Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Our Yard ---Then and Now

Most of you know how much George and I LOVE yardwork.  When we bought our home in 2002,  the yard was basically bare (except for grass and some shrubs)--and there were only a few container flowers sitting around in front.   We moved into the house permanently in the summer of 2003 --but George worked fulltime until 2006... SO --most of the major improvements in our yard took place after 2006.  Since that time,  we have worked hard (George --much more than I)---and it's fun to look at the 'then and now' photos....

Today,  I will share some of the 'then and now' photos I have found...  Be sure to click on all of the photos for enlargements.  Above is our front yard as it looked in 2006.  We did have our 3 round flowerbeds built before 2006.  You can see two of them in this photo--but no ROSES yet!!!!

This is what our yard looks like today from a similar angle.  (Picture taken on Monday, 6/4/12);    Doesn't look like the same yard,  does it?   (See George there using the edger?)

Here's another picture taken from 2006.  We did have our flagpole up by then...  And we had done quite a bit of work on the two rock beds and our sidewalk...  But --the yard basically still looked bare!

This picture was taken in 2010 ...  Can you see some differences????? ha...  Lots of work was accomplished between 2008 and now.... YEAH!!

This picture was taken on Sunday, June 10, 2012... Compare it with the two above!!!! Unbelievable!

Here is a picture of our Ivy/Periwinkle side (upper side) of the yard, taken in 2008...  It started out as a rock garden with Autumn Joy Sedum,  Siberian Iris,  Daffodils and Hosta....  Then we started planting some Ivy --and Periwinkle to have a ground cover along that entire area....  See the next picture for what it looks like today.

And here is what that area looks like today!!!  Quite a change, don't you think?   Note that the tree trunk/stump is now gone...  We still have Autumn Joy Sedum,  Siberian Iris and Hosta in that bed ---but the Ivy and Periwinkle have really expanded in two years.  We wanted an area with groundcover (especially in areas which are hard to mow) ---so this has worked out perfectly.   (Picture taken on June 4, 2012)  NOTE:  The lighter green ivy is the new ivy growing now...  It has really taken off this year!

This picture was taken in 2009...   Many of you will remember when George built our 'Road Flowerbed'....    He built it because that was the only really sunny area left in our yard...  In that bed,  he planted more Rose Bushes,  Irises,  Lilies and Daylilies...

Here is what that bed looked like in 2010.  Things were beginning to GROW.....

AND---finally,  here's that flowerbed in 2012. (Picture taken on June 4, 2012);    OH---the joys of gardening!!!!!  YES--it's alot of work,  but we love it...

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the 'then and now' pictures of our evolving yard!!!!!

Have a wonderful day ---and get outside and play in the dirt... It's just downright healthy and joyful!!!!



Anonymous said...

Happy Monday, Betsy. Your hard work has paid off; your yard is lovely. Hope you get some of the nice rain we had yesterday.

Small Kucing said...

This is much better than playing Facbook Gardening game. Your back yard looks wonderful. I envy you for your talent :)

Ms. A said...

So much work, yet you still manage to find time to travel around and find wonderful things to photograph! I don't know how you do it!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

It's hard to imagine the difference, it really is such a transformation, reminding me of a lot of English gardens where we tend to plant flowers in every square inch :)
It looks so beautiful, and well- done for all the hard work it took to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

After all your hard work over many years now you and your lucky neighbors reap the beauty.
I remember George battling Mother nature over the brick retaining wall.
Have a lovely Monday, Betsy.

RoeH said...

Beautiful! I've always wanted a house with ivy around someplace. Boy am I in the wrong spot. :)

pam said...

What a difference!!! I know how much hard work that took. What a lovely, lovely yard!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

A lovely transformation and a lot of hard work, but like you said 'worth it'.

Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

Ramblingon said...

YO=ou two have done a magnificent job. Very hard (but I can see that it was equally enjoyable) work.

Ramblingon said...

Ooops..sorry for the typo that went out before I caught it.

Sharon said...

Nothing tells the story better than some good then/now pictures. What an amazing job you all have done. Since you travel so much, who in the world takes care of all this when you are away?

Wanted to thank you for your very kind words about my blog. It really is a a reflection of my "life" as it is on that particular day and I never dreamed I'd love writing it as much as I do. It is always nice when others enjoy it and take the the time to say so!

Connie said...

Betsy, it's amazing how much everything has changed. All of the work you and George have done has really paid off.

joy said...

Really amazing what both of you did in your garden. Right now, me and my husband barely had the time gardening. but maybe when we retire too. So for now, I just have to close my eyes when the weeds are too much for me. hi hi

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful transformation!

diane b said...

Great idea for a post. There has been a lot of change and hard work happening in your yard. Well done.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Watching your yard evolve and grow is amazing. It is so beautiful ,almost park like. Enjoy this and keep on sharing those lovely photos.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i liked it in all the photos from beginning to end, and what i see here is LOTS and LOTS of work. amazing how it has evolved over the years.

Beth said...

Wow, such a radical transformation, Betsy! It is truly lovely. And while it looks magical, I know it was plain ol' back-breaking, dirt-under-the-fingernails work that brought this beauty about. Kudos to you and George for your vision and hard work!

Fun60 said...

What green fingers you and George must have. It is quite a remarkable feat what you have achieved. Great idea for newcomers like myself to be able to view the before and after.

Lynn said...

Such a difference! Lots of work and continued upkeep but obviously both the gardens and you and George are blooming today. Just beautiful Betsy.

linda m said...

All I can say is WOW!!! All your hard work has really paid off. Your yard is truly a showpiece.

Marcia said...

It's fun to look back and be able to see the process you've made in your gardening. I'm continually amazed by how much my plants have grown since that first summer of 2006 here.

I hope to get your plants in the mail today. I'll send you a separate email.

Marcia said...

It's fun to look back and be able to see the process you've made in your gardening. I'm continually amazed by how much my plants have grown since that first summer of 2006 here.

I hope to get your plants in the mail today. I'll send you a separate email.

Dorothy said...

It just get better and better!! You have made so many changes and all for the better. Lovely yard!!!

mamahasspoken said...

No playing in the dirt for me today, it's raining. But that's ok, my garden and grass needs the rain.
You do have a wonderful assortment of flowers in your yard.
Just beautiful.

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, It is fun to see how your yard has changed over the years. Your gardens are beautiful and I sure do enjoy your blog photo tours of what's blooming. :)

Snap said...

Wow! You two have been busy ... are busy! Lovely!

Karin said...

The difference between what was and what is - is truly amazing! So glad for you that you enjoy this labor of love and that you are healthy enough to keep at it. It's a gift of eye candy for the whole neighborhood! Not a gift given to everyone! Be blessed and have a great week! Thanks for sharing your precious photos!

MTWaggin said...

Holy cow! I'm thinking you started with better than I even have today. My green thumb comes thru my Mom (when she visits in the summer) and I just try to keep stuff alive. I'd rather be out playing than doing yardwork - go figure. BTW the name is Sherry! :)

Catherine said...

You have done so much work to your yard - beautiful! I am thinking it brings you and George lots of enjoyment.
Have a terrific week Betsy!
xo Catherine

Travel Quest said...

Ohh how i love your yard Betsy BEAUTIFUL indeed. It inspire me to start gardening very once we move to our new house :) Wish I could get some advice from you. Hugs from Leah

TexWisGirl said...

i always enjoy seeing your blooms, but i really liked the area of groundcover. pretty and green.

Randy said...

Betsy I don't know how you and George travel so much and keep the garden looking so nice. My garden hasn't been weeded in 4 weeks and it looks horrible!

Sylvia K said...

The two of you have created such a beautiful, wonderful home/yard/garden and your photos are delightful! I love the colors and the rich green! Lots of work, but what wonderful results! Hope you have have beautiful week, Betsy! Enjoy1


nanny said...

I know how many hours of hard work it took to arrive at this beauty!
All I can say is Wow! very lovely!

If I were to show then (March) and now (June) it would be kinda sad. I noticed the crunch of brown dry bermuda last night when I watered the garden. Yard is too big to water. Praying for rain!

Unknown said...

AWESOME!! You have a great yard man, :)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

This is a great set of then-and-now pictures. The tender loving care that you and George have given the place is really evident.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

All of yours and George's hard work has been worth it...the flowers and ground covers are a beautiful addition to your already lovely home!
I won't be outside much today, it's been raining a bit...yay!!. I'll be grocery shopping later on. That's not nearly as much fun!
Have a great day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

WOW, Betsy, I have loved this!!! I have always said that I would love to come to your yard and just walk around, look and snap! It is like a small Botanical Garden. Your could charge money, ha ha! The most amazing change to me is the ground cover pictures, they are am amazing change, and took the longest! Also #3 & 4. You are so lucky that you have the before pictures!!! I have wanted to show before and after things, like our kitchen renovation, but had no before pictures.

Shilpa said...

It’s obvious... how the landscaped changed there. I’m sure you worked hard for this development of yard... Simply brilliant Betsy!

Enjoy gardening old buddy :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - your garden looks wonderful!

Janice K said...

Amazingly beautiful! What more can be said....I'm sure the two of you have had a few blisters and maybe some aches and pains from all that work.

LV said...

It takes hard work and money, but to have a yard like yours, it would be worth it. Simply gorgeous.

trump said...

My green thumb is not so green, but I still like to do what I can outside because I really do enjoy it. And you did a great job with your planting, not over-done and just right. Richard

Lady Di Tn said...

The before and after photos are very good at showing us how y'all have improved your yard with hard work and love of flowers. You show that each of you are true gardener because to plant is to believe in tomorrow. I love the term "play in the dirt" and use it quite often. Peace

Carletta said...

I really enjoyed your then and now.
Your yard was always beautiful but it's now gorgeous!
That stone wall is a masterpiece! George should be very proud of that hard work.

HappyK said...

Wow! What a difference. All you hard work certainly has paid off. Your yard is truly beautiful. It must give you so much joy!!

Donna said...

What a transformation! I understand that joy of digging in the dirt so well! We had a huge amount of flowerbeds at our former place and it was fun to create and see the resulting beauty. But we're glad to have a much smaller place now and something more manageable for us as we get older.

God bless George for all his hard work!

carolina nana said...

Those are amazing after photos. Is that Ivy bed in the shape of a heart ?
It looks heart shaped in the pic.

Nellie said...

Your hard work has had wonderful rewards! The flowers are beautiful!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your yard and flowers are beautiful. It definitely shows all the hard work you and George have with all the plantings. Now, you should be able to sit back and enjoy it right?

Susie Swanson said...

Wow that is awesome, what a beautiful transformation..I know you both are so proud with good reason..Thank you for the tour..Susie

Neal said...

I can't imagine all the hours you guys have in your yard. It sure is beautiful. I have never liked yard work...it just doesn't appeal to me but I sure enjoy seeing the results of someone who has a pretty yard.

Ann said...

WOW, amazing difference. That sure was a lot of work you've done but the efforts paid off big. How on earth do you find all the time with all the adventures you go on

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Such great changes. I love seeing before and after photos. Everyone looks at a "blank slate" and sees different ideas. Fun to see what you had before putting in the roses and beds.

Lola said...

That is a big difference Betsy. I know you & George have done a lot of work in your garden. It looks marvelous.

Lola said...

That is a big difference Betsy. I know you & George have done a lot of work in your garden. It looks marvelous.

Rose said...

I cannot even imagine the hours of work that this took...but it is worth every bit of it. I so look forward to flowers blooming..

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Congratulations on a truly fabulous yard and floral garden! One day, we will landscape this little farm. Everything is totally new here as the house was plopped down into what was a cow pasture nearly two years ago. So, we have a vegetable patch and a small fruit orchard of dwarf trees and a tiny grape planting. Have a super good day tomorrow & watch the weather for T storms tonight.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Love the photos. Its fun to see then and now. Sometimes we forget what has changed. Thank you for sharing.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Outstanding transformation! I wish my yard could be transformed....Maybe one day.

Annesphamily said...

Oh My Goodness, your yard is gorgeous! You two put so much into keeping a beautiful yard! I wish I had a yard like this. With my bad knee I am doubtful we will get much done this year too! ; (

Susannah said...

Mr. and Mrs. Greenthumb, Your yard and gardens are FABULOUS! I know the hard work but what a MASTERPIECE! Keep on enjoying all that you do.

Patty said...

Lovely. I can tell you both have worked hard

Twilight Man said...

You have a lovely green yard with plenty of trees, shrubs, flowers and 100% OXYGEN! I will live a long life in that type of healthy place.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Remarkable job done, Betsy and George... Congrats for come up with an enhancing work on the yard! Even the early setting was neat and pretty, the flowers had crown the beautiful yards. Thanks for coming up with the difference stages on them.

NatureStop said...

So much of hard work has gone into it and look at the huge DIFFERENCE...beautiful yard and as I always tell you Betsy, I really envy your yard.Have a great day!


Arkansas Patti said...

What a joy it must be each day to awaken to all that beauty. George has really put his retirement to wonderful use. I really need to get busy with my periwinkle plans. Love how yours has taken over that hard to mow spot.

Tracy said...

Gosh Betsy, never thought to take before and after photos of our flower beds...darn! Your house looks much better now that you have added your gardening touches :) George, AND you did a tremendous job and about that ol' tree stump. I kind of liked it with the planter on top :)

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness it is not the same yard at all. It is gorgeous. You all did so much work but it was so worth it.

Amazing Betsy.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It must just thrill you and George each spring to see all of your hard work come to bloom. Your place really does look beautiful. Wish you'd come do mine - you both really have the touch!

HolleyGarden said...

Oh, I loved seeing these before and afters! I can only imagine the work it took for all this - but oh, what beauty it holds now!

Terry and Linda said...

We had a huge fire here on Sunday...60 acres (not our house) but in Cedaredge. They got it out, Thank Heavens!

Your yard is drop dead wonderful!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I like that you replaced a lot of the grass with flower beds and more natural ground covers, Betsy. They all add so much more beauty to your yard. Gardening is a wonderful hobby to enjoy that keeps on giving joy!

Pat Tillett said...

A ton of work, but what a payoff! It all looks so beautiful...

Glenda said...

I love "then" and "now" pics! You and George have put in many hours of work, and the results are gorgeous! So beautiful!

Hello Jessica Lynn said...

We also love flowers!! Looks like you really enjoy spending your time doing the yardwork. My husband and I are also doing a lot of yardwork ourselves!!

I think this is my first visit to your blog, please stop by my blog and say hello as well and become a follower if you aren't one already at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

Busy Bee Suz said...

Seriously....your yard was picture perfect at the beginning....and now? GORGEOUS! Love all the flowers; the pretty colors.
I know I've said this a hundred times; YOU must be the envy of all your neighbors.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Quite an amazing transformation!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I can see the labor of love in all of your photos. I am sure that everyone who comes to visit, feels joyful. God Bless you both and keep you surrounded with His love.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful, and SO inspiring!!! (and did I mention, Beautiful??)

A Colorful World said...

Oh, Betsy! What a glorious joy your yard is! All that hard work has certainly paid off and made it a little piece of heaven! Loved seeing the before and after photos! (You probably were horrified by my bare rock and dirt front yard when I sent you that photo!--:-) ) Oh, well, we've been here not quite a year.,...that's my excuse! :-)

Janie said...

Wow, your yard has changed so much in 6 years! What a lot of work you've put into it. I just love all the beds and colorful flowers.

Faye said...

You can tell this yard is a real labor of love. Glad you've got a lot of "then" photos to show what things used to look like. Are you quite challenged by the slope of the yard? And, do the neighbors enjoy the yard as much as you? What a great accomplishment.

Vetirmagal said...

A dream house to have and cherish and nurture, this shows the amount of love that has gone into making this a paradise.
Have a happy time Betsy, and thanks for sharing it with readers.

Andrea said...

You two know what you like best, and your garden shows your diligence and hard work. It looks so prim and proper though, very well trimmed and organized. I want to call the rose garden as the 'physicist's garden' because the brick pile is so very organized as if an equation is used in making it, haha! Tell this to George, i wonder what he says!

Rohrerbot said...

Isn't it amazing how much change goes on between the years? It's slow and gradual but when you put old photos with new ones, you realize just how much work you've done. Looks great!