Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, June 15, 2012


George and I went back to the Biltmore House and Gardens yesterday to check out all of the new flowers--including their ROSES.   We have TONS of pictures to share --but today I'm going to share something which we saw on our way home last night from Asheville.

There were storms all around us ---but luckily,  except for a little rain here and there,  the storms went around us...  BUT--the sky and clouds and sun put on a show for us...  I was snapping pictures from inside the car in every direction...   This may be some of the prettiest sunset pictures I have ever taken.  Hope you enjoy them. 

The pictures need no explanation,  but  I will encourage you to click on them and see them all larger....   AND---if you are like me,  you will see all kinds of cloud designs... See if you can pick out the picture of the doggie with his big floppy ears (or maybe he's a teddy bear)!!!!!  Have fun!!!

The last picture reminds me of being up in an airplane looking down on a HUGE WATERFALL.....  See it?????

We had so much fun looking at the sky and all of the colors and cloud formations.... Did you see the doggie with the floppy ears (or does he look look more like a teddy bear)?  What else did you see?

Again,  I apologize for being behind in my comments on your blogs...  Sometimes ---life just gets in the way!!!!! ha ....  I'll catch up soon!

Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday.


diane b said...

The sky certainly put on a super light show for you. I like the one of the sun disappearing behind the mountains. I can't see the dog but I can see a teddy bear and your waterfall. Have a nice weekend.

Ms. A said...

Wow, that last one looks like Niagara Falls!

Ms. A said...

Oh, and I see a teddy bear, too!

Ms. A said...

The third one actually looks like it has a big bear and a baby bear, standing together.

Small Kucing said...

The third photo. I love to look at clouds too when I was younger. guess I have to make more time and enjoy the view nowadays. but today no clouds here . very hazy coz of the burning from our neighbouring country.

Christine said...

Absolutely stunning! That last shot was a beauty indeed.

RoeH said...

What a gift. So beautiful

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful. You brought back pleasant memories of my childhood when my sisters would join me in making pictures out of cloud formations. Nice summer days on our backs in the warm grass gazing up and using our imaginations.


Unknown said...

As usual the pictures are stunning - beautiful skies. Hope you have a great weekend!
Happy Friday!

Faye said...

What a showoff Mother Nature can be! And the amazing thing is that this color show didn't last very long? I haven't been looking up at the sky enough lately. Good reminder.

You all have a great weekend, Betsy.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think I saw the dog! Beautiful pics, Betsy!

Sharon said...

We got reports from home last night that there were storms "all around." Glad you two made it safely. One of our first outings after we get back to TN, will be a trip to Biltmore to check out the roses. Probably a quest for cooler temps at the same time. Those 90's are going to hit us HARD after living in the 60's/70's all these weeks!

Twilight Man said...

I am convinced that you have this keen 'eyes' that always see all the beautiful things around us! From flowers to waterfalls and now skies! You are always happy to share and that makes me happy too!

Yes I love the clouds and let my imaginations run until I saw the whole zoo! Ha ha ha... Have a good weekend Betsy and George!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular sky works for your drive home, glad you were not driving. LOL

Donna said...

I especially like the colors in the last two! I didn't peek out to see the sunset yesterday. But I sure heard the rumbling in the skies about 9 p.m.! Glad you had a good time and got lots of pics, LOL.

linda m said...

Those are some of the best "sunset" pictures I have seen in a long time - incredible!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Lynn said...

The sky is one of the most expressive and changeable place in nature isn't it? To me, that is a doggie with the stubby tail wagging on the left. Yes, I see the waterfall from the plane. The picture above, an astronaut running through space with arms wide open. You can see his the outline of his face area in the helmet. Such delightful pictures and the one where the sun is a big red ball just about to drop behind the world is beautiful. Blessings.

George said...

You got some great pictures while I was busy driving. Next time you drive.

Dorothy said...

I love sky shots and sunsets! I see the big doggie and I think that waterfall is Niagara;-)

♥ Dorothy

nanny said...

It was worth the trip just to see that sunset, uh?

I'll bet their roses were not a bit prettier than yours!!

have a great weekend.

Out on the prairie said...

I love to catch a good sunset.i liked the 3rd pic .

Nava said...

This is stunningly beautiful.

Rose said...

Glorious is a word that comes to mind when looking at these....and yes, I did see the puppy. I think it is either a poodle or a cocker spaniel.

Karin said...

What a beautiful sight the two of you could share! Amazing! Thanks for sharing the photos!

I Am Woody said...

The beauty that surrounds us just amazes me!

Nellie said...

Great pictures, Betsy! I was just over the mountain to Lake Junaluska to a session of Annual Conference on Wednesday morning.

By the way, our weather report indicated that Fairfield Glade might have been in the path of some of those storms that were passing through. Hopefully you had no damage from them.

Have a blessed day!

TexWisGirl said...

i love when the clouds are backlit like that! so cool!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I just think sunrises and sunsets are special gifts from God, and He gave you a beauty. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Very beautiful.... we did get storms here in North Florida...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Wow! So much beauty.Yes,I did see the teddy,at least that's what it looks like to me.

Carletta said...

That fifth one is stunning! Oh, the colors!
I saw the doggie - reminds me of Pluto. :)

Have a great weekend Betsy!

Anonymous said...

Heavenly series of sky shots, Betsy. I love the pastel colors.

Marcia said...

Some great shots. Did you have storms later that evening? The clouds looked like they were building to that.

Did the plants arrive on Thursday?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Astounding!!! Surely God is putting on this show just for US!!! And you are right, they are some of the prettiest pictures you have ever posted! I took some lovely sunset pictures last night, too. Then when I came home, I found I had no film in the camera!! All for naught!

Glenda said...

Beautiful! Beautiful! Sunsets like this one are so majestic and glorious! What a way to end the day!

I am really behind reading and commenting on blogs, too - and I probably want catch up for a while.

Serenity Cove said...

WOW!!! I call that God Art.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, Betsy, these are fantastic! Such dramatic clouds and colors! The heavens at their best and your photos are superb! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty!! Enjoy a beautiful weekend!


Latane Barton said...

What a slideshow of amazing nature/sunset events. I don't think I've seen any any prettier.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset and cloud pictures. I really liked the last one in which the clouds look like a waterfall from up in an airplane.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love your photos. I saw the waterfall but no teddy bear or Puppy. I hope you have a great weekend.

Catherine said...

Those are some pretty blue and red skies Betsy!
Wishing you and George a beautiful weekend!
xo Catherine

Connie said...

Pretty colors and shapes in all those clouds. Lovely sunset, Betsy. I hope you have a good weekend. :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Breathtaking, Betsy.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy - my favorite direction is up! Love the photos. sandie

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Heavenly Photo's Betsy.. all of them!
I have never been to Biltmore House, although Ray often said we'd go..It must be marvelous to see. I hope you have some pics taken there. Would love to see them. xx

Ann said...

Now that's a beautiful way to end a day. Really pretty sunset shots. I love all the clouds and I do see your waterfall in there :)

Betty Manousos said...

wow, betsy those are absolutely beautiful shies!

i really like that lovely colour degradation of those clouds. really gorgeous!

big hugs!

Big Dude said...

Wow for sure and you got some great shots of it

Hootin Anni said...

Can a sky and sunset be luscious? These images are truly the epitome of a taste treat for the eye!! Wow.

Your last one that you imagine looking down on a huge waterfall...I see a spewing of a lava bed, the hot steamy flow of molten lava in Hawaii.

As for your comment you left for me yesterday, no I don't miss Colorado much. Maybe the mountain range, but I'd much prefer the heat to a wintry snowy 4 or 5 months of icy roads, snowpack and having to drive around with all the other idiots that think their 4 wheel drive makes them 'immune' to accidents. LOLOLOL

eileeninmd said...
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Rohrerbot said...

I feel the same way Betsy. Too much going on at times and it's hard to keep up with everything. It was nice to have a vacation for awhile. Your pics are beautiful captures. There is one in particular where the clouds reflect the sun perfectly....really lovely colors. Your reports of storms get me excited for monsoon season here in the desert. We're just a few short weeks away from the big show. Enjoy your weekend!!:)

Anonymous said...

Wow - those clouds and colours are fantastic!

Janice K said...

Those are dazzling! Wow! It reminds me of once being in an airplane and watching the storm clouds and sun filtering through them. Pretty amazing.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy,
I see the teddy bear and waterfall! I love to watch the clouds and often pick out different images of things in them. There's nothing like a beautiful sky to gaze at!!
About the rose you asked me about: it is just a double pink Knockout. I only have about 2 or 3 other type rose, but I have several Knockouts which I can easily grow! Glad you liked it.
Have a great weekend! It's going to be a hot one here.

Lynda said...

I am way behind in commenting, too. I totally understand what you mean about life getting in the way - - and of course, it is more important than our comments! That pictures are definitely WOW/God moments! When stuff like that happens, I almost want time to stand still until I can get my fill of the beauty.

Cheryl said...

How beautiful each photo was! I did see the doggie, makes me think of my sweet granddoggie Bode! I also spotted a little heart in the clouds...I am way behind in commenting but keep on trying to catch up!

Lady Di Tn said...

Seems like our blogs are taken from the same book lately. LOL Great photos. Peace and have a great weekend.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

just lovely. i love clouds & an extra plus is the sunset. wow!! (:

Jeevan said...

Fantastic and very pretty cloud formations, Betsy! It looks like a teddy for me... Nice observing those clouds and its fun too.

Amazing one at last!

Have a nice weekend and Happy Sunday

Ramblingon said...

They ARE gorgeous Betsy! And the waterfall analogy was spot on. You're right.

joy said...

I agree with you. Those are awesome pictures. I also love taking pictures of the sky. Reminds me of God's greatness:)

HappyK said...

That is indeed a beautiful sunset. Yes, I do see he water fall. I'm just catching up on some blog reading myself. It doesn't take long to get behind.

imac said...

Betsy, what a sky post delight my friend.

Now posting Scottish Isles holiday.

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy!
The sunset is always wonderful anywhere, isn't it?! That's the proof of the superiority of nature!
And you're always in those places to capture the best pictures for us!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was such a glorious sunset, Betsy! I'm glad you took photos of it and shared them here.

SquirrelQueen said...

With all those gorgeous storm clouds around I'm glad to hear you didn't get any of the bad weather. I love the one with the sun setting between the mountains.

Hope you had a great weekend.
I'm a little behind on visiting too.

Mary said...

Those last two photos of the clouds are really great! Beautiful!

Brenda said...

LOVE your sunset photos! Especially the one with the sun going down. SO VIBRANT!! And you are right...the last one DOES look like you are looking down from a plane at a HUGE waterfall!! Wonderful, WONDERFUL pictures! I LOVE a good sunset!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Those are breathtaking.
