Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June, Around Our Yard

As I said in a previous blog post, June has been a hot month for us so far this Summer. But--even still, we have had some beautiful color in the yard (besides our gorgeous Roses). So--today, I will show you a few shots around the yard. Above is our blooming CLEMATIS. It is doing what it is supposed to do-------climbing up that ole' telephone pole in our yard. It also loves to connect with the Redbud tree... Below are more pictures.

Here's one of the CLEMATIS blooms, up close and personal.

Here's some of our pretty SEMPERVIVUM (Hens and Chicks) in our yard.

Here's another picture of some of our beautiful SEMPS. We have them in all shapes and colors.

This is one of our first groups of DAYLILIES in our yard when we first moved here. These DAYLILIES were given to us by George's Dad ---so we call them the DAD ADAMS DAYLILIES.

This is our side yard flowerbed. We have LOTS of LILIES and DAYLILIES in this bed --and they are blooming like crazy right now... Wish you could smell them!!!!!

I cannot thank you enough for all of your emails and comments helping me deal with the problems I have been having with my left knee. I received good news and bad news from the doctor yesterday. The good news is that my knee is healing well from the surgery, and is looking much better. The bad news is that I have some severe arthritis in that knee which is causing all kinds of other problems. SO--the saga of my left knee isn't over yet.... Eventually I will get back to normal (I hope).



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, Thank you for the update on your knee. I pray that the Dr. can find the right medication to help you deal with the pain.
Thank you for sharing these pretty pictures. I love the variety of hen and chicks you have and the clematis sure is pretty. How special too to have some of Dad Adams' daylilies.
I hope today finds you feeling better.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Very pretty!

Jane said...

Good morning Betsy,

I am glad that your knee is healing but sorry to hear about the arthritis. Hopefully, the doctors can give you something to help!


Anonymous said...

I hope your knee gets better.

I have both kinds of arthritis and my feet bones used to hurt so mad I could barely walk and in great pain.

I was put on the drug Methotrexate or MTX and I am pain free period. Seems simple but is complex and requires blood tests for liver damage. It is a chemo therapy drug but is the only way I can function.

You could mention MTX to your doctor and see what he thinks it might do for you.

Jeanne said...

What beautiful colors you have in your yard and I can just imagine how good it smells.
I hope you get some relief from the arthritis problems soon!
Have a good weekend and try to stay cool.

Anonymous said...

Your flowers look like they have been enjoying the heat of June; they are gorgeous! I'm glad that your knee is healing from the surgery. I hope that you find the right combination of medication to relieve the pain. I know the pain is interfering with your sleep. I hope that you (and George) get much needed sleep!

Janice K said...

How cheerful it must be to be able to look out and see so much color and beauty in your yard....It is certainly and wonderful reminder that God is right there with you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Boy, that one daylily stem in the flower bed is so tall and so full of blooms! Clematis, yours are beautiful and abundant! We have tried buying two different varieties, and failed miserably each time!! They just don't seem to grow for us, but they do in front of the house next door!

Catherine said...

I have lots of different Hens & Chicks in my garden too. They grow so nicely. Not that I have seen them for awhile since who the heck can get out into the garden with all this rain!! I can't remember so much rain in Saskatchewan. Usually we are dry. Hmmm.... weird weather.

You know I can relate to the arthritis my friend. Not fun. But I'm glad your knee is healing ~ good stuff!

Have a wonderful day Betsy!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those purplely semps. i like hens and chicks, and these are specail. Hope you knee let you sleep last night and that you feel much better today

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Good Morning,
Thanks for allowing me walk along with you through your beautiful yard.I enjoyed all the flowers and for today,I think my favorite was the last picture of the trumpet lilies.
Hope your day will be great.

Susie said...

That clematis is beautiful Betsy! I'd say it is very happy in your yard along with all the rest of your plants.

Please know I'm keeping you in my prayers.

Darla said...

Gorgeous blooms Betsy. I want to have a lot of semps like you do! Continue to heal!!

amelia said...

Your clematis is amazing!! We don't even have a flower on ours yet!! We do have some day lilies so when they finally bloom, they are in bud now, I am going to take pics and post them!!!

Karin said...

You have one gorgeous clematis! What a climber! The semps are so cute - I used to have both kinds. And your lilies are stunning!

So glad that your knee is healing from the surgery. Hope and pray that between the doc and you something will be found to alleviate the pain. Nobody wants to be on meds all the time, but thank the Lord we have them. HUGS!!

Small City Scenes said...

Well your knee might be too happy but your flowers and gardens seem to be doing well. I hope you are sleeping better now. Good news and bad news about the knew I hope soon it will all be good news. thanks for keeping us all informed. We care. MB

Dar said...

What a beautiful yard you have. I love your lilies. Do any of them smell like lemons? My Mom had a lemon lily that smelled just like lemon meringue pie.
Have a Good Pain Free Knee Day

Rose said...

Beautiful flowers, Betsy. Got a question for you...in the last photo in the lower left side is a yellow daylily....are these a variety that normally have the huge blooms or is it something you do for them. I have been seeing them around here, and even have a photo or two I am going to post. Actually, it looks like this one. They are gorgeous!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning. Your flowers are beautiful. I've been out sniffing my own lilies so the scent is fresh in my mind:)

Sorry to hear about your arthritis. My Mom battled arthritis in her knees for years and finally had joint replacement on both. Doesn't sound good for someone like you who hikes so much.

Harriet said...

Beautiful pictures! Hope the pain will get better.

Diane said...

Very beautiful flowers, Betsy. I especially like .....all of them! Have a great day, Diane

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Aah, Clematis...one of my most favorite climbers, such a lovely color !
I have pots of hens and chicks in a strawberry pot, just when I think they won't come back each year, they do, and more prolific than the previous year.
Glad to hear your surgery site is healing, but not too good news on the arthritis....oh the woes of getting older ;)

Sey said...

Your knee will be back to normal soon, don't worry. You have so many wonderful friends around who supports you along the way and add the wonderful blogger friends you have.

You have so many wonderful flowers. They add some colors to life too.

God bless you always and thank you very much for everything.


nanny said...

There is just no end to the beauty in your yard!!!
So sorry about your knee...gosh...hope you get some relief soon.
have a good day

Kay said...

Just beautiful It gets so hot here, my flowers bloom and wilt in just a day or two.

Dorothy said...

I hope your knee improves with each passing day and soon you and George will be hiking to oneof your favorite waterfalls! Love those semps!

Love Of Quilts said...

Hopeing your knee will get back to normal....we still have somemore waterfalls to see....love your lilies. God Bless Trish

Glenda said...

So glad your knee is healing well, and I'm sorry about the arthritis. I have a feeling you'll be searching for waterfalls again soon!

Your yard is just a breath of fresh air - so cheerful! I love the pic of your first day lilies, and the clematis is gorgeous. You are blessed to have such a beautiful view while you recover.

Have a blessed day!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Those are beautiful blooms in the yard. Oh that arthritis story is so familiar. I have really been fighting both knees recently.

Elizabeth said...

Betsy, thank you so much for emailing me a warm 'hello' after I visited your blog yesterday! I'll let you know when I update my blog; am visiting relatives in West Virginia and Arizona this summer, so plan to get back to blogging in the fall.

Your yard is sooo colorful with those blooms. Yellow is such a happy color and the purply (a word?!) Clematis is regal.

Arthur Ritus is an awful companion to have around, arrives uninvited and stays way too long. I am hoping that some medication will put him in his place for you.

Hugs to you,

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your yard looks like something out of a magazine. So pretty.
I love the clematis!!!!
take care, Suz

The Retired One said...

What a great idea to have the clematis cling to the telephone wire to hide it...perfect!
I am hoping you will find some kind of anti-inflammatory med. to help you with the arthritis in your knees or that the shots help.
Hang in there Betsy and if one Dr. can't help you, find another that will. You are too young in spirit and too active with all your hiking to be in pain!

Mary said...

Love that Clematis! Gorgeous the way it is climbing the wires there. The lilies are also so pretty! So much color to enjoy :-) I pray that the knee continues to heal and that you can sleep better. Hugs!

Pat - Arkansas said...

June is being good to your yard, heat or not! Lovely, lovely!

Sorry to hear about the continuing problem with your knee; will be sending thoughts and prayers your way.

imac said...

Not nice is Mr Arthur Ritis.
He visits most people at some time or other.

Connie said...

Your flowers are so pretty, Betsy. I love clematis. I'm sorry to hear you are still having troubles with your knee. I hope you can find relief from the pain soon.

Jen said...

Our Clematis grows about 24 inches every year, then shrivels up and dies. :( Too much sun??
Hang in there with your knee and listen to the doc- I hope a good nights sleep is on the way for you.

Valerie said...

Betsy - love clematis! I always wanted to grow it - but never have been able to. I always admire it when ever I pass by - but it doesn't let me ... it always dies on me! Maybe some day.

Love the lilies!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your knee is healing well but sorry you have arthritis in it. I deal with arthritis, too, and it is not fun. Your flowers are just beautiful and the clematis is one of my favorite flowers. Have a good weekend.

Lola said...

Your flowers look marvelous. Wish mine looked half as good.
I hope you continue to heal & with proper meds you will be pain free.
I've yet to see my Dr. about my left knee. We'll find out next Wed.

Unknown said...

Your garden is a picture Betsy, I love the way your Clematis is growing up like that. I have a couple of Cleamtis but they have been so poor this year and I have no clue why!

Sorry to hear about your knee, I understand knee pain from old cartilage injuries I have from horse riding in my youth. Sending up a prayer for healing x

Meems said...

Isn't June just full of blooms and lush greenery! I love it. Your daylilies and clematis are overflowing with flowers. How fun is that! And all those pretty hens and chicks add to the excitement.

Diane AZ said...

I love your beautiful Clematis, semps and lilies pictures. Sorry about your arthritis. I hope you be back to normal soon. :)

Julie said...

My goodness, Betsy...you sure have a lot of readers! How do you keep up??? Wowzers! Beautiful Clematis and lilies!!! I pray you will heal up and just breeze through all that arthritis stuff...(in other words, BE GONE MR. ARTHER ITIS)!!!!!

I said BE GONE!

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsy..I am happy to meet you. I've noticed your comments on Diane's Pinecones and Roses site, and decided it was time to drop by. My name is Rosalie and my blogpage is Mudderbear on blogspot. This is a very beautiful page. The colors are just breathtaking. I wish I could take such precise and perfect photos as you and Diane do. Perhaps for me it will take a lot of practice. Good luck with your health struggles. I hope to visit you again soon.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Lovely garden, Betsy!

My lilies fianlly bloomed and you are right , they smell wonderful!

Carletta said...

My clementis looks nothing as lush as that!
I remembered your hens and chicks from a past post and I bought some
this spring which seem to be doing well. :)

Janie said...

Hi Betsy,
Hope the knee surgery has provided at least some relief for your knee.
I really like your day lilies. Hope you can get out to enjoy the flowers and visit some waterfalls this summer.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betsy, I love those burgundy colored Semps. Those are gorgeous.

Your yard is so beautiful, how do you and George do it. I have spent every spare moment of the past two days in my yard and I'm still not finished.

Take care of that knee, I hope you are getting some sleep.

Valerie said...

This post has some great pictures as well of the whole flower bed.
So nice, very nice!!