Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Christmas Angels

Most of you know by now that I LOVE angels --and have collected them for many years.  Today I will share some of them with you.  Many of my angels have been gifts from friends all through the years.   Above are two of my 'pretties'.  Below are more.

This little beauty is named Carole --since she was made for me by a friend named Carole. The ones on either side of her are two of my glass angels.  They love to glimmer and glow depending upon what lights are on them.

The beauty on the left is my Texas Angel.  I've had her since my days of living in Texas for 12 years.  The one on the right is me,  the Angel Collector!!!!! ha

These are three of my Baby Angels.   I love them all --but the one on the left makes me smile!!!!!

I love all of three of these angels.   The one on the left is 'me' since I am constantly sweeping the deck and/or sidewalk/driveway...  Sweeping is my THANG!!!!! ha

I included the middle one and the one on the right to show you all of the different ways angels can be made.  The middle one obviously is made using a washcloth, and the one on the right is made using a rose bud.

Since I worked in a church for many years and worked in Children's Ministries,  you can imagine all of the little craft items we made all through the years.  This little MOP Angel above is one which we made one year at a children's workshop.  Isn't she pretty?????

The angel on the right is the first angel I had.  She was the treetop angel on our Christmas tree when I was first married in 1962...  That little lady has been with me for  48 years!!!!

The little one on the left was mine when I was very young.  SO--she is even older than the one on the right.  The best thing about the little angel on the left is that she looks so angelic.....   Ah Ha.... NOW--look at the next picture!!!!

Uh Oh.... What is that in that sweet little adorable angel's back pocket????   A SLINGSHOT?????? Oh My Goodness.... Wonder why my parents thought this little beauty was like their daughter!!!!!!  Hmmmmmmmmm....

Finally,  here are my newest set of angels,  the Willow Angels.  I have been collecting these  (with George's help) for about 3-4 years now...I love them all--but one he gave me last year is just so special... It's the Angel of Happiness (on the extreme left).  She has her arms outstretched with birds sitting on both arms.   Isn't she awesome???

Hope you have enjoyed seeing some of my special Christmas Angels.  We are going to be away from blogging until about December 28....  We have lots to do,  places to go,  and company coming!!!!!   Have a wonderful, fabulous and Christ-filled Christmas. We love you ALL.



Darla said...

Angels are nice to have around, in more ways than one! Love the Willow Angels. Have a Merry Christmas, you are returning on my birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I enjoyed seeing all your angels. That one from your childhood is cute as can be. I also love your Willow Angels. John and I would like to wish you and George a very Merry Christmas and thank you for being treasured friends.

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, your angel collection is beautiful. The Texas Angel is really cute in her cowboy hat. I love them all. Merry Christmas.

penny said...

Your angel collection is heavenly, Betsy. I love the first one you were given with the slingshot, that would be just like me too.. tomboy that I was :)

I love the smiles you and George are wearing in your photo.

I wish you both a Merry Christmas..
be well, be happy.
'the Peace of Christ be with you always.

Tracy said...

I LOVED opening up your blog this morning being greeted by such a smile :) that smile illuminates of your spirit!

I also love your angel collection...I have the Willow's as well and just love them. The two 'sweeties' on the top are tow of my favorite as well as the little one with a sling shot in his back pocket. They are all unique and special, just like you!

Have safe travels wherever you are headed and I will miss you~
hugs and Merry CHristmas!

Jane said...

Gorgeous angels as always! Enjoy your break away from blogging!


mamahasspoken said...

Your collection reminds me of my own mother who loved to collect angels too. Thanks for sharing them with us.

RoeH said...

I love angels. There's just not a bad lookin' one in the bunch. Unless I made it. And then it would be a saddddd angel! Remind me to tell you about the time I made a statue of Jesus. :(((

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a long time to not be reading new posts from you.I miss you already.All the angels are lovely but my favorites by far,are the two angels on the header.
Hope your Christmas is filled with joy and making happy memories.Love you.

Neal said...

You sure have a lot of angels.
Slingshot on back??? Now why did I think of you when I saw that? :)

Valerie said...

LOve your angels - I have to come back later and read thru - but had to tell you how much I love the header!
Merry Christmas to you both!

diane b said...

A great Angel collection. Every time I see angels in shop windows I think of you and your love of angels. You have a great break and a wonderful Christmas with family.

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, you have a simply wonderful collection of angels! In a way, it's like reading about your life, from the angelic innocence mixed with a slingshot naughtiness. Through this collection one can see that you were loved by parents and are loved by George and that you have an above average zest for life. You and George have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy happy New Year!

Connie said...

Such a cute picture of you and George in the header, Betsy! Your angels are beautiful. Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas! :)

Melanie said...

Hi, Betsy~
I love all your pretty angels!! My mom has a huge collection too!
It's so neat how some of them are made out of different things like mops and washcloths.
My parents had a similar angel tree topper when I was growing up in the 70s. The face was very similar, but the dress was a yellowish/gold fabric if I remember right. I'm not sure is she still has it or not.
The angel with the slingshot in her back pocket is too funny!
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. :)

Sunny said...

Your angel collection is so sweet. I have a few Willow Tree Angels myself, including the Angel of Happiness :)
I hope you and George have a very Merry Christmas.
☼ Sunny

Sharon said...

What a lovely collection of angels! That is quite a variety, and I'm sure you love each one!

Have a great holiday with traveling, and visiting family and friends. Stay safe and have a Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed seeing all of your angels Betsy. I collect them too...so does one of my sisters and my Mother!

I too lived in Texas...for 5 years {1990-95} we lived in Temple Tx and I worked at the Scott & White Clinic...ever heard of it?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your header is simply perfect. i had no idea angels came in so many sizes shapes and materials. never seen a mop angel. very creative on some of these.

Jen said...

Wonderful collection Betsy!!
Merry Christmas to you and George! Enjoy your travels guests and Christmas treats. And rejoice in the birth of our Savior!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

A fun post, Betsy. Wishing you and George a very Merry Christmas.

Carletta said...

How very very lovely!
I had to smile along with you.
I have that same little smiling baby angel. My husband and kids gave it to me years ago for my Valentine birthday.
And, my Mom has the angel tree topper that is almost identical. Hers isn't rimmed in blue.
Sometimes it's a small world. :)
Have an angelic day Betsy!
Oh, love the header shot - angels on earth! :)

Kay said...

Good morning Betsy. You have such cute stuff. I love it!
Saw your comment about my hike with Linda yesterday. Actually we were having warm weather about a week ago and all of a sudden it turned cool around Thursday. We are very cloudy now with rain coming. Yesterday we lucked out because it was very cloudy when we started but the sun peeked out for awhile. We actually shed our sweaters before the end of the hike. It reached about 60 deg.

imac said...

Hope you both have an Angel of a Christmas Time.

Dorothy said...

Love your new header! All your angels make a great collection holding lots of special memories! They make me smile, too!

Out on the prairie said...

I brought in 2 milkweed pods to make wings on a apple head doll,but didn't get it done for the holiday.A nice collection.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a terrific collection, Betsy! The little angel with the slingshot in her back pocket is adorable.

Here's wishing you and George a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year filled with love and laughter!


I Am Woody said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! We are flying home on Saturday - I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Small City Scenes said...

supersweet Angels.
Have a great a wonderous Christmas!

Love your new header too.
See you when you get back. MB

Karin said...

Wishing you and George a wonderful Christmas celebrating that Jesus Christ is born! HE radiates right out of your faces on the header!! Gorgeous! You have a great collection of adorable angels. May the Lord's Angels encamp around you wherever you go and whatever you do! Blessings and hugs, Karin

CottonLady said...

Love your sweet header, Betsy!! Great picture of the two of you. I enjoyed seeing all your angels. I collect them also--they are all special, aren't they?
God's blessings to you and George this Christmas. I look forward to your returning to your blog.

Blessings to you, my friend.

Cicero Sings said...

Have a great Christmas Betsy and George! Enjoy your blog break - we'll look forward to your return!

From the Kitchen said...

So many personalities displayed by your angels. I'm glad you didn't ask us to pick our favorites--although that Texas angel in the cowgirl hat is a hoot! Love those smiling "Clauses" in your header.


Tabor said...

It appears you will have an angelic Christmas!

carpe diem said...

Hi Betsy! Supersweet Angels!Merry Christmas!
Carpe diem

Diane said...

Your angels are so cute Betsy. The picture of you and George is a great one. Your blog is SO Christmasy. Diane

nanny said...

You have many special angels...I love the willow angels!

Merry Christmas, Betsy!

Anonymous said...

What a variety of angels and all so pretty. My favorite picture of all is the header picture of you and George. That picture made me smile. Tell George I still have 3 of his blog posts to read. I'm behind in reading everyone's posts! Merry Christmas to you and George! May it be the best Christmas season ever for you and your family!

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are so beautiful!!!!!
I have some of the willow angels too, they are sweet!

Big Dude said...

I believe your Christmas angel may be in the header shot with you - great pic.

Jo said...

Hi Betsy;) I remember seeing your angels last year yet I didn't recognise one in the post today. What an AMAZING collection you have. They are all soooo unique. A rosebud angel and oh my, what a sweet angel with the slingshot in his back pocket. You have such lovely stories of each I just loved your post. You are a dear angel too. Have a blessed Christmas and be safe and happy with all you're doing with George and friends. (((Hugs))) Jo

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite angels are the two in the header, the George and Betsy ones. None of the others radiate joy as much as you two do! Well, I have spent entirely too much time going back and forth looking at all the angels, so cool!!! I love the babies! And I saved the picture of the rose and washcloth ones, I think I can make them! The mophead is too funny, and the little choirboy with the slingshot in his back pocket! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas! And remember to take pictures of all the Christmas goodies you will be eating to show ME! I am praying for safe travel for you both the rest of the year. But I know you will be safe ans have fun. How could you not with so many Guardian Angels??

DeniseinVA said...

What a delightful collection of Christmas Angels Betsy, and the precious ones are those given to us by people we love. I have a few of my own, and in your last shot, the one of the willow angels, this year I treated myself to the little girl angel with all the birds. She's an ornament and is hanging on my Christmas tree.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful Angels! I always love your photos, whatever they are

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Wonderful Angels! I especially like your TX cutie! I also lived in TX (Hunt County) for three years in the early 1990's while in grad school. Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!

LV said...

You have some of the neatest things. No doubt you have a big house or storage from season to season. All these little angels are are adorable. What else are you keeping from us? Always look forward to what you will share next. Those pictures on my blog today were made in Reno.

Unknown said...

Betsy thank you for sharing your collection with us. How cool that you still have your treetop angel after all these years! She's held up well too.
Have a Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Glenda said...

I so enjoyed seeing and reading about your angels, Betsy! What would Christmas be without angels?? I have to say my favorite is the one with the slingshot behind her back! I'm sure you could write a wonderful Christmas story with her as the main character . . . maybe from personal experiences??!! :-)

Nance said...

Hi Betsy! love your angels specially your first one! she's a riot!
anyways, dropping by to wish you a Merry CHRISTmas and healthy 2011!

Unknown said...

I'd have a hard time picking a favorite but love your childhood angel. they are all lovely, Betsy.
And what a collection you do have.

Have a beautiful winter's eve ~
Merry Christmas ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Cassie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cassie said...

Dear Betsy,

What a fine collection you have. Won't it be fun when we actually get to help the real angels sing praises to our Lord?!
We are wishing you and your George a wonderful family time and blessed Christmas. See you in 2011!

Cassie and Patrick

Lynda said...

My daughter loves the Willow Tree collection, too. She has the one with the birds, also. The angel you have had such a long time - - - I have almost the exact same one and used it on top of our tree many years, too. I don't remember if it is Hallmark or not - - - will have to check.
Merry Christmas to you, too!

Dar said...

What a sweet collection of Angels, right down to the lil stinker with the slingshot. LOL made me giggle with glee to think of you as such an Angel. Merry Christmas

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I love angels too!!

Love Of Quilts said...

Betsy this post was a joy indeed. I was thrilled to see your pictures in the header. Your angels were all darling...thank you for shareing them with us.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Well, well, I collect Angels too!! So Love your collection and the 'words' you wrote to go with them were very cute too.

Oh & I LOVE the picture of you and George! Beautiful couple you are!! Like I've said before, you 2 give me so much HOPE!!! Thank you for sharing your 'love' with us!!!


Mary said...

what a nice lot of angels! I like that Willow Tree Angel of Happiness.

Lisa said...

Besty .. Wonderful and so very very beautiful. I love your collection. I have a few . The last photo of the little one with the blue birds I have two of them together and I put them touching...They to me are freedom to be who you are and let your wings fly freely . With prayer and looking at them once in awhile its a reminder to never forget to look up to the heavens where all things are possible and peaceful to those who know and sit before the King. Peace and many Blessing to you Besty
Hugs from Canada.

mudderbear said...

Oh what a darling picture of you and your man. You really are a cute couple. And the angels are charming. It makes me very sad and worried that I've let some of mine go in this moving business. I hope not. Seeing all yours makes me realize how precious things can be if we really care for them, and I need to a reminder of that. Thank you....Rosalie

SquirrelQueen said...

Betsy, I love all of your angels. As I scrolled down I couldn't help but smile at each one, especially the baby angel on the left.

I really got a kick out of the one with the slingshot.

Wishing you, George and your family a very Merry Christmas.


ratieh said...

i loooooveee your angels. they're beautiful. i love angels too. now, i use angle's pic as a pointer in my notebook.. =)

Catherine said...

All your angels are so cute Betsy!!

Hope you are having a most wonderful weekend!
xo Catherine

Barbara said...

Great photos Betsy, and you and George have a wonderfully blessed Christmas, hugs Barbara

Sarah Knight said...

Lovely collection!
Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love your header. Also, the Christmas angels are awesome! I just adore them. What a beautiful posting.

I hope you have a blessed Christmas and joyful New Year.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wish you n George and all your family a Merry Christmas!!

Beth said...

Love all the angels, Betsy. I think the Willow angel holding the birdhouse and the one holding the shovel are esp. appropriate with all the birds you feed and take photos of and all the yardword you do.
I only have two craftmade ones --mine are either china or glass, but I really like yours, esp. the mop one.
Merry Christmas to you!

KathyA said...

I love you angels. I have always thought there are angels among us.

Unknown said...

The Willow Angels are so beautiful in such a simple way. I love them too and even have a few. Thanks for sharing your collection!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

What a great collection of angels. An old friend of mine used to collect angles, she went to be with Jesus in 2000. Evertime I see one I think of her. Merry Christmas!

JDS said...

I like the angels. They angels give a kind of down-home-and-dependable feel that I can't describe, but I know is good.

Beth said...

Hope I'm not too late to wish you and George a Joyful and Blessed Christmas, Betsy! I've enjoyed seeing your angel collection---they are lovely. I'd seen the Willow Tree Happiness angel and thought of all my bird-loving friends, including you. I've actually been looking this year for an angel for my creche---it's the only thing missing. I haven't found the right one yet, but I'm going to keep looking.

Have a Happy Blog Break and holiday, Betsy---see you when you return. And may your guardian angels fly with you and George in your travels.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy...I just wanted to stop in and wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!♥

Twilight Man said...

Your new header's banner photo is very happy and cheerful. What a lovely couple!
This is the first time I have seen a collection of angels and I really scrolled back & forth enjoying the different expressions on the angels' faces! So cute and sentimental. While you collect angels, I collect antiques.

D said...

Betsy, lovely collection of angels!

I wanted to be sure and stop by and say Merry Christmas to you and yours! and may the New Year be joyous and filled with much good health and happiness. See you next year dear friend. ;)

Cheryl said...

I guess I "lost" my first comment somewhere...I will try again! The angel collection is so very precious and beautiful. What lovely memories you must have with each and every one of them. I also like the photo of you and George! I wish you both a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy, Healthy New Year with lots more exploring to do!

Joe Todd said...

Merry Christmas Betsy. I'm so glad I've got to know you and George

Anonymous said...

What a great collection of angels! And by the way you and George look great! :-)

Betsy, I hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas :-)

God Bless You, ~Ron

SmilingSally said...

Hi Betsy,

I'm just popping in to wish you a Blessed Christmas, my good blogging friend!

Kelly said...

I love angles too, and your collection is wonderful. Glad you shared them. I wonder how many angles I have around the house...between angles and birds my Christmas decorations are taken care of!

Anonymous said...

They're all so pretty, Betsy! My aunt collects the Willow ones... she L♥ves them!
You have quite a collection! =)

Merry Merry Christmas & Happy Happy New Year!!! =)

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Merry Christmas to my favorite bloggers!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I love that picture of you and hubby! I also enjoyed all your angels and that one with the slingshot is my favorite. I hope you both have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Love and hugs, Judy

Shelley said...

Angels are such a wonderful thing to collect and your collection is beautiful!! I always like to think about angels watching over me. :-)
I hope you and George have a wonderful Christmas - love and hugs to you!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

You have a wonderful collection of those precious angels !
Enjoy your company, I'm wishing you and George all the blessings of a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
I've so enjoyed our visits back and forth throughout this year.
Hugs to you both,
PS. And maybe a white Christmas for us here in Tennessee !!

Haddock said...

wow, what a collection.
I like the Texas Angel the best, so cute.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy and George!

Merry Christmas to you and your entire family and may 2011 be a year full of continued blessings, good health and happiness! I ahve enjoyed reading your blog thsi year and seeing all the wonders of nature and your travels that you share!

Hugs, Pat

Together We Save said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas!!

Andrea said...

Merry Christmas and happy holidays for you and George. May you be further blessed through the years ahead. Your photo above is so sweet and happy, envy to most!

Ashley said...

I love all your Angels! You have a beautiful home and beautiful blog!! Have a wonderful Christmas!


Pat Tillett said...

Hi Betsy! I hope you and your family have a great Christmas!

Sciarada said...

Ciao Betsy, I wish you a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

~mel said...


SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Betsy, I hope you and George are having a wonderful holiday. From your weather widget it looks like it might be a white Christmas.

Merry Christmas!


Tammie Lee said...

such a lovely and angelic post!
wishing you and George a lovely Christmas and every day beyond!

Elettra said...

I wish you a Christmas filled with much peace and happiness

Rose said...

Just have to tell you that Lorelei loves angels.