After being stuck in the house for about a month (or more), George wanted to get me out for a short ride this past Friday. We drove over to one of our favorite places, the Tellico River area. There were some new waterfalls which George wanted to check out --in addition to some old favorites which we have seen many times. One reason we went there was because my blog friend, MISHA, and her husband had been there recently, and we noticed ALOT of water coming over the waterfall, which is unusual in the summer.
I made it okay---but stayed in the car about 99% of the time. I realized though that I'm not ready to take any LONG trips yet... My knee is gradually getting better --but it's just going to take some time... And--my energy level is zilch!!!! Above is the most popular waterfall in that area, BALD RIVER FALLS... Below are some more pictures from that trip.
This is BABY FALLS --which is farther up Tellico River Road #210. We sat on a big rock and watched the Kayakers go OVER this waterfall... (I'll show pictures of that another time.)
This is the TELLICO RIVER CASCADES #1---which is found above Baby Falls. Tellico River Road goes WAY back into the mountains along the river/creeks. It is a beautiful area--and even a little cooler back in the mountains on a hot, summer day.
This is TELLICO RIVER CASCADES #2 --also found above Baby Falls, along the Tellico River Road #210.
I just wanted to prove to you that I 'really' did go on this short trip... Although I wasn't able to do much, I did enjoy being back in the mountains. After leaving Baby Falls, we drove 5.1 miles deep into the woods along Tellico River Road. Then we turned left on Forest Road #216 for a mile, and then turned right on Forest Road #217 (North River Road) for 2.2 more miles. Thanks to one of our waterfall books and our GPS, these directions were correct --and we found a NEW waterfall for us... It's pictured below.
This beautiful little secluded waterfall is named NORTH RIVER FALLS. Isn't it pretty?
George hiked above Bald River Falls and found four more NEW waterfalls that day. I'll share those pictures with you on another day. Although I was glad I went on this little trip, I was also VERY glad to get back home. There's no place like home when one isn't feeling well!!!!!
Hope you had a great weekend and Father's Day.
Beautiful waterfall photos Betsy and I am happy that you two could get out for a while. There is a lot of water and the greenery in the background is so lush. I look forward to you sharing more photos of this outing and I hope your knee continues to heal and that you get your strength back soon. Take care and enjoy your day.
Gorgeous pictures! I am sorry that you spent the majority of your time in the car. I know that is a big disappoinment for you given your love of hiking. Here's hoping that the knee improves quickly!
Sounds like a great afternoon - glad you were able to get out and about a bit - hope that knee is healing nicely!
From the looks of the locations and sound of the directions - it looks like you guys should be driving a 4 wheel drive vehicle - with all those back roads. (at least it sounds that way!!)
Those GPS things are so neat. Maybe someday!
Finally the last week of school. I teach today and tomorrow and then have to clean my classroom out W, Th and F. Next Monday I have a summer curriculum day - for some work on the guitars - and then I am home free for the summer! yay!!
Beautiful waterfalls! Glad you got out and enjoyed the day.
Those photos are worth framing and I am hoping your energy levels climb soon so that you can strengthen that knee.
It's good to see that you are getting out and about, at least for a bit!
That George is so sweet making sure you get out and about for a little ride. I bet it felt good but yes, it does always feel good to get back to ones own home doesn't it.
So glad your knee is coming along!
xo Catherine
Glad you were able to take a short trip. Hope you will soon be able to go on hikes with George.
Love the pictures!
I am happy to hear that you were able to get out and enjoy some of the beauty around you.These falls are all so pretty.I hope this day will be fantastic for you.
The new falls is very charming with the moss on the rocks and the sun dappling it! Were you able to drive up to most of these falls and cascades so you could see them without much exertion? Did you get to see all of them or only the ones very close by? I'm so very glad you took this trip. Even if it was very hard, I'm sure it lifted your spirits. You will be weak till you start to gradually build up your strength again, and I bet this will help!! Home is so wonderful to get back to when we have been tired and hurting! I am so glad you included this picture of you!! I haven't seen you for quite a while!
Beautiful...kayaking sounds fun but over those steep falls, I don't know.
Glad you had a chance to take a drive to some seeable waterfalls, for you. Nice that George found 4 more for you to see when you are much better. Good to see that smile.
So glad George got you out of the house for a bit. Looks beautiful where he took you.
Hope you have a restful day today Betsy.
Fantastic waterfall! The first photo is awesome.
Glad to hear that your knee is getting better. I think you should give enough time to heal it..
Take care.
oh boy, more road trips. you look great and happy. sorry you can hike to the falls. i like Baby falls best and how in the world can a river be bald??
Beautiful photos, Betsy. So glad to hear you are getting out some. Baby steps!!!!!
George is so thoughtful Betsy. Glad you didn't do too much. The waterfalls are gorgeous. I long to visit some of these places that you and George have visited. Don't do too much. Becca
Glad you were able to get out and about Betsy even if you were confined mostly to the car. A change of scene does wonders. Am also glad to hear that the knee is starting to mend.
I'm sure it felt good to get back out in that fresh mountain air. All those waterfalls are beautiful and so are your pictures.
Hope you have a great day!
You both do motivate each other and I think that is fantastic! You'll only get stronger with each little excursion you make. Hope those strong meds aren't doing a number on your tummy though! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos and I love that one of you! You look much better than you say you feel, lol! Hugs!
Just wanted to stop in and say hi! Love your blog and your photography is outstanding. The flowing effect of the water on the falls is something I'm going to have to work on. You have captured it nicely.
The waterfall pics are so refreshing on this hot morning in Louisiana! I'm glad you felt like going along for the ride. Love the pic of you waving to us! Soon this "pause" in your life will be past, and you'll feel like being "on the road again"! I'm reminded of the fact that music has rests written in . . . and the rests are very much a part of the song!
Beautiful waterfalls. It is so wonderful to have the drought over and the rivers full. Glad you're continuing to improve.
I am just jealous! You not only take luscious photographs, you visit gorgeous waterfalls! Glad you are out and about even on a limited basis!
I am proud of you! You tried your best to go out though your knee still hurts. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures of your new waterfalls collection. The water looks great but I know it will be better if we could also hear the sound of it and I am happy that you witnessed it.
Good morning, Betsy. It is so hot and humid here. I would love to be sitting on a rock with my feet in one of those streams and the splash from the falls around me like a mist:)
I am glad you were able to get out for a bit Betsy.
I can't believe kyakers go over those falls...so crazy to me.
Love the photo of you, you look happy my friend.
Take care and take it easy.
So happy you got to get out some Betsy!!! The waterfall photos are so pretty and look so cool and refreshing...I'm sure it was hot though....Our heat is really getting to be a drag here!!!
Keep on working to get your energy back, it's so much harder to get back!!
Wish you could have been with us this weekend...I acted like a kid...good thing I have an understanding hubby!!!
Betsy-I'm so glad you were able to get out for a bit. The waterfalls are so pretty-hopefully it won't be too long before you're up and at full speed ahead : )
Man Betsy, I sure hope that your knee pain goes away soon. Thank God for cars and George,right?? I had forgotten how soothing the sound of a waterfall is until I was at the Yaak Falls a week ago. Ohhhh that rushing water sound. Outta this world! x-c
I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy the waterfalls. These falls are just incredible. I love them. The photos are so beautiful. I enjoy visiting your blog very much. You have such pretty photos. I hope your knee continues to improve so you can enjoy taking more trips to see the falls.
I bet it felt wonderful to get out for even a little while...I glad you could at least do that but hoping that eventually you will get back to feeling more normal...
Each time you guys post waterfalls, I think I see my favorite, till the next time you post another batch of pictures...so I am just going to give up and enjoy the views.
Glad you could get out for a bit, Betsy. It had to have brightened your spirits. Beautiful pictures. Hugs, Diane
Great shots as usual.
Betsy: What a great trip to see the falls and all the beauty even if George had to go and take the photos.
lovely photos Betsy, thanks for sharing all your beautiful places to us, hugs my friend.
It was good for you to get out into the woods and into the fresh air, even if you spent the majority of the trip sitting in the car. I like the picture of you at the car, waving. You'll get out there hiking before you know it.
The cascades are so beautiful, aren't they??? I just adore waterfalls, and love coming to Tennessee and Georgia, etc. to find them! Glad you got out with George even for a nice ride! Did he hike alone??? I know he enjoyed the time out in nature! Keep getting better, Betsy! My loving thoughts are pouring out to you!!!
I know as active as you are, it is hard to be confined. But your knees do not always heal as fast as you would like. Just hang in and time is on your side.
How is the knee coming along Betsy? I do hope you get more improvement.
I won't be around much this week, getting mother settled in!
So glad you're at least able to get out and ride in the car to look at the beautiful waterfalls.
Blessings to you. Marilyn
Good for you Betsy! I am so glad you got outdoors, even if it was mostly in the car...if nothing heals you, being out in nature will!
Loved these photos...a gorgeous place. I see you played with your shutter speeds to make the falls dreamy too!
Hi, Betsy!
Those falls are GOR-geous! Praying your knee will be good as new very soon so you can get back to hiking with your hubby.
I'm glad that your knee felt good enough for a trip out. I like all the little falls...beautiful shots! I hope you are sleeping better now and that the knee feels even better soon.
Beautiful pics Betsy. I'm glad you were able to get out for a bit even tho you had to sit in the car. That mtn air is nice isn't it?
I do hope you continue to heal & will once again do what you love to do.
Betsy, the pictures of the falls are beautiful. I'm sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. I hope that you will soon turn the corner and start feeling better. I know it's no fun to deal with pain and low energy levels. Hang in there. I'll say a prayer for you.
Oh beautiful waterfalls Betsy. The pictures are so clear. Ya know sometimes just getting out and about brings your energy level back up a notch.
I had the shot in the knee last Friday and so far nothing except more pain. So I go back in one month and go from there.
I am still out rassling goats, horses and dogs.
The Pinewood Derby is still going on among the Scouts out here.
So glad George took you to see such beautiful falls. Get better SOON!
Sounds like you are continuing to feel better!! Those are wonderful pictures!!
Just realise that you and George are ONE item. I was reading George's poet about kissing you and I looked carefully your photo.
Such a loving photo. I told him I will DHL a big bouquet of roses to you LOL
It looks like you and George had a great day for an outing. The waterfalls are just beautiful. The last one is just gorgeous.
It was good you had a chance to get out for awhile but take it easy and let your knee heal. Hope you get your energy back soon.
Besty, that cool clear water makes me wish I could take a dip in it! So beautiful!
We used to visit these falls every weekend, now we're lucky to get there once a year. Nice photos.
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