Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just 'Cause You Asked!!!!

Welcome to JUNE!!!!! Where did May go????? Mercy Me--time is a-flyin'!!! Several of you have asked to see more pictures of our yard. I've been showing you individual flowers until today, so now I will show you some pictures of ALL of the flowers in our yard blooming (mostly Roses and Lilies right now). Above is our front yard --looking from the street toward the house. Besides the Roses and Lilies, you will notice our American flag --which we proudly fly year-round. Below are more!!!

This is our Lampost Flowerbed in the front yard. This round bed is full of beautiful Lilies and Pansies right now. After the Pansies are gone, we will probably plant some Vinca--which also loves full-sun.

This is one of our three Rose flowerbeds (not counting all of the Roses in containers along the driveway). This is the biggest bed --and is close to our garage. Note the Semps along the sides.

Here's another view of the Lamppost Flowerbed --full of Lilies and Pansies. You can see some of the new Road Flowerbed in the distance.

Here's one more view of one of our three Rose flowerbeds. Wish you could be here to walk in our yard and SMELL the Roses.

And finally, here is a view of the new flowerbed which George built last Fall. It is now filled with beautiful color. In this bed are planted Periwinkle (on left), Semps, Tulips, Irises, Roses, Lilies and Daylilies. Right now, only the Roses and Lilies are blooming, but the Daylilies are close to blooming.

The big flowerbed on the side yard (where the Daffodils, Tulips and Irises are planted) is full of Lilies and Daylilies --neither of which have bloomed yet. That bed is in a shadier area --so things bloom later there. I'll feature that bed at a later date.

Hope you enjoyed seeing our yard in early Summer!!!!!! Since I cannot walk in the yard right now, George is so good to bring lots of pictures inside for me to enjoy. AND--he brings a fresh rose in for me every single day!!!!

Hope also that all of you had a wonderful holiday weekend.



Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, your yard is beautiful...especially with all the color and the woods behind the house giving such a beautiful background. The rose in your header is pure perfection...
Hope you get better so you can go to see all of the beauty soon!!!

Catherine said...

Wow ~ look at your beautiful June garden! Can you believe dear Betsy that I had to cover my flower pots with blankets last night as we had frost warnings out.... FROST warnings... honesty! Tsk! And as I awoke early this morning to find that I was glad I covered them ~ frost we had! :( blah...

But today is another day and the sun is supposed to shine! :) yay!

How sweet is that George taking photos for you and bringing you a rose every day ~ hooray for George!

Wishing you a sweet day Betsy!
xo Catherine

Jane said...

Gorgeous yard as always. I'm sure that you and George enjoy looking outside every single day!


diane b said...

The rose gardens are absolutely beautiful. That George of yours is wonderful. It must be so frustrating for an active person like you not be able to get around your yard. Have you got the results yet and the procedure needed? Get well soon.

Darla said...

You are one spoiled lady! haha Your flower gardens are just eye candy, beautiful!!

pam said...

Beautiful! I especially love the roses bed!

Jen said...

Happy June 1st Betsy. I'm with you.....I can't believe it is here already.
I imagine your yard smells heavenly with all those roses. They are simply beautiful.
Praying for you and your knee situation.

Jo said...

Oh how beautiful, Betsy. All that colour and the bushiness in the background - I cannot even imagine you have neighbours nearby. And how sweet of George to bring you the photos AND a rose a day. Bless you, my friend. (((Hugs))) Jo

Sunny said...

What delightful flowers, I can almost smell all those roses all the way up here.
Take care.
☼ Sunny

Janice K said...

Absolutely "out of this world." That has to be a lot of work....unless weeds don't grow in Tennessee.

Hope you can get back out in your yard again soon.

Pedaling said...

I noticed the flag first thing!
Your yard is so beautiful.
Can I come visit! :)

Big Dude said...

Your landscapping looke outstanding. How do you find time to travel so much and keep your place looking so good.

linda m said...

Your yard is gorgeous. I can just smell the flowers. George is so sweet to take the pictures for you and bring you flowers. Take care and I hope you are better soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous yard! i really mean that. do you and george take care of all this or do you have a gardener? this is beyond what I could care for and oh so lovely.

Susie said...

Beautiful Betsy! How sweet George to bring in a rose for you everyday. Hope you get some good news about your knee.

amelia said...

Gorgeous garden!! My hubby is the gardener in our house and I'm the supervisor. He's actually a horticulturist with letters after his name but you can't make a living doing that where we live!!
That said, he does like a beautiful yard but because we live in the bush and are shaded most of the time, it's hard for him to do the things he'd like to do. I think he'd love to have your yard!!

Beth said...

Your yard is so gorgeous, Betsy. I don't see a single weed---how on earth do you keep those at bay? I weed every single day, but I can never stay ahead of the weeds. I'd be embarrassed for you to see my unruly flower gardens.

Thinking of (and praying for) you and your knee.

Snap said...

Your yard is beautiful, Betsy. To have roses that actually smell! WOW! Still sending knee vibes your way......

Busy Bee Suz said...

I imagine your yard smells so great, and it looks amazing!!!
I am sorry to hear you are still in pain Betsy, but I do know that George will be taking good care of you. Can't wait till you get your knee issue behind you.
Hugs, Suz

Richard said...

Great looking yard Betsy. I'm happy that you have all the beautiful flowers. Sure does look like a lot of work to me.

Julie said...

Gorgeous rose bed with the semps, Betsy!!! Nice to have a photgrapher husband, eh??? I think the vinca will be taking over the world this summer!!! Hee hee hee!!!

Cheryl said...

Lovely, lovely flowers! Your home is a showpiece indeed. What love and care is blooming all around you. How wonderful of George to keep you up to date on the flowers and I love that he brings you a fresh rose daily. I do hope your knee is feeling better.

Glenda said...

Love, love your new header and blog look! And your yard is just so beautiful and filled with vibrant color - and is so well groomed!

Hope you are able to be out again soon; sounds like George is being a wonderful "nurse" while you're under the weather!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning Betsy, your yard looks beautiful. I love the variety.

I was off line for the long weekend. Hope your knee is better.

Love Of Quilts said...

Your yard of flowers is even more pretty then I could have imagined...every kind of flower and rose...I can't even began to imagine how good they all smell.Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with us. God Bless Trish

Barbara said...

Oh wow Betsy, I wanna come live in your yard, it is so beautiful, how on earth did you get so much to grow, my puny plants are scattered, and not near as gorgeous as yours. I got a Stargazer lily for Mothers day, planted it, and the blooms fell off and it has not bloomed again, will it this year do you think, I see yours are in full bloom and so pretty. Love you blog, love your flowers, and thank you for visiting my blog,
Lots of hugs, Barbara

Arkansas Patti said...

You really have such a lovely home. I'll bet people stop by to get the name of your gardener. George could easily hire out if he ever got bored.
Hope that knee is coming along.

Larry said...

Your yard is lovely! Larry

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your yard is so beautiful.I can only imagine how sweet it smells.I pray that you will soon be able to get about and enjoy all this beauty.

~mel said...

Thank you for sharing!! All your plants are so gorgeous. You have a beautiful yard and home. It's a lot of work; but very evident that it's a job you love.

Diane AZ said...

Wow, your yard looks wonderful! I like the newest flowerbed George built. The blocks give a lovely texture. And of course, the roses, lilies and lush green grass are delightful. I hope your knee improves soon so you can walk around the yard and enjoy the fragrance. :)

imac said...

Wonderful showing of your garden and flowers Betsy, Love your new Header too.

Pat Tillett said...

It looks like a full-time job. Probably good therapy...

Shelley said...

I loved seeing your pretty yard Betsy! That rose flowerbed is just gorgeous! I would love to sit out there and enjoy the view! (As well as yack and laugh w/ you too!!)

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful Betsy. You sure have a garden to be proud of. I see no weeds. I know both of you work hard to keep the garden growing. MB

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! What beautiful flowers. You sure have a lovely lawn, and beautiful home. I like the American flag, too. I love your header photo of the yellow rose.

Becca's Dirt said...

Beautiful flower beds Betsy. I love the way the rose beds are sectioned off. The lilies and pansy's look good together in the lamp post garden. Hope you are back up and at it soon. Have a good day. Becca.

PS George is so thoughful to you Betsy. Both of you are so fortunate.


Good day!
Wonderful post!

Ginny Hartzler said...
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Ginny Hartzler said...

Your header is just a wonderful shock of yellow to greet me when I enter your blog! And I do love seeing your house from the front looking to the door. Now I can get a better idea of the layout. Do you have any steps to deal with? I must admit that I may be the most fond of the lamppost garden, it is just so charming! And I continue to love those blue flowerpots lining the driveway, the little spots of that lovely color are both winsome and cheery. We both have the same daylilies on our blogs today! Great minds think alike.

Diane said...

Beautiful yard, Betsy. That takes a lot of work. But how wonderful to just go outside and walk around admiring all the lovlies. Diane

Karin said...

Thank you for the super garden tour! Just love those roses! The one in your header is stunning! Wonderful that George loves gardening - that's a lot of work!

Sure hope your knee is improving! Take care! Hugs!

Deb said...

Oh, my! Your yard is beautiful. Don't you just love June?

Sey said...

Hi Betsy :) your yard is wonderful. It would be great to live in a home with colorful flowers like the one you have. I am hoping that someday I could live in the countryside with fresh air and fresh flowers and fresh vegetables.

George is very industrious in building those flowerbeds. He is so nice taking the pictures for you as well.

Hope you could show more flowers and again you are in my prayers and I am hoping for your wellness.


Chris said...

You must spend lots of time tending your garden to keep it so nice. I am sorry to read that you have a sore knee and hope it can be healed soon. Take care Betsy.

Joy said...

So beautiful. I would love to be your neighbor.
Birds and blossoms love you two.
♥ Joy

Janie said...

George is a sweetheart to bring you a rose each day and all the photos you need for the blog!
Love your new header rose.
Your yard is beautiful. Must be hard work to keep up with so many beds, but the scent and sight of all those flowers is worth it, no doubt.

carolina nana said...


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh Betsy, I'm sad to read your foot is still bothering you! I hope you feel better soon.

As soon as I hit the heat and humidity of the east coast my feet began to swell up. I think the dry air of Colorado agrees with me a lot more.

Your flower beds are so pretty! You have so many beautiful lilies and roses already!

xxoo Pat

Lola said...

Beautiful, just beautiful. That George is a romantic soul, isn't he?
It is so nice that he brings the pics for you to see & brings you a rose each day. Nothing like it.

Connie said...

Gorgeous blooms, Betsy! How sweet of George to bring them to you everyday.
I hope the doctor can get your knee fixed for you soon. Thinking of you and sending you a cyber hug.

Anonymous said...

Well done. While I don't really like roses I got one but your rose garden or bed is special. I never went that far and just planted one here or there as they always die out in a year or two. It may be our weather.

penny said...

Your yard is lovely and so is your new blog layout, Betsy. Your home looks extremely welcoming.

Be well, my friend!

Rose said...

Beautiful, Betsy! I still just love that new flowerbed George built last year.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Your garden is cool Your George built a very nice bed for more flowers.I love your roses.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Wonderful views of the flowers, you have so many beauties.

The Retired One said...

Some of my favorite flowers...lilies, roses....I bet your yard smells wonderful.
Maybe I can see it for myself in person one day on one of our trips down to Florida!!!
You have a lot of work I bet in the beds of flowers...spring is the hardest (cleaning up the beds) and then the weeding..but it is all worth it when you see how beautiful it all looks! thanks for sharing this with us Betsy..and a big hug to George for helping you with your flowers too.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betsy, you and George have a gorgeous yard. It's great to see the new flowerbed, it looks so pretty with all the flowers.

In case you are wondering, my hubby took a few extra days off from work to make it a longer weekend. We hung out together and got a few chores done around the house.