Last week I posted 6 of our Roses (click HERE) out of the 55 different varieties in our yard. Today, I'm featuring six more for you to enjoy. Above is another of my all-time favorites, VETERANS HONOR. I love large red roses that have a fabulous fragrance---and this is one of the best!!!! Below are more!
SWEET FREEDOM (white roses are so special)
GEMINI (a fabulous picture, me thinks!!!!)
ABOUT FACE (another of my fav's, which is dark on the outside of the petals and light on the inside)
MEMORIAL DAY----Isn't this a perfect name for a Rose that blooms on or around Memorial Day each year?????
Hope you have enjoyed seeing more of our Roses. AND--I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. I will again take the weekend off from blogging --and won't blog again until Tuesday morning. Did you know that Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day? People would decorate all the graves at the cemeteries to remember those servicemen and women who had died for our freedom. My mother was a member of the DAR--and she was always in charge of decorating some of those special graves at our local cemetery in VA.
Thanks so much to those of you who have continued to come regularly to my blog even when my visiting to your blog has been sporadic this week. That means SO much to me. My knee is NO better and I had my MRI yesterday. I won't know the results until next Tuesday or Wednesday--but I have a feeling that surgery will be necessary. I am still on some heavy-duty medication. Thanks again... Have a wonderful weekend.
About Face would be a favorite of mine too. All the Roses are lovely.
Let's hope you don't need surgery. Keep us informed. MB
take care, my dear... God will grant u comfort and speedy recovery...
those flowers... u deserve them!
I can smell its fragrance.
How adorable.
Get well soon Betsy.
Your roses are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us. Hope your knee feels better soon and that you won't need surgery. Will keep you in my prayers. Have a great weekend.
I am so sorry you are still in pain.....I just hope they find out exactly what is wrong so it can be fixed.
Your yard must be like a park with something beautiful always in bloom. You just need to figure out how to put "scratch and sniff" on your website, so we can all smell the fragrence.
God bless and enjoy your weekend.
The roses and photography is splendid. I wish i could smell them too. Bad luck about the knee getting worse I hope the treatment wont be too severe.
Oh my so beautiful, I love them all. You take great photos too! Have a great and safe weekend. Hope your knee feels better. I've had 4 knee surgeries, if you have any questions just ask.
Now we need a view of all of the roses together, simply stunning. Feeling a little dopey? lol...do pray for the best outcome for your knee Betsy.
Those are so beautiful Betsy! Hope you get to feeling better soon.
I'm old enough to remember Decoration Day.
Waiting for test results is cruel and unusual punishment.
Prayers here for good results.
Peace is my favorite of these roses, but I think that Gemini and About Face are the best pictures. Thanks for leaving us with these beautiful flowers over the holiday weekend. I guess your Memorial Day weekend will be very limited, but I do so hope you are able to enjoy some of it.
GORGEOUS !!! I cannot pick a favorite,but love them all.
I hope your weekend goes well.May you be encouraged to know that I am praying for you my friend,
It's as hard to pick a favorite rose as it is to have a favorite child - well, almost, lol! In the old country, I distinctly recall (and I was only 10!) roses having an intoxicating fragrance, but here I haven't found too many roses that are fragrant. So glad you have them at your yard!
We're heading down south for the week-end to visit our daughter who lives in southern AB.
You take care sweet friend! Hope your knee can be improved shortly!
Hopefully your surgery will get scheduled soon and you can be up and at it quickly! I don't think there is anything that can slow you down girl!!! :)
You have a relaxing weekend Betsy!
xo Catherine
I can't believe you have 55 varieties in your yard. How do you remember the names of them?
I'm sorry you won't find out the diagnosis until next week. Try to have a good weekend.
So sorry to hear about your pain and the waiting. Your lovely roses should help with the waiting, though.
Hi Betsy, you sort of have a Memorial Day theme going there with Veterans Honor, Peace, Memorial Day and Sweet Freedom:)
Peace is one of my favorites.
These are all beautiful...but I LOVE about face. Perfection.
Have a great weekend Betsy...let us know when you get your MRI results.
Hugs, Suz
i am playing catchup on all the blogs i did not read for the past 2 days, these are gorgeous, all of them, I love the colors of the about face.
Very pretty Memorial Day rose, the perfect name for when it blooms, Betsy! Just thought I'd let you know that my knee was hurting this week in sympathy for yours. Mine cleared up, I hope yours gets better pronto!
A rose is a rose is a rose! Beautiful!
Sorry that your knee is still acting up, relax over the holiday weekend and take care.
☼ Sunny
I lost my Veteran's Honor two years ago in that bitter cold winter we had. I bought it in honor of my dad, uncle and brother.
I love to hear it called Decoration Day. That's what my grandma always called it and she always put lilacs and "peOnies" (thats how she said it) on the graves.
OMG! And just why wouldn't we come to your blog???? Who would miss even one of your posts (unless for a good reason)! :)
Your roses are just gorgeous! I miss my old rose garden by my front door sometimes. I just can't take the thorns any more.
Speaking of thorns...I saw some thornless BLACKBERRIES in Lowes yesterday. It is so tempting to go get some! I know they will spread, but who cares, if they are thornless??? Do you grow any???
Have a wonderful weekend...keep resting that knee...I am praying for a miraculous recovery, Betsy!!!
xoxo- Julie
Just wanted to thank you for such an excellent post on volunteering. I'll bet you COULD write a book. Overseeing that many volunteers is amazing and, as a recent member of the ranks, I thank you for helping them!
Your roses are a wonderful sight. I cannot imagine having that many of them. I LOVE About Face. Very fragrant too, I'll bet, as you walk around your yard.
Please take care of that knee...a torn meniscus, I hear, is terribly painful. My son once had that as well as his wife.
Thank God for our Servicemen and women and all of their sacrifice.
hard to pick a favorite...these are all so gorgeous! I can smell them!
About face is my fav shot here Betsy.
I love "About Face" a lot Betsy. Thanks for posting another set of flowers. I'm bragging about them to my friends here and my Mother will surely love them.
Don't worry with the MRI thing, everything will gonna be okay. We will continue to pray.
BTW, I showed your picture with George to my friends and they said you're both awesome. We're so much happy for the both of you.
Fabulous photographs and roses today Betsy! Have a great weekend off. I am praying for your knee and recovery.
Your rose photos are stunning, Betsy. You should enter them in a contest...you would win a blue ribbon for sure.
Keep smiling your happy smile and we will keep on praying :)))
Your roses are gorgeous, and you take such wonderful photos of them!
Sorry to hear about your continuing knee problems. I know it must be hard to wait for the MRI results, worrying about possible surgery. Hang in there.
WOW!55 different roses I would love to see your hole yard...with all the beautiful flower and roses..praying for you to get back on your feet.God Bless Trish
Lovely roses Betsy. I sure hope you don't have to have surgery on that knee. To answer a previous question you had, I finally found a house in Cherry Grove,SC this year. But I'm going to start earlier next year and get back to Ocean Isle or Sunset.
Enjoy your weekend and I'm sending prayers for your knee your way. Blessings
Your roses are beautiful!
Praying about your knee. Hope you get an accurate diagnosis soon - and that the Drs will be able to alleviate that pain.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful Roses Betsy.
I sure wish you wouldn't need surgery. Knees are so tricky. Sorry it is so painful and that you have to be on such heavy duty meds.
I visit your blog whether you comment on mine or not ... sometimes it is hard to comment on everyones, especially, when some days, one is pressed for time.
The roses are beautiful.
I hope your knee can recoup on its own.`
Happy Indianapolis 500 Day weekend. Is that appropriate?
Betsy, you have the most beautiful roses! They must bring you much joy. I hope the doctor can help you with your knee. Have a nice holiday weekend!
Hi Besty! Hope that you and George are keeping well. I may not post comments very often, but I do keep up with your blog weekly. Excellent as always!
Wishing you a peaceful and pain free Memorial weekend, Betsy. Hope all went well with the MRI.
All of these are fab-u-lous!! I really like the About Face, and the water droplets make it even more beautiful.
Hope your tests results are better than you are expecting; I know that the waiting is so difficult when you are in pain. Take care and have a restful weekend!
Betsy - Many prayers are coming your way this week as you find out the results from your MRI. Take care of that knee, as I know that you will, and keep all of us posted. Gunny and I will be thinking about you and wishing you the best!
Hi Betsy,
I've come out of my Hobbit Hole for PiNk Saturday....We have been in the "project" mode for over two weeks now..we will stay with it since the energy burst is here!! haha
I'm so behind on what's going on with everyone..I just read about your knee and MRI..email me and catch me up...I really hate this possibility of surgery since you and George love to hike.
Thanks for dropping by to see my PiNk Saturday Party post..that was a lot of fun to put together...We have 278 pinkies at the party this week.
Email me..
Stephanie ♥
Your roses are beautiful!! Please forgive me, I have not been present in the blogosphere this past week, and so I was unaware that you had injured your knee. I'll be praying now, though. Sending hugs your way...
All I can say you two definitely have a green thumb. I have never seen roses as lovely as your anywhere. I am just in awe of them.
Hi Betsy: thank you for sharing your spectacular rose pictures with us, they are indeed gorgeous!
What a beautiful and fitting rose Memorial Day....
Sorry to hear your knee is no better, do you remember if you injured it, by falling or even tripping ?
When I tore my meniscus, I fell into a small hole in the garden, and that was the beginning of the whole sordid affair.
Best of luck with your results, and a restfull Memorial Day to you both.
55 varieties!! WOW!!! I want to come to you house just to breathe it all in! How's that knee of yours doing?? You're in my thoughts and prayers. Have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Betsy: So sorry to here about your knee, a waterfall hikers really needs to have their knees in shape. Those were beautiful captures of the roses, 55, oh my.
Beautiful roses! Hope you feel better soon and will pray that surgery is not necessary!
each one is so lovely! I love roses.
Wow Betsy;) these are stunning blooms and STUNNING photos. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! (((Hugs))) Jo
I am a first time visitor and I have to say how peaceful it felt looking at the variety of roses. Not only are they beautiful, the photographer brought out the beauty even more...
They are all gorgeous Betsy but the last two are stunning!
My Pap and Grandma used 'decoration day'. :)
So sorry you still don't know about your knee. Keeping you in my prayers.
Betsy sorry to hear about your knee. I miss a couple days visiting your blog and when I get here I find out your having a problem. Great excuse to visit several of you past posts to find out what is going on (not that I needed and excuse).Love your flowers and of course the waterfalls.Hope you are having a great weekend
Hi there, Betsy! I am so sorry to hear that you're still having such a hard time with your knee. I've been thinking of you and praying for your healing and will continue to do so.
Your roses are lovely. And the names of the ones pictured here are especially appropriate for Memorial Day. Thanks for sharing the beauty around you with us.
About Face is my favorite of these! Sorry that your knee is no better and hope they learn what the problem is. Hang in there! Our minister just talked about Decoration Day in church yesterday :-)
Good day!Take care ,Dear Friend!
I love the roses.Beautiful roses!
Hello Betsy, my new found Southern friend, just popping in to say hi, and let you know how I have enjoyed your blog, the roses are breath taking dear. I will be back and going to follow your too. Thank you for sharing, Happy Memorial Day, and hugs, Barbara from http://bakinnbitsbarbara.blogspot.com/
I am praying for you to feel better soon. have a wonderful week!!!..m..
Gorgeous roses. I too love the Veterans Honor. Unfortunately it isn't meant for our Zone. My LauraBush bit the dust this year too. I've given up on roses (at least for now) and planted sunflowers. They are supposed to do good in our colder climate. We'll see! Happy Memorial Day and week!! x-c
ps-I hope you don't need knee surgery. Sorry you are having such pain. Keep me informed,ok?
Your roses are absolutely superb, it must be a real pleasure to walk around your garden with the lovely scent of roses. They are all so nice it is difficult to pick one, but possibly "about faces".
Oh it's your knee that is hurting you, Betsy! Rest and hopefully it will feel better soon!
Your roses are so beautiful! I wish I could smell each one and they must give off the best perfume.
xxoo Pat
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