I've talked alot about our May visit to Ocean Isle Beach, NC. Click HERE to see any or all of the 5 posts that I've done so far. Today, I'm going to show you some other things I saw while at Ocean Isle. Above is one of the many, many birds we saw most everywhere we went. One cannot go to the beach without seeing lots of BIRDS. These noisy little Gulls were everywhere---and wanted to be FED!!!! Below are more photos.
Lighthouses are also found along the beach and shore. If I didn't collect photos of waterfalls, I think I would collect Lighthouses.... OR---maybe covered-bridges.... Who knows!!!!! ha
And, leave it up to me to notice the pretty flowers (Snapdragons) --which were found outside of one of the restaurants (Boundary House) where we ate one evening.
And you know that a trip to the beach means some deep sea fishing....Do you like the little fishie "I" caught??????? {Eat your heart out, FISHING GUY (Tom).} ha ha ha
Also---after a hard day of fishing, you can enjoy an evening out on the sea on the Casino Boat.... Ready to WASTE some money????????
Well---I guess I need to admit that we didn't go fishing, nor did we go out on the gambling boat... BUT---we did sit on our balcony and...
...enjoy watching the gorgeous clouds over the water... Forget the fishing and the gambling.... I'd much rather see beautiful sights like this!!!!!! (By the way, wonder what that is in the water????? Hmmmmm!)
Oh that Ocean Isle Beach!! We highly recommend a nice vacation there at the Islander Inn. I wish I were there today instead of sitting in the doctor's office waiting to find out what is wrong with my crazy knee and leg.
Good morning Betsy --
Good luck with that knee today and let us know what you find out. Hopefully, you just need to stay off of it for a few days!
Well, that was wonderfully relaxing.
That view of the clouds is just breathtaking. I loved it all. The flowers and especially the lighthouse. I love covered bridges, too. I sure hope you find out what is wrong with your knee and it is not anything really bad. My foot is giving me fits. I have 10 screws and a plate in my left foot where I broke every bone in it back in the 90s. Now, it has started to swell on me and hurt every time I do anything. Old age certainly ain't for sissies! Good luck today.
It appears, you certainly had a memorable vacation. I love the snapdragons and of course, the water and the lighthouse. Love the true blue of that lighthouse.
But what I love the most, is your header rose. Yellow roses have always been my favorites since I was a kid. Thanks for the eye candy morning.
Hoping all goes well at the doctor and that you get some relief from the pain.
A lovely group of pictures, I really love the clouds over the ocean.
I caught a fish like that once...but it got away - haha!
☼ Sunny
I really enjoyed seeing your pictures. Hope you get a good report from the doctor. Your in my prayers.
Love the pics Betsy! Wish I was sitting there too.
I could do with some warm beach weather at the moment. Great shots from your relaxing holiday. Did you eat fish if not catching them? Loved the snapdragons.
Good luck with your knee. Hope it is not serious.
Thanks for the trip to the beach. It has been so blooming hot here that a water scene is great.
Hope the doc finds a simple cure for your knee. Know you hate being laid up.
I am so thankful you and George are out seeing and enjoying so many lovely places. I would love to visit here and see all this beauty in person. Enjoyed it through your lens tho.
Betsy, With that gorgeous view and your sweetheart by your side... why in the world would go any where else. Relaxing by the sea sounds perfect to me.
Be Well, be Happy ;)
I have to say, I'm glad you didn't catch that poor fish:)
Good luck at the doctors.
You sure are a great advertisment for this area. :)
Good luck with the Dr. today Betsy....hugs to you.
Such gorgeous pictures of a wonderful time you and George had.
I love the Snaps--so bright and jaunty.
I'm like you---watching the sky and surf and sand and stuff is much better than being inside..........
Keep us updated about the knee. MB
Beautiful and interesting glimpses of your trip! I love lighthouses, too - they are just so picturesque. One day I'd like to actually go inside one.
Hope your doctor's visit goes well!
When I saw that fish, I thought, "Betsy, are you serious. No wonder your leg hurts if you pulled that big guy in."
Hope you get good news today.
I am for sure not a gambler...I like to fish...but sometimes I just like to sit by the water and watch the world go by. And that sounds really tempting right now.
I was just stopping by to see if there was any new news from your MRI...
in one photo, you noticed the flowers, i noticed the bench. i collect bench photos so this one jumped out at me. it is nice we all collect different things so we get to see it ALL.
Beautiful Betsy, just wonderfully beautiful.
Nature features again on my blog.
I think the view from your balcony is the best!! Better than all the other pictures.
Betsy I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers again today as you wait to find out what the problem with your knee is. Oh, and I did enjoy all the photos today, especially the view from your balcony. I know that would be a view I could get used to.
someday I'll visit Ocean Isle Beach and I promise I won't do the "gambling". I'll just enjoy the beach and the gorgeous clouds over the water.
Thanks for sharing the pictures Betsy and thanks a lot :) you know hat I mean :) take care
You saw plenty of beautiful and interesting things without going fishing and gambling,,,although I know Rusty and I would have hit that gambling boat for a little bit. I'll do an update later, BUT my Dad's melanoma was clear margins all the way around!!!
Keep us updated on your knee.
Beautiful photos, Betsy. Hope leg gets well soon. Roger is recovering from injuring his back.
This sure is a great place!!! I like how you spent your time! I'm not big on gambling!!
Love that beach scene, for sure!!!
THe ocean watching sounds like so much fun.That would be what I would do at beautiful place like this.Hope the Doctor has good news for you.You are in my prayers.
I love the snapdragons! And the lighthouse. It's just a baby one for fun? Can anyone go up in it? You are in my prayers.
My very own opinion and not necessarily others - I'm really glad you didn't catch that fish.
Very pretty shots, Betsy. Love the flowers and beach shots. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Diane
Your vacation there seems so ideal!! Now I wish for a good outcome for your bad knee.
I hope the doctor has some good news for you on the knee problem.
Beautiful photos of the striped lighthouse, the beach view, and the snapdragons!
Delightful beach pictures, Betsy. My faves are the gull, the lighthouse and the clouds. I hope you hear good news about your leg.
Sure hope it will be positive news from the doctor - that they'll be able to do something for you that will help!! Loved all your photos - Jonathan Livingstone Seagull's relative, the gorgeous stretch of clouds rising from the ocean, the splendid snapdragons, the interesting lighthouse, the casino boat and that little fish!! You take care dear friend! Hugs!
Betsy: I don't even think in that size fish. It would pull me in. Love the photos from the trip.
I think you caught momma.
Gorgeous Snapdragons!!! Thinking of you and hoping that your knee will be good as new soon!
Is that George out there surfing? ;)
WOW- those snapdragons are gorgeous. Did you sit and talk to them? Praying for good news about your knee.
You had me thinking you caught that fish for a minute. Can't wait for my turn at the beach.
Blessings and hope your knee feels better. Marilyn
Wonderful pics! I'd rather sit on the balcony than gamble or fish any day! The snapdragons are so pretty!
Betsy, these are wonderful photos! Every one of them...oh, and your rose header is breathtaking!!!!
I'm with you Betsy - sitting on that balcony is THE vacation for me. What lovely serene view!
You still don't know about your knee?
Take care and I'll be checking back to see what the Dr. says.
Gorgeous view from your room!
Praying about that knee, still. Hope you get some relief soon!
Wow...awesome pictures !
I wish I were there right now, I could surely do with a break, been working at the "fix it for life' animal clinic these past few weeks, and it's become too hectic for an old girl ;)
Hope you find out what's up with your knee, I know it's been such an aggrevation...
That is one HUGE fish !
I like the cute little lighthouse.
I really love that last photo, Betsy. I could sit and gaze at the ocean for hours I think. Wish I didn't live so far away from it.
Wishing you well and hoping your knee problems will soon be fixed.
Beautiful beaches and flowers. I don't fish and rarely gamble but I would have gone out on one of the boats just cause. I love the ocean from all views.
Beautiful pictures yet again!
I am really glad you had so much fun on your beach vacation. Nice pictures. I really miss the beach so I will have to go sometime. Glad to hear of your beach review.
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