Well----at age 63, I guess I'm too old for this kind of endeavor!!! BUT--since I absolutely love to write, I'll give it a shot!!!! My friends know that I can write an email and go on and on and on about 'little' insignificant things!!! But since that's my life----I love telling people what I'm doing and what I've done (even if they don't give a flip!!!! ha)...
Anyhow---I'm going to try this 'blogging stuff' and see what happens!!!
(A whopping TWO comments)
Today is my 4th BLOGAVERSARY. I started blogging on June 16, 2006 ---with that exact blog above including that picture and that title...
I blogged almost every single day from June 16, 2006 ---December 30, 2008 on a blog site called "Lightblog". I chose that one because a friend was blogging there. I loved blogging ---and my family and friends told me that 'they' were reading my blogs. I was never sure though (still not) since very few of them would leave comments on my blog. Thanks to my great friend Judy for commenting every single day on my blogs back then.
After two years on Lightblog , I began to get frustrated and began to think that IF I really wanted to find new blog friends from all around the world, who enjoyed the same things I enjoy, I would need to change to one of the popular blog sites. I finally joined Blogger in October of 2008, but kept using Lightblog until I changed to Blogspot on December 31, 2008.
During that couple of months toward the end of 2008, I began visiting other blogs beginning to find new friends across Blogland. People struggled trying to leave comments on Lightblog --but they tried... Any of you remember that? Then, on December 31, 2008---I wrote my first blog on Blogspot --and quit Lightblog. That first post on December 31 had 24 comments: 16 were blog friends and the rest were me, thanking them for commenting. Out of those 16 people, there are 10 of them whom I still hear from .. Isn't that neat?? I feel as if I have friends for LIFE.
I'm sorry to say that Lightblog is now GONE---just disappeared, but I do have hard copies of all of the blogs I wrote back then. I think I wrote about 850 posts while on Lightblog. I used to write a post everyday --even when I was on vacation. I don't do that anymore --but I still try to write a post during most every weekday, except during holidays. Blogger says that I have published 438 different posts since starting Blogspot. SO---I guess (during the past four years), I have written about 1288 different posts. AND--even after all of these posts, I still haven't run out of something to say. Did I say that I like to WRITE????? ha ha
My thoughts about Blogging:
-Giving and receiving COMMENTS; That's the most important part to me. I find that the people I hear from most every single day are the ones who have truly become great friends. And I enjoy emailing with many of them also.
-Having alot of Followers is NOT that important since people who read but don't comment are not my real blog friends. There are TONS of my followers whom I don't know at all. That's sad I think.
-Finding people with 'like' interests is special (Family, Marriage, Hiking, Waterfalls, Being Outdoors, Flowers/Gardening, Birding, Genealogy, Photography, etc.). It's fun to know that there are people out there who love the same crazy things that I do!!!!!
-I am drawn to blogs where the person has something to say and show. I love stories about life, and I love photographs --when I know what the photograph is all about. I struggle with blogs where someone posts a thought or a picture which makes NO sense to me.... I guess I NEED the explanation!!!! ha
SO---what do you like best about Blogging????? People who don't blog don't realize what they are missing... I LOVE LOVE LOVE it...
Have a wonderful day on my Blogaversary!!!! I have a doctor's appointment today about my KNEE.... Wish me luck!!!!
Congratulations Betsy.. My opinion, "Early morning people make the best bloggers" LOL
Happy Blogaversary Betsy and I'm looking forward to your continued postings.
Happy Blogaversary dearest Betsy!!! I think it's fantastic that you attempted blogging and here you are. So many years later ~ still doing what you do! I started blogging to be able to share my photos with people who were genuinely interested (rather then forcing them upon my uncaring family and friends ~ ha!).
I agree ~ the comments are the most wonderful 'feel good' of blogging! And I thank you for all the lovely comments you have given me over this last little while. You are the sweetest!
The very best of luck to you with your knee. I hope you get the best news!
xo Catherine
What I love about blogging is finding people like you! Hope your appt. goes well. What a cute photo of you and George...Congrats!!!
HI Betsy - I look forward to your posts every day, even though I don't always make it over to the comments section. How's the knee doing?
Happy Blogaversary!!!! I am so glad you love blogging as I love reading your posts and seeing those beautiful photos. Makes me feel like I am right there sharing things with you. I love blogging as its a way to keep a record of times of my life and the animals. I also love sharing with friends and family. Not leaving comments isn't important to me. Some people just enjoy reading and staying in the background. Good luck at the doctors but I know you are going to come through with flying colors!
Happy blog anniversary Betsy! I'm glad that I found you (or did you find me? ... I can't remember!). Good luck with your today's doctor's appointment about your knee. I went for a short bicycle ride yesterday. My knee hurt the entire time I was riding, but the pain didn't get worse. I'm thinking I should ride my bicycle more. It might possibly be good therapy for my knee, as long as I don't strain it.
I most definitely wish you luck on your doctor's appointment Betsy. Hope it goes great! Congratulations on your Blogaversary. Four years? That is an amazing accomplishment. When I started out two years ago I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I do now. It was just a place for me to save my photographs, and little did I know that others would find them interesting. I have met so many wonderful people on here it has been a pure joy. Keep on writing Betsy, I love reading your blog and looking at all those wonderful photos you take.
An English Girl Rambles
I would have killed for blogging in the days of my marriage and child raising and the TRILLION of things I could have blogged about in those early days. It's just the neatest thing to me and entirely a huge blessing in many ways. I gave up early trying to blog each day. PRESSURE!!! There's just something about writing things down and putting things on 'paper'. Very therapeutic.
Happy 4 years!!!! I need to go check when I started my blog, I know it was over the summer because school was out, of course!
Congrats on your tenacity. How do you know you have tons of lurkers? Would you really want all of them to comment? That would keep you busy!!! I guess I like finding good photographs and/or good writing to inspire me.
Hi Betsy! And congrats on the writing achievements on the occasion of your "blogaversary". I'm one of Jack and Sherry's friends and decided to read your blog this morning since I was up early with a little extra time on hand. I'm just down the hill from you guys - here in Cleveland, TN. Have a great day!
Well, congratulations! That's certainly a lot of blog posting! I posted my first blog entry in January of 2006, but then didn't post again until December of that year. Since then, though, I've been pretty prolific, too. Blogging is such fun. And it's really addictive, isn't it?
Happy Blogaversary! And good luck with the doctor's appointment.
Congratulations, Betsy, on your Blogaversary! I love reading your blog every day; it is always interesting. Good luck at the doctor's today; you will be in my prayers.
Happy blogaversary, Betsy. I truly enjoy your blog and remember when I first found you you had a few commenters and now you have bunches. So that is neat. I am not much of a writer and a blog is a 'web-log' but I do love taking pictures so I show more pics than words but I guess that is OK too.
So anyway your are there and I am here and I think we have a blog friendship and maybe someday I will get down your way. Or not. So I visit through your blog.
Carry on. MB
Happy Blogaversary, Betsy!
I look forward to your posts everyday.
Blogging makes the world a smaller place, lots of things to learn and sights to see.
I hope your knee feels better soon, good luck at the doctor's.
☼ Sunny
Congratulations Betsy! I am so glad to have started blogging and then to have 'met' friends like you.
What do I like best about blogging? Hmmm.I think it has to be the friends I connect with and second,being able to share with so many,the things that are important to me.
I am praying that you will get good news at the Doctor today.
I do hope you get a good report at the doc's office today Betsy!
Happy blogaversary!!! Blogging friends really are great!
good luck with your knee visit.
I love blogging for all the same reasons you do. but i tend to photograhy more than writing. I am addicted to the photo part and started my blog only for a place to share my photos. my first few were like yours, a photo or two and a few lines. NOT a lot like you write. I am not skilled in writing. I too have made friends and i consider them that, the ones I TALK to daily I feel like I know them. I found one specail person that we think we might be twins seperated at birth. we are several states a part, and just for meeting her, blogging is worht it all. I love bloggin and I love checking in with you and George every day
I'll be thinking about you and your sore knee today!! I hope you get good news!!
I don't like the pressure to have to blog all the time, just when I have something to say. I read a lot of blogs but don't always comment, again, because I have nothing to add or say about the particular subject.
Having said all that, I've really enjoyed some good friendships that have come through blogging and enjoy sharing their lives..
Goodness, Gracious, Golly, Gee
Happy Blogaversary!!!!;)
What I love, Love, LOVE about blogging, is that I can't wait to read all the wonderful things going on in folks lives, like yours who share my interests. Life is too short to waste a second without a bit of inspiration, and I can always find it in blogland. You and George have become a part of my day. Thank You so much for sharing yourselves.
Patty and I began in 2000. A full ten years ago. I don't even know if Blogger was around then. We blogged on ModBlog for several years or until they went out of business. Then we, and everyone else, moved to EFX2 which was run by the same person. And we stuck it out there until he went under again, and then came out with EFX3. And while we or me is still there, we only have a presence. We moved to Blogger a number of years ago and have stuck it out so far.
Aw crap, I had planned to read then get busy with laundry but you shamed me with " people who read but don't comment are not my real blog friends.":)))
Seriously, would not miss saying CONGRATS on your Blogaversary.
Very impressive record young lady.
I actually liked my lurkers for they were just as loyal, just shy and often don't have ID's. My most loyal lurker was my sister, she never missed a post but only commented 3 times in 350 posts. Our sitemeters let us know they are there.
Hoping you get great news at the doctors.
Good morning Betsy. Good luck at the doctors today!!!
I feel the same way you do. I love the exchange--people commenting on topics we write about. We feel connected to these people that have like interests and we visit their blogs to see what is happening in their world.
Sometimes keeping up is hard but every time I think about quitting, I can't imagine not saying hi to my blog friends every morning.
Happy Blogoversary and many more!
Happy 4th Anniversary! I remember your 'Lightblog' and your first visit to me and commenting. :)
I was so thrilled to find another Bird Buddy.
I look forward to seeing what you have to show and tell everyday and your sweet comments and emails to me.
Have a blessed day! ;D
Happy Blogaversary Betsy! It's always fun reading about your 'life' and what you and George are doing. Love, Judith
Happy 4th Betsy. I don't comment that often but visit everyday. You know you are one of my favorites.
Happy 4th Betsy. I don't comment that often but visit everyday. You know you are one of my favorites.
Happy Anniversary! I sure do admire our stick-to-it attitude. While I don't a blog every day, or every week for that matter, I do enjoy checking in on my favorite blogers everyday. I guess we all cherish the comments we receive; but as you said, it is so nice to find other people with some of the same interests that you have. Let's face it, some people feel if you have seen one bird or flower, you have seen them all, while there are others of us who marvel at every little thing that makes each one different and unique...and we just keep on trying to get a "better picture." I'm sure many of us have our hard drives filled with pictures we would never dream of printing or sharing!
I have enjoyed your blog and your friendship, and pray that knee of yours will soon be "up and running." God bless your many blogs (and waterfalls) to come.
Great blessings you are wished from me - HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!! Trust all will be well at the doctor's and you are making good progress! I just live vicariously through your blog. Thanks for sharing your birds, your flowers, your trips, and all your other fascinating stuff. Blog friends to me are like the old fashioned pen pals - but so much easier and quicker to do! I'm so glad we've met and your life blesses mine! I really should get busy and read some of your older posts - the ones before I came on the scene!!
Happy Anniversary. We have all learned so much about hiking, waterfalls, birds, roses and lilies from you (and George). It's fun to be able to "travel" thru pictures to places otherwise I would not get to. I pray that all goes well at the Dr. visit today. Please keep us posted.
Betsy, I so agree that I love blogging, I started last summer and haven't missed many days. I love having people like you for blog friends. It like having your own little support system. Where else could you meet so many people with the same interest as you !
Have a blessed day Marilyn
Happy Blogaversary Betsy. I am really glad I found the best blogger friends in the world and I am glad that I developed this hobby which now become a must of my daily life as if life wouldn't be complete without a post.
You know what I love the most about it?, it's the comment of my friends and sharing their thoughts is such a great pleasure. It's such an accomplishment to communicate with the rest of the people around the world.
Good luck on your appointment with the doctor and I wish you well and George too!
That is a really cool photo!
Congratulations on your bloggy anniversary Betsy, I have truly enjoyed our visits back and forth this past year or so !
I wish I could write more detailed blog posts, however I am still in the work-force, and so I seem to run out of time at the end of my day to write a post..
I'd like to take more photos, but that takes time too, so we all do what we can within our capabilities.
I love reading about your travels in the mountains, and seeing your gorgeous flowers around the garden, thank you for sharing this with us, over the years...
Hope your doc appt. goes well !
I think I remember when you switched to blogger...I guess I need to do a post about why I blog. I would include the reason you listed, but also would add a few more.
I don't know if I could ever completely quit blogging, though there are days when so much is going on: both physical things like keeping up with Lorelei or sickness, trying to get some job done, and things troubling me that I find it hard to blog.
Most of the people I comment on, I consider true friends...
Happy Blog Anniversary Betsy! I think I've been your blogger friend since you first started blogspot. I was happy I got to meet you and George in person - I knew I liked ya before I met ya!! :-)
Look forward to many more posts of yours my friend.
P.S. Good luck w/ your knee appt.
I'm with you and just LOVE blogging generally too, congrats on 4 years!
Hope the sppt goes great x
Betsy I'm so glad you started blogging. Just meeting wonderful woman all around the world has been the best part to me. I'm with you the "Followers" # doesn't mean a thing, its the number of comments that really gives you an idea of how you connect with other blogger. You are so sweet to always comment on my blog too. I think that mutual consideration of each other is important.
I've really enjoyed reading the love story of you and George and seeing how God has worked in your life thru the years to bring you right where you are: in Tenn. -loving your state and loving George.
I like that we have Houston and Jesus in common. I'm hoping one day we will be able to meet in person.
I pray you get a good report from the doctor.
♥ Joy
Well happy anniversary with you blog, I too love blogging ,I love the interaction, meeting folks from all over the world, I have a message board, and I must admit I love blogging better. Lots of hugs and continued blogging. Barbara
Happy 4th Blogiversary, Betsy! I love blogging because I enjoy taking and looking at pictures and learning about people and nature all over the world. I hope you have a good doctor visit today. Please let us know how your knee is doing. :)
Happy Blogaversary and good luck at the doctor! Great photo of you and your husband!
Congratulations to you and to us readers. Your blog always finds a way to pick me up, no matter the mood.
Thank you for being a committed blogger.
Happy, Happy Anniversary.
I share your feelings so much!
I love pictures, explanations and comments.
I love to see your pictures of travels, yard, etc.
Good luck at Drs. appt........
Sometimes I struggle with a topic and then some days several pop into my mind/ha
I unlike you are not a good writer...I have a hard time getting my thoughts written!!!!
If I lost my computer I would miss my blog friends so very much...it has been a godsend to me!
Four years? YOU are a pro!!!!
I think I found you (or you found me) just when you were finishing up with lightblog.
I treasure your freindship and I feel the same way with you on blogging...comments are wonderful. who cares how many followers you have if you never hear from them and dont know them???
I need explanations too..love blogs with photos and not too much yakety yak.
so, is your knee feeling better??? Are you getting around any??
Happy Blog anniversary Betsy. I am feeling dizzy from scrolling down to comment. Your comments list are not just many but each is long and meaningful, a sign of true friendship.
Blogspot is my first experience with blogging and I LOVE it. I have made so many friends. I didn't think anyone would read what I had to say. I love reading your blog Betsy. I love your travels and especially the waterfalls. I love your roses and other beauties you have blooming. So glad that we met here in blogland. Hope to meet you in person one day. Becca
Happy, happy blogaversary, Betsy! I remember when you changed over to blogspot so I must have been with you for two years. I don't remember how I found you but I'm glad I did. It's so nice having you for a blog friend.
P.S. What I like best about blogging is having your friends there - all the time. I like that they support you when you need it and encourage you in your endeavors. Isn't that a true friend? Diane
Happy Blogaversary!!! I'm so happy that you are a blogger...one of my very favorite!!!
Very interesting to see your progression in blogging. You're a born blogger, with so much to share, and so much great enthusiasm about life.
Besides making new friends, I love the way blogging makes me look twice at things, considering how I might present it as a post. I think it makes me more observant, and sharing photos definitely makes taking them more fun.
Hope you get good news at the doctor's office!
Happy Blogger Anniversary!!!
The things I love most are to read about the lives of the bloggers and get to know them as virtual friends. Others I read simply to make myself thankful that I don't have to interface with these needy whiners. I even regularly read a blog by a person who is so dysfunctional and disorganized (and WRITES about it yet!) that I am drawn back again and again to see what she's complaining about now. My dogs are more organized.
You are quite a babe in that picture, it is lovely!! I have never heard of Lightblog, but It's good you changed when you did. Happy blogging anniversary, this is a special day for me, also. Because If you hadn't started blogging, we wouldn't have found each other! I don't know if I could pick a favorite thing about blogging. Perhaps it's when I can finally connect a subject I like with a bible illustration. I also use my posts at the church. I think the most FUN is reading the comments, they are kind of like a reward, knowing that someone is actually reading and even enjoying. I want to hear EVERYTHING about your knee appointment!!I don't understand why it is still hurting like it is!
Betsy: I count you as a blogging friend for certain. Four years is a great landmark and shows dedication to the blog. Your photos have really taken a whole new look with the new camera and added so much to your blog. Happy Blogaversary to a good friend.
Dear Betsy,
Happy 4th Blogversary! This is my first comment...let me tell you how much I enjoy reading about your fun and positive life; your pictures are great and you have a writing gift, and can surely bring on a smile with your funny words!
Loving your bird-life and waterfallin' adventures...oh, really just everything you post. I read everyday because you put the JOY in living :-)
My blog is sporadic, maybe someday I can fit the time in to post more.
Hope your knee is healing.
Elizabeth in Mississippi
Whoops! I forgot to answer your kind questions about our birthday picture! In the big group picture: The man on the left with the beard wearing a burgundy shirt is Phil's beloved uncle Micheal, our son's namesake. They are only 10 years apart, and he was always the fun uncle. The woman Michael has his hand on under him in the plaid is his wife Peggy. The man in the back in the middle in red shirt is Phil's brother David,beside him in the flowered top is his wife Kathleen. And beside me wearing a lavender top is Phil's sister Louis. Phil is the oldest of six, so he is kind of the patriach.
Happy 4th Blogiversary!!! I enjoy visiting your blog although I don't get here everyday.
I enjoy sharing my cooking and things going on in my life and learning about others. It's been refreshing lately that a lot of other bloggers are feeling the same as I do about commenting. The obligation has taken the fun out of it, especially working full time and have a growing family to take care of. I've relaxed my commenting rules on myself and am starting to enjoy blogging again!
Happy Blog Anniversary!! What do I like best about blogging-without a doubt it's the wonderful friends I've made-the wonderful people I've met like YOU : )
It would have been a great loss to the rest of the blogging family if you had not started. I love the first picture of you and George. Best wishes on this special occasion and the best of luck at the doctor's office.
Love your blog; try to read it several times a week, just don't comment much.
Happy blogversary! I want to be just like you when I grow up!!!!
I love your blog and I love that you always comment on mine, although I am not as faithful about commenting on yours, I do read it. We do find others with the love of nature and birds and hiking and on and on, but what I love about you is your positive attitude!!!
I enjoyed your post on your 4 years of blogging.
Congrats to you on the blogging history! Four years is awesome! Wishing you the best of luck with the knee.
You have the best photos over here!
Come see me soon! Anne
Well, with 65+ comments, I guess you are still entertaining all of us.lol
Sorry I don't comment every day but I do try to read everyday. I will work on that ;-)
Congrats and I wish you many more blog posts for many, many, many more years!
Hope you get a good report from the Dr.
Your 1st comment of the day is kind of funny. Does he know you are posting today's post yesterday? He thinks you are getting up WAY early and posting. Guess he hasn't followed you long enough to know that about you.
I am happy to be in one of your first blogger friends, since I did visit before you came over to blogspot. Even think I had a little to do with you changing. Remember answering questions as you moved over to our side :)
Don't visit as much as I used to, but I still consider you as one of my true blogger buddies.
It took me forever to get to the bottom of these 66 comments! You are well loved by so many! Your posts are always awesome and fun. Your heart of gold shows through on each one, and you shower comments on us like crazy, with love and attention! I would venture to say you have one of the greatest blogs anywhere!!! I, for one, am so happy to have found you, and wish you the happiest Blogaversary EVER!!!
xoxo- Julie
p.s. I LOVE YOUR HAIR IN THIS PHOTO!!! You looked like a doll!
Happy 4th Blogaversary :):) I enjoy reading your blogs :)
Happy Blogaversary Betsy! I am definitely NOt a morning person but I definitely love blogging!
I may find it hard to keep up with my blog sometimes but I do enjoy every comment I receive and I enjoy finding something new to blog about. I think it is good mental exercise and it keeps us young and I';ve enjoyed meeting people from all around the country and the world!
I'm so glad to have found you!
Happy 4th Blogaversary!
I have never heard of Lightblog, I barely knew what a blog was in 2006. Isn't it amazing how a simple concept like blogging can lead to friendships around the world. I'm looking forward to your next 1288 posts and more after that.
I love the photo of you and George, that is so sweet.
I think you have managed to get quite a lot of friends from all over the world. The best evidence is number of comments you get for each post.
Keep it up and your blog rocks!
Hi, found you thru 'Southern Journeys' - happy blogaversary!
I love to blog also, I love comments but do not get many, so I just do it 'cause I like it.
Looking over your list of labels, we have a lot in common, have been to many of the places you have (Cloudland Canyon), like to take pictures of flowers in my yard, etc.
Have a great day!
i loved this post and that picture of the two of you.
i did go to your sidebar and read your story and also all about your trip to Charleston.
in Charleston we saw many of the same things...too fun!
and your story, so very interesting to me.
i wonder though, how do you have the time to blog with all the beautiful photo's and comment on so many sites? and respond to some of your comments?
i have a hard time keeping up with so many blogs. and i'll admit there are many i don't comment on because of time.
how do you do it?
Happy Anniversary...I sure am glad to have found you on bloggers...you do have a gift for writing....I two need the explanation although I am one of those that can't explain to good what I'm thinking....its hard to put it down on paper. God Bless Trish
Congrats on the Blogaversary! Hope you continue for many more years! We enjoy your cheerful comments and lovely photos :-) The best thing about blogging is finding new friends who share your interests and who care about you and become very "real" friends, even when you haven't met. Bloggers are great people!
You look pretty sexy in that picture, Betsy...no wonder George is smiling like a Cheshire cat. hahaaa
I think you get tons of comments compared to me...I have a ton of Followers but like you said, many do not comment. I think it has to do with people's time restraints more than anything else..they may read your blog, but have no time to leave comments on every single blog if they read a lot of them. I so appreciate comments too...I do feel like I have made so many friends on line from the blogging experience. I love hearing from you so often Betsy and really appreciate it.
Hi Betsy,
I've missed coming to your blog for a while... well, I've missed going to lots of blogs the past few months.
WE HAVE THE SAME BLOGIVERSARY! Only I started June 16, 2007. Wow. I find that VERY interesting.
I'm so sorry you are having trouble with your knee and wish you all the best and quick healing.
God bless. Meems
This ones a hit!! Happy blogaversay to you. I had to wade through 90= comments to get to this spot so I guess you'll have a lot to read. I agree with you. Comments are exciting. It took me a long time to find friends in the blogoshere but now some are loyal. Brenda was my first and that is extra special but all the others matter too.Have a great day :)
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