Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Our Christmas 2010

I will joyfully share with you that we HAD a WHITE CHRISTMAS here in Fairfield Glade.  It's the first since we moved here in 2003 --and the first for me in many, many years of living in the south... I know many folks in the south were thrilled to see SNOW on Christmas this year.

HOWEVER,  the heavy snow and ice did prevent my sons from getting up here to see us.  They got stuck in Chattanooga at their Dad's --and had more snow than we did at the time.  Then it turned to ice --and because we also had more snow Sunday,  they had to cancel their plans of being able to make it up here on the mountain to see us.  I was sorta relieved since neither of them have 4-wheel drive vehicles; yet I was deeply disappointed --since I had looked forward to seeing them SO much.  Oh well---I'd rather all of us be 'safe than sorry'.

Anyhow,  George and I did have a wonderful week.  We spent several days at Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina where we enjoyed sunrises, sunsets,  the eclipse,  lots of wonderful seafood, and some beautiful Christmas lights in and around the Myrtle Beach area.  I have many pictures from that trip to share --but today,  I'll share a little from Christmas morning at our home.  Above is our tree,  the fireplace ---and you can even see the snow on the deck outside behind the Christmas tree...  This was taken when we first got up Christmas morning. Below are more.

Here is a close-up of some of our snow Christmas morning.   You can see how much the birds are enjoying the feeders on this cold, snowy morning.

It was a pretty snow --one of those heavy kinds which cling to everything.  At that time, we only had about an inch --but it has since snowed ALOT more here!!!!  The problem now is that it is so doggone cold out there,  that we couldn't stay out very long to enjoy it.

You can tell that I am a happy camper in this picture... Santa George gave me two new gorgeous Willow Angels.  This one is the Angel of Autumn and the other one is the Angel of Love.  Both are fabulous!!!!!   I also got a precious Harvest Angel from a good friend to add to my angel collection.

Santa knows how much George and I love HIKING... SO--he gave us both new t-shirts... That bright green should help us keep up with each other while hiking!!!!! ha

You can't tell in this picture,  but I now have another bird ornament,  a Black-capped Chickadee,  to add to my bird ornament collection...  He is precious!!!

Santa just HAD to give us both new waterfall t-shirts and hats...  George is modeling his hat for us.

Santa George gave me one of the cutest ornaments I have ever seen.  It's a small computer...  Have you ever seen anything so adorable????? I LOVE it.

I kept telling George that Santa KNEW I had been a good girl this year...  For some reason,  George was skeptical!!!!!!  Wonder why???? ha ha .... Anyhow,  one of my favorite gifts was a "Lap Reader"... It's a neat gadget which holds my laptop while I'm computering --either in the recliner,  or in the car!   It's fabulous!

George also got a very nice combination Book of Common Prayer and NRSV version of the Bible.  There were more small things, including ornaments,  but this is enough to give you an idea of our wonderful day.  We also enjoyed turkey, dressing, gravy, pimento beans,  sweet potatoes, cranberry relish,  and pumpkin pie with ice cream!!!!!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas--and hope that Santa was GOOD to you.



Anonymous said...

What great photos Betsy. I especially love the last one of the two of you. I know you are sad that your sons could not travel in the snow. A white Christmas is pretty but sure makes for treacherous travel. I love seeing your gifts for each other and I really like the personalized computer ornament. Enjoy your day.

Fred Alton said...

Sounds like you folks had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Love the fact that you gave thoughtful gifts to each other and loved seeing the pictures of the two of you together. You're a great couple. Happy Trails for the New Year!

Jane said...

Glad you guys had a terrific holiday! I enjoyed the snow as well!


marmee said...

looks wonderful...i am so happy you had such a nice holiday. happy christmas and merry new year.

Snap said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas day, Betsy. I'm sure you missed your sons, but you are right .. staying safe is the most important. Looks like you *cleaned up* in the ornament department! :D :D :D Love the last image of you and George.

Arkansas Patti said...

The only thing sad about your Christmas was that your sons couldn't make it. Otherwise, you two were quite blessed.
What a beautiful snow. We got none of it but I am glad you did for you love it as much as I do.
Keep that fire going and just enjoy all the beauty.

Tracy said...

I am thrilled you had such a memorable Christmas, although I'm sure you were deeply disappointed your children were unable to be there. I too, collect the willow Angels and nice ones to add to your collection and the ornament of the small computer; what a find! Good for Geaorge...
However, the last photo is the best image of all! I love the photo of you two in front of the CHristmas tree...thank you for sharing and BEING such a gift!

Connie said...

Sounds like you and George had a wonderful Christmas, Betsy! I'm sure the snow made a beautiful white Christmas for you. It's unfortunate that you didn't get to see all of your family because of the weather, but you're right--better safe than sorry. I love that last picture of you and George by the tree--really nice! :)

Dar said...

I see you and George had a lovely Christmas together. Your sons will get there, when travel is safe. Your ornament collection is great. I, too, have so many bird ornaments, and pinecones. They are my favorites. My daughter begged for my white collection, so she now has most of my angels. I'm happy to share. I love, Love, LOVE the picture of you two lovebirds. Your happiness is contagious. Enjoy the snow.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Hmmm.Sounds to me like you got spoiled once again.Geogre is so good to you and you to him.I enjoy seeing all these pictures,it makes me smile to watch you enjoying Christmas and each other.

Darla said...

Such a sweet Christmas. Sorry you didn't see your children, glad they are safe though.

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Oh Betsy!! Thanks so much for sharing those lovely pictures and memories with us. I always love to visit your site when I get the chance...and I did today, because I know how visual you are about Christmas and the holidays....Your photography (and George's) is SUPERB...and you always give me the feeling that I'm sitting in your living room with you..sharing those memories. I love you...a late Merry Christmas, and an early HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Sharon said...

That looks like a beautiful Christmas! I'm so sorry your sons couldn't make it, but I know how these roads can be here in TN! At least you got to talk with them!

I think I will see if DH will move my bird feeder closer to the window, like yours or maybe put on a post for the Winter, I want to see the little guys on purpose, not by chance.

Have a Happy New Year!

Gerry's Soap N Stuff said...

Beautiful Christmas pictures Betsy. Gerry

mamahasspoken said...

It looks like a wonderful day spent inside where it was warm and away from the snow. For me, snow is pretty but only when you are inside looking out ;o)

Catherine said...

I'm sorry your sons weren't able to visit for Christmas Betsy ~ but certainly it was better knowing they were safe and sound rather then traveling on the nasty ice.

Looks like Santa was very good to you and George ~ I like your bird ornament! :)

Hope you both are keeping warm!
xo Catherine

imac said...

Sorry your lads didnt make it - but they were with you in Heart and spirit.
Sounds like you enjoyed tho.

Val said...

I love seeing all of your Christmas. I love the first and the last picture. Your Christmas looks so peaceful and fun. I know that you missed your sons though. I am glad that you had a Merry Christmas! Love all of your bird feeders. We love birds too. In fact I just did a post of pictures of my birds in the snow.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

So happy that you had a White Christmas!

Gentle snow-covered hugs...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well you really had a perfect chrismtas, love all your decorations and gifts and snow photos but that little computer ornament takes the cake. love it and have never seen one. welcome back to blog land

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot the most important things. SPECTACULAR header

Karin said...

Your new header is fabulous! Love all your photos - especially the last one! When the weather is treacherous I've often wished for Christmas in July. Certainly would be easier traveling. Sorry you couldn't get together with everyone. Our daughter is driving up this week and we're praying for traveling mercies! God is good! - Oh, and great gifts you got!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas. Hope you see your sons soon!

Big Dude said...

I loved the White Christmas and Sunday was even better. I'm glad you enjoyed your day but hate that your kids couldn't make it in. I'm looking forward for a nice week of just Bev and I relaxing and eating leftovers - I'm cooked out.

carolina nana said...

So sorry that your boys didn't get to come visit.
I'm jealous of you on your Ocean Isle trip,I love the beach in winter.
Looks like you and George had a wonderful Christmas.
You are more than welcome to some of our snow if you don't get enough,haha.
The wind blew so hard last night and this morning it was unbelievable that we still have our power.
We have trees down all around but not on anything,thankfully.
Have a blessed day and stay warm.

Out on the prairie said...

What a lovely array of gifts. I was surprised to get so many this year, I must have stayed fairly good.I laughed waking up Christmas morning with 3 trays of goodies that came the night before, what else does a guy eat for breakfast?

Dorothy said...

Looks like you and George had a very special, snowy Christmas! Love the computer ornament and that last picture of you and George!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy,

Looks like you had a beautiful Christmas with many lovely gifts and a nice dinner even though your boys couldn't be there. I know that was disappointing, but knowing they were safe is the main thing. Your photos are great, love the two of you together in the last one. Can't wait to see the Ocean Isle trip!

Have a good day,

Cicero Sings said...

You and George know how to celebrate -- even in spite of your boys not being able to make it! Glad you got your snow but oh so Brrrr. Our Christmas was mild with above freezing temps.

I Am Woody said...

What a special day! And the snow certainly has been beautiful. We made it back to Tullahoma from Knoxville on Friday - just in the knick of time! This cold is bone-chilling to a couple of people that are not used to it:)

Peggy said...

Looks like you had a very blessed Christmas. Sorry your sons didn't make it. I am so enjoying the snow here. We ended up with a little over 8 inches and now we have the cold winds. I can't believe its going to be 65 this weekend!!!

Kay said...

Looks like you guys got some good loot from Santa. I love George's hiking t-shirt.


Small City Scenes said...

I see Bing Crosby singing--"I'm dreaming of a White Chritmas.....!

Beautiful pictures and story. Sorry your son's couldn't get to your house.
You sure can see the love you and George share.
Hope the new year brings you nuch happiness and joy. B

DayPhoto said...

Merry Christmas, Besty and George! And here is wishes for a wonderful New Year for the both of you! And for me....you got our snow...that makes me HAPPY!


Diane said...

Nice pictures Betsy, you two certainly photograph well, and it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Diane

amelia said...

Good to see you back Betsy!!

Too bad about your sons but you got it right saying better safe. It's just not worth the risk. I know I'd be very sad but I hope I'd be like you and be glad they were safe and not encourage them to keep going!!

Lovely pictures of you and George, you really do look so happy!!

Tootie said...

Awe Betsy, I know how that feels when the kids can't make it on Christmas. You were happily making preparations and then bam! It makes you very sad. But, you and George did a great job of coping and still having a great Christmas. Your house looks soooo warm and cozy! I love your tree and all of the cute things you got. I hope the rest of your holiday time is just as wonderful.

Becca's Dirt said...

Glad it was good even if the family couldn't make it. The weather has been horribly cold and lots of snow up in your area and north. Sounds like you enjoyed the snow on Christmas though. That was a treat for you since it'd been so long. Have a good and warm day you and George.

From the Kitchen said...

Betsy, the photos are wonderful! You must have been a really good girl!! I'm so sorry the boys didn't make it but know what you mean about safety first. Hopefully you can all celebrate later.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a nice surprise to see you are back! And you have co-ordinated your blog colors to match those fabulous green T-shirts! What fun the two of you had!! I'm loving the tiny laptop, how on earth did he get your name on it? I've never seen anything like it!! And the little bird is adorable!! Gosh, a waterfall cap, you two find gifts that are extremly unusual, I don't know where you must shop!! I love all your pictures, the one of the two of you should go on your Christmas card next year. I see on Christmas morning you had customers waiting in line at the feeder!! You even have an actual line for them to stand (oops! PERCH) in line!! But gads, I just noticed, your tree is blocking your T.V.!!!! don't tell me you're not watching!! Did you see Fritz and Brenda's Christmas shows?

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Your header is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Beth said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to see your sons and families, but it's so wonderful that you and George have each other and have such a good time together.:)
I too received a Willow angel from my Santa husband---the one of prayer. I like yours also. I'm curious to see the one your friend got you.
Your ornaments are pretty and such 'spot on' gifts for you.
The pictures of you both are great, but esp. the one of you two together.
I'm so glad your Christmas had plenty of happiness despite the initial disappoitnment.

Sunny said...

I'm so happy that you had such a wonderful Christmas, but I'm sorry that your sons couldn't make it.
We got about 18" of snow today the wind is bitter!
☼ Sunny

Lynda said...

I love the picture of the two of you in front of the tree! It is great of both of you. My thought is you probably had some leftovers to eat for a few days since you were planning on the boys being there. I am like you though - - it is better to have been safe at our own homes rather than taking a chance on the roads. They were pretty bad for a couple of days.

KathyA said...

I know how disappointed you must have been without your sons, and agree with you that their safety and well being are more precious.

Santa brought me a Canon Rebel!! (And now I'm studying how to use it!!! -- never seen so many directions....). Blessings, Kathy

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you and George had a great Christmas. I love all your gifts. The chickadee is one of my favorites and the angels. Your photos are wonderful especially the shot of all the birds out your window. I'm sorry your sons got snowed in but at least they were safe. I wish you and your family a very healthy and happy New Years.


I wish all the bests to You and to Your family in 2011!
Thank You very much for Your beautiful comments in my blog!
You are wonderful blogger!!!

Glenda said...

What a beautiful Christmas the two of you had - in many ways! Love the snow; wish we could get some this year. My header shows the snow we got in February. Hope the next year is filled with many wonderful blessings and good times for you and George!

Pat Tillett said...

Great post and photos Betsy! I'm happy to see you had a nice Christmas. Snow is something I've learned to live without...

Harriet said...

Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures of your Christmas. Maybe your sons will be able to come up for New Years Day!

mudderbear said...

It sounds wonderful,Betsy. I love the view through your window. It reminds me of so many lovely things in my life. I don't see the woods like that much anymore. Thanks for sharing. Stay safe and warm and happy.....Rosalie

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your Christmas looks beautiful, you and George have a love and sweetness to be envied. :)
So sorry your boys could not make it to visit you...that makes me sad.

Colleen said...

Thank you for sharing your Christmas pictures. Awesome pictures. Love the bird feeders & your new bird ornie. As a Mom, I know you were disappointed that your Sons did not make it; but I know that you are so relieved they are safe.
I'm really interested in the Book of Common Prayer combo.Interesting.
A Happy, Healthy New Year to both you & George.

Velva said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. A Happy New Year too.
Wow, a white christmas, that is a rare treat. Would you believe that we had snow flurries in North Florida. It's been cold wet and gray here (sigh).

Your ornaments and gifts are beautiful. You both look like happy campers!


LV said...

You never disappoint us with your wonderful post. I am glad you and George had a great Christmas. However, you two would have fun and be happy if you got nothing, but being together. Sorry your family could not make it. This snow is getting out of control everywhere. I lost 2010 and have not found it all year. I spent Christmas evening with at my granddaughters. My son and wife were there. Layton, my great grandson, makes it all worthwhile. Best of everything to you great guys.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

You and George must have been very good this past year, since Santa left you with all of those wonderful presents :)
Wasn't the snow glorious ! It made for a picture postcard Christmas Day.
Sorry your family didn't make it in, but I would feel the same way, better safe than sorry .
I have a Willow angel also, and I'm admiring your tree and home all bright and festive.
I love the pictures of you and George, you are the perfect couple......

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy

I'll bet the little birds eating out out your feeders are happy that some kind person like you took the time to feed them :-)

Happy New Year from Southern California. No snow here but a lot of rain storms and mud slides!

Betsy, I hope you had a Wonderful Christmas.

God Bless You, ~Ron

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that your sons were not able to make it up to see you and George. As you said,though, it was better to be safe than sorry. I enjoyed looking at the pictures of you and George enjoying each others' presents to each other. I LOVE the picture of the two of you in front of the Christmas tree.

Wendy said...

Looks like you had a joyful Christmas! Too bad your sons didn't make it, but as you say, better safe...

Love all your pics. Those angels are so cute. Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us.

Lola said...

I am so glad you & George had a wonderful snowy Christmas. I love your gifts.
All things wonderful we had snow the day after down here in Fl. I sure wanted to play in it but son was cold. lol It was nice for a change even tho I didn't like the cold.

Andrea said...

I enjoyed all your photos especially the two of you looking so contented and happy. I am sure your sons will be there when the passage is already safe. I hope you will still be further blessed, Happy New Year.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow Betsy, you did get a White Christmas. There is nothing prettier than new fallen snow. Sorry however that it prevented your sons from being there for the holiday.

I really like all your gifts, the angels are beautiful, but my favorite is that cute little computer ornament. I haven't seen one of those before.

Good to have you back.


The Retired One said...

How beautiful Betsy..and the gifts of the shirt and hat made me smile! Your ornaments were perfect for you too.
I am so glad you two had a wonderful Chrismtas, and sorry your kids couldn't come up to see you!

Kelly said...

Betsy, it looks like you had a fabulous Christmas even though your kids couldn't make it because of the snow. I guess you guys will have to pick another date to celebrate...that will be fun! I love the little Chickadee ornament, and the angel...the computer is as cute as can be and fits your perfectly with your blog!! Enjoy this week between Christmas and New Years....I'm taking off from work and am relaxing (and cleaning my art room...).

Jackie said...

Loved all the pictures and report of your nice Christmas. The computer ornament is adorable!Bummer about the kids getting snowed out ,but I guess that is the price you pay for a white Christmas!

Mary said...

Looks like you two had a wonderful Christmas! Hope it is a Happy New Year for you, too.

Rose said...

Betsy, i am slowly going back through and seeing what I have missed. Just had to tell you that I love that last pic of you and George!

also, keep forgetting to tell you that I love your header photo!