Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Baby, It's HOT Outside!

This is what the temperatures in our country looked like yesterday. This hot and VERY humid weather started here this past Friday. George and I moved to Fairfield Glade in 2003. We have NEVER had to turn the Air Conditioning system on in our home in JUNE before--until this year. Our home has great cross-ventilation, and we use lots of FANS. Usually, we don't turn the AC on until August--when it's pretty miserable outside.

I know that some of you HATE Weather Blog Posts---but since I 'must' have been a Weather Gal in another life, I am always interested in the weather --all over the country. I talked in yesterday's post about the recent flooding in Arkansas, and then yesterday, I watched the news talking about the horrible flooding in Oklahoma. GOODNESS---what is going on all over this country????? Is Mother Nature in need of a vacation or something????? We need to cheer her up a little!!!!

For those who do not know our area, let me tell you that we are UP on a plateau (about 2000 feet up). Our temperatures are usually about 5-10 degrees cooler than the valleys around us (Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga) in Summer. SO---if we are in the high 80's here, you can only imagine just how hot THOSE areas are!!! And---I've heard from other blog friends south of us just how much hotter it is there also. And--it's not just the heat; it's the HUMIDITY--which adds about 5-10 degrees to the heat index. NOT FUN!!!!

Here is our AccuWeather forecast highs here for the upcoming week (as of Monday, June 14):
Today, Tuesday June 15-- 90
Wed, June 16-- 87
Thursday, June 17-- 85
Friday, June 18-- 87
Saturday, June 19-- 89
Sunday, June 20-- 88
Monday, June 21--90

Doesn't look as if we'll turn the Air Conditioner OFF anytime soon... What kind of crazy weather are you having at your home??? Too cool? Too hot? Too much rain? Too dry? I guess we humans are never satisfied, are we????? ha



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, The current temps make you wonder what July and August will be like~it was 96 at our home yesterday at 10:30a.m. One of the hottest days we've had. Take good care of yourselves today.

Jane said...

HI Betsy - I hope that your recovery is going well. I think that we have had more 90+ degree days this year than last. As you know, I am a winter-loving gal and will take the cold over the heat any day of the week!


pam said...

You don't need to tell me how how hot it is. We are having our big outdoor music festival in Chattanooga right now. There were several times last night when I just thought I couldn't go on. It is so crazy hot!

Dorothy said...

And it's not even Summer until next Monday!!!!

Jen said...

I feel like a wet wash rag.
Rain rain rain and 100% humidity even when it's not raining. yuck! That's Kentucky and the Ohio River Valley area for ya.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You do have some silly photos on here whether you play or not. the silly man and the sun could be ME. the dewpoint is 78 the humidity is 80 the temp is 83 and that is at 6 AM, the past 4 days we have reached 98 and 100 each day and another one on the way. I like weather stuff to. enjoyed the post

linda m said...

Here in Wisconsin all we have been having is rain. So far this is the wettest June on record. Can't even get a chance to cut the grass (which is way to long) as it is too wet. We don't have the heat (yet) but the humidity is way to high so we have the AC on to keep the house dry. Keep cool my friend!!

Peggy said...

No end in sight for the heat here. We are making record breaking temps for this time of year. I am so a snow cold weather person! LOL Believe it or not we still haven't turned the air on. We have a canopy of oak trees over and around the house so it keeps it a little cooler along with all our fans running. Like you we wait to turn it on till late summer but think this year it will be sooner.

Big Dude said...

I'm a weather watcher as well - start every morning with the Weather Channel while I read blogs - as I'm doing right now. I'm sure hating what I'm watching - 95 predicted for here today, I fear to think what July/ August will be like.

Arkansas Patti said...

Mother Nature is either in full blown PMS or is menopausal. She sure is cranky.
The same track of red on the map hits me then finds you. It does lose a few degrees during the trip though. We have had a steady diet of high 90's and the 7 day forcast looks the same.
Humidity has also been stout.
Sure glad A/C was invented.
Keep cool.

Harriet said...

Yes the heat and humidity are bad here in Chattanooga. It's summer in the South! We just got the AC fixed in our van last week couldn't take it any more without AC. Now it sure is nice to get in and have a cool ride.

Joe Todd said...

Betsy have you ever thought of setting up your own weather station? A friend of mine just did and put it online http://www.hockinghillsweather.com/
I have the Lancaster,Ohio weather at top of my blog when you click the logo goes to a local weather underground station. Weather is interesting. We have had a lot of rain in Ohio but no flash floods thank goodness. Have great week

Connie said...

It's been warm here but nothing like you in the South have had. I'm loving it! :D

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Keep cool and hopefully this will pass.

Susie said...

Betsy I'll take your temps over mine for sure. Yesterday when I got in my car, my temp gage said it was 103. Went down to 100 as I drove home then 97. That's just too hot! My poor plants are suffering miserably.

Anonymous said...

Our temperatures are just like yours. I have never seen the humidity so high this time of the year. I feel like I am living in New Orleans or something. I don't usually have my air on either but sure do now. My kids say being obsessed with the weather comes with old age. They stay on me all the time and say I am just like the weather channel on t.v. They will call and ask what the forcast is for today and then say I am their weather forcaster. Sometimes, it really makes me mad when they make fun of me and go on and on about how I am obsessed with the weather.lol

Catherine said...

Ummm.... I am still hoping to be able to turn the heat off at night soon... :)

It really does seem like we are never happy with our weather does it. We have had too much rain and not enough sun. But I am sure, in another month, we will be wishing for some rain. That's how it works doesn't it!! Ha!

Have a blissful day Betsy!
xo Catherine

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, I hope your knee recovery is going well. I find weather fascinating like you do. Here in the desert southwest, we just had some freaky cool days...open windows and no air conditioner. Very weird and wonderful for June. It will be back up to 100f here today though. :)

Snap said...

Good morning, Betsy. Hope this finds your knee well on the way to recovery and you'll be out with George looking for waterfalls very soon. It is hotter than hinges of hades here .... high humidity and no rain. UGH!!!!!

Small City Scenes said...

Well come here and enjoy the coolness. Although even on these over cast days it seems sorta warm. High 60s. saturday was our hottest of the year--78F. And that seemed plenty hot. We don't have the high humidity out this way and I say thank goodness to that. Our summer is usually August and September. Come on out and cool down. MB

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy...hope you're doing better!!!
Betsy...it's hot outside!!! My thermometer says 90 degrees and it is 9:12 this a.m.

penny said...

I like your weather post, Betsy. It lets me know what going on in the rest of the blog world.
Here in south Florida our forecast is tropical, hot and humid from June right on through September and into October. After that it is like living in paradise. Well except for the occasional hurricane! ;)

Be Well, Be Happy... hope your knee is recouping.

Barbara said...

Hey Betsy, yep it is so hot here too, 103° yesterday, and I imagine it will be close today, hugs my friend, and stay kool...Barbara

Busy Bee Suz said...

Here: hot, humid, miserable.
We have had our a/c going 24/7 since march.
Good luck cooling off.

nanny said...

90's all week here.....wish we could get a shower....but no flooding!!!

Sey said...

Hi Betsy,

Yes, I think Mother Nature needs some vacation. From the illustration you showed above, it seems like it's so hot in your place yesterday. I know the feeling cause our country is located near the equator. It feels like I'm loosing a lot of water.

It's suppose to be the rainy season in our country but as of yesterday, Mr. Weather still couldn't decide what he really wanted, rain or shine...

Karin said...

Hope you're healing well from your surgery! After reading your weather post I shall be content with my weather - cool and overcast and just 52 (11 around here)! Had a gorgeous sunshine week-end though and thankful for that. You take care!

Becca's Dirt said...

We have been experiencing extreme heat here in the Mobile area and hotter to the north of us. Our temps have been 5-7 degrees hotter than 'normal'. what is normal anymore. Temps in the mid and upper 90's with high humidity though this a.m. it wasn't as bad as yesterday. We have a 40-50% chance of rain so that will cool us off. Stay in the A/C. Becca

amelia said...

Oh Betsy how awful for you!! We have had some of that already and are due for more. It's not just the US I think it's all over the world that the weather is changing!

Global warming? Who knows!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't get me started on the weather! First, I love your cute cartoons, you would have made a fantastic and amusing weather girl, I think you need to go to your local channel and audition! They are saying there will be more hurricanes this summer than ever. Look at all the earthquakes and tsunamis. Remember all the snow last winter? I think the world and the weather both will continue to get worse. We are ruining the ozone and poisoning the air, so we are partly contributing. Take your weather and make it ten degrees hotter. That's us. Well over 90 yesterday, with a heat index of over 100. And I am so fat I might as well be wearing two fur coats. This is heaven for my skinny friends, and we cannot go to each others houses now, because they freeze in mine, and I almost have a heat stroke in theirs!!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy. Way up here on the Illinois/Wisconsin border we have about the same weather you do. Our temps are forecast in the mid to upper 80's all week.

Temperatures don't worry me much, sometimes we have hot summers sometimes not. It is these awful storms that concern me. Tornadoes, floods, prolonged droughts...They are coming to often to be natural weather fluctuations.

Pat Tillett said...

We are still waiting for summer here in coastal southern california. In light of what others are going through, I hate to say we are looking forward to warmer weather, but we are...
we are locked into a heavy "June Gloom" period..

Together We Save said...

Yes it is hot... way to hot!! I am hoping and praying we can get cooler weather soon!!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

A few days ago we were told to expect high humid weather but we got lucky. So far we've had some showers and a bit of humidity but it has not gotten HOT. Better yet the air cools right down at night. Here around Toronto it is very pleasant. We did have a hot spell in May. Last Summer we had cool forever so this is such a pleasant change.We are keeping our windows open. That's a treat!!.

Pedaling said...

i don't mind occassional weather posts...it's interesting to me to hear how others are living, each day.

with all that beauty of your neck of the woods, comes that yuck humidity...aghhh- everywhere has something, i guess.

today, in salt lake, i have my windows open, the air is blowing and it's a most beautiful day!

carolina nana said...

Hi Betsy I agree this weather is crazy. We are like you and never turn our air on until at least july but it is already on non-stop.It was a record for our area yesterday 90 and supposed to be another one today. I'm sitting at the hospital writing this and they have brought a fan in son's room to help cool it. He is doing much better today,thank God !

DayPhoto said...

It sure has been a weird weather year! I'm a weather girl also!


Joy said...

I'm impressed that you can wait until August to turn on the AC. You know how it is in Houston. Right now we are right on track with our weather. But God is blessing us with a little rain shower for a few minutes. I know it won't last long, but I'll take it.
♥ Joy

Shelley said...

Oh I love to watch the weather channel Betsy so you talk about the weather all you want!! :-)
I'm an AC nut so I turn it on a soon as me house hits 73 degrees - ha! Today is a little cooler, we're expecting to warm up to the mid-80s this weekend.

LV said...

We are not having anything good at this time. Hot, dry and windy. Rains in areas all around us, but we get nothing. Take care and keep cool.

imac said...

Weather it be hot, or weather it be cold, I like the inbetween .

Anonymous said...

weather is hot and humid here. in the low 90's and very humid. no break insight at t his point!

and how did I get bronchitis in this weather??

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Well, I almost hate to say this,but,our weather today has been just about perfect.Between my bus runs,Jake and I have been at a nearby marsh,photographing birds.
I do not like heat,so your temps are too much for me.Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Glenda said...

It is so very hot here in Louisiana! In the upper 90's with heat index over 100, so we've been using the AC for quite a while. We really need more rain - our plants, flowers, and garden are suffering. Looking at coverage of the Arkansas flood, however, puts things in perspective. My heart goes out to those who lost family members and friends.

Anonymous said...

It is cooling a tiny bit due to the rain. We had some thunder and rain but nothing severe or nasty like last Friday. Nice post today, Betsy!

PCovi said...

Winter come baaaack! I miss you so much! I never complained back theeeen!

My flowers are even complaining!

The Retired One said...

We have had a weird spring here in the U.P. of Michigan...we had hot, hot weather (for us) a few weeks ago when we had 80's and one day of 90's here...then it all went away and we have had cold and rainy weather for about a week. Today, it only got to 59 degrees...but they are saying 80's by Thursday and Friday...we'll see!! No wonder our poor plants don't know what to do. ha
No hiking for you two for a few weeks, right? Unless you find one of those cool waterfall spots to sit at?

Diane said...

Hi Betsy, It has been wet but delightfully cool. But I'm afraid it will warm up - it's supposed to be 85 degrees tomorrow! I HATE HEAT! Diane

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I had the same discussion at work today, what is going on with this weather ?
It's not even summertime yet, and we are up in the 90 degrees plus already, I shudder to think what it will be like in August.
All the flooding, people in Arkansas and Oklahoma, my heart goes out to those folks, we have all had our own experiences here in Tennessee with the flooding, it's a devastating disaster as we all know.
On a brighter note, I hope your knee is quickly getting stronger, I wish you a full and speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, tooooo HOT!!! It's been the same here in SeMo! It rained just a bit today, but only made the heat worse, HIGH HUMIDITY!!!

penny said...

We were a tad warm here too. It was 105 when they factor in the heat index. Now that's hot even for us.

Keep cool, Betsy.

SquirrelQueen said...

If there is anyone out there who doesn't believe that the humidity makes a difference we will send them to the South. 90 degrees here would be warm but not unbearable, in your area 90 is miserable.

El Nino gave us a mild winter and so far is keeping it a few degrees cooler than normal but I suspect our triple digits will arrive in July. But it's a DRY heat! LOL!

You and George stay cool.

Kirigalpoththa said...

My goodness!
Thought that we in the tropics only go through this unbearable heat :)

Sunny said...

Yesterday (Tuesday) was glorious, the first nice day in ages. We have had chilly, overcast and rainy weather for most of this month :(
Hope the sun returns soon!
☼ Sunny

Rose said...

Betsy, it is so hot and muggy here, too. I am with you on always being interested in everyone else's weather. Sometimes I even check the forecast other's friends part of the country.

Janie said...

Hot and humid is a bad combination.
We've had an unusually cool spring here, with the wildflower bloom a week or two behind schedule.