Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Favorite Ornaments

I love ornaments ---so when George and I got married,  we started a tradition of giving each other ornaments for Christmas.  SO--since 2001 (our first Christmas),  we have added many gorgeous (and sometimes funny) ornaments to our tree.  I showed you three of my bird ornaments yesterday.  SO--today I'll share a few more with you.

We only have one large Christmas tree in our home ---and it is full of all kinds of special memories.  It is definitely a "hodge-podge" tree---but that is our choice!!!!!  We love all of our many different ornaments.  Above was one of my favorites several years ago.   It is my  "Gardening Greenhouse" ornament...  We don't have a greenhouse (wish we did)--but our garage serves well for that!!!! ha....  I had never seen this ornament (or even a similar one) before ---so for that reason,  it will always be very special.  And I'm sure you know by now that I LOVE gardening!!!!

Here is a funny ornament I gave to George last year.  It obviously is Santa (George) with his ladder and bucket ---carrying his HUGE "To Do" list.....   George always says that "I" give him lots of  "Honey Do" lists ---and I must admit that I do!!!!!!  Isn't that a cute ornament???

Here is the King's Arm Tavern --one of our favorite eating places in Williamsburg.  We try to buy ornaments sometimes when we visit certain areas ---and our vacation in Williamsburg /Jamestown /Yorktown was fabulous!!!

This silly little ornament is one which I gave to George one year...  She obviously is a sweet little FISHIE.... Can you hear her????  She is going up to George (like I do) saying "Kissie Kissie".......   Cute, huh?

This is our newest ornament.  We visited Biltmore House and Gardens at Thanksgiving --and bought this new ornament for our tree.

This ornament is from one of our favorite places in the entire world,  Mt. Nebo State Park in Arkansas.  We have a special cabin there which we rent when we go there---and we always think of Cabin 60 as OURS.   We will go back to Arkansas this year the end of March in 2011.

This  pretty little ornament came from another of our favorite places,  Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina.  Ocean Isle is north of Myrtle Beach ---and we love going there...

You may think this is the Pillsbury Doughboy---but it's really my own personal chef,  George.  George has so many talents ---and one of them which I didn't know about when we first started dating was that he LOVES to cook.  WELL--since I'm not much of a cook (although my mother tried her best to get me interested) ----I was THRILLED to turn that little responsibility over to George.   He cooks our entree --and I add the veggies/salads, etc... SO---this little ornament is in honor of my personal chef... Yeah Rah!!!!

I could show you many, many more of our ornaments --but you may already be pretty bored... SO--I'll stop for now...

Hope you have a wonderful day... Show us more of your Christmas beauties --if you haven't done so.



Anonymous said...

I love seeing your special ornaments and reading the memories behind each one. That is what makes each Christmas tree so interesting and unique. John and I purchased many Christmas ornaments from places we visited on our honeymoon, including one of the gold filigree Biltmore ornaments. I know that each year when you and George hang these ornaments on the tree, you have such fond memories of your travels together. Thank you for sharing these today with us.

Jane said...

Your ornaments and tree are gorgeous! Hope you guys are keeping well,


Catherine said...

I love it when each ornament tells a story. Clearly you have a lot of cherished memories hanging on your Christmas tree. Love it!

Hope you are having a wonderful week Betsy!
xo Catherine

Tracy said...

Betsy, We too, have a hodge-podge tree but it's lovely as it holds all our memories together and before we were married. Now we buy Nicholas an ornament a year so he will have decorations when he leaves home and has his own tree. I love the one you have of Ocean Isle, NC (of course!!!)
take care Sunshine!

June said...

I think that's a great tradition you started, and your tree is spectacular!

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is such a great idea to but an ornament from the different places you visit.Thanks for sharing these special ornaments.Jake used to buy me a new one each ear that had the year on it.

imac said...

Wait another 20 yrs and then you will be moving house, to a bigger one - to house all the gifts, lol.
Pretty & nice tho.

~mel said...

There's nothing wrong with a hodge podge tree when it's filled with "meaningful" ornaments!

Arkansas Patti said...

Such a neat idea to get ornaments from your favorite places. I do think Santa and the "to do list" is precious.
What a treasure when you found George. A man in an apron is a wonderous sight.
You do have a tree of memories that will only get more dear as the years pass.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

What a wonderful tradition...and some beautiful ornaments!!!

Connie said...

I think the best ornaments are the ones that have a story or memory attached to them, Betsy. It sounds like you have a whole tree full like that. I enjoyed seeing these. Hope you have a great day! :-)

Neal said...

Those are beautiful.

As for your comment on my blog...there's nothing left to stitch. :) Using your definition of a waterfall rain would qualify as a waterfall. :) I get Patti an ornament every year also. One year I got this, the next year I got this, etc. She now has a pretty good collection. :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed seeing your ornies...and may do a post like this myself if I get time...the closer Christmas gets here the busier I get...LOL!

I like your tradition of gifting ornies, I've started using them instead of bows on presents.


amelia said...

These ornaments are lovely and very special. I had no idea that such detailed ornaments were made!! I especially love the greenhouse and the Pillsbury Dough boy!

You will soon need another tree!

Sunny said...

That's a lovely tradition and your ornaments are very cute. Our tree is kind of a 'hodge-podge', anything from angels to farm animals! LOL
Thanks for sharing :)
☼ Sunny

Karin said...

So cool that all these unique ornaments trigger wonderful personal memories! I love to reminisce! Thanks for sharing these memories with us!

We got a blizzard yesterday - but had a great time with our daughter the last 4 days. She's heading home and because she is traveling major highways all should be cleared and well! Thanks for your prayers!

Velvet Over Steel said...

I LOVE ornaments with 'special meanings' the very, very best!!

What an awesome tradition to give each other ornaments that mean something awesome like these!

My favorits is the 'fishie'!! However I love them all!!! I'm off to read & see the rest of your post that I missed while I was helping my son study for finals and this is a busy time at the college where I work.. with the end of a semester... finals, grades, attendance and all!

Have an Awesome day!!
Love & Many Hugs,

Jen said...

Great collection or ornaments Betsy. Nice way to reflect over the past years and what is important in your life.

Dorothy said...

Wow! You have some great ornaments that must hold special memories for you! Hope you and George have a great Thursday!!

The Retired One said...

So cute, Betsy...what a great idea to post pictures of your ornaments and the memories behind them..gives me a great idea for next year. haaa

Barbara said...

Betsy thank you for sharing your special ornaments with us, they all are so pretty and have special meanings, I love that about them, God bless you my friend, and have a very Merry and content Christmas.
Lots of hugs and HO HO HO's Barbara

Out on the prairie said...

Some fun ornaments. I bought a pickle one and a friend has found me 3 more different ones. I get refrig magnets when I travel.I will have to look up your state park, I read a few Arkansas blogs so they have showed me I need to visit the state more than I have.I really like Myrtle Beach, and have spent many Christmas holidays there.

Cicero Sings said...

Love all the stories around your ornaments - good memories!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy,

I really enjoyed seeing some of your special ornaments. And aren't you lucky to have a man who loves to cook! My man is a good one, but the only thing he knows how to do in the kitchen is make coffee! Have a good day.


Pedaling said...

cute idea. I enjoyed seeing some of your ornament collection. They are fun and original....not just your everyday, whatever kind.

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, all of your ornaments are lovely - but I like the kissie kissie fishie and the Ocean Isle ones best of all. That fishie is definitely the winner!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorites are Ocen Isle, the greenhouse, and the list Santa. Is that real paper he's holding? I am certainly NOT bored, because these are not your usual ornaments. Some are so funny that I laughed, and the rest are so unusual. If you ask your followers to vote on whether they want more, I DO!!

NCmountainwoman said...

Every year we put a new ornament in everyone's stocking. You would not believe how many duplicates we have on the tree because my husband and I bought the same ornament for one another. Rather than return them, we hang them and laugh as we decorate.

I Am Woody said...

I love the fact that your tree is filled with memories! My SIL started a tradition of giving her kids each an ornament for Christmas, which they will carry with them when they fly the coop. Each ornament has some sort of significance from the previous year. I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Glad our mini ice age is now at an end - at least for now. I really like your ornaments. Very nice to recall those special trips and moments. Have a wonderful day today. Enjoy the relatively warmer temperatures in spite of the fog and drizzle.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like hodge podge trees best of all and my favorite for today is the kissie fish

Joe Todd said...

Betsy beautiful post photos and decorations. Snowy day in Ohio..

mudderbear said...

You are just DELIGHTFUL.... what a collection of very special and unique ornaments. The fish and George the Chef are so charming. I love to visit your posts.

Anonymous said...

*Scream* I love the Pillsbury Doughboy!!! I want one, too... He's sooo cute! And that kissing fishy is adorable... Of course, I love the 'You are my sunshine' - beautiful!!! =)

Diane said...

Very personal and special ornaments, Betsy. I like the idea of picking them up on your travels. Diane

Lynda said...

I love the stories behind the ornaments. Isn't it fun to have a tangible reminder of those places and events?! I didn't realize that you all are still almost newlyweds! You complement each other like those who have married over 25 years.

Anonymous said...

Betsy, You have a wonderful looking collection of ornaments. The Pillsbury "George" Doughboy is my favorite :-)


Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I'm a sucker for Christmas tree ornaments, although we haven't put up a tree for the last few years. Yours are adorable, and it's a neat idea to buy them as mementos of things you've done together.

Glenda said...

Very special ornaments, Betsy! I see your tree can be called a "memory" tree, too!

nanny said...

I love your ornaments....I try to buy one every time we go somewhere new. I love getting them out and reliving the fun places.
I can't imagine how thrilled you were when you discovered George was a chef.....that's a great quality!!!!!

From the Kitchen said...

I've had so much fun seeing your ornaments! I need to get the "chef" for my sweet cooking husband! I got nostalgic over the Kings Arms Tavern--love it (and Chownings and Christiana Campbels and WILLIAMSBURG!). Now I'm hungry!


Sharon said...

I guess my favorite ornaments are the ones that my children made for me when they were is grade school. Ours used to be a real hodge podge, depending on each teacher's ideas through the years.

You have some really cute ornaments!

DeniseinVA said...

It has been great to see your very cute Christmas ornaments Betsy, and a lovely tradition you and George have. I have been a big collector of them over the last 35 years.

Kay said...

Your ornaments are so cute.


KathyA said...

I love looking at your ornaments! What a special tradition you two have!

Jackie said...

I LOVE the sentiment behind the ornaments! My favorite is the "honey-do" Santa!It's all so much fun!

Kelly said...

Fun ornaments...my favorite is the gardening greenhouse. It's really cute!

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are beautiful Betsy. I love the 'hodge podge' ornaments...they are the most special ever...right????
I hope you have a beautiful Christmas with your sweetie.

Andrea said...

I also buy some things like those in places i visit, but we dont have a big house to contain all those for appreciation. Yours are so lovely and organized. That Christmas tree is very well done. Happy Holidays and may you be fully blessed too.

Kirigalpoththa said...

I like the new background theme picture :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Betsy, your ornaments are wonderful. There are so many memories tied to each one and that's the way it should be. I definitely prefer a hodge-podge tree for my home over one with everything matching.

It looks like our temperatures are about the same right now. We are expecting snow this weekend, it would be nice to have a white Christmas.

diane b said...

It doesn't matter if the tree is a hodge podge if all those beautiful ornaments have a special memory for you. Its a memory themed tree. I love the one from Ocean Isle Beach.

diane b said...

I forgot to say what a lovely header photo and thanks for the wishes.

ratieh said...

i like your "gardening greenhouse" and santa ornaments. they're so cute. i like your tradition of giving each other ornaments for Christmas. maybe i could try it too later. so that our Christmas tree would full of memories. =)


ratieh said...

ahh..almost forgot, your header is soooo lovely. me likey! =D

DayPhoto said...



Mary said...

I love seeing other people's ornaments. I buy them on vacations, too. It's always a special reminder of a trip.

Twilight Man said...

By now I can see that Betsy is a very creative lady who appreciate arts! Maybe you might love to view my drawings too in my old blog list under the name "My Paintings"... SO you can see that I appreciate arts as much as you do. Your ornaments are priceless and have so much stories behind them. Very interesting indeed!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I have been so busy this week trying to get my tree up and all my presents wrapped and cookies baked ..I htink I've finally caught up! Whew!

it was fun seeing all your special ornaments. I am like you I have a hodge podge on many different ones, and they are all special!