Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Flowers from the Biltmore House and Gardens

This is the last set of pictures of the flowers from the Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville,  NC.  Again,  I'm sorry but do not know the names of these beauties.  There were lots and lots of flowers blooming in their Conservatory ---so we just took lots of pictures.. We have season's passes to the Biltmore now---so we will definitely go back probably every season... Anyhow,  I hope you enjoy seeing more of the flowers.

If you want to see more of my pictures from the Biltmore House and Gardens,  go to my sidebar,  scroll down to my labels and click on Biltmore.

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of these beautiful flowers.



Catherine said...

Have a wonderful Tuesday Betsy!
xo Catherine

Mr. Bill said...

Thanks for the reminder that spring is just around the corner...I hope!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for the beauty.My sister would call this 'eye candy',and I think that would be right.I hope your day will be filled with pleasures.

diane b said...

There are some tropical plants there I see. It must be a nice splash of colour to view these in winter.

Neal said...

Very beautiful...gives me hope that spring might come again. :)

Harriet said...

Beautiful flowers.

Beth said...

A wonderful post to wake up to on this cold, snowy day. The flowers are outstanding. My favorite is the lavender with the yellow in the middle--a different combo and I like different.
How far from the Biltmore are you?
It would be cool to be close enough to have season tickets.

Bookncoffee said...

The Biltmore had pretty botannicals there. It's been a long time since I have been there. We also enjoyed the St. Louis Botanical Gardens. It was awesome and I would love to go back there sometime. Spring...soon. But I guess we have this snow storm coming first. lol

Fred Alton said...

I love visiting the botannical gardens at Biltmore...or anywhere else. Thanks for the virtual visit.

Kelly said...

I love the gardens at the Biltmore House!! I want to go back... You have some gorgeous captures here. Love your V-day background as well!!

Arkansas Patti said...

Those are just beautiful Betsy and I can't help with ID. One certainly does not need to know what one is seeing to appreciate it.
Thank you for such a lovely start to my morning.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, Thanks for sharing such pretty pictures today. It makes me happy to think of Spring!

Karin said...

Wow, those are gorgeous orchids - the colors are stunning! I quite enjoyed that large container of greens as well. Looks like a place I'd love to return to as well! Have a great day Betsy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful orchids and i like that planter. the last photo is really cool. i like looking in it like it is a small bowl. very pretty and sharp and shows the details. i like macro because it shows all the little things we don't notice with out the camera.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Those are so beautiful. I wish I had some flowers like that!! I really like your heart header--so cute!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

These are just beautiful, Betsy! The Biltmore is on my list of places to visit one day. I envy you that you live close enough to have season tickets! Have a good day! Cheryl

Sunny said...

Beautiful flowers, now I want spring even more!
☼ Sunny

Out on the prairie said...

3 orchids, poinsetta and a lily.Lovely photos.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely! I especially like the pinky-purple orchid with the fringes (third photo.) I've never visited the Biltmore House. You've whetted my desire to do so. I very much enjoy conservatories.

Wishing you a wonderful day!

amelia said...

I am not much into the names of flowers but these are really lovely!!
Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, The pictures of the orchids, especially the lavender ones, are really beautiful! We have a slight bit of snow on the ground here and it is lightly snowing at the moment. I don't expect a huge snowfall at all. Have a fabulous day!

LV said...

I was only at this place once but never saw this many lovely flowers. I was fascinated by it. It is an interesting and nice area to visit.

Busy Bee Suz said...

So much color. Gorgeous!

Small City Scenes said...

Mostly beautiful Orchids. Aren't they so lovely. When I worked in a greenhouse we used to make the Poinsetia baskets at Christmas time. Beautiful shots. MB

Peggy said...

Those photos really warmed up my windy, chilly day! One day I hope to get back to visit the Biltmore House. I especially love the barns and animals but sure you already knew that. LOL

Beth said...

So nice to see this lovely life and color on this monochrome winter day---thank you, Betsy! I walk around our yard every day to see if the crocus have poked through the winter-hard earth---it won't be long now. :-)

mudderbear said...

I looked out my window this morning and there is 3-4 inches of snow. It's no biggie, probably be gone by this afternoon if the weather warms up a bit. So your flowers are definitely a nice treat of color and vitality.

From the Kitchen said...

A most welcome post this morning as it is SNOWING again! The back walkway and driveway are still covered in ice and the temperature is 11 degrees. Enough complaining. To console myself, I have pulled your photo of the planted urn out to give me a plan for a summer planting--without the poinsettia of course. Did I mention that I haven't been out of the house in almost a week? Aaaarrrrgh!


Loren said...

Oh my gosh Betsy! These are just GORGEIOUS! It has always been a desire of mine to join a gardening Know how class because I LOVE flower gardens!! When my husband and I lived "In town" we had one of the most beautiful yards full of gorgeous flowers and now that we have moved "Out of town" there is soo much ROCK that it is almost impossible to have them unless we build them up. Then we have all the deer that eat alot of them so we just haven't made the decision to go for it yet! LOL ok way more than you needed to know ;0)
thankyou for sharing these beautiful photos....I LOVE THEM!!!

Darla said...

Love,love,love the container combo!!

floweringmama said...

Makes me want to kick old man winter in the tail so spring can hurry up and get here!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

We got 5 or 6 inches of snow yesterday...so these photos are just what I needed!!!

Glenda said...

Exquisite, Betsy . . . beauty that speaks of spring and warm weather!!

Jen said...

They have some great gardeners there! Pretty pictures Betsy!

Connie said...

Such vivid colors! They are all so pretty! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Betsy, I recognize several of these as orchids, especially the third from the bottom. I'm counting two that I know are orchids, and probably two more as well. I recognize them from the pictures I took at orchid shows. Will a season pass let you go any time, or just once a season? Beautiful flowers!!! I can't wait till you go this spring!!

imac said...

Lots of super flowers and colours Betsy.

mamahasspoken said...

What beauty on such a cold, snowy day!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow the beauty of flowers, amazing!

Andrea said...

Hello Betsy, i haven't here for awhile and i missed many things. That header made me smile, for an early valentine's. I've also visited a garden sale exhibit last weekend, and i seem not to take photos anymore of some orchids because lots of more exciting foliage and flowers are in show. Your photos as usual are great.

ratieh said...

Hi Betsy! is it orchids? we have lots of flower like that in Indonesia. =) and they're sooo pretty!

Diane said...

Such beautiful flowers Betsy.

Masha said...

What gorgeous pictures! Are these orchids? Your blog is so beautiful, and I really liked your rose pictures (and your roses in pots lining your driveway). I love Double Delight too, the fragrance is so delicious. I am so happy to have found your blog.

Lynda said...

GORGEOUS! Bill and I need to go and see the gardens in spring. My daughter has pictures and they are stunning!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are so beautiful, Betsy. I wish I was able to identify plants and animals better than I am. I should have paid more attention in school.

Together We Save said...

Your pictures are amazing!! I have always wanted to visit the Biltmore.

carolina nana said...

The Biltmore House is a beautiful place with flowers all season long.
I used to go regularly when I was chaperoning the school groups over there but haven't been in several years, I need to get back over there this spring when the tulips are blooming. To me that is better even than Christmas.
Hope you don't get much snow out of this next storm I don't think we are going to get but maybe a couple inches.
Have a blessed tomorrow

Kirigalpoththa said...

So beautiful!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful flowers Betsy, thanks for the reminder of warmer days to come. It will be interesting to see what you find at the gardens in the different seasons.

Janie said...

These are all so beautiful. Thanks for the reminder of scenes beyond our snowy landscape.

Pat Tillett said...

I looks like an amazing place.

KathyA said...

I'm ready!! Bring on the flowers!!!

Mary said...

Oh, my....how beautiful! Can I have one of each? I wish I could raise orchids. So gorgeous!