Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another Favorite SON

Two weeks ago,  I introduced my youngest son, Jeff.  Then last week,  I introduced my oldest son, Bert.  This week,  I introduce you to middle son, Mark.  Mark and family live in Seabrook, TX.  Mark works for a company installing alarm systems in homes.  Recently,  he installed a system in the home of one of the Houston Astros' Baseball Team players.  He thought that was kinda special!!!!

Mark was born on January 15, 1970.  He and his beautiful wife,  Lara,  have two gorgeous daughters,  "BA"--age 17 and "BR"--age 14 (in March).   To protect their privacy,  I will not give their names.  Above is a great picture of Mark.  Below are more.

Mark is my smiling child... He smiled from birth --all the way through his childhood... Such a Cutie Pie!!!!  And I think he is still smiling!!!

Here is a picture of Mark and me taken in 2006 when he came to Nashville --and we visited him there.

I love this picture of Mark and his gorgeous wife,  Lara.  I have several pictures of the two of them,  but this is one of my favorites (despite the sunshine hitting their faces).

Like all of my sons,   Mark loves SPORTS.  Since he doesn't have sons,  he and his girls got interested in softball.  SO--now, that is truly Mark's passion.  He has coached his girls'  teams for several years.  He still coaches --but also has started a league in his community, involving different age-level teams.   He says that he would do this fulltime --if someone would just pay him!!!!! ha ha ha ... The picture above is Mark with his youngest daughter,  who is a catcher, after they won a tournament.

This is just a silly picture of Mark with his girls...  It was taken in 2006--so these girls have really changed since then.  I love it though!!!

This is a fairly recent picture of Mark and his oldest daughter.

Finally,   I just got this picture last week (along with some others) of "BR's"  Winter Dance pictures...  This is one of my fav's ---of Daddy and his youngest. Doesn't she just look gorgeous,  all dressed up for the dance?   GEE--those girls are both growing up so fast.

Well---that's my three sons... Now you know them!!!!  I don't see any of them as much as I'd like these days --but we try to keep in touch,  through the telephone,  through emails and texting...  But--like most all young people these days,  they do stay VERY busy.  I am proud of all of them and the men they have become.



Tracy said...

He is quite handsome and resembles you quite a bit; perhaps that's the reason for his constant smile?
Your grand daughters are beautiful and their eyes sparkle with joy; nice to see.
...such a beautiful family you have there and gosh, I hear so much pride in your 'voice'...
heading to school for a half day this morning and home to sleep; must be rested for the Duke vs. UNC game tonight at 9:00; GO HEELS! ...did I tell you we don't say the word 'hate' in our house but when we talk about Duke, we ALL are allowed to use the word?

Have a great day!

Cassie said...

Hello dear. Love the family shots you have been sharing with us. The boys look almost like twins, don't they? Have a good week Betsy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So nice now to have met all your sons! What wonderful photos you have shared today; a beautiful, happy family! Hope you have a great day.

diane b said...

He sure is your son. he looks a happy fellow and such grown up girls. How lucky you are and rightfully proud too.

Catherine said...

You have a very sweet family Betsy ~ you are a lucky woman! :)
xo Catherine

Elenka said...

Very, very nice. BTW, you don't look old enough to have children that old!! (sorry kids, I'm not implying that you are 'old')(well, maybe I am....;-) )
Anyway, nice blue eyes, too.
Thanks for sharing!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for introducing your three sons to us.I think Mark looks a lot like his Om.I hope you will have another super day.

Bookncoffee said...

Beautiful family! Thanks for sharing!

Here comes the snow! I see it on the radar.

Kelly said...

I see a lot of you in his smiling eyes, Betsy! ...and what a beautiful family he has! I bet you guys have lots of fun when you get together.

From the Kitchen said...

Now I know all three and they seem very nice! I grew up with two sisters so it was quite different for me having two boys. They were, and are, great fun and I'm still trying to figure out the mothering of sons.


Arkansas Patti said...

What a handsome family you have Betsy but they also seem handsome on the inside. You can be proud.
He does look like you especially with his laughing, kind eyes.
So great he is so involved with his daughters. There is such a great bond between father and daughter that some men just miss out on. He obviously hasn't.

mamahasspoken said...

What a wonderful family you have! Thanks for sharing so that we now have a face to go with the names.

Darla said...

What a beautiful family! The girls have his eyes....very pretty.

Dorothy said...

Handsome guy, Betsy! He got his smile from YOU! He has a lovely family, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a wonderful family your son has, all of them are beautiful. you are blessed with 3 wonderful sons and their famiies. thanks for sharing them with us. when i read My three sons, i thought that would make a good title for a TV show. think i may be watching to much TV

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Your son and his family are so beautiful...and the love shows in their eyes!!! Love that photo of you and your son!!!

linda m said...

You have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family! We were involved in softball, while hosting our Danish exchange student.

nanny said...

I love all of these pictures of your son and his family....He sure favors his Mom. Distance....sad,uh?
Stay warm, my friend.
It is 7:45 am and just beginning to snow. I'd better get up and run my couple of errands before hibernating...ha

penny said...

You have a beautiful family, Betsy. Its lovely that you say each of your children are your favorites :)
My granddaughter plays fastpithch softball and loves it too.

warm hugs, be well and happy :)

Out on the prairie said...

Such a lovely family,and a very photogenic bunch.

Small City Scenes said...

Well thanks for introducing us to your three sons. Remember the old TV show called--My Three Sons---was that about you? LOL
Nice happy families you have there. You are blessed. MB

Ida said...

What a precious post. You have lovely sons and grandchildren!! Love the photos and the happiness that is showing in them! :))

Sunny said...

How blessed you are to have such a wonderful family. Thank you for sharing :)
☼ Sunny

Karin said...

Children are a blessing from the Lord and you have been abundantly blessed with a good looking family of sons and grands! I bet you have some stories to tell about their younger years that would make a great TV show too! Have a great week Betsy!

Connie said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy! You are blessed with a fine family. I'm sure they are a great joy. :)

Pat - Arkansas said...

You raised three handsome sons, Betsy. And, not only handsome, but good men. You are blessed, indeed.

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

I can see so much of you in him! What a wonderful handsome son you have. His beautiful wife and daughters is a extra blessing. Loved "meeting" your sons and know you are very proud of the men they have become. Enjoy the snow heading your way. We are suppose to get a inch. I will take what I can get. LOL

Diane said...

Thanks for showing us your three sons Betsy. Mark looks like a real joy to you, his wife, and his daughters.

Shug said...

Such a nice looking family. Sam and i have two grown daughters, but I can tell you that our girls have a way of putting a real sparkle in their dad's eyes.
Girls softball is really a big thing here in Texas. It is always great to see dads involved in their daughters lives. I know you are proud of your son and his family. Beautiful daughter-in-law and granddaughters!


Janie said...

Great photos of Mark, Betsy! I especially like the ones of him with his daughters. They appear to have a very special, loving relationship, which is a wonderful thing to see between fathers and daughters.
I just read a book called Big Stone Gap, and thought of you.

imac said...

Nice post, but I bet Mark will get you back for that 2nd shot Betsy,lol.

Chris said...

What a lovely family you have Betsy. Mark is very much like you.

Unknown said...

G'day Betsy ~ What a gorgeous family you have & shared with us. They so resemble you.

What lovely compliments to them all from their loving parents.


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You have a family to be proud of - you are blessed! Have a wonderful day!

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Betsy, you have a gorgeous family!
Thanks for sharing them with us! Seems like you raised a good brood :)
Love the Valentines header!
You and George stay warm-seems like we are expecting snow again :(
xo, misha

~mel said...

He has your beautiful smile! My sister was overlooking my shoulder while I was typing and she commented on how much the two of you look alike.

I'm so sorry to say that it looks like our travel arrangements are taking a detour ~ it looks like your neck of the woods will have to wait another year ... bummer. BUT I will still be able to enjoy it through you :) and the wonderful world of cyberspace. I was so looking forward to meeting you though face to face. Keep in touch! I'll most likely be off my blog now for a couple more days.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Mark was born within a few weeks of our son, so they are the same age! That baby picture is just so precious, he just glows! Now for a little joke on me! The picture right after his baby picture, with you and Mark. I looked at that and thought "My, but he sure chose a wife who looks exactly like his mother!!!" Ha ha ha ha!!! What a lovely family! And how wonderful that he is so involved with the girls!! You can be so proud of all your sons!

RoeH said...

Hey...good lookin' dude! And I love the pic of the two of you. That's a framer!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I'm having trouble with my computer. If you receive this twice, ignore this comment.
Your son is handsome. His wife and family are lovely, too. You are so blessed to have such a lovely family.

Fred Alton said...

What wonderful children and grandchildren you have. They are what mother taught them to be. I know you have a sense of pride in that accomplishment. Fine sons, all.

Pat Tillett said...

Very nice! Thanks for sharing your family with us! You've got me thinking about maybe doing something like this about my family...

Anonymous said...


God has truly blessed you with a wonderful family. Thank you for sharing them with all your blogger friends :-)


Neal said...

Great looking family Betsy. I'm sure they're great people since they have such a great mom.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, what a handsome middle son...and he has a beautiful family! Enjoyed seeing all the photos of them.

I wish my pesky family would let me show pix of them that aren't 20-30 years old! They want to keep their privacy tho, and I've got to respect that. But I keep working on them, maybe someday they'll change their minds.

We got another inch or two of snow last night, how's it going in your part of the country? Take care, Cheryl

Cicero Sings said...

It's been nice to meet your sons! Do you ever use Skype to talk to your sons and their families? Because, with video cam in the computer you can see them face to face ... even better than just talking on the phone.

KathyA said...

Your boys are just down right handsome!!! Gorgeous, like their mama!

Sey said...

You got wonderful sons and grand daughters. Mark's wife is beautiful too. I suddenly remember my father who also loves playing softball. Bu I don't play. I just watched him play.

Unknown said...

What a great bio! I'm going to have to go back and get caught up with the other two. It's just been crazy around here, like a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest (as my dad would say!) SO ready for the Big Thaw, but I know we are probably not done with the snow. It looks like the Alps are in my backyard! Going to try an coax Sadie into the garage tonight as it's fixin' to get very cold out there. She hates coming in any enclosed place, but I think for the sake of her furry rear end, she is going to have to come in and spend the night in her crate. Wish us luck!

Loren said...

YOUR Mark looks to be so very happy ! I love how you said he always smiled as a baby and now he is still smiling :) He has a beautiful family! I love that he coaches for his girls! Having an involved father is sooo important for daughters! You did good Betsy!! :) Sooo very good!

Love Of Quilts said...

I could certainly see you in him Betsy...nice looking young man...its snowing here right now I suppose you are getting it too....stay warm Trish

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

How often do all of you meet? What a happy time it would be.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous family! I love how he was "smiling as a baby and still smiling"! Your granddaughters are beautiful.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What a vibrant and gorgeous family, beautiful smiles, and I know where those smiles originated ;)
The granddaughters are pretty as pictures, I know they are two special girls.

LV said...

Enjoyed hearing and seeing the history of your "Three Sons". You have a wonderful family and are truly blessed.

Mary said...

A family to be proud of, Betsy! Love to all of you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

To Caleb, Thanks for coming to my blog. I was going to thank you, but don't have your blog address nor your email address. Hope you get this.. Come back and visit anytime.

Lynda said...

I like your family. And I like what you wrote about them. All three seem to have great personalities. - - - and the sun shining on him and his wife makes them look like angels!

Lola said...

A handsome threesome. The girls are gorgeous. I know how you miss them.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

A lovely post, Betsy, and a nice tribute to your middle son. He has a beautiful family, and you've got some beautiful grandchildren.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

You are Blessed with a very beautiful family. Sweet hugs to you...m...

SquirrelQueen said...

Mark really does have a great smile. Betsy, you have a lovely family. I really enjoyed the posts about each of your sons and their families.

Anonymous said...

It was special to meet your 3 sons and their families! Thank you so much for sharing!

Rose said...

Betsy, I think he looks like you...his daughters are really pretty and they have that twinkle in their eye! I am glad to meet your sons.