Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hikin' in the RAIN

On May 22nd,   George and I went hiking in the Smokies.   We went on a 4.3 mile hike to Huskey Branch Falls ---near the Elkmont Campground.   I have teased you with a couple of posts from that day.   If you missed the last post,  click HERE to see it.

Today,  I will show you another set of photos from that RAINY day.... We got about a third of the way up the mountain  when the skies opened up...  Luckily,  we did have our nifty rain jackets on --which helped keep 'part' of us dry --including our cameras.   BUT--the bottom half of us got VERY wet ---and muddy!!!!!

However,  we never let a little rain stop us from hiking...  (Sometimes,  it seems as if rain follows us around when we are hiking!!!! ha)   We kept on walking --and even though we were EXTREMELY wet,  we enjoyed our day...  As you can imagine,  I turn into a little child when I can splash around in the mud puddles!!!!!!

WELL---here are more of our photos.  Above is a picture of the gorgeous Little River as the rain began to come down hard.... It was hard pulling the cameras out of our jackets and clicking a picture quickly --so that the camera could go back into the jacket...

Thought you might want to see a picture of our path that day... This is a great hike since we do go up in elevation --but it's gradual!!!!!!   The path follows the Little River --as we hike up the mountain.

George took this picture of me on the path...  I'm glad this was not a 'cold' rain...  AND--we did have a little protection under the trees along the way.

Here's another of my "Swirling Water" photos... I really love seeing the water pour down that mountain in all sorts of directions...   The farther one hikes up that mountain,  the larger the boulders in the river are... SO GORGEOUS---even in the rain!!!!

I love this picture of George.  He's still smiling even though he looks like a drowned rat!!!!  He wanted to take pictures ---but as long as it was raining hard,  he kept his camera hidden.

Thanks to a good blog friend,  we now know that camera sleeves can be ordered to keep a camera dry in this kind of weather.    We have already checked them out ---and I'm sure they will be ordered soon!!!!!!

I must share one more of George's 'silky' water photos ---which he was able to take before the rain got heavy.

We finally made it to Huskey Branch Falls---and the rain quit for a few minutes for us to take some photos... In fact,  George was able to climb up to the side of the falls to get this great picture of the top which cannot be seen from the trail.  Isn't this a beautiful waterfall in the mountains--even on a RAINY day???

Here is a picture I took of the waterfall as it traveled on down the mountain.  I took this picture from the path, whereas George took the one above near the top of this part...  Like I said,  Huskey Branch Falls is a beautiful little waterfall.

Finally,  since the rain had stopped (temporarily) ---we were able to get some pictures of us at Huskey Branch Falls  with our tripod....   You can see how wet our jackets are---but they did keep us fairly dry---on TOP!!!!!

I have one (maybe two) more sets of pictures to share from this hike---but hope you enjoyed seeing a couple of crazy OLD people ---out playing in the rain!!!!   Can you hear us singing:  "Singin' (Hikin') in the Rain" ??????   OR---"Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head..."  SO MUCH FUN!

The hardest part of the entire trip was going home in the car with wet pants and wet shoes and socks...  We had to have the heater on in the car --in order to keep from chilling.. It felt so good to get home and take off those wet clothes!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday.


Ms. A said...

You two are real troopers! The photos are great!

pam said...

I would rather hike in the rain than hike on a hot sunny day.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Looks like a fun hike, even if it was pouring!

Sharon said...

I'm impressed that George climbed up the path beside the falls. That's not an easy thing to do!!

BTW, I love hiking in the rain! One can almost always find a boulder large enough to sit under for a hot cup of coffee!!

Unknown said...

Looks like you really enjoyed the hike. Rain can be nice at times if it's not too cold. there's always rain jackets and such you can cover yourself with. Beautiful pictures I must say. Have a lovely Friday!

Big hugs

Neal said...

That looks like it was a lot of fun. Patti and I need to get good rain jackets also because, like you guys, rain seems to follow us.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like being out in the rain, as long as it's not too cold or windy. You all do look like you had fun!

Arkansas Patti said...

You two really do get good use out of your rain gear and it is great that you do not let a few drops stop you.
We need you professional rainmakers to walk around Arkansas for a while. We really need the wet stuff.
Have a great week end.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I love seeing all these wonderful photos. You two are having so much fun, and are so in love and it is wonderful to see.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you to are regular Daniel Boone's. I don't even go to Walmart when it is raining and would never ever hike in the rain. the silky water is stunning and i love your swirling water shot.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading about your hike, as well as looking at your pictures. I have two favorite pictures. My favorite pictures are the one of you and George at the falls and the third picture up from the bottom. Have a great weekend!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

That is true dedication...love the photos especially George's "silky water"!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You still managed some beautiful pictures in the rain. Actually I like the lighting the overcast and rain give.When two people in love are together a little rain cannot dampen your spirits.

Christine said...

What a lovely trail. I haven't done this one yet but think it will be on my list for my next trip up to the smokies. Is the trail out of the Elkmont campground? Email me and give me a little info on how to get to the trail. You and George look wonderful even wet from the rain!

linda m said...

I can hear you two "singing in the rain". What a wonderful trip and spectacular photos!

diane b said...

Fabulous photos Betsy and George. You are a pair of fun loving crazies. Next time throw a dry pair of pants and socks and shoes in the car so you can change before going home. Sure looks like a nice hiking path.

Catherine said...

Everything looks so fresh and green there Betsy! I wish we had pretty waterfalls and wooded areas in Saskatchewan such as you do there. But alas it is the dry flat prairies for me. But as long as you always share your photos I will be OK! :)

Wishing you and your George a beautiful weekend!
xo Catherine

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You got some lovely pictures of Little River and of Husky Branch Falls. It looks as if the water was really running well over the falls that day.

Tabor said...

That one photo of you alone...you look like you are melting!

Diane AZ said...

Looks like you and George had a fun time in the rain, wonderful photos, every one of them. What a beautiful place to hike!

Donna said...

You two kids sure do have fun! I adore that first photo of George's with the silky water!

Small Kucing said...

its a small matter on the bottom half getting wet. Most important the top half not wet especially the camera.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Sounds like the two of you had a marvelous time slogging through the trail along the river. Fun even if raining when you hiked along. Have a fine day today and enjoy the beautiful weather. I'll have to use the hose to water the orchard and garden today though.

Susannah said...

What a great hiking trail! It is great to see how you two go hiking ...rain or shine! I can just imagine how wet you were!

Fun60 said...

Loved the swirling water photo. Yes you are right George did look like a drowned rat. Have you thought of investing in some lightweight waterproof trousers - prevents the wet bottom scenario when travelling home!

TexWisGirl said...

certainly made the best of the weather!

Lady Di Tn said...

Rain SMILES AND waterfalls. You two are just great but I wonder why you did not carry extra clothes along when you hike. I usually always take an extra pair of duds as you never know what will happen. Loved the photos. Peace and have a wonderful weekend.

Out on the prairie said...

the rain is fun to be in, you need the rain pants to stay drier

Phillip said...

Beautiful photos. A nice big umbrella would also keep the cameras dry, but the rain sleeve sounds like a great idea.

Busy Bee Suz said...

HA! I love crazy old people...and I also love the two of you!
Great photos as always. I'm glad you never let a little rain keep you from your hiking and your fun!

Rose said...

You two look thoroughly wet and like you are enjoying every minute of it--just like a kid. And since it was NOT a cold rain I would have been enjoying it, too.

Sylvia K said...

Well, I've heard of "fun in the sun", but fun in the rain -- while a lot different -- is still fun, particularly when you share it with someone special, which you both did! I love your watery captures and the waterfalls are awesome indeed! Enjoy your weekend, Betsy -- hopefully a sunny one!


trump said...

Man you guys really get around, so good for you! Richard

trump said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ginny Hartzler said...

The last waterfall picture of yours is just stunning!!! I had thought it was one of George's with the special lens! I cannot think of anything worse than hiking in the rain, you always make the best of a situation!!! The water pictures today are just outstanding, beautiful!!!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Too cute even in the rain. Can't have those great waterfalls without more water!
I need to tell George that I managed a couple of "silky" water photos on our last trip too. I've had a request to blog a few of them so keep posted so you can check them out.
We've never had to travel far in our car after hiking in the rain. Hadn't thought about that issue. A change of clothes or ones that dry easy sound like a good idea!

RoeH said...

walking in the rain is pure therapy.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

LOL! It's funny that I started thinking 'Singing in the Rain' before I got to where you mention it in this post! Beautiful photos, George has some photos with that new filter that are magazine-worthy!
Have a wonderful weekend, you two!

Anonymous said...

The scenery is gorgeous, Betsy. I love the greens along with the water. I remember going to Six Flags Over Georgia with my niece/nephew when they were little and having set clothes/shoes/socks all day. Not a good feeling!!!!!

Karin said...

I hope you're working on your book! Amazing tales and amazing photos! So beautiful and I bet that getting wet and muddy will not deter from going again!! Hugs!

Ann said...

It's nice to hear that you two don't let a little rain "dampen" your spirits :)
Beautiful shots and the silky water is gorgeous.

Nellie said...

When it rains in the mountains, it REALLY rains! Lovely pictures!

Marcia said...

I love reading about your day trips with George. How nice that you share that hobby of hiking, photography and gardening. I don't think I'll get Dan into gardening when he retires but he does enjoy the hiking. Ans this last trip he took as many photos as I did I think.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Wow-you guys are awesome. For myself I hate having wet socks! Beautiful shots though.

PCovi said...


I'm going to be just like you when I grow up.

carolina nana said...

To bad you couldn't bottle some of that rain and bring it home with you to help water your flowers !!
We are beginning to get very dry here now but they are saying rain at the first of the week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I just love all the photos. You make me want to get out and do some hiking.

Chatty Crone said...

I bet it feels like a totally different hike in the rain verses the sunshine.

Remember the song - singing in the rain? you were hiking in the rain.


Carletta said...

All I can say Betsy is that you two have way more fortitude than I do! :)
LOVE George's silky water shot!
And smiles even when you are soaked - happy people!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you and George are such troopers out there hiking in the rain. I am a wuss when it comes to hiking in bad weather. Your photos still turned out beautiful even with the rain. I love the shot of George all wet and smiling. The last shot of you two together is great too. Wonderful shots of the river and the waterfalls. I enjoyed you walk, especially since I stayed dry. Have a great weekend!

Janice K said...

For a rainy day, you sure got some great pictures. You guys have those swirling and silky water techniques down pat. Beautiful.

Serenity Cove said...

I'll take a rainy hike in the Smokies anyday over having to go to work like I'm almost ready to.
I have a picture of that waterfall, the part you see from the trail. Are you saying there's more up above? Pearl

Hootin Anni said...

Now....hiking in the rain....that would be a blast. And such beautiful rushing water images once again. You two...you're such a sweet, loving couple!!! [I bet the rain did wonders for your gorgeous garden!!!]

imac said...

Looks like the rain didn't stop the enjoyment, love the swirling waters too.

Janie said...

I love the "silky" water photos. You two are so cute in your rain ponchos. It's hard to stay dry when it's raining hard, but at least you protected the cameras and had some fun sloshing through the puddles.

Connie Arnold said...

Those are some great shots! I love waterfalls, and you had plenty of water to enjoy it seems. Thank you for sharing your photos and your adventure. I'm sure it wasn't too pleasant making the trip home when you were soaked! Hope you have a great weekend, Betsy!

Anonymous said...

Betsy, after enjoying your stunning waterfall photos-thanks George- I saw the loving couple and thought how adorable you two look standing arm in arm in the rain.

HappyK said...

Who says you need nice sunny days for hiking. Looks like rainy ones can be just as nice in their own way.

Connie said...

Wonderful pictures as usual, Betsy. You two are so cute. I'm glad you had such a great time even if it did rain.

MTWaggin said...

Again, you two are tooooo cute! What a well matched couple you are. Betsy let me know what sleeve you get and how you like it - heading to the PNW in August and think I better have one for my rebel too.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy, you and George have to add waterproof pants and rubber boots to your rain gear so you don't get chilled to the bone next time. It still looks like you have fun in the rain and get super shots of the waterfalls! I love your swirling water shot.

Twilight Man said...

What a brave and exciting couple you both are! Nothing will stop you from taking these lovely photos. I love that 'silky' water photo as it is amazing to see the white misty water! I had never seen anything so heavenly nice like that on water.

Betsy, I really envy all your photos and trips at home, without having to travel so far out like me! Malaysia is so tiny small, able to fit inside California state! LOL

Faye said...

I'm smiling the whole time reading this post Betsy. You all really enjoy your hiking/photography adventures. Reminds me of a favorite cousin and her husband--they're great volksmarchers. Usually have trouble deciding on a favorite photo but this time it's easy--it's the one where the water is REALLY washing over the rocks in the creek. Great movement and excitement.

Jeevan said...

Absolutely fantastic Betsy! All the water photos are gorgeous wallpapers... The hiking path is inviting to take a trail. Truly u both a nature lovers :) I wish you keep on hiking and sharing with us.


Shilpa said...

Seem u both have great fun while hiking as well wet in rain. Gorges photos are fantastic esp. the water flows are mesmerizing, creating a gorgeous screen shots! Good to see u taking adventure treks at this age... Inspiring Betsy :)

Annesphamily said...

I think you need to pack an extra bag with some dry clothes! LOL! Your photos are just stunning,so I can only imagine how much heart you put into these photo shoots with your day hikes!