Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's Falling into the Water

George and I got married in June of 2001.  We went on our honeymoon in September of that year.  Neither one of us had ever taken a cruise before --so we flew to San Juan and took a cruise to the South Caribbean.   It was absolutely fabulous.

Since we both love sunrises and sunsets,  we managed to see MANY during those 7 days.  We laughed when we got home and started looking at our pictures... We had more pictures of sunrises and sunsets than we did most anything else... AND--when you are on a ship in the water,  sometimes (unless you look at the time on your camera) --you may not know the difference in the two. ha ha

Today,  I'll show you one sunset which we saw one evening while on that cruise in  September of 2001...  I think the clouds make it more special. Hope you enjoy it.


Hope you enjoyed seeing one of our sunsets while we were at sea.  Sunrises and sunsets both just take my breath away.... LOVE them..

On another note,  NBC has a show on Genealogy on Friday nights at 7 p.m (Central time).  The name of the show is "Who do you Think You are?"  Anyhow --this coming Friday night,  they are featuring country music star,  Tim McGraw,  who is searching for his ancestors.. In his quest,  he goes to MY HOMETOWN,  Big Stone Gap, Virginia.  I think --from what I've read--that he will be at the Southwest Virginia Museum,  which is only a block from my childhood home.   If you have time,  watch that show this week.  I don't know how much of my tiny (5000 people) little town you will see,  but the little town of Big Stone Gap, VA  (in the southwest corner of the state) is very special to me.   I will definitely watch the show!!!!  Hope you can also!!!

 Have a great day.


Small City Scenes said...

Hi betsy,
Gorgeous sunset and you are right the clouds do make a difference. Lovely.
I will watch that show on Friday. How interesting. MB

Jo said...

Beautiful sunsets/rises Betsy. I 've seen the program advertised here in EA and will try to remember to watch it. Blessing and ((hugs)) Jo

Cicero Sings said...

What a wonderful sunset - truly spectacular!

I'd watch that show for sure if I had a TV.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular photos, love all of them. maybe tim is a long lost cousin?

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

I haven't seen the show but will check it out. Absolutely love the sunsets.... Think book!!!

penny said...

Beautiful sunset captures, Betsy. They are breathtaking and perfect for a honeymoon at sea.


Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Sunrises and sunsets are pretty boring without some clouds to catch the glow. You caught a beauty here. I think the second image is my favorite, but they're all stunning.

Out on the prairie said...

I used to chase them more when I was out in the country, I could walk down my road either way and catch some lovely ones.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a gorgeous sunset, Betsy! WoW! =)

I hadn't heard of that show before, but I'll try to remember to watch it & it's Tim McGraw, I mean, come on... He's our very handsome, one & only, Indian Outlaw!!! Heheheee LoL! =)

I Am Woody said...

I'm loving that show! Looking forward to seeing it this week:)

Karin said...

Oh Betsy, these are amazing and God gives us this every day!! How splendid!Thank you for sharing this with us! - That will be so fun to see your home town - will have to check if it's showing up here! Thanks for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Yes, I too, enjoy that particular genealogy and history show very much. I have seen all of the episodes so far last year and this year. I'll be watching on Friday. Gives a personal meaning to the show, doesn't it? Glad for your connection. Have a great day and stay warm. We have about an inch of snow here on the ground.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Words cannot describe the beauty with which God paints the sky for us.This is a spectacular sunset.I love to see the silver lining on some of those clouds.

Val said...

Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning and thank you for sharing such beautiful photos!

I'm looking forward to watching the show!

Harriet said...

Love the sunsets! Who Do You Think You Are? is a great show. I missed it last week but watched it online on Saturday!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, thanks for the heads up on the show coming up. I rarely watch tv but I might make an exception for Tim McGraw in your hometown. Sounds interesting!

Love the sunset/sunrise photos. I am a big fan of them myself. Although I don't actually see many sunrises since I'm a night owl. :D

Take care, Cheryl

Alain said...

That's a beautiful sunset! Really stunning!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous! Sunrise and sunset are very special times of day. I have to confess that I see far more sunsets than sunrises. :)

amelia said...

Just stunning!!! I'm sure you were also looking through rose coloured glasses at that time!!

Connie said...

Amazing sunset, Betsy! So pretty!

pam said...

Gorgeous pictures! And I will watch that show!

RoeH said...

I wanted to tell you which was my favorite photo but I can't. They are all just beautiful. Make a collage framed for your wall. Pretty.

Christmas-etc... said...

How lovely, Betsy! Birds and sunrises - we definitely have those loves in common!!
Wish I could watch that show... looking forward to what you have to say about it. (Hey...maybe you are related...:))

floweringmama said...

Beautiful shots. Somehow I can't ever capture the true beauty of a sunset.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Those shots are just amazing Betsy.
I wonder if you are related to Tim McGraw?? :) If so, will you share your free concert tickets with us?

DeniseinVA said...

Magnificent sunsets Betsy. I'll check that show out, thanks for the head's up.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy
I've been under the weather with a cold and just beginning to feel better and able to read some favorite blogs Your cruise sunset photos are magnificent!

That sounds like an interesting show! Thanks for the heads up.

♥ Pat

From the Kitchen said...

I've heard of that show but haven't watched it. As for me, I'm pretty sure I'm descended from royalty since I like the royal treatment a lot!

Speaking of royalty, I love those golden sunsets!


Becca's Dirt said...

I also love sunsets and sunrises and those are spectacular. I want to go on another cruise so bad. I'll try to tune into the show.

Ginny Hartzler said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh Betsy, have I died and gone to heaven?? You have had these pictures all this time and never POSTED them???? I have literally gotten a physical reaction from them, I've never seen anything like it!! You know I am ALL about sunsets. every chance I get, I keep watch every day and will hunt it down if the sky looks good. Lisa Kudrow also has a genealogy show on but I can't find it! I have heard about this one but couldn't find it! Now I know why. My T.V. Guide starts at 8 P.M.

Shug said...

Could it? Could it be? Could it be that you and Tim McGraw are somehow related??...WOW wouldn't that be fantastic. He is one of my favs. I will be watching.

Loved the sunsets. Simply beautiful. Thanks for posting! Glad I found your blog..
Blessings, Shug

Janice K said...

Only God can paint such beauty!!

That should really be fun for you to see your hometown featured, especially with your own interst in geneology.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Can't decide which I'm more excited about...Tim visiting your hometown or that gorgeous sunset...wow that was beautiful!!!
It's still cold here but the sun is shining so that makes up for a lot of the yuckiness!!!

Joy said...

What gorgeous pictures. I'll have to DVR that show and watch it.
♥ Joy

imac said...

You captured the sun nicely Betsy.

Arkansas Patti said...

They are all great but I really like that first one.
I didn't know that show was back on and I will definitely watch. Thanks.

Arkansas Patti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carletta said...

This makes me think of a quote I love - A sunrise is God's promise the world should go on, a sunset his signature.
Glorious shots!

I will be watching the show. I think I've told you I've read the Stone Gap books and I can't wait to see a glimpse of the real thing.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

WOW how cool. Both are interesting.

Kay said...

That is so pretty. I can almost here the "sizzle" as the sun hits the water (LOL).


Anonymous said...

I like all of your sunset pictures. They are more than I have ever seen around here.

Dar said...

Your cloud sunsets look as tho they are trimmed in satin and are gorgeous. I love the early sunrises and sunsets...they always take me to another place.
Will have to watch Tim McGraws search and a piece of your heart, your hometown.
To answer your question, my nerve damage is from my back surgery 8 yrs. ago next month. They said it may happen and it has...now, to see if any relief is in store. Things change daily in the medical field so I stay hopeful.
Thanks for your concern. You're a dear friend

LV said...

Loved the sunset show. We do not se many like that around here.

Wendy said...

Impressive! I love sunsets and sunrises, especially over the ocean. They are magnificent - and happen every day. LOL!

Neal said...

Beautiful Betsy! I hope I can remember to watch that show.

KathyA said...

Betsy, We do the same thing! We have so many pics of sunsets -- as we love them so much. Very few sunrises, because I don't get up that early.

We've talked about Adriana Trigiani and Big Stone Gap, haven't we?

Lola said...

Gorgeous pics. I love them.
Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

I've never been on a cruise. Loved your series of photographs of the sun setting. Gorgeous!

ruthinian said...

Wow...those are gorgeous sunset photos. So breathtakingly beautiful. I wanted to go on a cruise too the only problem is... I am seasick. That is why I just get satisfied worshiping the sunset from the beach.

Have a wonderful weekend.

ratieh said...

love this post so much! love to see sunsets n sunrises too. =D

Happy Friday Betsy!


carolina nana said...

I will watch that show,sounds interesting, Wouldn't it be something if you and Tim were long lost cousins ?????
Have a blessed tomorrow.

Pedaling said...

those sunsets are heavenly.

you know, my friend, with your love for genealogy and all, you'd make a real good Mormon gal! ;)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Betsy,

Did you and George go hiking and take photos before you were married, or were they hobbies you both got to love doing together?


SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, Betsy those are glorious sunsets. What a wonderful way to spend a honeymoon, very romantic too.

I will definitely try to watch the show tomorrow night. I'll check our local listings to make sure I don't miss it.

diane b said...

Fabulous sunset. Tropical sunsets seem so vivid and so close. I have watched the English version of "Who do you think you are?" Its a good show. Hope you saw your hometown.

Fred Alton said...

Oh Wow! What wonderful sunset pictures. Frances and I have only taken one ships-cruise...the first thing we did after my retirement two years ago. Loved every minute of it.

I've been to Big Stone Gap a couple of times while itinerating on the job. Lovely place. I want to watch that show tonight.

Lynda said...

Your pictures remind me of an Easter morning - - and the song, "Morning has broken...." LOVE THEM!

Mary said...

Whether sunrise or sunset...they are gorgeous and I think we just find ourselves drawn to all that spectacular color and design God is putting out there! Didn't he pick a great way to start and end each day?

DayPhoto said...

Your header is and blog set up is perfect for February!!


Janie said...

Darn, I read this too late and missed the show! Maybe I'll see a rerun.
Love the sunset photos. The golden glow is wonderful.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

That sounds like a honeymoon to remember. Your photos are spectacular! I can imagine how the sky looked from the ship.

I wish I had gotten here in time to tune to that TV show. I've never seen it. I wonder if I can figure out how to find it on the DVR.

Rose said...

That is a gorgeous set of pictures, Betsy! I could spend hours watching sunrises and sunsets...

Leedra said...

I didn't see the show. But I have quite a few photos on my blog from the Museum of Southwest Virginia.

I retire 2 weeks from today. Who knows, I might just start blogging again. I will then be in Rockwood mostly during the week, so it will depend if I decided to get internet there or just have it at home.

Cheryl said...

Hi Betsy, just getting caught up on my blog reading. I absolutely loved this post, very uplifting with the gorgeous sunrises/sunsets. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Fantastic series of photographs. This view alone would have been worth the cost of the cruise.

Darryl and Ruth : )