Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Everything's Coming up PINK

George and I have been 'walking the yard' every morning about 7:30 a.m. AND--of course,  we are both snapping pictures like crazy... The Roses are marvelous now and so are the Lilies and Daylilies.

I have so many pictures of ROSES that I don't know where to begin to share some of them... SO---after looking through many many pictures,  I decided to do a post on some of our PINK ROSES in our yard...  Some of them are solid,  some multi,  some larger than others,  some have pink on the outside and some have pink on the inside...

I didn't bother to look up their names (since we have 55 different varieties) ---but these are definitely some of my favorites.   All of these pictures were taken in late May/early June.  Hope you enjoy the pictures today! You'll notice that a few of them were taken after the rain we had on Sunday/Monday this week.  Be sure to click on all of them in order to see enlargements.  See if you can pick out a favorite... I can't!!!!  I love them ALL.

Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses are some of the prettiest I have ever seen.  And --most of them smell SO good.   However,  many people don't grow them anymore  (opting for ones like the Knock Outs or little climbing roses) because these roses take ALOT of EFFORT and WORK.

Growing these roses is one of George's many hobbies...  He treats each of these 57 different bushes as one of his 'babies'.... Each one takes lots of love and caring for...  I am the most fortunate woman in the entire world to get to enjoy the roses up close and personal.  As many of you know,  George brings a beautiful rose into the house in a vase for me to enjoy most every day....   I cannot express in words the JOY these Roses ---and my hubby---bring me!   Thanks, Sweetie....  I love you and I love the Roses!!!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!



Ms. A said...

That last one looks like it's decked out in a lot of bling! I don't think I could pick a favorite, I love them all.

eileeninmd said...
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diane b said...

The last shot is lovely but I think I like the 4th one down best. You are a lucky girl to have 55 different roses and such a wonderful gardner.

Twilight Man said...

Wow! Even the Rose farms in my country do not have 55 different species like yours. Besides publishing a book on trails of Betsy's waterfalls, you can have another book on roses. Your photos are very beautiful always! I love them!

Sharon said...

Nope, can't pick a favorite! No need for me to buy season passes to Biltmore any longer, just going to drive west to George's garden instead! Might even get a glass of lemonade!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,
Beautiful pictures of the roses. I absolutely love roses and all the colors and the smell.
Have a lovely Day!


Ruth Hiebert said...

GORGEOUS!!!! My favourites are all of them.I love,love,love each one. Thanks for starting my day with these beauties.

Mr. Bill said...

Absolutely beautiful..your work has rewarded with lovely dividends.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Those are all beautiful and it's wonderful that your husband enjoys growing these. 55 different ones must be a real joy.


Marcia said...

Incredible roses!

Catherine said...

That would be a full days work walking around your big beautiful garden Betsy! And it is easy to tell by those fantastic roses that they are babied by George. Lovely!

Happy Wednesday!
xo Catherine

Janice K said...

Each one looks so Perfect--not a ragged spot on a one of them. I especially liked the rose buds with all the raindrops on them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

pretty in pink! and i do have a favorite, it is the last one covered in rain drops

Dorothy said...

Like you, I can't pick a favorite! They are all so very beautiful!!!
Betsy, you are one blessed lady! Enjoy!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

George is really so sweet!

Tabor said...

55 roses? Not a Japanese beetle or deer nibble in sight. How do you do that?

nanny said...

You surely have the prettiest roses I have ever seen! Bet you have a pretty arrangement on your table all of the time!!

My daughter that lived in Dallas, moved to NW Arkansas a few months ago. It's an ongoing adjustment (culture shock) Lila keeps saying she wants to go to the other house! ha

Karin said...

Each one a picture of perfection! Just imagine - each one unique and serving no other purpose but to bring you (and us!) pleasure! How amazingly extravagant is that! They do that simply by being, allowing the gardener to plant them, care for them, nurture them, prune them, and cut them whenever, according to his will. That's what we are - made for HIS pleasure! Thanks for sharing!

linda m said...

All I have to say is your roses are gorgeous!!!!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I can see why you'd have trouble picking a favorite. They're all so beautiful. I think my favorite photograph out of this series, though, is the third one...of the rose in the early stages of opening.

Anonymous said...

A delight for my eyes and senses.. I can almost smell their sweet fragrance.

Dana Koogler said...

Wow! They are beautiful! I bet they smell as good as they look! Thanks for sharing these beauties. I just love all of them, but I think my favorite color is the first one. Its the shade of coral pink that has been a favorite of mine forever! I need to plant some roses. I'm trying to figure out where I can plant a climbing rose and I think I've got a solution. I just need to clear it with Kenny! ;-D

Donna said...

Those are glorious! And I think your George is a precious man!

Rose said...

Oh, my goodness, Betsy....these are wonderful! I couldn't ever pick a favorite.

Christine said...

Betsy those roses are gorgeous! Just wish I could smell them too!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Betsy all of your roses are gorgeous. You are George are so sweet together. I wonder with all of the beautiful roses in your yard, how does he choose which one to give you each morning! = )

Catsngrams said...

Beautiful roses. I have not had much luck with roses so I was so glad to enjoy yours. thanks for sharing.

Connie said...

They are incredible, Betsy. You are a lucky lady, indeed! I don't think I can pick a favorite either.

Snap said...

Beautiful pinks! George takes amazing care of his babies!

Chatty Crone said...

I love, love, love pink!! Your roses are beautiful. And I think my favorite this time is the last picture - the grouping of the pink roses.

Love, sandie

Susannah said...

Breathtaking! I think I can smell their sweetness. Wow! You are a marvelous photographer!

TexWisGirl said...

the bud in the 2nd shot is my favorite. i love it when they're still tight.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Gorgeous flowers- George must work hard to keep them all so pretty. Mine always end up with that black fungus.

Sylvia K said...

Such gorgeous, colorful roses, Betsy!! I love all the colors! You and George both are so blessed to not only have a lovely home and gorgeous roses, but each other as well! Enjoy!
And I know you do!!


Terry and Linda said...

Like his site says...He Promised you a Rose Garden....beautiful!


joy said...

I love them all. You know, I only have three types of roses in my garden, and they don't have any flowers yet. Late summer here. And my husband is not a garden lover and I don't have much time to tend them. So, thank you for sharing, I can just admire yours...hopefully I will get one roses or two from my husband from our garden or from the flowershop one day:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

First, what is a tea rose and how do I tell one? I have been wondering for years...maybe they are real tiny? I guess I will Google it, that will tell me all I need. So George has Tea Roses as well? I don't think I have ever seen any at all on his blogs! Well, it was REALLY hard, but here are my verdicts! This was the hardest post to choose yet! For just plain overall beauty, the first rose!!! It is the winner overall. BUT number seven for petal shape, and the ones on either side of it for color!!!! FOUR winners, but really they ALL are!

HolleyGarden said...

I couldn't pick out a favorite, either. These are all just lovely. And George is so sweet to bring you a rose every day. Roses may be a bit of work and effort but they are so worth it!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You did a great job of picking out pink...they have so many different shades of pink

Glenda said...

So many beautiful shades of pink . . . and the raindrops are the crowning touch!

Lynn said...

Oh my, how very lovely. My favorites, the first one, the 4th and the three with rain drops. I like the soft colors, and always love rain drops on any bloom. What a lovely yard you two have made together. Like your lives. Such happy posts of beautiful beauty in nature. Thank you for bringing extra joy in our days. Blessings.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Betsy, glad to be back on line :) So I am trying to catch up and what a lovely start, all these gorgeous roses. Fabulous variety and gosh, I wish I had a few of these in my garden. Have a great week!

HappyK said...

I just couldn't pick a favorite. Each one is beautiful.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I would say they are all my favorite. i can almost smell your roses just by your beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing such beauty.

Nellie said...

Absolutely beautiful roses! George is to be commended for his diligence and patience. The last photo is probably my favorite.

LV said...

Thee is no doubt these roses have had love and tender caw. Absolutely breathtaking.

Ann said...

Your roses sure do look pretty in pink. I love the ones with the pink edges.

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely dazzling Betsy!!!! Each and every one of them has their own special beauty of course, but I really really like the three pink ones all in one image.

Arkansas Patti said...

That trio of pinks is a stunning shot. Well done. Your place must smell devine.

Faye said...

Let's see, think I can choose three favorites. One, the first silvery pink--reminds me of a glamorous film star. Two, the pink and yellow--reminds me of Peace, but don't think it is. Three, those three perfect buds drenched in raindrops. No wonder you need to tour the yard every morning camera in hand.

Neal said...

Wow....I can't pick a favorite. I went through them 3 times and every time picked a different one.

Sally Wessely said...

I am always amazed by the different varieties of roses. I love to see all the differences. These are just beautiful. I love that George tends them so carefully. Even better, I love that he tends you so carefully.

Anonymous said...

Each rose is very special. I always enjoy your photos. Have a restful night.

Nava said...

Well if I had to choose--it might be the one that is light yellow trimmed in a peachy color. Love the drops of water on them.

Andrea said...

I remember a friend who says "i love your car and i love you too". The Physicist's Garden is so beautiful inside and out, plant and bricks! I wonder why there doesn't seem to be any insect or unwanted bug at all. It looks so perfect!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Ooh you lucky girl Betsy, George AND those Roses ;)
(do not worry about commenting at my place if its still causing probs - I understand).... but still can't work out the problem :(

Cheryl @ TFD said...

George does a super job with the roses. I know they aren't the easiest flower to grow because I've tried them myself. That's why I mainly have Knockouts now, I can grow them easily! The pinks are all just fabulous, I couldn't pick a favorite.

Out on the prairie said...

truly amazing shots

Cuby said...

Wow you certainly are a lucky woman! I like the last photo best, I think it maybe the raindrops on the un-opened flowers which have the promise of what is to come when they are in full bloom.

Jeevan said...

Each rose is beautiful at its best... And it’s very hard to pick only one as my favorite too :) But the light rose flowers are fascinating a lot! Thanks for sharing these beauties with us.

You both are so glad to grow along the roses... and that so sweet of him.

Anonymous said...

Such loveliness! And gorgeous raindrops in the last shot.

NatureStop said...

You are indeed lucky to have George..he seems to care so much for you..and he must be loving you the way he loves and takes care of his 57 roses..I just love all your roses.Have a great weekend!


Shilpa said...

Wow! Awesome roses Betsy! I enjoyed checking those and love them a lot.

Thanks for sharing.

Hugs and Kiss

carolina nana said...

All those roses are so pretty. I'm like you all in that I only buy the roses that smell wonderful.
That is what makes a rose a rose after all !!
We didn't get any of our predicted rain this week either but there has been some severe storms around us so I'll settle for being a bit dry versus the storms.

Lady Di Tn said...

All of these are gorgeous and you do have a Princely and romantic fellow to spend time with. Thanks for sharing George's hard work with us. Peace

Diane AZ said...

George is an excellent gardener and how sweet of him to bring you fresh roses for the vase to enjoy up close!

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are all gorgeous; love the pinks!
When I think of roses...I think of George. He is the master!

Rohrerbot said...

Hi Betsy, I'm back!:) It has taken me two days to get caught up with everyone....well almost everyone. The flowers are incredible. While we were in Wisconsin, I couldn't get over all the magnificent blooms. I was a little envious...but remembered that June is kind of like our April here. I enjoyed your flowers tonight.....keep taking them! Hugs. Chris

Carletta said...

I commented yesterday on George's blog that my husband didn't promise me a rose garden (he isn't a gardener) but he did bring home red roses yesterday. I'm lucky in a different way.
It would be hard to choose a favorite from all of these. That last shot is lovely but I'm really liking the white bud with the pink trim - gorgeous!

Small Kucing said...

They are soooo lovely. Omgh.you are so lucky to be surrounded by these beauties

Cicero Sings said...

So neat to have before and after pictures. What a difference is right. One sure can tell you love your flowers and your yard.