Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Here's some pictures taken in our yard recently. Above is a great photo of our PHLOX. Below are more!

I love this little pink AZALEA. A friend gave it to us --and it's not a very big plant, but the blooms are marvelous, don't you think?

This AZALEA is definitely not pink... ha ha ... BUT---I love its color. The lilac color against one of larger pinks makes for a gorgeous view from our deck.

This is the pretty pink AZALEA --which sits right next to the lilac one. There are five Azalea bushes in a row planted next to our deck (beside the Rhododendrons). These two are the largest ones ---and look so pretty from the deck (or from inside the house).

I took this picture from the deck, looking straight down on the two AZALEA bushes. Aren't they pretty--side-by-side?

Now you can see the AZALEA bushes and the deck (in the sunlight)!

Our big RHODODENDRON is just beginning to bloom. Aren't those blossoms pretty? We may miss alot of these blooms while we are at the beach next week.. Darn!

And ---I saved my favorite picture until last!!!! This is just one close-up of one of our beautiful pink RHODODENDRON blooms. Is that not just fabulous?????

As I said in yesterday's post, we are headed to the beach for a week. As much as I love going to the beach, I do hate to leave all of the pretty flowers blooming in our yard now. We may miss some of the Iris blooms and also the Rhody blooms. Oh Well---we didn't want to go later in May because we will miss some of the roses blooming. SO---is there a good time to leave home in Spring???? I'm not sure. BUT--once I'm at the beach, I'll forget about home and just enjoy the sea breeze, the sand and that delicious seafood!!!!

I will have my laptop with me --and I'll try to keep up with your posts. I may not comment much --but I'll try to read at least... Have a wonderful week!


P.S. Please remember those people in Arkansas who were affected by tornadoes last night... I have several Arkansas blog friends. Hope they are all okay!!!!


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Gorgeous pinks, and purples all over your garden !
Yes, it's hard to leave all those blooming flowers, but they should still be in bloom when you return.
Have fun at the beach, don't forget your bucket and spade :)

Regina said...

How delightful! Great captures Betsy. Love all.
Thank you for sharing.
Once again have a fun and enjoyable trip.

diane b said...

Beautiful blooms in your garden. I feel the same about going away and leaving the garden. I will miss the zygo cactus blooming.Have a great time at the beach,Don't get sunburnt.

amelia said...

Who feeds your birds while you're away?
I just love your garden and I'm so jealous!! Ours is barely peeking above ground yet. The only thing that's really green is the rhubarb and that's only up about four inches! All our trees are in bud though so hopefully the leaves will make a full appearance very soon!!
Enjoy your time at the beach!

Darla said...

Beautiful pinks here...have fun!
Love your new blog look!

Catherine said...

Have a terrific time at the Beach Betsy ~ watch not to get too 'pink' from all the sun! :)

xo Catherine

I Am Woody said...

The blooms have been just beautiful this year!!

pam said...

Have fun at the beach! I love your new blog background!

Anonymous said...

We have one azalea and one rhododendron in our yard. Neither have started to bloom yet. Your azaleas and rhododendron are so pretty.

Have a great time at the beach!

Karin said...

All your pink flowers go so well with your delicate pink background blog!! Your flowers are stunning! I'll watch them on your blog until you return from the beach! Enjoy Betsy and God bless you and keep you safe!

Janice K said...

Your flowers are so, so lovely.

It doesn't sound like you have a very good day for traveling. Looks like some pretty bad sotrms are going through Tennessee right now. I pray you will get there safely.

nanny said...

Thanks so much for thinking of me.
We didn't have any damage last night, just lots of lightning and rain. Sorry to say everyone wasn't as fortunate as we were.
Tonight is supposed to be a repeat!!!
You have fun at the beach and make lots of your beautiful pictures!!!

Judy said...

Oh Betsy, I love all your pinks. I enjoy my neighbors azaleas as I don't have any in my yard.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful flowers.Maybe I should come over to your house while you are gone and enjoy the flowers. Ha! Ha! I will miss my daily visit at your blog,but have a fabulous time and cherish each moment.

From the Kitchen said...

I feel as if I had my morning coffee in a beautiful pink garden with you!

Hope you have a fine time at the beach without too much worrisome weather.

Happy trails!


RoeH said...

See me green with jealousy! I love gardens and flowers.

Small City Scenes said...

Enjoy the beach and enjoy others flowers while you are there.

Your pink flowers are beautiful. My rhodies are just starting to show a little color. I have 7 Rhodies in my 'Woodland' garden.
Enjoy enjoy!! MB

Beth said...

I love all your lovely pinks and purples, Betsy. I'm a bit jealous of your rhododendron because we have a southern exposure and few trees, so they don't do well at our house. So I guess I'll just have to enjoy yours!

Safe travels to you and George. Have a wonderful time and eat some of that fresh shrimp and flounder for me! I grew up near the ocean, so remember the fresh seafood fondly, with longing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Have fun at the beach, that is our first love, beaches, any beach will do.
my mothers yard was full of azaleas and flox. these are lovely. when I was a child in GA there was a field close to home that every spring had acres of flox growing wild. i liked to lay down among them and just stare.

Glenda said...

Oh, your azaleas are soooo pretty! The beautiful blooms on ours have come and gone; I miss the color out my kitchen window. Your rhododendrons are gorgeous; no one around here grows them that I know of.

I really identify with not wanting to miss blooms! I guess we become "attached" to our flowers - especially in the springtime. But enjoy your trip and look forward to the sights and smells of your roses!

Kay said...

Betsy, you have a beautiful garden.

Snap said...

Beautiful blooms. Enjoy the beach!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Have a nice time at the beach! :)

Anonymous said...

The only flower we have in bloom is the Forget-me-nots. Lots of them.

The sparrow and the cardinal are really nice shots. I also admired some of your earlier posts.

I live in Brookville, Ohio and am an old man at 75 and have been married to the same lady for 55 years. Got 5 adult children, and three are past 50.

I began taking photos in 1953 when I was in the service stationed in Japan. I have been at it ever since.

My problem with digital images is that I can take 100 to 500 in one sitting trying to get that perfect image of a bird doing something nobody else has ever seen before. I think I got at least one.

This one shows a young grackle being fed and the youngster is showing his teeth.

Go to My Birds Blog to see it.


Thanks for the visit.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a georgous post! I like azelias better than rhododendrons, don't know why. So my favorite picture is the little light pink bloom, georgous!!!! The different colored bushes together do look just so pretty! I hope you're having a blast. Take pictures of sea glass and little sand crabs for me if you see any!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Betsy,

Now..you and George are having too much fun in the sun! :0) Can't wait to see more pictures..

And I LOVE, LOVE your PiNk blog background....the whole thing..all of the flowers are fabulous.

I'm gonna turn you into a PiNk Saturday blogger before it's over with! ♥

Thanks for visiting....y'all have fun!

I'm gonna go look at the weather again..Thomas is so glad he's not in Memphis for the usual lethal springtime storms that blow through...we looked at the radar last night of what Arkansas and then Memphis got...very bad.

I'm hoping the mountains cause it to miss us...that happens a lot.


Arkansas Patti said...

Hope you made it to the beach just fine and are missing the mess that looks like it is hitting your part of the state.
My part of Ar. dodged the bullet but it looks like you will be getting a ton of rain. Hope all is well.

Connie said...

Your flowers are all so gorgeous, Betsy! I don't know how you could ever choose a favorite. I hope you and George have a wonderful time at the beach. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy..hope you have a great time at the beach and also that that oil slick doesn't ruin the beach where you are...the flowers are beautiful..my azaleas are not big but have nice blooms on them..will post pictures later..be safe..god Bless...hugs Ora in KY

Deb said...

Gorgeous photos!

Love Of Quilts said...

Betsy you have beautiful flowers,Azaleas, Rhododendron,can't wait to see your roses... we are having storms here today.. I didn't know about the tornadoes in Arkansas I haven't watched the news I hope no one was hurt.God Bless Trish

Joyful said...

Oh wow! I love all the blossoms and your new pretty banner.

Cheryl said...

I too loved your favorite bloom. Your home must be a showplace indeed. Have a wonderful time at the beach and will forward to hearing of your next adventure!

LV said...

I do believe you live in nature's paradise. So many different things of beauty surround you. Thank you letting us share a part of it.

Diane said...

Your flowers are so beautiful, Betsy. Hope you'll be having a wonderful time. Diane

Rebecca said...

Wonderful flowers!! Hope you have a lovely time at the beach!


carolina nana said...

Have a great time at the beach.We usually go in May but are waiting until June this year. Blessings on your travel. Marilyn

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautuful pink flowers, Betsy! You should have joined in on Pink Satuday on Beverly's blog :-)

Have a wonderful trip! Rest and take lots of pictures..safe travels


Unknown said...

So envious you're off to the beach - enjoy for me please!

Your garden is so far ahead of us it's not funny, and it's stunning! I just found out Azealea do well her, so I will plant some later this year.

Rose said...

Betsy, they are all so beautiful...love that pink azalea!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

They are sooo very beautiful!!! I hope you are missing all of this rain...m..

Joe Todd said...

Love your flowers. May do a little wandering myself next week but can't decide which direction to head.. I've never had any luck with Azaleas. Don't know why..

Sunny said...

I think I would hate to leave my yard if it were as bloomin' lovely as yours!
Have a great week, I'm looking forward to some 'beachy' pictures.
Sunny :)

Cassie said...

Your flowers are glorious! You would croak if you saw my poor little azelias here in N.Idaho. The 2 bushes are nothing but woody right now, and each has A SINGLE flower on it.Really wierd. This isn't the proper region for such plants so I guess I should be happy to have a single bloom.hehe. Hope you're having a blast at the beach! X-Cassie

DeniseinVA said...

Look at those, aren't they just gorgeous! Have a great week Betsy.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Pretty in pink indeed.

From the Old InkWell said...

Betsy, beautiful gardens! Hope you have a wonderful time in NC! Wish I was packed away in your suitcase. Sitting here watching the weather forecast, listening to the sirens on and off and watching the sky turn dark. This has been going on since yesterday morning, but we are safe and dry.

Tipper said...

Such pretty colors! I think the azaleas are prettier than ever this year. Hope you have fun at the beach-we just got back from the outer banks of NC-it was cold and windy-but still a wonderful trip!

Diane AZ said...

The pink and lilac colored azaleas next to each other are gorgeous. I love the exquisite close-up of your pink rhododendrons. Enjoy the beach! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! It's getting cold here, and I'll miss all the lovely flowers of the summer. ENJOY your holiday!!

Anonymous said...

The azelas are my favorite. I just wish they grew to be a tad bit larger than they are.

As far as the beach, wish I was there.

Take care-

Anonymous said...

Your yard has to be a prize winning site!!! Beautiful flowers!!!

Shelley said...

I love all those pinks! Your flowers are amazing - maybe you should start charging admission! Have a wonderful time at the beach - look forward to those photos too! My computer is finally fixed so now I don't have to go to school to use the computer.

Mary said...

I really like that first pink azalea! What a beauty! They are all beautiful and together stunning!

The Retired One said...

Betsy: These are all stunning..just gorgeous photos of gorgeous flowers!!

SquirrelQueen said...

So much color and I love them all. We are doing the same thing, leaving while every thing here is in bloom. We hope to leave tomorrow morning but there is a High Wind Warning for Monday.

Hope you are having a great time at the beach, enjoy the sun and sand.


Connie said...

I can't believe how many beautiful flowers you have in your yard. All beautiful, and so many different flowers.

Pedaling said...

my very favorite colors!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy. Your plants are lovely. You have lots of variety. I miss the azalea and rhododendron blooms since they don't grow well up here.

happily retired gal said...

What a MARVELOUS array of PINK blossoms you've captured & shared! THIS would make a wonderful PINK SATURDAY post for sure. Love the birds in the previous post ... you have such a rich variety where you live ... and your tulips are STUNNING. I've never had success trying to grow them myself. I'm told it doesn't get cold enough where I live. Loved the John Denver reference as you shared your West Virginia pictures ... just beautiful.

Hope you enjoy your trip. Methinks it'll take me a while to catch up on the rest of your previous posts ... but I'll get there bit by bit as time permits. I do appreciate you making your entire post available in your feeds.
Hugs and blessings,

SmilingSally said...

You and George certainly have green thumbs!

Together We Save said...

Have fun at the beach!!

From the Kitchen said...

I wish I were at the beach too. This is my favorite time to be there. I was at the Lake Michigan dunes. When we first moved here, our then seven year old looked at Lake Michigan, scratched his head and said "Are you sure this isn't an ocean?"

Enjoy that sand between your toes!


Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely, lovely, pinks. I do so envy your creeping phlox; it's one of my favorite flowers, and I have nary a one. :(

Thanks for remembering your Arkansas friends. I've been keeping my Tennessee friends in my prayers. Y'all were harder hit than we were. All that flooding around Nashville is terrible!

Anonymous said...

I thought the name change would make sense considering my new portrait.

penny said...

Betsy, thanks for leaving us with lovely visions of your beautiful flowers to enjoy.
I know you and George will have a fantastic time at the beach.
Don't forget to use a lot of sunscreen!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So beautiful. I love spring and you captured it very well with your photos.
Your header photo is so striking!! Love it!!

dot said...

You can't be from the south and not love azaleas! The lilac color is unusual to me. Betsy, you have so many pretty flowers!!

Kelly said...

...hope you're having fun at the beach! Your yard is definitely in the pink--and very pretty. Our phlox was gorgeous this year too.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Betsy, hope you and George are thoroughly enjoying your seaside vacation.

Your blooms are just gorgeous. It has been such a nice spring with loads of beautiful blooms this year.

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful that you are off to the beach for a week. Have a great time Betsy. Your Azaleas are stunning!

I Am Woody said...

I've been worried about George's parents. Hope they are high and dry!

Small City Scenes said...

I hope all is well in your part of Tennessee. MB

Mary Bergfeld said...

What gorgeous flowers and photos, Betsy. Your blog is just filled with beautiful images. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Betsy,

The dove and squirrels have found the birdbath...the other birds are still inspecting it. :0)

Have fun in the sun..


penny said...

Glad to hear the rain has passed and you two are enjoying the sea, sand and sunshine...
I hope your beach days are filled with making Happy new memories, Betsy

DayPhoto said...

Your yard is just lovely. I still haven't planted anything here. Freeze warning again tonight. Sigh.

Have fun at the beach!


Rosa said...

What gorgeous colors!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

The tiny pink azalea is my favorite. it looks so delicate. your yard must be the show stopper of the subdivision!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! I love you pinks. The phlox and azaleas are so beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Leedra said...

Beautiful photos, hope you are having a wonderful time....wherever you are.

Sunny said...

Happy Mother's Day!
Sunny :)

Karin said...

Happy Mother's Day! Hugs!

Unknown said...

Betsy, oh, Betsy! These are exquisite snaps.

Happy Mother's Day.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

penny said...

Happy Mothers Day to you too, Betsy.
Welcome home to your beautiful Tennessee mountains. Its nice to go away but there's no place quite as wonderful as Home :)

Anonymous said...

Those azaleas are gorgeous. Be glad you took off. I had to light the fire last night. Enjoy and have a wonderful Mother's Day.

SmilingSally said...

Beautiful blooms, Betsy.

Happy Mother's Day!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Wow, your place is cheerfully colorful this time of year!

I hope you are having fun at the beach. I'll have to read your previous post to see which beach you went to. Living in Nebraska, we have only taken a vacation to the ocean once. In June of 2007 we took a 2 week drive to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We also visited the Beaufort and Morehead City area. We spent our last morning at Fort Macon State Park.

I would love to go to another beach, but the kitchen remodel I wanted will prevent that for a few years.

Anonymous said...

UPDATE: I got to see my daughter, Kesley, today - she's FINALLY started talking to me again! We're suppose to have dinner at mom's Wed & she's going to try to bring Jilly, so we'll see what happens.
(Jilly lives w/ her daddy & his parents - Kes says she couldn't take care of Jilly, so she let him keep her - which is one reason we haven't gotten along cuz I don't believe in giving up your child - but like my mom says, it's time to forgive her - I'm trying!)
I can't wait to see Jilly again - I haven't seen her since Easter 09