Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, June 18, 2010

2010 Roses--Part IV

As most of you know by now (since I've mentioned it MANY times--ha), we have 55 different varieties of Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses in our yard. George is the "Rose Man"---and really knows how to grow beautiful Roses.

I've also talked about how blessed I am to get a fresh rose on our table inside most every single day. He always buys the fragrant Roses ---so you can imagine how nice our yard smells --AND our home.

This is my 4th post showing more of our Roses. To see the other 3 posts, go to the right sidebar on my blog, scroll down to LABELS, and click on ROSES 2010. Here are six more today, starting with APRICOT NECTAR pictured above.






An old Swedish proverb says: "If I had a ROSE for every time I thought of YOU, I'd be picking ROSES for a lifetime." Hope you will enjoy the weekend, and thanks again for your friendship. See you Monday morning!!!

Happy Father's Day to all of the Papa's!!!!



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, George certainly is the "rose man!" All of your roses are beautiful and I know the fragrance must be heavenly. It would be very hard to choose a favorite. Wishing you a nice weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful roses and photos! Have a great weekend!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What a talented gardener George is !
He grows some of the prettiest roses I have seen , they remind me of my grandma's roses in England.
He's also quite a romantic sorts...how lucky for you, a new rose on the table everyday ;)
Hope the knee feels a little better, and Happy Father's Day George !

Valerie said...

Bewitched and JFK are my favorites here!
Hope today is a good one for you and you are getting better each and every hour!

Arkansas Patti said...

Sundance caught my eye. George makes sure your life is full of flowers. Such a romantic.
Have a pleasant, pain free week end.

June said...

They are PERFECT! Not a bite taken out of any of them. How does he achieve it?

As lovely as they are, the petals, the colors, it's George's thoughtfulness of you to bring you a flower every morning...that puts me away!

Peggy said...

I can almost smell those beautiful roses from here! Have a blessed weekend

amelia said...

Sundance and Glowing peace are my favourites. We have a rose with similar colours and I just love it.
George is a very talented man!!

T said...

lovely as always!

Julie said...

My fav in this group is Sundance! I am a big time orange lover!!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

How big is your yard, it must be so tempting to linger outside and smell the roses and enjoy the beauty.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thanks again for this bouquet of lovely roses.This is a great start to my day and as I think about it throughout the day it will bring a smile to my face.
Hope your weekend will be filled with beautiful moments.

Susie said...

I bet it does smell wonderful around your yard and home.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Karin said...

Beautiful eye-candy! Thanks for this lovely bouquet of fragrant roses! Just perfection!

Praying for complete health for you Betsy! Hugs and have a great week-end you two!

Darla said...

That George does have a way with roses!! Gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

The roses are all beautiful. One day I would love to see your garden in person!

Small City Scenes said...

They all are gorgeous but Sundance really caught my eye. I think yellow roses are my favorite. Scented roses are the best.

Have a gentle weekend. MB

Sunny said...

One can never have too many roses!
George's thumb is green for sure!
Have a delightful weekend.
☼ Sunny

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are all so beautiful...not sure if George is the Rose Man...perhaps the KING of Roses???
I can smell them from here. :)

Jen said...

Simply Georgeous! :D

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy, I think George's roses are all worthy of a pize...and so is his excellent photography!

The sweet perfume of a rose is one of natures finest odors. Enjoy them all while they are blooming.

♥ Pat

Sey said...

I love glowing Peace, Fragrant Cloud, John F. Kennedy, Bewitched, Sundance and Apricot Nectar.

Thank you very much too for your friendship and have a great weekend!


Rose said...

One thing for sure, I have never seen a rose I didn't like....I might like some better than others but they are all so beautiful! Of these the first and last is my favorite...

Anonymous said...

the rose is the most perfect bloom there is. and your photos are so beautiful.

LV said...

Thanks for another wonderful rose show. I wish I had your touch.

Diane said...

Mmmmmmm! I can almost smell them. Beautiful roses, Betsy. Have a rosy day. Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the proverb and you have enough to pick one for a lot of people. 55 variety and all perfect. these are gorgeous. Hope leg is better today. i forgot to mention when i had a thing i used a heating pad.

Dorothy said...

Good Morning, Betsy!
I was planning to pick my favorite, but that's impossible, because they are all fabulous!!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What splendid photos of your roses. I can almost smell their sweet fragrance as I look at the beautiful photos. I just love your roses. I hope you have a blessed weekend.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Hi Betsy!

You are lucky to have a garden and a home filled with roses! Too beautiful!

Thank you for the update you sent! I will zip off an email soon :)
Please keep resting that knee. That is an order from your Tn neighbor girl!! :)
It is too hot outside anyway to do anything.

xo, misha

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I miss having roses in my garden. I love their fragrance. As a child I once lived next to a nursery that had rows and rows of roses. I was quite young, about 7,but those blooms let a memorable impressions!I think i will get some that can be put in planters on our deck. We live in a rental. Our home has not been reconstructed since the fire.Your pictures out a smlie on my face. :)

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful, beautiful! Thank you for the roses, m'dear.

Wishing you and George a delightful weekend.

CottonLady said...

Absolutely beautiful roses!

Hope your knee is improving.


Regina said...

Very pretty roses. Such wonderful garden and captures.
Thank you for sharing Betsy.
Have a great weekend to both of you

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sundance would be my favorite here! How about a post with Tearoses? Phil doesn't know how to tell the difference, I think I do. And I'm going to post some and ask George on the post if that's what they are.

Carol said...

Betsy your roses are gorgeous. Got any tips on how to grow them, and keep them, in this Tennessee clay soil?

imac said...

Beautiful - Betsy Rose.

Judy said...

Oh wow, I love them all. I wish I had that many in my yard...I'll enjoy yours tho.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh I do envy you all those fabulous roses Betsy. Your garden must be quite a show stopper. I wouldn't be able to put my camera away. Thanks for sharing so many gorgeous blooms.

An English Girl Rambles

Anonymous said...

Oh Betsy, what a yard you must have. Roses are so great - good looks and great scent, too! You are lucky and both of you are talented gardeners. You take wonderful photographs too.

Connie said...

Oh my goodness! They are all so beautiful, Betsy. Your yard must be such a haven. Hope you have a nice weekend!

Janie said...

They're all beautiful, but I really love the ones with color variations. You're lucky George is such a wizard with roses.

The Retired One said...

Ravishing Betsy!!!! Wonderful photos of these marvelous flowers.
You have to enter one of these in my photo contest ASAP!!

Carletta said...

Beautiful roses!
I'd love to see your yard at the height of all the blooms. I KNOW it's a feast for the eyes and senses.

You and George have a wonderful weekend Betsy!

SquirrelQueen said...

Walking through your rose garden with all those heavenly scents must be wonderful.

I think my favorites are the JFK and Glowing Peace.

Have a great weekend,

Jo said...

Oh Betsy, these are beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend. (((hugs))) Jo

Janice K said...

Glowing Peace...That's my favorite!

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, they are all so pretty! I hope you and George are enjoying your weekend.

Mary said...

I never tire of your gorgeous roses!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Betsy,

That Glowing Peace rose is divine!!! But all of them are...be still my heart. I bet the petals on that Glowing Peace would dry very well.

Thanks for coming over to visit with me...I've been trying to get over here to tell you about the party but {sigh}..have been traveling through creative spaces all afternoon...over 450 bloggers are attending this year...last year we had 150 blogs.

In addition to all of the fun of visiting everyone's space....one of the major creative magazines is picking one of us for a feature in their magazine..I guess all of us creative souls secretly wish for that exposure. ♥

I just updated the post with more photos and information..don't know if you saw it yet? Come back because I'm adding more as I get it edited. It was too much to do in one sitting.

I told you I've been collecting for a long time..now you see why I held on to it over keeping things like furniture! haha


From the Kitchen said...

I can always get my rose "fix" here at "Joyful Reflections". Please thank George for me and wish him a happy father's day!


Cheryl said...

These photos are stunning. What a beautiful collection of roses, George certainly has a magic touch in the garden! The scent must fill the air. Hope you are feeling well. Have a great week ahead.

Pat Tillett said...

So many beautiful colors. I'll bet your "pruning" muscles are highly developed...

Neal said...

Gorgeous....especially the ones with the drops of water on them!!

Shelley said...

That John F. Kennedy Rose really appeals to me! They are all beautiful!!

Love Of Quilts said...

Lovely roses...have a good weekend. Trish

Kat_RN said...

How lovely, I can almost smell them from your photos. Sundance is my favorite, it reminds me of one my Mom had in her front yard. Hers always smelled so good.