouldn't be able to resist that!

Christine said...

I haven't made it there yet but it's on my list! I think I'd like to go in warmer weather. The views are so pretty.

Hootin Anni said...

Those rosy cheeks proves just how cold it was!!!! BRRRR. Nope, never been to this bridge. But oh the views!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to go there!! Hopefully someday. It's not too terribly far!

diane b said...

That weather is definitely not for me but I'd love to walk over the bridge in nicer weather. The views are spectacular.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

you looked so cold!!! poor thing. but the views were so gorgeous. what a great reason to be there. i went there as a kid ... many years ago. would love to go again some day soon. ( :

Donna said...

You are a brave gal to go out on that bridge! LOL, it was all I could do to go out mid-way on the little swinging bridge at Fall Creek Falls (where I took the picture a few weeks ago), swaying to and fro. And yes, you look like a popsicle!

Shug said...

You are brave! I've never heard of this bridge, but how interesting it is that it sings...I would certainly enjoy seeing this place and would love to hear the musical sounds. Needed Better weather....
Just another good reason to go back and visit again...woo hoo!!

Diane AZ said...

Yes, you do look like you were freezing cold! Those are some fantastic views from the singing swinging bridge. :)

Joe Todd said...

I'll put that trip on my bucket list..

Dorothy said...

Great pictures, Betsy! When we were there it was about 40 degrees, but felt like zero with that high wind blowing all the time! I was scared to death of crossing the bridge, but didn't want Jeep to go across and leave me on the other side! The only way I could do it was to keep my eyes focused on Jeep as he crossed ahead of me. I dared not look DOWN!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty views! You need to have a collection of coats in your car for these super cold days!!! You two enjoy the weekend.

Janice K said...

You guys find the neatest places to visit. Every day seems to be a new adventure. Thanks for taking us along.

linda m said...

You and George really look cold. The views from up there are awesome. I'll have to add that place to my list of "must see". Great pictures.

MTWaggin said...

What a neat bridge and definitely worth the visit - even in the cold wind! Glad you are sharing shots from your part of the world...fun to see!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Love the views....but not the height mixed with wind!
I visited here when I was a child and still remember being terrified. Yikes.
Have a great weekend. I can't promise I will be nice, but I'll try to NOT be naughty. :)

Anonymous said...

Betsy I so love traveling with you thru via photo's,and for once I can say,"I've actually visited HERE."...about 27 years ago with the husband..glad I could go back with yall.Thanks for sharing.

From the Kitchen said...

I've crossed that bridge in my youth....but not again! It's such a beautiful area.


Nellie said...

It must have been COLD there, Betsy!:)
It's a beautiful place to visit, though. Have a good week-end!

Neal said...

Beautiful view from up there. I've never seen that bridge even though I've been down the BRP several times. That is one place we will have to visit sometimes.

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous views! i like the 'singing' bridge rather than swinging. :)

Small City Scenes said...

Whoa, you sure do look cold there , Betsy. Gorgeous picture/ Love that last one--looks like a painting. You are up there pretty high. Brrrrr!! MB

Happy December!

Jeevan said...

Hope it was exciting and thrill waking on the bridge! Stunning views Betsy, couldn't image how cold it should be there for u to force to wear raincoats. One can bear cold and wind separately, but both at simultaneously sounds terrible.

Have a great weekend :)

Sylvia K said...

Looks like such a great day -- in spite of the cold!!! Terrific bridge and what incredible views! Love your captures for the day as always, Betsy! Hope you and George have a great weekend!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The views from the bridge are fabulous! It looks like a neat place to visit and another I'll have to add to my bucket list. Which is growing quite long, thanks in part to you, Betsy!!

About your comment on my love for Branson. Yes, I do love it there for many reasons. It's a 4-4 1/2 hour drive to get there and thats far enough for us for a few days visit. We do have the Lake of the Ozarks closer, but I'm just not that fond of it as some people are. We do visit there every year, but are not really into boating which is what most people do there. I wish we lived closer to some of that scenic beauty that you and George visit in your area!

Have a wonderful weekend!

imac said...

Such scenes and you cold, a nice cuppa would do you good Betsy,lol.

Chatty Crone said...

Another place I have never heard of - but looks beautiful! So you did go over the bridge and you didn't get blown off. You looked COLD! Sandie

Serenity Cove said...

Was there when I was young but the memory is very vague. Need to put it on my list.
Was it cold when you were there? Sorry.....couldn't resist:):)

Carletta said...

Two posts in a row Betsy that you've been cold! You really look cold in this one.
Beautiful views there! I've always wanted to go there. I thought the bridge did swing so I'm glad to hear it doesn't.
Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be decorating for Christmas. :)

Susannah said...

Your pictures are fabulous! You are so brave...I really don't think I could have gone across that bridge or even onto it!!!I enjoy your photography so much. I have learned about so many places. Thank you to you and your hubby.

Sharon said...

One of my favorite pictures from my childhood is one of my dad holding me at the entrance to that bridge. The pic isn't dated, but my sister is no where to be seen so I'm guessing it was before she was born making me around three or four. BTW, thankfully the bridge is now a much sturdier and less shaky version than it was then. I remember going back as an older child and not enjoying that bridge AT ALL!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Swinging bridges are not for me,but with a promise of views like that I might svn venture across this one.Gorgeous scenes,but I do hope have already warmed up some. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yep, that's my Betsy Kenieval!!! I think the two of you live for danger! But live it up if and when you can!!! I love the mountain pictures, beautiful, so you did get something from the bridge trip besides fright! LOVE the little church header!!

Lynn said...

Of course you had to do it! Was thinking with all that weight you lost and those winds, you would blow away. Good for you both! Terry and I love GF MT, but Terry has a fear of heights so we have enjoyed all the other aspects but the bridge. You have to go back in Fall, simply breathtaking and walking that bridge then would be magnificent. Think it is always windy up there. Beautiful pictures from the bridge even in Nov. Does Boone have snow?

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you are the brave one. Out there in the cool weather. I would like to see the bridge and walk over but on a warmer day. Great photos, thanks for sharing your trip! Have a great weekend!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

ooooh what an exciting post Betsy! I shivered all the way through it, but it was welcome as I sit here swimming in sweat!

Ann said...

I've never heard of this place but how beautiful. I think I would be terrified of the bridge if it was actually swinging, especially in 50mph winds....lol You do look VERY cold

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful views!

Travel Quest said...

The cold weather is here, leaves all gone. Sign of Santa is coming to town :) Happy Holidays Betsy and to your hubby. By the way your photos are awe-mazing!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Fifty-MPH winds? You're crazier than I thought, girl! These pictures are amazing, though. Doug has a fear of heights. I might get him out on that bridge sometime, but not when the winds are that strong!

Connie said...

Wow, those are some amazing views, Betsy! So gorgeous. Sorry it was so cold while you were there. You were brave to walk out across that bridge. I'm not sure I would have done it! :)

Small Kucing said...

LOL...you have mentioned so many times "Cold" that I feel cooler right now. Sun is shining bright out my windows.

Anyway, wish you had recorded the sound of the bridge "singing". Wouldbe nice to hear it too

Anil P said...

Very picturesque. And so high. When it used to swing, must have made hearts skip a beat. The views must be beautiful from up there.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow these pictures are AMAZING!! I took out word verification on my blog this morning at the request of one of my followers. My only fear is that I will now be inundated with Spam. Any suggestions? BTW I am now a new follower of yours :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that does look a little cold. What fabulous views up there!

Janie said...

Wind does make a huge difference in how cold a person feels. You look very cold!
The "singing" bridge looks fascinating, and the views are certainly beautiful.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Betsy, dear friend,
Oh! This place looks really stunning. You must have been really cold over there...
From the bridge, there is a fantastic view.
I love the look of The Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina.
I wish I could walk those roads over there myself, one day...
Thank you for sharing your awesome world, Betsy!
Have a great weekend!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year for you, George, your dear family and loved ones!
God may always touch your life with many blessings!
All the Best,
Poet Starry Dawn.

DeniseinVA said...

You are braver than I am Betsy. It must have been so much fun experiencing this together. Great pictures!

troutbirder said...

What a beautiful spot BUT that do look way too cold...:)

Beatriz said...

Dear Betsy
What a wonderful place there!!!!
I simply love mountains and their several landscapes. I have across a bridge like there in the south of Brazil, with a big waterfaal down there. But in that time I couldn't see the danger, I was just a child.....

A big, big hug!!!!


Terry and Linda said...

Brrrr! Cold with humidity is bone chilling! I so LOVE your header!


¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

HappyK said...

That is such a cool bridge. I'd enjoy walking across it, on a warmer day though!

Andrea said...

Your blogsite is already very Christmas-sy! OMG, even if that bridge is not swinging anymore, i cannot walk through it, the same i cannot try the zipline! Heights! Just imagining that there is a chasm in there makes me dissy. So good for you, you can make it.

Cheqna said...

hi Betsy,

You really looked cold..he he he..

The views from the bridge are truly marvelous..sure would be nice to be there though I doubt I'd dare to cross over..or even stand the cold ha ha.

Have a lovely Monday.


Cheqna said...

hi Betsy,

You really looked cold..he he he..

The views from the bridge are truly marvelous..sure would be nice to be there though I doubt I'd dare to cross over..or even stand the cold ha ha.

Have a lovely Monday.


Krishna/à´•ൃà´·്à´£ said...

beautiful landscape view from top of the bridge.


Anonymous said...

Your beautiful photos bring back many fond memories of going to Grandfathers Mountain with our family.

We too had to put our rain jackets on to block the chilly winds.
I held on to my granddaughter so she wouldn't blow away ~:)

Mary said...

LOL...you look so cold! Like a blue mummy sitting there :-)